Paper-Sensors For Point-of-Care Monitoring of Drinking Water Quality

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18, SEPTEMBER 15, 2019

Paper-Sensors for Point-of-Care Monitoring of

Drinking Water Quality
Nilanjan Mandal, Shirsendu Mitra, and Dipankar Bandyopadhyay

Abstract— Contamination of water bodies due to the disposal of attention owing to their far reaching implications related
of natural and anthropogenic pollutants is one of the major to the global health. For example, soluble or insoluble inor-
global concerns in the recent times. Regular on-spot monitoring ganic [9] and organic contaminants [9], heavy metal ions [9],
of water quality has become mandatory wherein diverse classes of
materials such as organic, inorganic, heavy metals, or biological biological (BOD) [10], [11] and chemical (COD) [11], [12]
wastes are detected employing standard protocols. However, most oxygen demands, and pathogens [13] are now expected to
of the existing laboratory techniques are either costly and/or be detected on-spot with the help of commercially available
time consuming owing to the process involving the expert driven POCT devices [14]. Although, in this direction a substantial
sophisticated analysis techniques. Herein, we report the develop- progress has been made in the past few decades [15], a number
ment of three paper based colorimetric sensors for the on-spot
quantitative detection of the levels of fluoride (F− ), lead (Pb2+), of issues still remain unaddressed.
and pH in drinking water. The variations in the color-intensities For example, there is an immediate necessity of a POCT
of the paper sensors with the variation in the concentration device for the detection of fluoride (F− ) and/or lead (Pb2+ )
of fluoride (F− ), lead (Pb2+), and pH were converted into contaminations in the drinking water. As per the World Health
electronic signals to enable the development of a point-of-care- Organization (WHO) guidelines the maximum permissible
testing (POCT) device. For this purpose, initially, the sensors were
characterized and calibrated with known concentrations of con- limits for F− is 1.5 ppm in the drinking water while for
taminates before successful validations with real samples. There- Pb2+ the same is 0.05 ppm [9]. Higher levels of F− and/or
after, the sensors were illuminated with a light emitting diode Pb2+ in water can cause fluorosis or lead poisoning [16].
from one side while the transmitted rays passing through the Further, presence of excess F− and Pb2+ in drinking water
sensor was captured by a light dependent resistor (LDR) from the can also cause various other chronic ailments in associated
other side. The variation in the color intensity of the paper-sensor
with the contaminant loading was found linearly varying with with skin, teeth and bone s [17], brain [18], [19], lungs and
the resistance of the LDR. The sensor was then translated into heart [20], [21]. On the other hand, the WHO guidelines also
a specific, stable and user friendly POCT device, which enabled suggest that the pH of the water should be in range of 6.0 to
inexpensive spot detection of pollutants in drinking water. 8.0 [9]. The pH of drinking water deviating from this range
Index Terms— Optical sensors, water pollution, optical device can affect the mucin layer in the various parts of the digestive
fabrication, electric resistance, light emitting diode (LED), system which in turn can harm the immune system of a
photodetectors. human body triggering many critical ailments [9]. Importantly,
I. I NTRODUCTION many of the previous studies suggest that the lowering of pH
than the normal range in most of the commercially available
R EAL-TIME measurements of diverse hazardous envi-
ronmental pollutants have become one of the major
research focus in the recent years owing to their significance
bottled mineral waters is one of the key reasons of old-age
osteoporosis across the globe [22].
in the mitigation of many long-term health hazards [1], [2]. Certainly, there is an immediate need of a POCT device,
In this regard, of late, the portable, low-cost, and user-friendly which can immediately provide information about the F− ,
point-of-care-testing (POCT) devices are envisioned to play a Pb2+ and pH levels in the drinking water. It may be noted
pivotal role [3]–[5]. Among the other important environmental here that the conventional methods of determining these
markers, POC detections of the various pollutants in various constituents in water involve either optical [23], [24] or
water sources [6]–[8] have perhaps taken the center stage electrochemical [25], [26] methodologies. Yet, most of these
methodologies are either costly and/or consume time and
Manuscript received March 2, 2019; revised May 11, 2019; accepted require expertise for testing and analyses [27]. In this regard,
May 15, 2019. Date of publication May 27, 2019; date of current version of late, the advent of micro or nanoscale technologies have
August 15, 2019. This work was supported by the Ministry of Electronics
and Information Technology (MeitY) grant no. 5(9)/2012-NANO, Government provided a glimmer of hope in the design and development
of India. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and of economic, specific, stable, portable, fast, and user friendly
approving it for publication was Dr. Gymama Slaughter. (Corresponding POCT devices to detect these pollutants. For example, the use
author: Dipankar Bandyopadhyay.)
The authors are with the Centre for Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of diverse nanomaterials [28], [29], nanostructures [13] and
of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, India (e-mail: nilanjan. carbon allotropes [30] have led to quantitative detection of;; dissolved F− , Pb2+ and pH of water. However, these sensors
This paper has supplementary downloadable multimedia material available
at provided by the authors. The Supplementary are yet to be translated into POCT applications owing to their
Material contains a word document named as “Paper-Sensors for Point-of- higher cost of fabrication, requirement of expertise handing,
Care Monitoring of Drinking Water Quality_ESI,” that contains the supporting and time required for detection.
information for the main manuscript named “Paper-Sensors for Point-of-Care
Monitoring of Drinking Water Quality.” This material is 1.17 MB in size. In view of this background, in the present study, we have
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2919269 developed paper based colorimetric sensors to quantitatively
1558-1748 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. Images (a)-(c) schematically illustrate the steps of colorimetric sensor fabrication for F− , Pb2+ and pH, respectively, and their color change. Image
(d) shows the integration of LED and LDR with the sensor and subsequent measurement of the change in resistance using Arduino based POCT device for
the display of water quality.

detect F− , Pb2+ and pH levels in the drinking water. The use Fluoride, Lead (ii) Chloride, Potassium sodium tartrate,
of reagent coated paper sensors to develop the colorimetric Dimethyl formamide (DMF), Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4),
sensors has been inspired by a number of recent seminal Sodium hydroxide, Hydrochloric acid, 125 mm filter paper
contributions [31], [32]. The use of paper as the substrate (grade 1), were obtained from Merck (India). The chemicals
enabled the making of a sensor, which is less complicated above were of analytical grade and used without further
to fabricate, of low cost, and easily disposable. The working purification. The Milli-Q grade water was used in all the exper-
principle of the colorimetric sensor depends on the color iments unless stated otherwise. The Arduino Uno R3 devel-
change due to the following specific reactions between, (a) opment board, Liquid crystal display (LCD), resistors were
F− and iron (III) thiocyanate for fluoride sensing, (b) Pb2+ procured from Rhydo Labz (India). The samples solutions of
and 1,5-Diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) for lead sensing known concentrations of F− , Pb2+ and pH were prepared
and (c) protonated bromothymol blue (BTB) for pH sensing, by dissolving respective amounts of sodium fluoride, lead
on the paper surface. While the reagents were coated on the chloride and hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.
paper surface, the network of microchannels in paper enabled
immediate mixing with the analyte through capillary action,
B. Sensor Fabrication
leading to a fast chemical reaction and colorimetric response.
The variations in the color on the surface of the paper sensor The schematic representation of sensor fabrication
were detected with the help of a light emitting diode (LED) for quantitative determination of fluoride Pb2+ , F− ,
and a light dependent resistor (LDR). The paper sensors were pH and their respective sensing principle is shown in
illuminated with the LED from one side while the light trans- Figures 1(a), (b), and (c). Whatmann filter paper (Grade 1)
mitting through the sensors were captured by the LDR [32]. was cut into 1 cm × 1 cm size, which was used as substrate
The resistance of the LDR was found to vary monotonically for the sensor fabrication. For the F− sensor, firstly, 0.1 M
with the change in the concentration of dissolved F− , Pb2+ and of ammonium thiocyanate solution (w/v) and 0.1 M of iron
pH of the water sample. The sensors were found to be specific (iii) chloride solution (w/v) were mixed in equal amounts
and detect the unknown levels of F− , Pb2+ and pH of real to obtain a brick red colored iron (iii) thiocyanate solution
water samples when compared and contrasted with standard (v/v). Following this 60 μl of iron (iii) thiocyanate solution
methodologies. The sensors, LED, and LDR were integrated was dispensed on each of the potassium sodium tartrate
in an Arduino platform to translate into a portable and user- coated paper pieces before vacuum dried at 37 ◦ C. For Pb2+
friendly POCT device for on-site, low-cost, and instantaneous sensor, initially, the paper pieces were coated with 30 μl
monitoring of water quality. of potassium sodium tartrate saturated solution and vacuum
dried at 37 ◦ C. Following this, 60 μl of 0.05% solution of
II. M ATERIALS A ND M ETHODS dithizone in CCl4 was dispensed on the paper pieces before
vacuum drying at 37 ◦ C. For the pH sensor, the paper pieces
A. Materials
were coated with 10 μl of 250 mM citric acid solution and
Ammonium thiocyanate, Iron (iii) Chloride, Bromothy- vacuum dried at 37 ◦ C. Following this, the sensors were
mol blue, 1,5-Diphenylthiocarbazone (Dithizone), Sodium coated with 90 μl of 0.4% (w/v) of bromothymol blue in

Fig. 2. The images (a) and (b) illustrates the UV Visible spectra and mechanism of the interaction between iron (iii) thiocyanate and fluoride. Images (c) and
(d) shows the UV Visible spectra and mechanism interaction between dithizone and lead. Images (e) and (d) illustrates the UV Visible spectra and mechanism
of interaction of bromothymol blue with different pH.

DMF and dried at 37 ◦ C. All the sensors fabricated were curve represents the UV-Visible spectra of the dithizone whose
stored in airtight condition until further use. absorption peak is at 445 nm and 620 nm, respectively,
C. Characterization and Calibration whereas the red curve represents the pinkish Pb2+ (ii) dithi-
zone a new absorption peak is formed whose value is 533 nm
The colorimetric paper sensors were characterized for their
[34], [35]. The structural changes of the dithizone due to
color intensity by placing them between a LED-LDR setup
complexation with Pb2+ is as shown in Figure 2(d). The
as shown in Figures 1(a)-(d). The change in the electrical
specific reaction can be written as,
resistance of the LDR due to the absorption of varying amount
of light, from the LED, resulting from the change in the PbCl2 + 2C13 H12 N4 S →Pb(C13 H12 N4 S)2 + 2Cl−
color intensity of the sensor was measured using setup using
Arduino Uno development board and LCD display as depicted Figure 2(e) shows the UV-Visible spectra of the bromothy-
in Figure 1(d). The initial resistances of the unreacted sensors mol blue in lower pH (blue curve) whose absorption peak is at
of Pb2+ , F− , and pH were measured and termed as (R0i ) 427 nm whereas at higher pH (red curve) its absorption peak
where, i = F− ,Pb2+ , pH, respectively. The resistances of the being 600 nm [36]. The bromothymol blue in its protonated
sensors, after the addition of a 10 μL drop of sample solu- form is yellow in colour. The colour changes to greenish blue
tions containing different concentration of Pb2+ , F− , and pH, to dark blue as the deprotonation of bromothymol blue occurs
were measured and denoted as ( R i ) where, i =F− ,Pb2+ , pH, due to increase of alkaline pH which is shown in Figure 2(f).
respectively. In this regard, the specific reaction can be written as,
Figure 2 illustrates the UV-Visible spectroscopic results. The
Figure 2(a) illustrates the UV-Visible spectra of the interaction C27 H28 Br 2 O5 S −→ (C27 H26 Br 2 O5 S)2−
between iron (iii) thiocyanate and fluoride. In the plot the
blue curve represents the UV-Visible spectra for the iron (iii) The stability of the Pb2+ , F− , and pH sensors have been
thiocyanate whose absorption peak is at 295 nm while the red provided in the Section I of Electronic Supporting Informa-
curve represents the fading of the color product of the reaction tion (ESI). Further, the influence of humidity and temperature
whose absorption peak is at 290 nm [33]. It is well known that on the readings of the sensor have also been illustrated in
F− on interaction with brick red coloured iron (iii) thiocyanate the Section II of the ESI. For comparison with standard
gives colourless iron (iii) fluoride, as shown in the figure 2(b). methods of detection of the level of pollutants, we employed
In this regard, the specific reaction can be written as, UV-Vis Spectroscopy for F− , Atomic absorption spectroscopy
(AAS) for Pb2+ , and pH meter for pH, which has been
Fe (SCN)3 +6NaF →[FeF6 ]3− +6Na+ + 3(SCN)− illustrated in the Section III of the ESI. The Section IV
Figure 2(c) demonstrates the UV-Visible spectra of the inter- of the ESI shows the performance of the proposed sensors
action between dithizone and Pb2+ . In the plot the blue as compared to the previously available ones. The Section V

Fig. 3. Plots (a) – (c) show the variation in the normalized resistance change (R0i /R i ) with the fluoride concentration (C F ) in water, lead concentration
(C P b ) in water and pH of water, respectively. Images (d)-(f) illustrate the color change of the F − , Pb 2+ and pH sensors, respectively, due to the change in
concentrations as written at the bottom.

and Section VI of the ESI discusses the Raman, FTIR and when theC F was higher in the water sample. The Figure 3(b)
the NMR characterization studies. demonstrates the variation in the normalized resistanceR0i /R i
with C P b in water. The R 0i /R i was found to increase with
III. R ESULTS A ND D ISCUSSIONS C P b n the water sample. The images in the Figure 3(e)
illustrate the visual increase in the pink color intensity of the
A. Sensing Mechanism sensor surface due to increase in C P b in the water sample
The initial resistance , R 0i of the F− sensor was recorded dispensed on the sensor surface. A higher pink coloration led
from the LDR when light was irradiated on the sensor from to the transmittance of lower amount of LED light through
an LED light source before the water sample was dispensed. the paper surface, which led to a increase in the electrical
Thereafter, final resistance R i the F− sensor was measured resistance of the LDR when C P b was higher in the water
after dispensing of various concentration of F− sample in sample. The calibration for the pH sensor was performed
water ranging from 1.0 – 10 ppm. It was observed that after dispensing of various samples of water having pH in
when the sample containing F− was dispensed on the sensor the range of 6.0 – 8.0. Once the sample was dispensed on
surface discoloration occurred due to the reaction resulting the sensor surface, a greenish blue coloration occurred due
in increased transmission of light to the LDR, which in turn to the reaction, which resulted in the decreased transmission
resulted in a decrease of R i . The Figure 3(a) demonstrates of light through the paper surface to the LDR. Figure 3(a)
the variation in the normalized resistance R 0i /R i with the demonstrates the variation in R 0i /R i with pH of water samples.
concentration of fluoride in water sample , C F The R 0i /R i The images in the Figure 3(d) illustrate the visual increase
was found to linearly and monotonically decrease with C F in in the greenish blue coloration on the sensor surface due to
the water sample. increase in pH of the water sample dispensed on the sensor
The images in the Figure 3(d) illustrate the visual increase surface. The Section VII of the ESI discusses the interference
in the discoloration of the sensor surface due to increase in performance of the proposed sensors in presence of other
the C F in the water sample dispensed on the sensor surface. contaminant ions.
A higher discoloration led to the transmittance of higher Fig. 4 show a typical POCT device for the water qual-
amount of LED light through the paper surface, which led ity monitoring. We tested a range of water samples with
to a higher reduction in the electrical resistance of the LDR unknown levels of F − , Pb2+ and pH, which are plotted

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