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Department of Architectural Engineering

Electronic Wind Catcher- (Al-Malqaf)

As a New Way to Solve Identity and Energy Dilemmas

Student Name: Student ID No.
M1: Ibrahim Al-azzuni ID: 3700420
M2: Ibrahim Alsehli ID: 3545679
M3: Khaled Albalawi ID: 3545989
M4: Moamen Al harbi ID: 3545327
M5: Mohammed Abdulaziz ID: 3702728
Supervised By:
Dr: Ahmad Fathi, Ph.D.

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering
© copyright by [Ibrahim Al-azzuni, Ibrahim Alsehli, Khaled Albalawi, Moamen Al harbi, Mohammed Abdulaziz],

_____________Table of contents_____________

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER 1- PROJECT BRIEF ........................................................................................... 5

1 - About the project ................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 - Problem statement ........................................................................................................... 5

1.1.1- Cultural Problem - Absence of Arab Identity .............................................................. 5
1.1.2-Economic Problem - Energy Dilemmas ........................................................................ 5
1.1.3-Economic Problem - Cost.............................................................................................. 5
1.1.4-Environmental problem - Poor Indoor Air Quality ....................................................... 5

1.2 - Objectives of the project.................................................................................................. 6

1.3 - Project Constrains ........................................................................................................... 6


REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................... 7

2- Architecture studies ............................................................................................................. 7

2.1- Traditional Arab architecture. ......................................................................................... 7
2.1.1- Used Ventilation Elements in Traditional Arab Architecture. ................................. 7
2.2-Literature review .............................................................................................................. 9
2.2.1-History of Windcatcher .............................................................................................. 9
2.2.2-Types of windcatcher ............................................................................................... 10
2.3-Smart architecture. .......................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1- Smart Architectural Principle ................................................................................. 11
2.3.2-Smart architectural buildings benefits. .................................................................... 11
2.3.3- Smart architectural example ................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER 3- CASE STUDIES ............................................................................................ 16

3 - Case studies........................................................................................................................ 16
3.1- Local examples ............................................................................................................... 16
3.2- International Examples ................................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 4 – SITE ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 30

4- Site Selection ....................................................................................................................... 30

4.1-Site Alternatives ............................................................................................................. 30
4.1.1- Selected Area .......................................................................................................... 30
4.1.2- Selected Region....................................................................................................... 30
4.1.3.- Comparison Between Proposed Projects in Selected City in Al-Medina Region . 31 Selected City and Project Criteria .................................................................. 33
4.2- General Information of Selected City ........................................................................... 33
4.2.1 - Climate data ........................................................................................................... 33
4.3- Comparison between models in Selected Project ......................................................... 37
4.4- Environmental Aspects Analysis................................................................................... 40


5.1- Saudi Building Code ....................................................................................................... 42

5.1.1- Saudi building code for existing building (SBC 901-AR) ......................................... 42
5.1.2- Requirements for Residential Buildings .................................................................... 42
5.1.3- Mechanical Code (SBC 501 A) .................................................................................. 46
5.1.4- Electrical Code (SBC 401 A) ..................................................................................... 47
5.1.5- Fire Code (SBC 801 AR) ........................................................................................... 49
5.1.6- Saudi Building Code of Energy Efficiency (SBC 602 A).......................................... 50
5.2- LEED specification ......................................................................................................... 52
5.2.1- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED ...................................... 52
5.2.2- LEED rating levels ..................................................................................................... 54
5.2.3- The LEED elements that will be used in the project : ................................................ 54

CHAPTER 6- DESIGN & ECONIMIC STUDIES............................................................. 55

6.1-Design Modification ......................................................................................................... 55

6.1.1-Building Envelope.................................................................................................... 55
6.1.2-Wall Section ............................................................................................................. 55

6.2-Electronic Windcatcher Design Ideas ............................................................................ 55

6.3-Economic Studies ............................................................................................................. 55

6.3.1-Current Situation ...................................................................................................... 55 Cost ......................................................................................................... 55 Cost ..................................................................................................... 57

3 Cost .................................................................................... 57 Cost................................................................................ 57
6.3.2-Proposed Situation ................................................................................................... 57 Windcatcher .................................................................................. 57 System................................................................................ 57 System .............................................................................. 57 System ................................................................................. 57

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 58

Architecture accompanies human in all stages of his life, and he always seeks to take advantage of the
surrounding environment and the available natural and human resources to create a comfortable environment
and architectural spaces capable of responding and interacting with environmental changes and the internal
conditions of the building.


1 - About the project
Due to the importance of al-Malqaf as one of the most important elements and vocabulary of traditional
Arab architecture, it was chosen to apply it to one of the housing models - affiliated to the Ministry of
Housing in the Medina region, to combine the vocabulary of traditional Arab architecture and smart
architecture and take advantage of the advanced technologies that have been introduced to natural ventilation
methods in line with the environment and climate data to reach an ideal model that contributes to highlighting
the Arab identity and helps preserve cultural, environmental and economic gains.

1.1 - Problem statement

The research aims for the Capstone Project Design to find a new way to solve identity and energy
dilemmas and what they may affect the on environment and human health.
1.1.1- Cultural Problem - Absence of Arab Identity
Whoever looks now at the current Arab architecture finds that there are architectural formations that
have spread in all cities influenced by Western architecture. Consequently, these styles expressed the traditions
and customs of Western societies far from our region, and local architecture became lost its identity through the
loss of its architectural production that expresses the environment, climatic and social factors.
1.1.2-Economic Problem - Energy Dilemmas
The reliance on mechanical ventilation is a dilemma. Especially because it depends on oil in its work
and has not yet relied on solar energy. Mechanical ventilation devices of various kinds consume more than half
of the electrical energy produced in Saudi Arabia.
Therefore, the continuous increase in the number of people in Saudi Arabia will inevitably increase the
consumption of electricity, which may make us compelled to consume all our oil.
1.1.3-Economic Problem - Cost
There is a second aspect to the use and consumption of mechanical ventilation, which is the high
cost, especially with the presence of taxes and the high price of electricity bills.
Residential buildings are among the most common types of buildings that use mechanical ventilation
systems due to the nature of their use, as the user spends more hours in them than any other type of building.
This may result in an increase in air-conditioning and maintenance costs throughout their stay.
1.1.4-Environmental problem - Poor Indoor Air Quality
Ventilation is one of the factors that take priority when designing and constructing buildings,
because the air movement inside any building has an effective effect on the thermal comfort of the building
occupants. Indoor air pollution is one of the biggest risks to human health.

Mechanical ventilation system cools the interior space by blowing the cold air in the room and mixing it with
the existing air instead of recycling it around the place, which leads to pollution of the air quality loaded with
many bacteria and microbes that cause diseases.

1.2 - Objectives of the project

The problem statement mentioned reflect the objectives of the Capstone Design Project and can be
formulated in three main points:
a. Reviving the Arab Identity
By taking advantage of modern methods of smart architecture in the process of ventilation and
integrating it with Arab architecture methods to revive and highlight the Arab identity.
b. Save energy and reduce electricity consumption
Designing and constructing buildings in a way that reduces the need for electrical energy and relies more
on natural energy, which may result in reduced costs.
c. Preserving the environment and air quality
By relying on natural ventilation instead of mechanical ventilation systems that lead to pollution of the
air quality, which is loaded with many disease-causing bacteria and microbes. In addition, achieving
thermal comfort without using environmentally harmful methods.

1.3 - Project Constrains

There are various considerations that can influence the design process of a windcatcher:
a. Project Scope
Designing a residential building that reflects the Arab architectural identity by means of natural
ventilation (al-Malqaf).
b. Temporal determinants
The design is completed within one academic year, First semester for theoretical study and the other
semester for application study.
c. Spatial determinants
Al-Medina region was chosen, because Taibah University is a regional university serving the Medina
area with all its governorates, so the choice fell on it.
d. Climatic determinants
The type of project depends on the hot, dry climate, due to the wind movement and the lack of
e. Resources
Use of heat-insulating and local materials.
f. Quality
Achieve thermal comfort using natural methods.

g. Risk
Mainly relying on ventilation and natural energy.

2- Architecture studies
Al-Malgaf as part of traditional Arab architecture and the element that chosen to the project to apply the
merge between traditional Arab architecture and smart architecture. First of all. We need to understand
traditional Arab architecture and the element, also, the physical feature that include the effect of the natural
environment, climate change, building material, and the natural resource available as well as smart architecture.
2.1- Traditional Arab architecture.
2.1.1- Used Ventilation Elements in Traditional Arab Architecture.
Traditional Arab architecture can be identified as every building that it designs consider the social,
environment and cultural consideration prevailing in Arab societies and geographically located within the Arab
region. traditional Arab Architecture has some unique elements such as Courtyards, Domes, Arches,
Mashrabiyas, and Malqafs. These elements generated a unique Architectural identity for traditional Arab
Architecture that are recognition all over the world.
Traditional Arab architecture was characterized by the presence of several repeated architectural elements on
the buildings despite their different in locations, and despite the different uses and functions of these buildings,
and we review the most important of the project.
1- Courtyards:
Courtyard is an area of ground floor which is surrounded by buildings or walls. as one of the
architectural and symbolic features of the dwelling in the Traditional Arab architecture represents expression of
the social and climatic feature such as provide daylight and natural air inside the building or for social can work
as privet space.

Figure 2.1 - Bazraa Agency, Cairo, Egypt Figure 2.2 - Bazraa Agency floor
plan, Cairo, Egypt

2- Al-Shakhshikha:
Al-Shakhshikha is a type of roof, that is considered an opening in the ceiling of the chamber. It can be
square, octagonal, or polygonal. They are often used to cover the main halls, or the last roof of the staircase. It
contributes to providing ventilation and lighting for the hall above it. Al-Shakhshikha works with Al-Malqafs to
cool down the air temperature, by drawing hot air that is inside at the top of the room. It also contributes to
providing overhead lighting that is indirect.

Figure 2.3 - The qa‘ah of Muhib

Ad-Din house, Cairo, Egypt Figure 2.4 - Sultan Al-Ashraf
Qaytbay mosque, Cairo, Egypt

3- Mashrabiyas:
Mashrabiyas are wooden windows made up of small units installed with each other to form a window
cover, with small openings that penetrate the air and prevent the sunlight to enter. Mashrabiyas have been used
in traditional Arab architecture for several reasons. First, the small opening in Mashrabiyas is designed to allow
those in Inside seeing the outside without being seen across the road to give more privacy. Also, blocking the
sun's rays and allowing the air movement and organizing lighting inside the spaces. Also, increase the seating
area in the upper floors, where the mashrabiyas are protruding from the wall, forming a special space for

Figure 2.5 – Mashrabiyats Khan Al Figure 2.6 - mashrabiya in al-Balad

Khalili, Cairo, Egypt quarter, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

4- Al-Malqafs:
The traditional Arab architecture represented many realistic solutions and devices to the local
environmental problems such as the Malqaf, which became a common architecture feature in buildings. The
Malqaf is a tower that is high than the building's roof and opened from one or multiple sides used to cool the
building spaces, by using air movement from the outside and drawing it to the inside by using pressure
difference in order to cool the space and provide more natural air.

Figure 2.7 - The qa‘ah of Muhib Ad-

Din house, Cairo, Egypt Figure2.8-badjer of Ganjali Khan Complex,
Kerman, Iran
2.2-Literature review
2.2.1-History of Windcatcher

a. Windcatchers began to be used in Egypt in Mamaliek palaces.

b. Windcatchers continued to spread more widely in Egypt and other Arab countries and then to Iran
and the rest of the world.
c. With the advancement at time it was developed from a windcatcher that relied entirely on the
movement of the outside wind to a windcatcher who could control the amount of wind required
inside the building.
d. Previously the windcatcher is dependent on the speed of the wind and the pressure difference when it
is low cannot be used.
e. Over time a fan or water sprinkler was added inside the windcatcher to increase its effectiveness.
f. Now a mechanical windcatcher has been manufactured.
g. The stability increases the wind speed requirement inside the building.

9 Figure 2.9 - b
Figure 2.9 - a
Figure 2.9 - d
Figure 2.9 - c

2.2.2-Types of windcatcher

a. One-way windcatcher:
A windcatcher with single hole that is directed to the prevailing winds to capture the air and cool the
b. Multidirectional windcatchers:
A windcatcher that opens on Four directional to capture air from whichever direction it is coming from.
c. Exhaust air intakes against the prevailing winds:
A windcatcher used to draw hot air out of building and replace it with wet air coming from the

Figure 2.10 - a

Figure 2.10 - c

Figure 2.10 - b
2.3-Smart architecture.
Report will talk about smart architecture and about its principles, benefits and examples. because it is a
primary purpose of research to revive the Arab architectural identity while integrating it with new technology in
order to solve the problem of identity and energy. Therefore, we want to take the benefit from smart
architecture technology.
Smart architecture is a cover that contains an enormous number of computer programs and connectors that
transmit commands to the electronic mind to convert them into action, and between the use of technological,
informational and digital development as a means to serve traditional environmental architecture and turn it into
a "smart architecture" that keeps pace with the times and suits the requirements of users in the age of
informatics and digital development .
2.3.1- Smart Architectural Principle

a. Maximum efficiency of the used energies:

A smart building requires relying on the lowest possible energy to achieve the best practical and
economic performance by using advanced control systems.
b. The application of the best security and safety system for the building:

Using the latest technological systems to achieve building security within the framework of optimum
performance and reducing the cost of operation and maintenance of the building.
c. Building management:

It means environmental control of building systems such as computer systems (Building Automation
d. Managing building spaces:

It is to control the future changes of the building spaces, to achieve compatibility, flexibility and
reduce costs.
e. Work management:

The building is the mechanism that interacts with the building's occupants and workers, and therefore
the smart buildings are what help the organization to perform its functions.
2.3.2-Smart architectural buildings benefits.

a. Lower power consumption:

Achieve a high return on investment by reducing the energy costs consumed by the building.

b. Improve building efficiency:

By controlling air conditioning and lighting in places that require it and identifying areas that use
excessive energy in the building.

c. Preventive maintenance:

By measuring technical performance and conducting maintenance in the event of any malfunction in
part of the building equipment.

d. More efficient audits:

All smart systems are monitored, data stored, analyzed, and more accurate information about the
energy consumption of the building.

e. Monitoring:

Machinery and equipment monitoring enable more efficient equipment life cycle management.
2.3.3- Smart architectural example

1. Eastgate Centre(Harare, Zimbabwe)

▪ This project is inspired by termite mounds and

their natural forms.

▪ Although these skyscrapers may appear solid on

the outside, they are actually covered with tiny
holes that allow air to pass freely. As a giant lung
the structure inhales and exhales as temperatures
rise and fall throughout the day.

▪ The building is made of concrete slabs and bricks. Figure 2.11 - Eastgate
Just like the soil inside a termite mound, these
Centre(Harare, Zimbabwe)
materials have a high thermal mass, which means
they can absorb a lot of heat without real change in temperature.

▪ The outer surface of the building like a thorny cactus. By increasing the surface area, heat loss is
improved at night, while daytime heat gain is reduced. Inside the building, low-energy fans pull in the
cool night air from outside and disperse it into the seven floors. Concrete blocks absorb the cold and
insulate the building, cooling the circulating air. When the morning comes and the temperatures rise, the
warm air is discharged through the roof and released by the chimneys.

▪ Thanks to this innovative design, temperatures inside remain at a comfortable temperature of 82 degrees
Fahrenheit during the day and 57 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Not to mention the fact that it consumes
up to 35% less energy than similar buildings in Zimbabwe.

Figure 2.12 – Ventilation method

Figure 2.13 – inspired by termite mounds

2. The American University in Cairo

▪ Preserving the environment :

It is considered the most important projects that

interacted with the idea of design sustainability and
the principles of green architecture in Egypt. The
project is located in New Cairo, and the project
adopted many ideas, technologies and construction
materials that are environmentally compatible with the
nature of the area in which the campus was
constructed. The buildings in the university are all
Figure 2.14 – The American
towards the northeast winds and towards the university
University in Cairo

▪ Reducing energy consumption :

The construction of building walls according to energy management systems, which reduces the costs
of using air conditioning and heating devices by at least 50, as 80% of the external walls of the campus
are made of sandstone, which helps to make the rooms cool during the day and warm during the night.

▪ The extent of utilization of modern technology :

a. The control system for heating, ventilation and air cooling, and a system for controlling
temperatures and a specific system that ensures that all university spaces are not cooled or
flowed when they are empty.
b. Modification of the lighting system applied on the university campus as a whole by the end of
the 2013/2014 academic year, resulting in a reduction in energy consumption and a higher rate of
efficiency with regard to the lighting system on the university campus.

▪ Identity clarity (local ratio) to global:

The project is characterized by its overwhelming

local identity evident in the use of the vocabulary of
Arab architecture with ingenuity and modernity in
addition to the success of the environmental aspect,
and perhaps this is due to the presence of Dr. Abdel
Halim Ibrahim as a co-designer with the foreign
designer, while the technology or aspects of
globalization architecture do not appear with the
same strength and clarity, and there is no energy Figure 2.15 – The use of local building
Renewable. materials and narrow openings

Figure 2.17 – The use of contracts with

Figure 2.16 – Use of internal courtyards
ablaq and mashrabiyas wood

Figure 2.18 – Use parks and water
fountains to improve

3. King Abdullah University

Project Name: KAUST
Project Type: University
Area: 560000 sqm
Architects: HOK
Manufacturer: Bradley Corporation
Location: Thule, Saudi Arabia Figure 2.19 - King Abdullah University
Project Year: 2009

▪ The university campus includes two masterpieces of solar towers that create a negative pressure difference,
by using the sun's rays, and winds to create a continuous gentle airflow along the shaded courtyards.

▪ The tower envelope consists of two outer layers of glass curtain walls. This outer layer is completely
transparent, allowing the maximum amount of solar energy to pass through it.

▪ The inner layer consists of shaded glass that has a high absorption degree that collects solar energy to
increase the volume of hot air inside the tower to the maximum extent, and when the hot air rises out from
the top of the tower, it is replaced by cold air from the courtyard.

▪ The dual effect of solar towers and mist cooling. Campus occupants feel comfortable in their courtyards for
more than three quarters of the year.

Figure 2.20 - Elevation

3 - Case studies
3.1- Local examples

1. Villa duplex Lena

About Project:
Project Location: Located at Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
Designed by Eng. Mohamed Ali Halawani
Owner: Lena

The villa consists of 2 Windcatchers Called Advanced Windcatcher.

The first works to ventilate the basement and the other works to ventilate the ground floor.
Advanced Windcatcher:
It was developed by Al Rokoon for Urban Development.
At Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
It is a high tower above the building with air outlets directed to the prevailing winds. It captures cold air and
passes it to the internal spaces of the building through ducts similar to those used by central air conditioning
systems, and to achieve the highest utilization of air spaces and avoid their negative effects.
The new model of Windcatcher works as follows:
1.Use of large openings for the forge with blades to control the volume of air flow, for the purpose of
determining the size of the opening of the forge to match the speed of the outside air and the amount of air
required, and these blades are controlled remotely through an automatic control device (remote control).
2.Use an insect proof PVC grille behind the air control blades.
3.Use an air filter at the start of vertical air transfer extensions (metal ducts), this filter is easy to maintain and
4.Use a control device that closes the air vent completely when needed.

Figure 3.1- General Layout

Figure 3.2- Site Analysis, the image shows the direction of the prevailing winds on the
site by studying the wind over the entire year

Figure 3.3- Basement plan Figure 3.4-Ground floor plan, the plan showing
ventilation ducts of windcatcher

Figure 1.5- First Floor Plan Figure 3.6- Roof deck floor plan, the plan showing
the terrace, can also be used as a natural ventilation

Figure 3.7- West elevation that showing the two windcatcher

The front windcatcher works to ventilate the basement floor as shown in Figure 3.9,
and the rear windcatcher works to ventilate the ground floor as shown in Figure 3.9 .

Figure 3.8 - Sections of front windcatcher (basement ventilation)

Figure 3.9 - Section of the rear windcatcher (ground floor ventilation)

Such a villa combined modern technology with an element of Arab architecture, which is al-Malqaf, and thus
preserved the revival of traditional Arab architecture with the use of modern architecture technology, which
helps to reduce the costs of mechanical ventilation expenses used in the building.
1-Dispense with the mechanical conditioning of the basement to not be used for longer periods.
2-Ease of controlling the windcatcher remotely with a remote control.
3- Ease of maintenance because it consists of air filters and ducts similar to air conditioning ducts
The front Windcatcher is low compared to the rear Windcatcher, which impedes the movement of winds
coming from the northwestern side due to the presence of an apartment building from the west.

2.Villa Bassem Bree

About Project:
Project Location: Located at Medina, Saudi Arabia

It is a small villa in the original Hijazi style - it is also equipped with a natural ventilation system through an
internal courtyard exploited as a Windcatcher - the project has been approved by the Municipality of the
Medina and will begin its implementation soon.
Designed by Eng. Mohamed Ali Halawani
Owner: Bassem Bree
The villa has an internal courtyard to benefit from natural ventilation through a vertical sliding gate
controlled remotely. It also contains colored sliding glass domes that open when it need to ventilate from the
bottom to the top and close with remote control when it need to open the gates of the Windcatcher.

Figure 3.10- Ground and First floor plans, that showing the internal courtyard

Figure 3.11- Section A-1, that showing the vertical sliding gate

Figure 3.12- Roof and Roof deck plans, that showing the colored sliding glass domes

Figure 3.13 - Section B-1, that showing the colored sliding glass domes that open when it needs to ventilate
from the bottom to the top and close with remote control when you need to open the gates of the Windcatcher.

This villa provided a new idea for the traditional form of the Windcatcher and is an exploitation the inner
yard as a windcatcher with the integration of modern technology to take advantage of it in controlling the
windcatcher gate remotely.
When ventilation is needed from the bottom to the top, the high wind movement can be exploited by opening
the sliding domes and closing the windcatcher gate.
1-Ventilation in the building depends on more than one method in case the windcatcher gate is not used.
2-Ease of controlling the windcatcher remotely with a remote control.

3.2- International Examples

1. Council House 2
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Area: 12,500.sqm
Type: Office building
• The design follows a model that promotes a more interactive role
between the city and nature, in which all parties depend on each other.

Figure 2.14-3D View

Figure 3.15- Ground floor plan Figure 3.16- Third Floor Plan

Figure3.17 - First floor plan Figure 4.18- Fourth Floor Plan

Figure 5.19-Second Floor Plan Figure 6.20- Fifth Floor Plan

Figure 7.21- Basement

Table 8.1- Radiation range

Radiation range is parallel to the illumination
range due to its location Obeng in the southern
hemisphere Highest radiation courts during
October through March with its highest peak
March enact normal and January global horizontal

Figure 9.22- Sun movement TEMPERATURE RANGE

TEMPERATURE RANGE Highest temperature
Table 10.2- Temperature range ranges occur in February with its highest tempera-
Outer around 103 degrees F and a low of 47F The
lowest temperature o range occurs during the
winter season, in the month of July, with ranges 33
degrees F and the highest peak of 62 degrees F 23.

Wind movement in winter is northeasterly,

and wind movement in summer is southwest.

Figure 11.23- Wind movement

Figure 12.24- Elevations

Windcatcher the stacks

absorb the heat from the
northern sun, also it is smaller
in the top. With the help of
windcatcher, ventilation comes
to perfection.

Figure 14.27- North Elevation

Figure 13.25- South Elevation to Clarification of tapering windows

Tapering Windows This reduces

the heat in the upper levels.

Figure 3.26- Clarify the cooling of the building, and the discharge of hot air used as a natural ventilation.

Figure 15.27- Clarification of tapering windows and details of its method of work

2. Takeley Primary School

Owner: Essex County Council / The Learning Partnership Trust

Construction cost: £4.84M
Accomplishment: 2012
Location: Essex, United kingdom

Figure 3.28 Takeley Primary School-UK

Figure 3.29- Site plan & Desired winds

Figure 3.30- Ground floor plan and rooms distribution

Figure 3.31- Cross section A-A

Figure 3.32- Cross section B-B


4- Site Selection
4.1-Site Alternatives
4.1.1- Selected Area
Site area
Al-Hejaz area of Saudi Arabia
Reason to choose this area?. because it close to the area where the
design concept of Al-Malgaf came from for example Egypt, and people
who knew the idea of it can be easy to explain and understand to the
target user.

Figure 4.1- AL-Hejaz area, Saudi Arabia.

4.1.2- Selected Region

Site region
Reason to choose this location? because This region is The capital of Medina, the second holiest city in Islam
and many of pilgrims coming every years to visit al-medina and the cities in the province include Yanbu' al
Bahr,Badr and Hunayn. It also contains Mada'in Saleh and can be attracted to traditional Arab architecture.
Also, as local university that concerned as first priorities to solve the problems that is related to the same region.

Figure 4.2- Al-Medina region

4.1.3.- Comparison Between Proposed Projects in Selected City in Al-Medina Region
About Al-Madinat al-Munawwarah:
Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, is one of holiest place for Muslims. It is the capital of the western region
Medina located at Al-Hejaz area, of Saudi Arabia. The 2020 estimated population of the city is 1,488,781. The
area of Medina is about 589 km², of which 99 km² is urban area, while the area is outside the urban area, and it
consists of mountains, valleys, torrential slopes, desert lands, agricultural lands, cemeteries and parts of the
highway network.
Dar Al-Jiwar Dwellings
Project information:
Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Al-Medina
City: Al-Madinat Al-Munawwarah
Project name: Dar Al-Jiwar Dwellings
Total area: 586,000m2
Block Area: 300-600m2 Figure 4.3 - Dar Al-Jiwar Dwellings

Building type: Villa

❖ Project characteristic:
a. The location is in Madina.
b. Buildings consisting of residential villas.
c. The building is Consisting of two floors and roof.
d. The views of the buildings are on three or four facades.

Figure 4.4 - Dar Al-Jiwar Dwellings

About Yanbu' al Bahr:
Yanbu is one of the city in the Medina region within Saudi Arabia. its located near to the Red Sea. about
200 km west of Medina, 125 km south of the city of Umluj, and 300 km north of Jeddah. In 2017, The 2020
estimated population is 222,360. It is consider the second largest city on the Red Sea after Jeddah. The city is
divided into 3 cities: Yanbu al-Bahr, Yanbu al-Nakhl, and Yanbu al-Sinaiyah. It is called the Red Sea Pearl.
Luliwuh Al-Diyar Dwellings
Project information:
Country: Saudi Arabia
Region: Al-Medina
City: Yanbu' al Bahr
Project name: Luliwuh Al-Diyar Dwellings
Total area: 706,960m2
Block Area: 200-250m2 Figure 4.5 - Luliwuh Al-Diyar Dwellings
Building type: Townhouse
❖ Project characteristic:
a. The location is in Yanbu.
b. Buildings consisting of residential villas.
c. The building is Consisting of two floors and roof.
d. The views of the buildings are on two or more facades.

Figure 4.6 - Luliwuh Al-Diyar Dwellings

32 Selected City and Project Criteria

Site city
Al Madinah Al Munawarah
Reason to choose this location? because when start designing there is factor should be taken into
consideration that is climate which is hot dry climate.
Hot places put more pressure on the body if it is accompanied by high humidity, since it inhibits the body’s
ability to perspire and cool down. Therefore, in order to lower the humidity thus will require a mechanical
The function of al-malgaf can get the most efficiency because the idea of it rely on ventilation and work as
natural ventilation without any mechanical equipment.

Figure 4.7- Al Madinah Al Munawarah

Table 4.1- Comparison between Luliwah Al-Diyar and Dar Al-Jiwar Dwellings

4.2- General Information of Selected City

4.2.1 - Climate data
Weather by Month / Weather Averages

Figure 4.8 - The table shows temperatures and Dry/rainy days per months of the year.

Maximum Temperature

Figure 4.9 - The maximum temperature diagram for Medina displays how many days per month reach certain

Average UV index

Figure 4.10 - The chart shows the average ultraviolet index per month of year.
Cloud and Humidity

Figure 4.11 - The chart shows the average clouds and humidity per months of the year.

Wind Rose and Speed

Figure 4.12 - The Wind speed diagram for Medina shows the days per month, during which the wind reaches
a certain speed.

Figure 4.13 - The wind rose for Medina shows how many hours per year the wind blows from the indicated

Average and max Wind speed and Gust

Figure 4.14 - The chart shows the average and max Wind speed per month of the year.
4.3- Comparison between models in Selected Project
This Dwellings Project is divided into five models that differ from each other according to their general
location and built-up areas.

Figure 4.15 – Model-1 Plans


Figure 4.16 – Model-2 Plans

Model- 3:

Figure 4.17 – Model-3 Plans


Figure 4.18 – Model-4 Plans


Figure 4.19 – Model-5 Plans

Selection Criteria

Table 4.2- Selection Criteria of Models

✓ Model-5 was chosen based on the previous criteria.

The Model-5 Achieve the required evaluation criteria, which these criteria gives more freedom to re-design
the Villa and add several things such as:
a) adding two windcatchers instead of just one.
b) adding an inner courtyard to help the windcatcher in ventilation.

4.4- Environmental Aspects Analysis

Figure 4.20- Dar Al-Jiwar Villas Complex

Figure 4.21- Shows the project and the villa location

Figure 4.22- Shows the Surrounding facilities (Mosques , schools , Commercial
facilities, … etc )

Figure 4.23- Shows the sun path for the villa

5.1- Saudi Building Code
5.1.1- Saudi building code for existing building (SBC 901-AR)

Chapter Seven - Adjustments

703 - Fire protection
1 - 703 - general.
The modifications must be implemented in a manner that maintains the level of fire protection applied.
704 - Exit means
1 - 704 - general.
The modifications shall be carried out in a manner that maintains the level of protection provided to the exit
Chapter 11- Additions
1102- The altitudes and spaces
1 - 1102 - Limits of altitudes.

5.1.2- Requirements for Residential Buildings

Chapter Three - Classification of Residential Buildings

The private villa:
A building dedicated to all its floors for housing one family only, with a ground entrance, car parking, in
addition to independent outdoor spaces.
The private villa can be classified into three types: (p. 20)
Detached villa:
The integrated residential unit built on an independent plot of land with systemic setbacks from all directions
has a ground entrance and car parking in addition to independent external spaces.
Semi-connected villa:
The housing unit built on a plot of land contiguous with the neighbor on one side, with the separation of the
structural structure (double wall) from the adjacent ones, using the bases on the boundary between the two
Connected villa:
The residential unit built on a plot of land contiguous with other units from more than one side while
maintaining the regular setbacks around the entire building, and this type of unit can be attached to the
neighborhood in various forms.

Chapter Four - Requirements for Spatial Organization
Requirements for spatial organization (p. 24)
The total building percentage on the ground floor shall be as a maximum of 70% of the land and building
area in the setback and annexes, the core of the following requirements:
• The height of the ground floor of the part attached to the neighbor shall not be more than 3.5 m from the
ground level in front of the main entrance, with the same height along the length of the wall.
• If there is an existing neighbor, the beneficiary is required to finish the part visible to the neighbors with
the same materials they have used.
• Providing natural lighting and ventilation for all spaces through skylights, courtyards and upper
openings, and the minimum for the courtyard / skylight is 2X2 according to the Saudi Building Code.
Chapter Five - Technical Requirements
Architectural requirements (p. 28)
• The height of the window sessions, balconies, balconies, and open stairs shall not be less than 90 cm.
• The minimum roof jacket height is 1.30 m measured from the level of the roof slab top.
• Natural lighting and ventilation must be provided for all rooms and facilities of residential buildings of
all kinds.
• Insulation of building surfaces against moisture and heat, as well as treatment of external walls to
provide the required thermal insulation.
Room spaces and residential spaces (p. 29)
The flat of any room of the building shall not be less than the minimum limits of the following spaces.
Table 5.1- Minimum Limits of Spaces

Interior void heights (p. 29)

• The minimum net internal height of one floor, measured from the level of the final surface of the floor to
the ventral surface of its visible roof in all floors, is 2.70 m, and the total height does not exceed 3.5 m,
and the aforementioned height may be reduced to 2.40 m in the entrances, interior corridors, bathrooms,

sinking laundry, guard rooms, etc. Its rule and the inclined parts of the upper ceilings shall not exceed
25% of the void area.
• The maximum height of the floor of the residential ground floor of the level of the bisector of the
sidewalk in front of the entrance to the building is 1.20 m, and its minimum height shall not be less than
30 cm from the level of the middle of the sidewalk in front of the building.
• The ground floor height is allowed up to 4.50 m for the entrance hall only.
• The calculation of the building's height does not include the height of the upper annex, which is a
maximum of five meters in height, and it is not allowed to be used for any purposes contrary to the
building services.
• It can use up to 60 cm in height of floors for installations of photovoltaic services.
Skylights (p. 30)
When constructing residential buildings, increasing the height, or adjusting them, skylights designated for
lighting and ventilation of rooms and building facilities must be available in them according to the stipulated
Table 5.2- Minimum lighting and ventilation requirements

• Each skylight or open patio must be provided with a door on its floor level to carry out the required
cleaning and maintenance work.
• The skylight must remain exposed to all floors and not be allowed to be covered or built on top of it at
any height.
• Every skylight or open yard must be equipped with the necessary equipment to drain rainwater.
Entrances (p. 30)
• If the entrance is located on the side setback, the net setback must not be less than 2.00 m.
• The minimum width of the residential entrance is 3.00 m.
• It can set up car umbrellas of the fabric type which are implemented by specialized companies.
External facades (p. 31)
• Consistency with the local style and attention to climate treatments appropriate for the construction area.
• Blocking plumbing, electrical, and mechanical installations on the external façades.
• The use of double glazing in all windows and external openings to ensure the achievement of the
required thermal and acoustic insulation and energy conservation materials.
• Take into account the treatment of the air-conditioning units in the facades on the main roads and streets
in an appropriate architectural manner, with the work of drainage of the water resulting from the
operation of the air-conditioning equipment without distorting the view of the facade or disturbing the
passers-by or neighboring, and that the net height under any unit is not less than 2.1 m from the outside.
• Architecturally addressing the locations of upper cabinets, elevator rooms and reception dishes in terms
of shape and choosing the appropriate location for them within the general configuration of the façades.
• The architectural design should be considered in choosing a suitable place to place electricity meters and
be within the boundaries of the property, and that the front of the fence should be compatible with the
facade of the building.

Projections (p. 31)

• It is not allowed to project on streets or footpaths with a width of less than 10.00 m. It can project only
on the widest streets by 10% of the street width, provided that the projection does not exceed 1.25 m in a
way that does not contradict the approved plans.
• It is not allowed to make projections within the space of the side setback, except for decorative cornices
within a maximum limit of 25 cm.
• It can make balconies on the side of the adjacent neighbor, but within the boundaries of a regular
building, provided that their wall height is not less than 1.50 m.
Stairs (p. 32)
• It can make more than one staircase in one building according to the design requirements, with one of
them being main and the other subsidiary.
• The minimum net width of the main stairs and the staircase is 1.10 m, and the width of the stair must be
equal to or greater than the width of the stairs.
• The maximum height of one step is (16.0 cm) and the minimum width of the step is (28 cm).
• The minimum net height between the stair sleeper or the floor of the staircase and the ceiling above it is
2.40 m.
• It is not permissible to erect stairs in one direction of more than (14 steps) except in the case of buildings
with one floor only, and in this case a rest area works in the middle of the stairs.
• You must provide adequate ventilation and natural lighting for the stairs, either by placing it on the
external facades or by securing regular skylights.
Ground Attachment (p. 32)
It is allowed to make a land extension for residential use only within the limits of setback, with no more than
(15%) of the land area, and is designated as a support service for the port, so it is not allowed to be used for
commercial or administrative purposes, and the following is required:
• It shall be with a height of a ground floor only, and not more than the height of the external fence of the
site on its side, with treatment of the entrance to the annex with the front of the fence, and the windows
open inward or be upper (with the roof).
• The ground extension can be executed adjacent to the building, and if there is a setback between it and
the building, it should not be less than 20 m.

Upper Appendix (p. 32)
• It is allowed to establish one upper spoon and it is used as a separate housing unit or connected with a
unit in the floor below it or as roof support services for the building, and it is required to provide a car
park for it.
• The area of the upper annex to the roof floor must not exceed 50% of the area of the ground floor, in a
manner that does not contradict the approved plans and building documents. The upper annex is not
permitted to be erected on the side of the main street, and it is allowed to be erected at the back of the
building, and in the event of multiple streets, with the setback on the side of the larger street The upper
annex roof jacket shall not exceed 0.30 m, and the building stairs are not allowed to continue to the
upper annex roof.
• The last surface of the upper attachment must be treated to protect from penetration of water and rain as
well as high temperatures.
• It is not allowed to open balconies or to place external devices in the upper extension next to it.

Ventilation and natural lighting (p. 32)

• Natural lighting and ventilation must be secured for all rooms and construction facilities for residential
units of all kinds, so that each residential room and building facility has one or more ventilation
openings and natural lighting, the total area of which is not less than (10%) of the floor area of the
rooms designated for housing, as well as the floor of services.
• The hatch must be connected to the outside air in its entirety. Any opening associated with an automatic
device or a conditioning device shall not be considered a ventilation hole.
• In the case of multiple openings, the area of the necessary opening is calculated on the basis of the total
area of the openings, provided that the surface of one opening is not less than half a square meter in
housing and stairs wells and about a quarter of a square meter in relation to the building facilities.
• It is permissible to make openings for ventilation and natural lighting in the rates previously shown in
the ceiling, also provided that these openings are directly connected to the outside air and are equipped
with appropriate opening and closing means.
• It is possible to bypass the conditions of natural lighting in the toilets of the furnished residential units,
provided that industrial lighting is provided.

5.1.3- Mechanical Code (SBC 501 A)

Chapter 4 – Ventilation > 402 - Natural ventilation

402-2-Required ventilation area (p. 27):
The minimum area that can be opened to the outside must be estimated at (4%) of the area of the floor being
402-3-Ventilation of internal spaces (p. 27-28):
the rooms and internal spaces must be ventilated through an opening in rooms that have external ventilation of
not less than (8%) of the floor of the ventilated space and no less than (2.3 square meters) as a minimum,

provided that the area of the ventilation opening for the external room is built on the total area of the spaces that
are Serviced by that slot.
Exception: The external openings necessary for ventilation are allowed to open a thermally insulated solar cover
or cover a patio, provided that the open space between adding the sun room or patio cover and the interior room
is on an area of not less than 8% of the floor area of the inner room or space, but not Less than 1.86m2. The
minimum open air area should be based on the total floor area being ventilated.
1- The minimum ventilation area must be estimated at (4%) of the area of the floor
2- internal spaces must be ventilated not less than (8%) of the floor of the ventilated space and no less than
(2.3 square meters) as a minimum
5.1.4- Electrical Code (SBC 401 A)
Part Five - Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Common Rules
External influences (p. 43)
All electrical equipment and accessories used in electrical installations shall be suitable for the climatic
conditions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
• Ambient temperature 40
• The minimum ambient temperature is -5
• Humidity from 5% to 95%
• The maximum altitude above sea level is 2000 meters, and special precautions are taken in some cases.
Accessibility (p. 44)
The equipment and its extensions shall be installed in a manner that facilitates operation, inspection,
maintenance, and access to their connections.
Part Five - Selection and Erection of Electrical Equipment - Wiring Systems
Extension systems (p. 50)
The following extension systems are used to fulfill the conditions of safety services to work in cases of fire:
• Metal insulated cable conforms to standard specifications.
• Fire-resistant cable conforms to standard specifications.
• An extension system with fire protection and mechanical protection.
Sealing of wiring system penetrations (p. 51)
• Prefabricated piping, sewer, or duct systems with an internal section of 710 mm do not require internal
insulation if manufactured from a material that has passed the flame spread tests.
• The extension systems are not allowed to penetrate the structural elements of the building unless these
elements maintain the structural conditions of the building after the penetration.

Part Seven - Special Locations and Installations
Locations containing a bath or shower (p. 83)
• Zone 0: The space inside a bathtub or shower.
• Zone 1: The space around a bathtub or shower.
• Zone 2: The space between the vertical plane outside Zone 1 and the parallel vertical plane 0.6 meters
outside Zone 1.
• Zone 3: The space between the vertical plane outside Zone 2 and the parallel vertical plane 2.4 meters
outside Zone 2 and the horizontal plane 2.25 meters from the ground.
Protection from electrocution Zone – 1,2,3
Provides protection from electrical shock from direct contact by placing barriers or obstacles using devices
with insulation capable of IP2X with a degree of protection not less than withstanding a test voltage of not less
than 500 volts for a full minute.
Protection from electrocution Zone - 0
Provides protection against electrocution in zone 0 by very low voltage safe sources not exceeding 12 VAC
or 30 VDC.
Electrical installation test (p. 88)
• It is a condition that the degree of protection of electrical installations in these locations shall not be less
than the following degrees.
• In Zone 0 it is IPX7, in Zone 1 it is IPX5, in Zone 2 it is IPX4, and in Zone 3 it is IPX1.
• External extensions and extensions hidden in the walls are applied up to a depth of 50 mm, so that the
extension system provides insulation without any metal coverage and is limited to areas 0 1 2 on
electrical installations for these areas' devices and equipment, and it is not allowed to install connecting
boxes or junction boxes in them.

Furniture (p. 99)

Wiring for furniture connected to electrical installations:
• Rigid cable conforms to the Saudi standard specifications in the case of connection with fixed
• Flexible cable insulated with rubber according to the standard specifications or insulated with PVC
insulated according to the standard specifications, in the case of connection through a plug and socket.
• Flexible cables conform to standard specifications in any furniture extensions that can be moved or

5.1.5- Fire Code (SBC 801 AR)

Chapter 10 - Means of exit > 1003 - Public exit means

1003-2- The ceiling height (p. 237-238)
Minimum ceiling heights. Occupiable spaces, habitable spaces and corridors shall have a ceiling height of
not less than 2.3 meters. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, kitchens, storage rooms and laundry rooms shall be permitted
to have a ceiling height of not less than 2.2 meters.
Chapter 11 - Construction requirements for existing buildings > 1104 - exit in existing buildings
1104-6- Barriers (p. 302):
Barriers or handrails that meet requirements (section 1104-6-1 and 1104-6-2) must be provided at the open
sides of the exit devices that are more than 792 mm above the floor.
1104-10- Dimensions of the standing stairs (p. 303):
Peace is permitted in which the height of one step is not more than 810 mm and its width is not less than 20
mm, and the stairs can also be rebuilt.
1104-13- Stair railings (p. 303):
Railings for stairs must be installed in existing buildings at least on one side only. The handrail should be
located so that all parts of the width of the ladder required for the exit capacity are within 1.1 meters of the
handrail. And the height of the handrail, above the edge of the surface of the stairs, must be uniform, so that it is
not less than 3 mm and not more than 1.1 meters.
1104-14- Incline of slopes in stairs (p. 303):
The slope of the slopes used as part of the exit devices in the existing buildings must not be more than 10%,
and the slope of the other ramps should not be more than 12.9%.
1104-15- Width of slopes in stairs (p. 303):
The minimum width of the upright slopes is allowed to be equal to 792 mm, and the required width should
not be less than the number of occupants whom it serves as specified in(section 1005-1). Occupancy group
ramps (1-2) that serve as an exit and used in the movement of patients in the beds must meet the requirements
of (section 1105-5-4).
The addition shall not cause the height of the existing building to exceed the permissible height in (Chapter
5, SBC 201) for modern building requirements.
2 - 1102 - Area Limits.
The addition should not cause the existing building to exceed the permissible area as in (Chapter 5, SBC
(201) for new building requirements unless a fire separator is provided as required by (SBC 201).
Exception: it must be allowed to fill openings for floors and unoccupied annexes such as elevator container
openings and peace exits beyond what is permitted in (SBC 201).

5.1.6- Saudi Building Code of Energy Efficiency (SBC 602 A)

Air flow rates. (p. 45)

The applied air flow rates under this system refer to the system airflow as installed and tested using a flow
hood, flow grille, or other airflow measuring instrument. Alternatively, the air flow rate may be used at a
pressure of 2.2 Pa, provided that the size of the ventilation duct matches the directive requirements in Table 5.3,
or the plant design criteria.
Table 5.3: Ducts Volume (System of international measurement)

Air entrances. (p. 44)

The air inlets that are part of the ventilation design should be located a minimum of 3 meters from isolated
sources of contamination such as waste piles, drain holes, globe mantles, or vehicle exhausts. The air intake
must be located to allow the air to enter without being obstructed by plants, or other materials. The forced air
inlets must be provided with entry barriers for rodents / insects (a check of not more than 12 mm).
A) The ventilation holes in the wall can be at a distance of 1 meter from the sources of pollen coming out
through the ceiling exhausts
Or a clothes dryer.
B) There is no requirement for a minimum distance between windows and interior exhaust outlets in kitchens
and bathrooms.

Ventilation rate. (p. 38)
For each housing unit, a supply evacuation system or both must be installed. This is to provide ventilation for
all mini-buildings, and the outside air rate is more than the percentage specified in equations (1.3), according to
the floor area of the air-conditioned area and the number of its inhabitants.

Summer: dry air temperature DB 23.9 ° C, 50% relative humidity indoor conditions.
Winter: Dry air temperature DB 21.1 ° C, 30% relative humidity (RH).

Climatic zones in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: (p. 50)

The climate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is divided into three regions:
Zone (1) is extremely hot for a cooling period degree of CDD 10 ° greater than 5000
Zone (۲) is too hot for cooling period degree CDD 10 ° greater than 3500
Table 5.4: Climatic Data for Each City
Zone (3) is a lane for other cities.

Figure 5.2: Climatic Zone of Saudi Arabia

5.2- LEED specification

5.2.1- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED

It is an internationally recognized system for designing, constructing and operating high-performance,
environmentally friendly buildings. The classification system assesses and measures the impact and
performance of any facility, which takes into account several points including site selection, energy savings,
water efficiency, carbon dioxide emissions, improvement of the internal environment for the design, and others.
Where the buildings that obtain this certificate are classified into 3 ranks according to their application of the
required standards, which are: the platinum, gold and silver, and the documented rank.

What benefits can you get from LEED certification?

Certification or certification for your building under the Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED)
system will reduce construction costs and maintenance costs while promoting a wonderful working and interior
environment for all building users. Not to mention it will create a healthier and more productive work
environment and can also be an excellent selling point for your project.
The additional benefits of obtaining a LEED certification are:
• Increase the construction evaluation
• Reduces liability
• Foster better employee relations
• Reducing energy and water consumption
• Boost indoor air quality
• Reducing maintenance and operating costs
• Stimulates innovation and processes to improve building performance
• Reducing construction waste during operation
• Promote and attract companies with sustainable goals
• Reducing the "patient building" syndrome of workers
• Increase employee performance
• Encouraging the use of recycled materials.

Figure 5.2: LEED illustration

Figure 5.3: LEED credit distribution

5.2.2- LEED rating levels

The Certified category gets from 40 to 49 points

The Silver category gets 50 to 59 points
The Gold category gets you from 60 to 79 points
The Platinum category gets 80 points or more

5.2.3- The LEED elements that will be used in the project :

1. Indoor Environmental Quality.

a- Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies.

b- Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan.
c- Indoor Air Quality Assessment.
d- Thermal Comfort.

2. Materials & Resources .

a- Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Environmental Product.

b- Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials.
c- Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients.
d- Durability in Material Selection, Design & Operation.
3. Energy & Atmosphere :
a. Minimum Energy Performance
b. CFC Reduction in HVAC and R Equipment
c. Optimize energy performance 40% now/30% existing
d. Renewable energy 10%
e. Ozone depletion Green power
f. Green power

6.1-Design Modification
6.1.1-Building Envelope
The building envelope will be studied and conformed to the Saudi code in terms of thermal performance It
will only appear if the thermal performance of the ceilings and walls does not match the Saudi Building Code.
Calculating the U coefficient (doors, windows, roof).
6.1.2-Wall Section
The working drawing of the building has not been reached, to know the details and layers of the sections of
the wall. Therefore, studies will begin at the beginning of the next term as follows:
• Calculating the U coefficient (Sidewalls).
• Calculating the heat loss of walls.

6.2-Electronic Windcatcher Design Ideas

• Design of an electronic windcatcher that depends on the direction of the wind and is automatically
directed and depends on the climatic data that is analyzed by a sensor for the site.
• The windcatcher vents are controlled to change the air flow rate to achieve the natural ventilation of the
building. The operation of the garage depends on solar energy to reduce the cost.
• Designing a system to cool the air entering the windcatcher and adding protection to the hatchery from
insects and dust.
• Filtration of the air entering the windcatcher to help achieve indoor air quality.
• Using materials in the design of the windcatcher to protect from external influences, according to the
requirements of the LEED.
• Selecting a suitable place for the windcatcher and directing it to achieve its best performance and
designing the dimensions of the garrison in a way that achieves an air rate that suits the needs of the
• Taking into consideration in the design of the windcatcher the ease of periodic maintenance to achieve
stable performance.

6.3-Economic Studies
6.3.1-Current Situation Cost Equipments
The building depends on the mechanical ventilation system, the type of air-conditioning a Split unit
(Concealed).To calculate the initial cost of the mechanical equipment used in air conditioning the building, it is
necessary to calculate the total cost of (number of units used, ductwork, copper extensions) based on the total
volume of air conditioning.

Table 6.1-Tons Calculation for Ground Floor

Table 6.2-Tons Calculation for First Floor

Table 6.3-Tons Calculation for Roof Floor

After the calculations made on the selected building (Model 5), it was found that the total volume of air
conditioning used in the building is equal to 50 tons.
Consequently, the building needs 10 air conditioning units with a capacity of 5 tons per unit to cover the
needs of the entire building.

Based on the information received from some specialized companies in the field of air conditioning, the estimated initial
cost of the mechanical equipment used in the building was calculated (Model 5).

Table 6.4-Estimated Initial Cost Cost Cost

Through analyzing the available building studies and trying to communicate with the project executing
authorities, the opportunity to obtain the estimated operation cost of the air conditioning system used was not
available. Therefore, the estimated operating cost was calculated based on the estimated information obtained
by air conditioning companies.

Table 6.5-Estimated Operation Cost Per Month Cost

Through the field visit to the maintenance and air-conditioning companies, it was found that the cost of
maintenance for mechanical equipment depends on the type of failure.
• The estimated average expected cost of maintenance ranges from SAR 650 to SAR 1700 as an annual
maintenance contract.
• The average of labor costs ranges from SAR 260 to SAR 340.
6.3.2-Proposed Situation Windcatcher
Based on the design idea of the electronic windcatcher, the initial costs will be calculated as follows: System
Calculating the initial construction cost of the windcatcher on the selected building (Model 5). System
Calculating the initial cost of mechanical, operational, and maintenance equipment that includes: (water
sprinklers, moving sides that control the cross-section of windcatcher, the upper moving part that depends on
the direction of the wind, air filters) System
1. Calculating the initial cost and maintenance for the solar panels that will be used to operate the
windcatcher and the BMS system.
2. Calculating the initial, operational, and maintenance cost of the BMS system that controls the electronic

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