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Creature Feature Newest Recursions

Sand Castle
by Charles Ryan

The monster movie is a concept nearly as old as The Authority

cinema itself, but the genre hit its stride in the 1930s The School
and arguably reached its peak of popularity in the Creature Feature Attributes Crime City
1950s. At least, movies of that era are the source of Level: 4
Home fictional leakage that produced the Creature Feature
Tribes of the Savaun
Laws: Magic, Mad Science
recursion. Playable Races: Human
Newest Foci

Foci: Conducts Weird Science, Entertains, Is Licensed to Carry,
At a glance, Creature Feature might be
Foci Leads, Looks For Trouble, Operates Undercover, Solves Hears the Music of the Night
indistinguishable from an Earth of the 1950s–albeit an
Mysteries, Wields Two Weapons At Once, Works the System (Vampire)
Earth almost entirely lacking in color. While it isn’t a
Recursion Skills:

truly black-and-white world, brilliant colors are non- Grows weird plants
References Connection to the Strange: Various Gates.
existent; almost everything is painted in desaturated Channels Savage Psionics
Connection to Earth: Various Gates.
shades of near-gray. Dense fog or the darkness of
Terms Of Use Age and Size: Developed Recursion Live around the Gears

night, often more common than it seems it should be,

Spark: 25% Has a Mechanical Companion
Account/Login sometimes conceal this oddity from newly-arrived

Trait: Lucky
recursors. Hide a Clockwork Hearth
The inhabitants of Creature Feature dress, speak, and
Recursion Random Recursion
follow the cultural norms of ’50s. More accurately, they
follow the norms of American society in that era–in The Red Lantern
Submit Focus
non-American regions, cultures generally reflect a What A Recursor Knows About Creature Feature
1950s Hollywood version of themselves. Although the
Magic and Mad Science both work here, but they aren't a Random Foci
geography of Creature Feature is greatly condensed, its
common part of day-to-day life. Has a Mechanical Companion
inhabitants generally believe they live on Earth.
Creature Feature is a pleasant and bustling world very much
Creature Feature is ruled by the laws of Magic and Mad like the America of the 1950s. Recursions By Tag
Science, though in a very low-key manner–so much so It's a world of progress, in which society is a bit more formal Alien Ancient changers
that their presence isn’t generally obvious. Indeed,
(and chauvinistic) than that of modern Earth. But it has its detective dinosaurs
while a researcher might labor away at a device that
share of seedy bars, rusty old freighters, and dingy labs as
harnesses the power of a brain in a jar, or a creature of dragon earth fantasy
the night (or a lab escapee) might terrorize those it
fictional leakage
comes across, most inhabitants of Creature Feature
frank l baum Ghosts
find such occurrences as astonishing as Earth’s
inhabitants would. 99.9% of day-to-day activity is gliding Gods holmes
completely compatible with standard physics.
horror ia ia john carter

While the majority of Creature Feature’s inhabitants live what appears to be mundane lives, there are always expeditions jump kro london
setting out to black lagoons, skull islands, or the center of the Earth. There are creatures being irradiated in Pacific waters or
lovecraft machine god
the desert Southwest, and rogue scientists building teleportation machines gone awry or attaching disembodied arms to jar-
enclosed brains. And the night is prone to the predations of both old-world wolfmen and vampires, along with new generations madness magic moriarty

of slime from space or horribly large spiders. Almost invariably, the people of Creature Feature who find themselves face-to- Mutants no glitter
face with these dangers start out completely ignorant of the threat.
not a recursion official oz

Post-apocalyptic prehistoric

psionic psychic ruk

sherlock singularity


Substandard Physics survive

there wolf vampire

Video Game

wonderful world zombie

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