Uts English2-Birgita Anindya Afrialita-60120008-Ac2

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Jl. Soekarno – Hatta, Km. 03, Kendal, Jateng, Telp. (0294) 3690577
Website : www.uniss.ac.id – Email : admin@uniss.ac.id




NIM : 60120008 Mata Kuliah : ENGLISH

----------------LEMBAR JAWAB----------------
1. What are the differences between business letter and personal letter?

Bussiness Letter : A personal business letter is typewritten communication between

colleagues who are personally acquainted, but work for different companies.

Personal Lettet : A personal letter is a communication between two acquaintances, or

friends, concerning non-business matters.

2. Explain what do you know about : repeat order, trial order, and routine order in order

Repeat Order : another order from a customer who has ordered the same thing before:

Some salespeople rely on established customers to provide repeat orders rather than
actively seeking new business.

Repeat orders signify our customers' recognition that our products provide a high
return on investment.

Trial Order :

a the act or an instance of trying or proving; test or experiment.

b (as modifier) a trial run. 2 (Law) a the judicial examination of the issues in a civil or
criminal cause by a competent tribunal and the determination of these issues in
accordance with the law of the land

Routine in order Letter: in the business sector are used for many tasks, for example: to
inform, persuade, complete a determinate action or ask for information and further.
Letters are an important knowledge either for business workers or for any customer.

3. How can we determine between a good Curriculum Vitae and bad Curriculum Vitae?

Bad CV

 When writing a CV, it’s easier and quicker to write what you have done without
thinking about the job you are applying for. These CVs get skim-read and

 My qualifications speak for themselves, don’t they? No, they don’t, sorry. You
need to do more than that.

 The same CV sent out for every job, listing the same skills, in the same way
with all the sections in the same order, every time.

Good CV

 You are all bright; you have to be to get to university. But you are so much
more than that. Your CV needs to show this. You need to sound like a bright
applicant who knows what they want to do and who they want to do it for. This
Jl. Soekarno – Hatta, Km. 03, Kendal, Jateng, Telp. (0294) 3690577
Website : www.uniss.ac.id – Email : admin@uniss.ac.id

takes time, effort, research and lots of drafts. But I promise you, it’s worth it. A
good CV stands out a mile.

 Every time you apply for a job you should dig out your CV and see if it needs
some tweaking in order to better match the job you are applying for. You may
need to use a different example, or focus more on your analytical/teamwork
skills to meet the person specification. This is time well spent. Remember, you
want the person reading the CV to think “wow, this candidate is exactly who I’m
looking for, he/she totally matches the job description”.

 Make the links between the skills you have and the job you want. Don’t leave it
to the reader to read between the lines. Example: the job you are applying for
asks for a candidate who can communicate well with clients by email, telephone
and in person. Your CV needs to state that you can do all of this. Don’t expect
the reader to guess that your part-time work as a hotel receptionist in Newquay
has given you all of these skills. Spell it out for them.

4. How to reply to Inquiry letter? Explain your answer!

So, here are some phrases you can use in the opening:

a. Thank you for your inquiry regarding our product or service.

b. Thank you for your interest in our product or service.

c. We would like to thank you for your letter inquiring about our product.

d. We truly appreciate your letter asking for information about our service.

5. Based on your opinion, what are the criteria of a good application letter? Explain them

When writing a cover letter, specific information needs to be included: a contact

section, a salutation, an introduction to the hiring manager, information on why you
are qualified for the job, a closing, and your signature. The way the information is
listed and the format depend on how you are sending your letter.

6. Making a good impression and always tell the truth with the prospective employer are
keys to landing the job. Do you agree with this statement? Give your comment!

Yess, Agree. Yes, I agree because speech reflects a person's character. If words alone
don't show politeness then their behavior is not good either.

7. An international Hotel is seeking for :

- secretary

- receptionist

- manager

Applicants should have at least a year experience, master written and

spoken English, hard worker and creative.

Send your application letter to :

Excellent International Hotel

Jl.Papandayan 234 Semarang

No later than May 5, 2021

Jl. Soekarno – Hatta, Km. 03, Kendal, Jateng, Telp. (0294) 3690577
Website : www.uniss.ac.id – Email : admin@uniss.ac.id

Make an application letter based on the following vacancy

Kendal, May 1th, 2021

Human Resources Manager

Excellent International Hotel

Jl.Papandayan 234 Semarang

Dear Sir,

Based on the advertisement posted on d.id that Excellent International Hotel is looking for
Manager. I am interested in applying for this position.

I have graduated from Diponegoro University, majoring in Management. I have worked as

freelance Assistant Manager Marketing at PT Uvilance for two years after graduating. I believe I
could be a strong candidate through the skills and experiences I have.

I am a fast learner and have good motivation. I am proficient in many computer software
programs, including Miscrosoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. I can work as a team or
individually. I am have a good skills in English.

Please take the time to review my resume. With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able
to contribute to your company. Please contact me on +628678856477. I hope I can get the
opportunity to discuss with you about an interview. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


Meifanya Saputri


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