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Noir City Newest Recursions

Sand Castle
by W. Dove

Some say the city never sleeps, but here The City seems The Authority
to never wake up, and the city’s dreams border on The School
nightmares. Noir City superficially seems to be an Noir City Attributes Crime City
urban setting from a rough hodgepodge of the Level: 4
Home American 30’s and 40’s, but significant differences from
Tribes of the Savaun
Laws: Standard Physics
Earth quickly become apparent. While Noir City has day Playable Races: Human
Newest Foci

and night, the days are only a few hours long and Foci: Entertains, Is Licensed to Carry, Looks For Trouble, Solves
always heavily overcast and raining, so that the gloom Mysteries, Murders Hears the Music of the Night
never lifts. The long nights see scattered showers, Skills: (Vampire)
Recursion mixed with light fog and clouds of steam and smoke Connection to the Strange: If you keep driving down the one

Grows weird plants
References that snake through the streets concealing the dim road that leads out of town, the world suddenly gives way to
Channels Savage Psionics
alleys and dirty brick walls. Colors seem muted and the Strange as you round a sharp corner.
Terms Of Use washed out, and the lighting never seems adequate, Connection to Earth: Rumors persist of an inapposite gate in Live around the Gears

with street lights casting small circles reflected in the slums of one urban center or another, translation gates are Has a Mechanical Companion
Account/Login puddles in the dark, and interior lights leaving corners

known to link to back alleys in the bad parts of New York and
Hide a Clockwork Hearth
in deep shadow. The city itself seems threadbare and Chicago.
Submit rundown, with seedy bars, aging lounges, and Age and Size: Developed Recursion
Recursion nightclubs the most obvious businesses, and tired Spark: 15%
Random Recursion
office towers hosting low rent clients looking down on Trait: Hopeless. For any creature with the spark attempting to Aeyre
Submit Focus
the dirty streets below. The Southside is full of shabby intimidate or cause fear, the difficulty is modified by one step
slums brushing up against antiquated industrial to its benefit. Random Foci
structures, like old factories and warehouses, and the
Waterfront is dominated by sagging piers where
commercial ships load and unload boxes of freight. The
inhabitants of this recursion call their home simply Recursions By Tag
“The City” and if pressed are not entirely clear on What A Recursor Knows About Noir City Alien Ancient changers
where they think they are.  The local cops all seem to
• Noir City is a dark and brooding recursion full of urban detective dinosaurs
be apathetic or corrupt, and most locals bury their
sorrows in the bottle. dragon earth fantasy

• In Noir City, most people have regrets or shady pasts, and few fictional leakage
people ask questions. 
frank l baum Ghosts
The typical inhabitant of Noir City has a rundown
• Recursors sometimes go to Noir City to get lost, if they don’t gliding Gods holmes
apartment, a job that just about keeps the bills paid,
want past associates to find them.
and a vague pile of debts from bad choices in their horror ia ia john carter
past. They usually live with a constant low grade fear of
jump kro london
debts coming due or losing their job, and as a result
lovecraft machine god
they keep their head low and try not to notice anything
that might get them in trouble if they knew about it. Those without the spark go through their lives like an endless rut, and madness magic moriarty
usually don’t remember much about their pasts or childhood unless a character with the spark asks them pointed questions, at
Mutants no glitter
which point “memories” suddenly flood back, often involving places like an old family farm or another town that do not exist in
not a recursion official oz
the recursion. Natives with the spark tend to follow one of two paths: Looking Out For Number One, or Trying to Figure It Out.
Post-apocalyptic prehistoric
Looking Out For Number One:  
psionic psychic ruk
Characters on this path see the frustration, resignation, and desperation of those in the city and see it as a chance to make
sherlock singularity
their own lives something better. They play off of fears, buy up debts, or just hold out the hope of a brief escape from the
endless melancholy to gain power and wealth. The leaders of organized crime rings, femme fatales working out of night clubs, steampunk

grifters running long cons, and related types are often on this road. These characters tend to quickly get caught up in a world Substandard Physics survive
of constantly escalating efforts to hold on to what they have, often ending up involved in elaborate cover-ups and even
there wolf vampire
Video Game
Trying to Figure It Out:
wonderful world zombie
Characters on this path have looked at the endless bleakness of the city, and the suffering on the streets, and convinced
themselves that it can be fixed, if only something important could be understood. Some of them are idealists looking to save
the city from itself, others are more narrow in their efforts, trying to figure out a specific person or puzzle of importance to
them, hoping that at least one person might find happiness, or at least peace. Private Eyes, honest cops, remorseful business
men, and dames with hearts of gold are often on this path. Noir City is not a kind place, and these characters often learn things
they were happier not knowing, and often take to the bottle and become increasingly pessimistic about the odds of anything
adding up.


Quickened individuals sometimes use Noir City as a last recourse if things go bad. If they end up on the run from someone
powerful, deep in debt to elements from their home recursion, or just burned out and wanting to get out of their life, Noir City
is a place that works hard not to see the unusual, and to ignore new things. More than a few burned out recursion miners,
refugees from the Crow Mafia, or former agents of The Estate or the Quiet Cabal may be found lurking in the darker corners of

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