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Unit 9

1. conscious (adj) tĩnh - unconscious (adj) bất tĩnh - consciousness (n) trạng thái còn tĩnh
táo - unconsciousness (n) trạng thái bất tĩnh
2. press (v) đè, nén, ấn, nhấn - pressure (n) sức ép, áp lực
3. anxious (about) (adj) lo lắng - anxiety (n) sự lo lắng, nỗi lo
4. instruct (v) hướng dẫn - instruction (n) sự hướng dẫn/ hướng dẫn sử dụng - instructor
(n) người hướng dẫn, thầy giáo, người huấn luyện
5. inject (v) tiêm - injection (n) mũi tiêm, sự tiêm phòng
6. revive (v) tỉnh lại - revival (n) sự tỉnh lại
7. sterile (adj) tiệt trùng, vô trùng - sterilize (v) diệt trùng, làm vô trùng
Unit 10
1. fertilize (v): bón phân - fertilizer (n): phân bón
2. reduce (v): cắt giảm, làm giảm - reduction (n): sự cắt giảm
3. represent (v): đại diện, thay mặt - representative (n): người đại diện - representation
(n): sự đại diện, thay mặt
4. protect (v): bảo vệ - protection (n): sự bảo vệ - protective (adj): bảo hộ
5. environment (n): môi trường - environmental (adj): thuộc môi trường -
environmentalist (n): người làm công tác bảo vệ môi trường
6. recycle (v): tái chế - recycled (adj): đã tái chế - recycling (n): việc tái chế
7. produce (v): sản xuất - production (n): sự sản xuất - product (n): sản phẩm
8. collect (v): thu nhặt, thu gom, sưu tầm = gather - collection (n): bộ sưu tập, sự thu gom

Unit 11
1. fly (v): bay - flight (n): chuyến bay
2. accommodate (v): sắp xếp chổ ở - accommodation (n): chổ ăn ở
3. depart (v): rời xa, xuất hành - departure (n): sự xuất hành
4. arrive (v): đến - arrival (n): việc đến, lần đến, xe đến
5. day (n): ngày - daily (adj): hàng ngày
6. mountain (n): núi - mountainous (adj): nhiều núi
7. suggest (v): đề nghị - suggestion (n): lời đề nghị - make a suggestion: đề nghị
8. north (n): miền Bắc, hướng Bắc - northern (adj): thuộc/theo hướng Bắc
9. south (n): hướng Nam - southern (adj): thuộc/theo hướng Nam
10. tribe (n): bộ tộc - tribal (adj): thuộc dân tộc
11. recognize (v): công nhận - recognition (n): sự công nhận - recognized by…: được công
nhận bởi…
12. attract (v): thu hút - attraction (n): sự/điểm thu hút - attractive (adj): hấp dẫn, thu hút -
attractively (adv)
13. tour (n): chuyến tham quan - tourist (n): khách du lịch - tourism (n): ngành du lịch

1. She has cut herself and it's quite ___________ badly(BLOOD)
2. The lecturer is giving us first-aid ___________.(INSTRUCT)
3. A dog has bitten him. He needs an anti-tetanus ___________.(INJECT)
4. People use first-aid to ease the victim's pain and ___________.(ANXIOUS)
5. Relax for some minutes and you'll feel more ___________.(COMFORT)
6. She was____________for days after the accident. (CONSCIOUS)
7. His speedy____________after the operation amazed all the doctors. (REVIVE)
8. The____________of water caused the dam to burst. (PRESS)
9. The heart pumps ____________around the body. (BLEED)
10. Come by the fire. You must be ____________to the bone. (CHILL)
11. I want an____________reply. (IMMEDIATELY)
12. The victim who has a dog bite needs an anti-tetanus____________.(INJECT)
13. She is very____________about her mother’s health. (ANXIETY)
14. The nurse is giving Lan some first-aid____________.(INSTRUCT)
15. Make sure that the needles are____________.STERILIZE)

1. Reduce means not buying products which are____________(OVERPACKAGE)

2. Linda is one of the____________from Friends of the Earth (REPRESENT)
3. The country’s____________resources include forests, coal and oil. (NATURE)
4. Waste paper can be____________after being recycling (USE)
5. It’s____________to cross the avenue (DANGER)
6. Compost is a wonderful ____________. It helps plants grow (FERTILIZE)
7. Share your____________story with our readers! (RECYCLE)
8. Air is a____________of gases (MIX)
9. These products are ____________ friendly (ENVIRONMENT)

1. Every week, there are two____________from Hanoi to Nha Trang(FLY)
2. It's difficult to find____________ at busy times in this town.(ACCOMMODATE)
3. The train made a late ____________.(DEPART)
4. We are waiting for the ____________ of his plane.(ARRIVE)
5. There are three trains ____________ from Hanoi to Lao Cai.(DAY)
6. ____________, darks cloud appeared and it began to rain.(FORTUNATE)
7. Tim and Shannon want to visit an ____________ institute in Vietnam.(OSEAN)
8. My aunt lives in a ____________ area of the country.(MOUNTAIN)
9. There are some buses ____________ destinations.(SOUTH)
10. Ha Long Bay was ____________ by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
11. Every week, there are two______________ from Hanoi to Nha Trang. (FLY)
12. There is little ______________in Dalat at busy time. (ACCOMMODATE)
13. The next______________for New York will be at 11.00. (DEPART)
14. The ______________of Flight 106 from Boston has been delayed. (ARRIVE)
15. ______________, dark clouds soon appeared and it began to rain. (FORTUNATE)
16. There are fights______________from Ho Chi Minh City to Nha Trang. (DAY)
17. My family live in a northern ______________region. (MOUNTAIN)
18. He received the award in______________of his success over the past year.


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