Junkworld - The Recursion Codex

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Junkworld Newest Recursions

Sand Castle
by David

The entirety of Junkworld is mountains of trash, piled The Authority

so deep that digging into the depths sheds light into The School
the different epochs of the ancient civilization that Junkworld Attributes Crime City
created it. Junkworld is sparsely inhabited with a few Level: 10
Home scattered ramshackle settlements, and while it is
Tribes of the Savaun
Laws: Substandard Physics
unknown how these inhabitants arrived here, they all Playable Races: Human
Newest Foci

have the spark of intelligence. These inhabitants Foci: Adapts to Any Environment,
scavenge the lands for survival, braving the dangers Awakens Dangerous Psychic Talent, Hears the Music of the Night
that lurk just out of sight behind every trash pile or Carries A Quiver, Conducts Weird (Vampire)
Recursion burrowed under-foot. They clothe themselves in Science, Entertains, Is Licensed to

Grows weird plants
References assortments of plastic sheets, torn cloth, metal plates Carry, Infiltrates, Leads, Looks For Trouble, Metamorphosizes,
Channels Savage Psionics
and scrap wood lashed together. Buildings and public Operates Undercover, Regenerates Tissue, Shepherds The
Terms Of Use areas are built out of the same. These inhabitants have Dead, Spawns, Solves Mysteries, Wields Two Weapons At Once, Live around the Gears

also managed to collect and foster compost heaps for Works Miracles, Works the System Has a Mechanical Companion
Account/Login use in agriculture and use the indigenous plant life in

Hide a Clockwork Hearth
gardens and small fields. Connection to the Strange: It is apparent that in a bygone
epoch, Junkworld saw regular traffic for trash disposal for
Recursion Junkworld is populated by various species of animals
various recursions.
Random Recursion
that evolved from the vermin of the original civilization,
Connection to Earth: Gates appear in certain very old Neo-Manhattan
Submit Focus and who ironically have now long out lasted it. These
scrapyards, junkyards and landfills, perhaps in the trunk of a
animals are the equivalents of the rats, pigeons and
cockroaches of the society. Having lived in this
car a refrigerator. Random Foci
Age and Size: Old Recursion
environment over the ages they have evolved in Live around the Gears
Spark: 100%
grotesque and strangely beautiful ways. Some travel in
Trait: Appealing, Brash, Clever, Fast, Graceful, Intelligent,
swarms while others lead a solitary existence. Again
Lucky, Sharp-Eyed, Skeptical, Stealthy, Strange, Strong, Tough Recursions By Tag
some are benign and even domesticated, while others
Alien Ancient changers
are predatory and violent. In addition to these life
forms there are the broken automata that wander detective dinosaurs

serving obscure functions. They organize and rearrange dragon earth fantasy
trash endlessly, hunt only specific breeds of vermin, or
organize into armies around gigantic structures to
What A Recursor Knows About Junkworld fictional leakage

process specific components of the trash and distill it There is a world made entirely of trash frank l baum Ghosts

producing different forms of matter. gliding Gods holmes

The inhabitants of Junkworld dig mines winding deep horror ia ia john carter
under the earth to excavate exotic treasures. The
jump kro london
materials they find are incorporated into their society, some of these technological remnants can be used as cyphers. In their
lovecraft machine god
villages legends are told of great treasures and entire other ecosystems buried in the depths. Recently, some of the digs have
exposed parts of what appear to be a vast network of tunnels. The creators of these tunnels have never been seen, though madness magic moriarty
distant rumblings hint at the presence of something monstrous.
Mutants no glitter

not a recursion official oz

Post-apocalyptic prehistoric

psionic psychic ruk

sherlock singularity


Substandard Physics survive

there wolf vampire

Video Game

wonderful world zombie

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