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Prepared To Fulfill Duties
Course: Computer Aided Design
Lecturers: Tuswan ST MT

Arranged by :

Name : Mudjijanto
Nim : 20181334001
Prodi : Naval Architecture

University of Muhammadiyah


Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatulloohi. Wabarokaatuh

Praise be thankful I prayed kehadirat Allah who has given His grace and guidance so that I can
finish the task Computer Aided Design Papers this well.

The success of the authors in completing this task can not be separated from the support,
guidance and information from various parties. Therefore, on this occasion the author would like to say
thank you to Mr. Tuswan ST MT. as a lecturer who has provided insight knowledge in completing this

Finally the authors hope that this report will be for friends and for all those who deign to read it
and study it. May Allah SWT give grace and His gift to us all. Ameen.

Billahi Taufik Hidayah wal Wassalamu'alaikum Waohmatulloohi Wabarokaatuh

Surabaya, 14 November 2019



TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………..3
1.1 Background………………………………………………………………..4
1.2 Formulation of the problem……………………………………………….5
1.3 Purpose……………………………………………………………………5
2.1 The introduction of software maksurf........................................................6
CHAPTER 1 maxsurf dongle Modeller 2.1.1……………………………6
2.1.2 Resistance CHAPTER 2 maxsurf dongle………………………….13
2.1.3 CHAPTER 3 maxsurf dongle Stability ............................................16
2.2 Process Design...........................................................................................25
2.3 Analysis calculation....................................................................................39
3.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………..46
3.2 Suggestions ................................................................................................46

1.1 Background
In the industrial era 4.0 all changing very quickly. Similarly, in making a ship. The process of
designing the ship is no longer made with manual techniques but involves the use of computer software
are sophisticated. These softwares provide excellence in many ways such as 3D visualization, providing
the speed and ease in calculation and design work, accuracy in the portrayal, making the report the
calculation drawings and diagrams that fast, can be integrated with a computer network (network) and the
database so that design work can broken into several parts but still intertwined. But the more sophisticated
design software that is used, the easier it is to build ships. And it is directly proportional to the cost ..
The sophistication of computer technology has also penetrated the shipping world. Conventional
drawing techniques to draw in 2D has been largely abandoned and switching to 3D modeling. 3D
modeling offers many advantages such as providing a visualization significantly to the construction
design of the building structure. So that errors can be minimized design. As construction error, fault-lai
placement and other equipment. Special software construction design of building structures capable of
performing 3D modeling quickly and accurately so as to alter the view that the construction of the
building structure modeling in 3D longer than drawing in 2D.
Examples of special software 3D design very much Maksurf modelle, Deft ship, Tribbon and
others. In this paper we will be using the software for designing ships maxsurf dongle.

1.2 Problem Formulation
1. What is a software maxsurf modeller?
2. How to use the software design process maxsurf modeller?
3. Analysis of calculation barriers maxsurf dongle software ships with the help of resistance
1.3 Objectives
1. To find out more about understanding maxsurf modeller software
1. To find out the ways and stages in designing a ship using software maxsurf modeller
2. To be able to calculate the stability and arrest the ship with the help of software maxsurf


2.1 RECOGNITION SOFTWARE maxsurf dongle

Bentley maxsurf modeller is a computer program developed by FormSys (formating Design
System), under the auspices of Bentley Systems since 2011, which is the development of several
computer programs that SACS, maxsurf dongle and Moses.
Maxsurf dongle is an application program specialist in the field of marine architecture and
shipbuilding, offshore engineering and structural engineering. The program can visualize and
optimize the design of the ship with a full arrangement that has been integrated.
Maxsurf dongle consists of several sub-program applications, namely:
1. maxsurf dongle Modeler
2. Motion maxsurf dongle
3. Resistance maxsurf dongle
4. Stability maxsurf dongle
5. maxsurf dongle Structure
6. Fitting maxsurf dongle
7. maxsurf dongle Link
8. maxsurf dongle Vpp
Several functions of this application program such as creating a balanced hull form, in
accordance with the requirements of stability, ship resistance, seakeeping and power boats.
Several functions of this application program such as creating a balanced hull form, in
accordance with the requirements of stability, ship resistance, seakeeping and power boats.

CHAPTER 1. maxsurf dongle Modeler

1.1. General and Basic Settings

a. system coordinates
General appearance and the basic principles on pengoprasian maxsurf dongle modeler, as illustrated
picture below.

window looks view
body plan Front view of the bow to the stern
Profile view Looked right side, starboard side
Plan view Looks from below, starboard above the

b. Setting a frame of reference and Zero point

Menu: Data> Frame of reference
This menu item is used to adjust the position of the baseline, laden ship, as well as the zero point position.

c. The setting unit

Menu: Data> Unit
This menu selection is used to set the unit / unit as a standard unit of measurement model design.

d. Design grid settings
Menu: Data> Design Grid
This menu selection is used to determine distances section, buttocksline, waterline, and diagonal.

1) click:Add> enter the number of the plan


2) click:Space> Choose From Station

e. View assembly and propesties

Menu: View> Assembly + Properties
This menu item serves to display assembly and properties, serves to facilitate the operation of the current
modeling, set propesties color display surface and the type of fineness (Surface stiffness) etc .

1.2. Design and modeling
a. Selection of the type of surface
Menu: Surface> Add Surface> select the type of surface
This menu selection is used to select the type of surface / shape of the hull, there bebepa surface types

- section plane: surface to form transverse

- water plane: surface with the cross-sectional shape of water
- buttock plan: surface with longitudinal shapes

The types of surface that has the same function, and can be used as appropriate modeling methods will be

b. size surface

Menu: Surface> Surface Size
This menu selection is used to enter the size of the surface / ship plan size.

c. Curve, and extrude surface (curve)

Menu: Curve> add curve> curve shape as needed> click the model curve> Menu: Surface> Extrude

This menu selection is used to perform modeling with a more specific as to model a tank or a
particular room / compartment.

d. triming
Menu: Display> Trimming> Trim invisible> click Surface> Right click start trimming> click on the part
you want removed.

This menu selection is used when we do modeling tank or room / compartment happen part that
exceeds other models (overlap). Therefore, to eliminate the parts used trimming function.

e. background
Menu: File> Import> Image background> open image (profile view / plan view / bod plan).

This menu item is used to adjust the model to the image plane lines that have been approved /
accept and can be used as a reference model. So that the modeling process can be in accordance
with the characteristics of form and ship models are planned.

Pegaturan background with lines plan surface models:

Menu: Display> background

This menu selection is used to set the suitability of the size, position and background zero point
models are imported into maxsurf dongle modeler.

• Hide image: hide background
• Show images: display the background
• Set image zero point: the setting of the zero point position backgaround
Menu: Display> background> Set image zero point> click on point zero point (AP position).
• Set image reference point: adjustment of size and scala background with lines model plan
Menu: Display> background> Set image reference point
> Click point reference point (position FP)> Lpp size input> OK

CHAPTER 2. maxsurf dongle RESISTANCE

Is a sub-program is available in maxsurf dongle, aitu maxsurf dongle resistance. The function
of this program is to calculate and analysis of ship resistance, with the theories and methods that
have been used in the field of marine science.

Operation steps maxsurf dongle resistance as follows:

2.1. open models

Menu: File> Open Design> Select Design

This menu selection is used to open files from maxsurf dongle modeler, use the selection
option to measure all the basic calculation of the whole model ang ship submerged body of

2.2. analysis

a. Methods
Menu: Analysis> Methods
This menu selection is used to determine the method / theory that will be used in the analysis. Some
methods include:

1) Planning
- Savitsky pre-planning
- Savitsky planning
- Blount and fox
- Lahtiharju
- wyman
2) displacement
- Holtrop
- Compton
- Fung
- Van Ootmerssen
- Series 60
- KR Barge resistance
3) Yachts
- Delft I, II
- Delft III
4) Analytical
- Slender body

b. Speed
Menu: Analysis> Speeds> Input the maximum speed
This menu selection is used to determine the speed of the trial in custody analysis.

c. efficient
Menu: Analysis> Efficient> Input efficient
This menu selection is used to determine the efficiency in the analysis custody.

d. Solve
Menu: Analysis> Solve resistance analysis> Click
This menu selection is used to start the calculation analysis prisoners on masxsurf resistance with
reference to some of the above inputs. Some of the output from solve, among others:

1) graph
Menu: Window> graph
2) Result table
Menu: Window> result

e. Calculate free surface

Menu: Analysis> Calculate the free surface> Click
This menu selection is used to determine the surface characteristics of water-related testing and
speed of ship resistance. Such as testing the ship KM Gayatri below.

Stability maxsurf dongle

3.1. open models

Menu: File> Open Design> Select Design> Calculate new setion + medium> Ok
This menu selection is used to open files from maxsurf dongle modeler, use the option
selection standard medium for analysis.

3.2. Input compartment and tank

Menu: Window> Input
Edit> Add compartment
This menu selection is used to enter data into a compartment of the tank and ship models,
this function is used to calculate the Tank Calibration / Measurement suitability of the tank
volume. To perform this step takes some supporting data are:

- General Plan / General Arrangement

- The location of the tank and some equipment / compartment

Some of the data that needs to be included, namely:

- Specify gravity
- Fluid type
- Position (Distance from After to the fore, High, portside to starboard position, and the position from
bottom to top)
- Type (Tank or compartment)

3.3. Loadcase
Menu: Window> Loadcase
Edit> Add Load
Case> edit loadcase> Name loadcase
This menu selection is used to enter data loading (weight distribution-equipment of ships and
equipment located in all parts of the ship including deck), and the use of tanks on each cruise
conditions (Departure, ballast, and an empty vessel / lightship). Loadcase function is to add
input of the load factor to be used as a basis perhitung stability and power boats. Some
supporting data include:

- Weight distribution empty vessel

- Weight distribution machine
- Weight distribution equipment, crew, provision.

3.4. analysis
In the calculation and analysis stability maxsurf dongle there are some output results, which
have been adapted to the reporting requirements following the reporting standards Booklet
stability by Society of Indonesia (BKI). Among them are:

a. Upright hydrostatic
Menu: Window> results> Upright hydrostatics This analysis menu selection is used to
calculate the data hydrostatis ship, Some settings when performing these steps include:

1) trim
Menu: Analysis> Trim> Options (Fixed trim 0 m).
This menu selection is used to enter the slope conditions of the test, as the basis of
analysis of hydrostatic calculations. - Fixed trim - Free Trim

2) draft
Menu: Analysis> Draft> Initial drafts + Final + number of drat draft
This menu selection is used to enter the testing laden condition, in which the base is on full
hydrostatic analyzes that have been determined.

3) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
Output of Upright hydrostatics namely: Graphs and Table hydrostatis.

b. Large angle stability
Menu: Window> Result> Large angle stability This analysis menu options used to
calculate the stability of the ship, referring to the center of gravity (CG) vessel and the
center of gravity of the tank, and the effect on Loadcase, the result of this calculation and
analysis of data in the form of the stability of the ship with several conditions Loadcase.
Some settings when analyzing stability calculations, among others:

1) Heel
Menu: Analysis> Heel
This menu selection is used to enter experimental condition degree angle.

- from :0
- to : 90
- In steps of : 10
- then to :0

2) trim
Menu: Analysis> Trim> Options (Fixed trim 0 m).
This menu selection is used to enter the current testing conditions of slope stability
calculations the ship.

- fixed trim
- free Trim

3) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
Output of Large angle stability, namely: The form graph and table Stability calculation every
loadcase (departure, ballast,

and lightship),

c. KN Values
Menu: Window> Results> KN Value
This analysis menu selection is used to determine the nature of the hydrostatic test of the hull at some
Heel angle and displacement to generate Cross curve of the vessel's stability diagram. KN Value is part of

the analysis model of the ship to be met by standard stability booklet reporting by class, some of the
settings to calculate KN Value namely:

1) criteria
Menu: Analysis> Criteria> Select standard criteria (IMO, ISO, SOLAS, etc.)
This menu item is used for determining the standard rules / class as a reference for
calculation analysis.

2) Hell angle
3) Trim (fixed or free)
4) Displacment
Menu: Analysis> Displacement
This menu selection is used to enter the amount of displacement testing to meet the
calculation analysis of KN Value.

5) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
Output of KN Value namely: The form graph and table KN Value on each laden / draft and

d. limiting KG
Menu: Window> Results> Limiting KG
These menu options analysis is used to analyze the gravity / center of gravity (CG) on the vertical hull,
determine the highest point value KG to meet the stability criteria, it is used by a shipping or shipping
engineer in determining whether the CG point can be raised or lowered.

Comparison of the calculation results Limiting KG analysis of the results of analysis of stability is quite
important, that interval (distance / difference) Heel angle with Trim and CG are the same. Some
criteria, among others GZ affects the heel angle intervals selected in this calculation analysis.

1) Displacement.
2) Heel angle
3) Trim (fixed or free) 4) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
Limiting the output from KG namely: The form graph and table Limiting KG on each laden /
draft and displacement.

e. longitudinal strength
Menu: Window> Results> Longitudinal strength
This analysis menu selection is used to calculate the strength lengthwise / longitudinal strength of the

Allows us to be able to see the results of calculation of the bending moment and shear force (Sheer
stress) away from the heavy load distribution aitu ship matrial and tanks on Loadcase window. This
analysis can be done either on a flat or undulating surface.

1) Wave model Menu: Analysis> Waveform

This analysis menu selection is used to determine the natural conditions in the sea water
wave model testing.

2) Hoging and Saging

Menu: Analysis> Hog and Sag
This analysis used menu options regulate the natural conditions on style model testing of
water / sea water waves that hit the ship models.

3) grounding
Menu: Analysis> Grounding
This analysis menu selection is used to determine the natural conditions, which determine
the foundation of one or two variables point, it is used to determine whether the hull is
based or free-floating.

4) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
The output of the Longitudinal Strength namely: The form graph and table Power Boats,
the moment and the shear force / stress on each distribution Sheer heavy load ships and

tank volume at each condition Loadcase.

f. tank Calibration
Menu: Window> Results> Tank Calibration
This analysis menu selection is used to calculate the volume and calibration of existing tanks on the
model. Referring to the input compartment and Tank.

1) Heel angle
2) trim
3) Views prespective view Tank Calibration

4) Reports
Menu: Window> Reports
The output of the Tank Calibration namely: The form charts and tables and sounding tables
Tank volume of tanks that have been entered.


In this stage of the process with the help of software design maxsurf dongle can be in many
ways one of which is by using a ready-made linesplan then converted into 3D form on
software maxsurf dongle. By using the principal dimension as a reference:
 LOA = 45,76m
 LWL = 43,278m
 B = 10,4m
 T = 2.85m
 H = 7,9m
 VS = 15 knots

Modeling steps with maxsurf dongle software:

1. Open the AutoCAD program to display images modeled ship.

Figure 2.
2. Select a picture of body plan, then export to jpg

3.. Plan Sheer open image, then export to jpg.

4. Open Half Birth Plan then export to jpg.

5. After all views have changed to jpg maxsurf dongle then open the program advanced modeler.

6. Open the maxsurf dongle modeller advance program

7. After that open the file to import images from the body plan, sheer plan and half breadth plan

8. After clicking coment file import and click then select the background image and select the intended

body Plan

Sheer Plan

Half Breadth Plan

9. After all the images have been imported to maxsurf dongle then set the zero point image set of all

10. The function of Set Image Zero Point is to place the reference point or zero point of the image.

11. How to click Display then click the background and we select Set Image Zero Point.

12. Set zero point image from body plan is intersected between Center Line (CL) and Base Line (BL).

13. Set zero point image from a sheer plan is intersected between Station 0 (St 0) and Base Line (BL).

14. Set zero point image from half birth plan is intersected between Station 0 (St 0) and Center Line (CL).

15. After Set Image Zero Point has been placed, then next is Set Image Reference Point.

17. The function of Set Image Reference Point is to scale the image to its actual size. This reference can
be from Water Line (WL) or Station (St)

18. Previous set the units to Meters (M)

19. Click Data then select the unit and select Meter (M)

20. Click Display then click the background and select Set Image Reference Point.

21. Set the Image Reference Point from the body plan is by referring to the Water Line (WL) and select
vertical and type the height of WL roomates is 7.9 M.

22. Set Image Reference Point from a sheer plan is by referring to Station (St) and we select longitudinal
then we enter the front station roomates value is 44,000

23. Set Image Reference Point from the half breadth plan is by referring to the intersection of Center
Line (CL) with Station (St) and we select longitudinal then enter the front most station roomates value is

24. After the image matches the size, then choose Design Grid.

25. The function of the Design Grid is as a reference drawing lines plans.

26. Click Data then click and we choose Design Grid.

27. Click the Design Grid will Appear options starting from Sections, Buttocks, waterlines and diagonals.

Sections 28. In filling this column the same as the station. Enter the number of stations and the distance
between stations, the which is 23, and the distance is 2.

29. On filling the Buttocks column. Enter the number of Buttocks and the distance between Buttocks, the
which is 6 and the distance is 1.

30. On filling the waterlines column. Enter the number of waterlines and the distance between
waterlines, the which is the number 8 and the distance is 1 M, and number 9 is 0.9 M.

31. Then Determine Draft by clicking and selecting Data Frame of Reference. Determine the value of the
DWL / Draft that is 2.85. And select the AP at number 0.

32. After that select Surface and click add surface and select Buttock Plane.

33. See surface requirements in body plan. There are three required Bottom surfaces namely, Cine and
Top Side.

34. Then we set the surface size by clicking on the Surface Size. Enter a length of 44 and a height of 7.

35. Then we open sheer plan.

36. Then move the surface size to the image and fix it on the position.

37. Then we give it a color so it's easy to Recognize.

38. Then add additional Control Points do not forget while holding down the Shift so that it is straight.

39. Then turn on SurfNet mode to bring up the Control Point line.

40. And there are three Control Points.

41. Then we open the body plan. Add a control point on the vertical side and press it to the left of the

42. Then match the height of the control point.

43. After that return to sheer plan.

44. Because we need three surfaces, we can add it by selecting Comen then clicking Duplicate Surface
Surface and we set the length and height and we choose 2 for the copy and choose vertical.

45. After that do Bond Edges on the first surface and duplicate connections and after that duplicate 1
and 2.

46. After Bond Edges are finished, we click on the surface and we Determine the size again with the
surface size. And we move into position.

47. Then open body plan for the formation of Midship.

48. Then add a control point According to a number of stations.

49. Adjust the coordinates According to the model of image
50. Add a new surface to the deck

51. Add a surface to the transaction
52. Check displacement According to the models.

53. Done.



1. Open maxsurf dongle Resistance 64 bit, and then select the file and then select the open design
of the model to be analyzed. Then click analysis - medhotds - and then select the appropriate
type of boat here I use the ship displacement and select compton. Then click window - 3 graph

2. To search for ship barriers can click analysis - medhotds - and then select the appropriate
type of boat here I use the ship displacement and select compton. Then click window - 3

3. The following data and drawings of ships bottleneck analysis.

3.1 Conclusion
With industry leading technology 4.0, all are easy and fast. Similarly, in shipbuilding. With the
Computer Aided Design task, especially our maxsurf dongle software can be one step ahead of
our previous knowledge.
3.2 advice
Lecturers are expected to frequently provide additional material for maxsurf dongle software is still
in the introduction phase.

1. Material from Mr. Tuswan ST MT


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