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Instructor: Class: CP2096J06

MSc. Lê Thị Minh Loan Team: 02
1. A20158- Nguyễn Tấn Thành
2. A20169- Đỗ Anh Thư
3. A20156- Nguyễn Thế Dĩ
4. A20138- Lê Minh Quân

Can Tho, 10/2021

FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Problem SWD/Form No. 1
Effective Date: 10-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Victoria Hotel provides resort services for customers. Currently, the hotel operations are
being managed manually with the help of papers and basic office software such as MS
Word, MS Excel or MS Access. Therefore, the hotel management decided to technologize
the hotel management.
The Software is FTS Hotel Management System
The login system has 2 types of permissions: Manager, Employee
Management rights will be able to use the entire program, manage all areas of the hotel,
including employee management (add new employees, edit information, delete employees,
search for employees working at the hotel, etc.), event management, food management,
equipment management, price management (room rates, food and beverage prices, ...), view
customer feedback and view system employee statements. Employee rights have access to
customer management, room management, check-in management, food booking, tracking
equipment used in rooms, recording customer feedback and payment billing for customers.
The employee will issue a check-in code (check-in date and time) and a check-out code
(check-out date and time) to each customer when booking a room.
The system has a friendly interface, easy to use, making it easy for customers to view
and search for information about the hotel's services. Room booking becomes quick,
avoiding employee shortage. The system updates information about discounts and
promotions for customers on events and holidays to bring information to customers. The
user can change and update the information displayed. Easy for employees to calculate,
avoid errors when issuing invoices to customers. Easy for employees to manage customer
information. The system allows managers to view a list of invoice information by time
period and revenue statistics accurately and quickly.
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Client/Project Undertaken: Victoria Hotel

1. List of inputs to the system:

- Employee information:

+ Employee ID: id employee

+ Full Name: name of employee

+ Birthday: birthday of employee

+ Account: account of employee

+ Password: password of employee

+ Phone: phone number of employee

+ Email: email address of employee

+ Address: address of employee

+ Position: position of employee

- Customer information:

+ CustomerID

+ Phone

+ Identification Number

+ Customer Reservation

+ Status

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

+ Address

- Room:

+ RoomID

+ Status

+ Room Type ID

+ Capacity

+ ImageRoom

+ Description

+ Floot

- Feedback:

+ ReportID

+ Transaction

+ Name

+ Type

- Food:

+ ProductID

+ ProductName

+ Description

+ ImageFood

+ Price

- Transaction:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 3

+ TransactionID

+ CustomerID

+ EmployeeID

+ RoomID

+ Booking Date

+ Capacity

+ Start Date

+ End Date

+ Type

+ Status

+ Checkin

+ Checkout

+ Actual_check_in

+ Actual_check_out

+ Price

+ EventID

- Supplier:

+ SupplierID

+ SupplierName

+ SupplierAddress

+ Phone

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 4

- Event:

+ EventID

+ EventStart

+ EventEnd

- Equipment:

+ EquipmentID

+ RoomID

+ EquipmentName

+ Status

+ TypeID

- Room type:

+ Room Type ID

+ Description

+ Price

- Food charges:

+ FoodChargesID

+ CustomerID

+ FoodID

+ Quantity

+ EventID

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 5

2. List of outputs expected from the system:

3. Overview of processes involved in the system:

The login system has two types of permissions, the management rights will be able to
use the entire program, the employee rights can only access personal information management,
customer information management, room management and payment for customers.
Employees enter customer information into the system. This information is stored.
Employees can add new customers, edit information, search for customers who have booked,
and delete information about customers who have already checked out. In addition, the
employee is also in charge of booking rooms, managing check-in, ordering more food at the
request of guests booking at the hotel and then paying the bill for customers when checking
Managers can use the entire program of the system including managing employee
information, managing events, food management, prices (room rates, prices of other items, .. .)
of the hotel, manage the devices in use of the room and view employee statistics.

4. Hardware and software required for implementing the project:

● Hardware requirements:
- CPU: Intel Core i5-5200U, 2.5GHz
- RAM: 4GB or higher
- HDD: 500GB Hard Disk space or higher
- CPU: Intel Core i3 or higher
- RAM: 2GB or higher
- HDD: 128GB Hard Disk space or higher

● Software requirements:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2A
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 6

- Server:
- CPU: Intel Core i5-5200U, 2.5GHz
- RAM: 4GB or higher
- HDD: 500GB Hard Disk space or higher
- Client:
- CPU: Intel Core i3 or higher
- RAM: 2GB or higher
- HDD: 128GB Hard Disk space or higher

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: CRS SWD/Form No. 2B
Effective Date: 12-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

S.No Customer’s Acceptance Criteria

1. User-friendly interface, easy to use
2. Reliability, response time, storage requirements…
3. Consistent with the policies of the organization using the system
4. External request: the system must not reveal information of the customer (name,
reference number, etc.)
5. The database must be stored in the system
6. The software is scalable when customers have power needs
7. Manage customer information
8. Manage employee information
9. Manage booking information:Room, Food
10. Manage room status and equipment in the room
11. Periodic statistics
12. Room rate management
13. Promotion event management

Project Plan

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 16-Aug-2021 Le Minh Quan Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: SWD/Form No. 3
Project Plan
Effective Date: 16-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

1. Project Details:

• Name of the Client: Victoria Hotel

• Date of Project Plan: 08/9/2021
• Project Vision/Objectives:

User requirements:

- Easy to use, friendly, high accuracy, optimal efficiency, quick booking room.

- Statistics and payments quickly and accurately.

- Management should be simple: Booking room, customer management, employee

management, event management, food management, equipment management, price
management (room prices, food prices, drink prices, etc.), room management, check-in
management, and food booking.

• Scope:
Each customer when booking a room will be given a check-in code (date and time of
check-in) and a check-out code (date and time of check-out). The customer's basic
information is stored by the employee. When the customer leaves, the front desk employee
will check out and issue an invoice for the customer, check if the customer has checked out on
time or not, if it is late, an additional fee will be charged. To use the system, each employee in
the hotel will be provided with an account and password to use the program. Employees can
register, login, log out, change password, forget password. The login system has two types of
permissions. Management rights will be able to use the entire program, manage all areas of
the hotel, including employee management (add new employees, edit information,
delete employees, search for employees working at the hotel, etc.), event management, food

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 18-Aug-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: SWD/Form No. 3
Project Plan
Effective Date: 16-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

management, equipment management, price management (room rates, food and beverage
prices, ...), view customer feedback and view system employee statements. Employee rights
have access to customer management, room management, check-in management, food
booking, tracking equipment used in rooms, recording customer feedback and payment billing
for customers.

• Our understanding of the client organization:

- Manager: login, employee management, event management, food management,
product management, merchandise management, supplier management, price management
(room rates, prices of other items, type of goods) view statistics (statistics of number of
customers for the week, data entry system, weekly revenue system).
- Employee: register, login, update personal information, change password,
manage check-in, manage customers, manage booking food, manage rooms.

● Project Organization with Responsibilities and Authorities

Members Role Responsible

Nguyễn Tấn Thành Leader Design system, coding, testing,

project manager, analysis, deploy

Đỗ Anh Thư Member Design system, coding, testing,

analysis, deploy

Nguyễn Thế Dĩ Member Design system, coding, testing,

analysis, deploy

Lê Minh Quân Member Design system, coding, testing,

analysis, deploy

2. Project Initiation/Requirement Documents:

- Customer requirement system

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 18-Aug-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: SWD/Form No. 3
Project Plan
Effective Date: 16-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

3. Deliverables:
- Documents
- Source code
- Install Manual

4. Project Dependencies:
- Human resources
- Limited device
- Limited technology
- Limited time
- Team projects cannot be met in person.
- Internet

5. Major Project Milestones:

No. Major Project Date Mission


1 Requirements Form 09/09/2021 Analysis of customer

Analysis To 12/09/2021 requirements
System functional analysis

2 Design system From 13/09/2021 to Database design

24/09/2021 Analyze data flow diagram
Interface design

3 Coding From 25/09/2021 to Coding for all function in the

10/10/2021 system

4 Testing From 10/10/2021 to Test all function to make sure

13/10/2021 the system runs correctly

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 18-Aug-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: SWD/Form No. 3
Project Plan
Effective Date: 16-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

5 Project Project Implementation


6. Quality Plan:
● Review Activities:
- Meeting every 3 days to see progress.
- Discuss and solve problems at any time .

● Testing Activities:
- Unit test.
- All team members check together and solve it together.
● Backup and recovery strategies:
- Source code using Github.
- Document using GoogleDrive.

Document Design

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 18-Aug-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: GUI SWD/Form No. 4
Standards Document
Effective Date: 18-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Property Value
Document theme and color scheme
Form-Background color White
Title-Font Size 14
Title-Font Color Black
Title-Font Style Times New Roman
Title-Alignment Center
Background color of Controls on the form Grey
Foreground color of Controls on the form Grey
Control Caption-Font size 13
Control Caption-Font Color Black and white
Control Caption-Font Style Times New Roman
Control caption and controls-Alignment Center
Command button-Alignment Center

1. List of forms to be created:

1.1 Login: Login for managers and employees

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 20-Aug-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

1.2 Manage:
1.2.1 Commodity Manage: Manage entry of goods, add, edit, find , and delete entry forms

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

1.2.2 Event manage: Event management includes add, edit, delete and find events

1.2.3 Display statistics: View statistical information on the number of guests, food used by
guests using the service by date, year and view hotel revenue statistics:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 3

1.2.4 Employee manage: Add, edit, delete and find employees

1.2.5 Update room price: Update room price

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 4

1.2.6 Food Manage: Add, edit, delete, and find created food

1.2.7 Display feedback:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 5

1.3 Employee:
1.3.1 Customer Manage: Add, edit, delete and find Customer

1.3.2 Equipment manage: Monitor device status edit device status and add device

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 6

1.3.3 Update information: Update personal and account information

1.3.4 Feedback for Customer: receive feedback from customers

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 7

1.3.5 Room Manage: Management state of the room status

1.3.6 Reservation Manage: record bookings from customers

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Interface SWD/Form No. 5
Design Document
Effective Date: 20-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 8

1.3.7 Food order manage: Recording food orders from customers

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 22-Aug-2021 Nguyen The Di Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Table: Employee

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Employee_ID varchar(50) No PK Employee’s ID

Full_Name nvarchar(120) Employee’s Full Name

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Birthday date Employee’s Birthday

Account varchar(50) Employee’s Account

Password nvarchar(60) Employee’s Password

Position nvarchar(60) Employee’s Position

Email varchar(80) Employee’s Email

Phone varchar(12) Employee’s Phone

Address nvarchar(max) Employee’s Address

Table: Room_type

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Room_type_ID varchar(50) No PK Room Type ID

Description nvarchar(max) Room Type Description

Price int Room Type Price

Table: Room

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Room_ID varchar(50) No PK Room ID

Room_type_ID varchar(50) No FK Room Type Description

Status nvarchar(50)

Capacity int Room’s Status

Table: Type_Equipment

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Type_ID varchar(50) No PK Equipment’s Type ID

Type_name varchar(50) Equipment’s Type Name

Table: Equipment

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Equipment_ID varchar(50) No PK Equipment’s ID

Room_ID varchar(50) No FK Equipment’s Full Name

Type_ID varchar(50) Equipment’s Account

Equipment_name nvarchar(50) Equipment’s Name

Status nvarchar(50) Equipment’s Status

Table: Customer

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Customer_ID varchar(50) No PK Customer’s ID

Full_Name nvarchar(120) Customer’s Full Name

Phone varchar(12) Customer’s Phone

Identi_fication_Card_N varchar(30) Customer Identification

umber Number

Customer_Reserbation nvarchar(50) Customer’s Reservation

Status nvarchar(50) Customer Booking Status

Address nvarchar(max) Customer’s Address

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Table: Event

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Event_ID varchar(50) No PK Event’s ID

Name nvarchar(60) Event’s Name

Event_Start date Event’s Start

Event_End date Event’s End

Percent_discount int Percent discount

Table: TranSaction

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Transaction_ID varchar(50) No PK Employee’s ID

Customer_ID varchar(50) No FK Customer’s ID

Employee_ID varchar(50) No FK Employee’s ID

Room_ID nvarchar(50) No FK Room’s ID

Event_ID nvarchar(50) No FK Event’s ID

Booking_Date date Booking Date

Start_Date date Rental Start Date

End_Date date Rental End Date

Capacity int Capacity

Type nvarchar(50) Room’s Type

Status nvarchar(50) Booking Status

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Check_In datetime Check-in Time

Check_Out datetime Check-out Time

Actual_check_in datetime Actual check-in time

Actual check_out datetime Actual check-out time

Price int Price

Table: Report

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Report_ID varchar(50) No PK Report’sID

Name nvarchar(60) Report’s Name

Type nvarchar(50) Report’s Type

Transaction nvarchar(max) Report’s Transaction

Table: Supplier

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Supplier_ID varchar(50) No PK Supplier’s ID

Supplier_Name nvarchar(50) Supplier_Name

Phone varchar(12) Supplier’s Phone

Supplier_Address nvarchar(max) Supplier’s Address

Table: Goods_Form

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

Goods_Form_ID varchar(50) No PK Goods_Form_ID

Employee_ID varchar(50) No FK Employee’s ID

Supplier_ID varchar(50) No FK Supplier’s ID

Product_Name nvarchar(50) Product’s Name

Quantity int Product’s Quantity

Entry_Price varchar(50) Product’s Entry Price

Table: Food

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Food_ID varchar(50) No PK Food’s ID

Food_Name nvarchar(120) Food’s Name

Image_Food nvarchar(max) Product’s Name

Price int Food’s Price

Table: Food_Charges

Field Name Data Type Null Key Description

Food_Charges_ID varchar(50) No PK Food Charges ID

Customer_ID varchar(50) No FK Customer’s ID

Food_ID varchar(50 No FK Food’s ID

Event_ID varchar(50) No FK Event’s ID

Quantity int Food‘s Quantity

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Table Design SWD/Form No. 6
Effective Date: 22-Aug-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

[Date] varchar(50) Food_Charges

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 25-Aug-2021 Nguyen Tan Thanh Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 1

● Process Description and Details:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 2

● Process Name: DFD level 1

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 3

● Process Name: Manage Customer

● Process Description and Details:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 4

● Process Name: Manage Equipment

● Process Description and Details:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 5

● Process Name: Manage Transaction

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 6

● Process Name: Manage Food Change

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 7

● Process Name: Manage Employee

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 8

● Process Name: Manage Event

● Process Description and Details:

● Process Name: Manage Food Form

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
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Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 9

● Process Name: Manage Food Change, Transaction

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
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Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 10

● Process Description and Details:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 11

● Process Name: Manage Food

● Process Description and Details:

● Flowchart:
- Login:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 12

- Employee Management:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
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Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 13

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 14

- Event Management:

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Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 15

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 16

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 17

- Food Management:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

- Update Room Rate:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

- Food Management:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

- Equipment Management:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

- Update Account Employee:

- Feedback:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

- Statistics:

● Process Name : Add

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

● Process Name : Delete

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

● Process Name : Find

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

● Process Name : Save

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

● Process Name : Clear

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

● Process Name : Booking

● Process Name : Check Device Manager

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Process SWD/Form No. 7
Design Document
Effective Date: 26-Sep-2021 Version: 1 Page No. 18

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 11-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Coding SWD/Form No. 8
Standards Document
Effective Date: 11-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 12-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Coding SWD/Form No. 8
Standards Document
Effective Date: 11-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

1. Standards for code writing style:

File Type: Java Source (. java), Java bytecode(.class).
File Name: We use Cmake to build our software.
File Organization: A file consists of sections that should be separated by blank lines and an
optional comment identifying each section. Files longer than 2000 lines are cumbersome and
should be avoided.
Java Source Files: Beginning comments. Package and Import statements; for example:
import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import*;. Class and interface
2. Standards for declaring Variables:
Line Length: Avoid lines longer than 80 characters, since they’re not handled well by many
terminals and tools.
Wrapping Lines: Break after a comma. Break before an operator. Prefer higher-level breaks
to lower-level breaks. Align the new line with the beginning of the expression at the same level
on the previous line. If the above rules lead to confusing code or to code that’s squished up
against the right margin, just indent 8 spaces instead.
Comments: Block Comments. Single-Line Comments. Trailing Comments. End-Of-Line
3. Standards for Function Declarations:
Number Per Line: int level; // indentation level. int size; // size of table. Object currentEntry;
// currently selected table entry.
Placement: void MyMethod() { int int1; // beginning of method block if (condition) { int
int2; // beginning of "if" block ... } }
4. Other Standards:

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 12-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Coding SWD/Form No. 8
Standards Document
Effective Date: 11-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

- Class and Interface Declarations: -No space between a method name and the
parenthesis “(“ starting its parameter list
- Open brace “{” appears at the end of the same line as the declaration statement
- Closing brace “}” starts a line by itself indented to match its corresponding opening
statement, except when it is a null statement the “}” should appear immediately after the “{“
class Sample extends Object {
int ivar1;
int ivar2;
Sample(int i, int j) {
ivar1 = i;
ivar2 = j;
int emptyMethod() {}
... }
- Methods are separated by a blank line.

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 12-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Task Sheet SWD/Form No. 9

Effective Date: 12-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

Project Project Title: Activity Plan Prepare By: Date of Preparation of Activity
Ref.No. Plan:

Task Description Planned Actual Start Actual Team Status

Subdivi Start Date Days Member
sion Date Names

1 Form 1 10-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done


2 Form 2A (CRS) 12-Aug-2021 14-Aug-2021 3 Le Minh Done


3 Form 2B (CRS) 14-Aug-2021 16-Aug-2021 3 Le Minh Done


4 Form 3 (Project 16-Aug-2021 18-Aug-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done


5 Form 4 (GUI 18-Aug-2021 20-Aug-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done


6 Form 5 20-Aug-2021 22-Aug-2021 3 Nguyen The Done

(Interface Di

7 Form 6 (Table 22-Aug-2021 25-Aug-2021 4 Nguyen Tan Done

Design Thanh

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Task Sheet SWD/Form No. 9

Effective Date: 12-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

8 Register Admin 25-Aug-2021 26-Aug-2021 2 Do Anh Thu Done

9 Login/Logout/C 26-Aug-2021 28-Aug-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done

hange Password

10 Managing room 28-Aug-2021 31-Aug-2021 3 Nguyen The Done

catalog Di

11 Managing 31-Aug-2021 2-Sep-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done


12 Managing 2-Sep-2021 5-Sep-2021 4 Nguyen The Done

customer Di

13 Managing 5-Sep-2021 8-Sep-2021 4 Nguyen The Done

booking room Di

14 Managing 8-Sep-2021 11-Sep-2021 4 Nguyen Tan Done

booking food Thanh

15 Managing 11-Sep-2021 14-Sep-2021 4 Nguyen Tan Done

equipment Thanh

16 Managing event 14-Sep-2021 17-Sep-2021 4 Do Anh Thu Done

17 Managing goods 17-Sep-2021 20-Sep-2021 4 Do Anh Thu Done

18 Managing price, 20-Sep-2021 23-Sep-2021 4 Le Minh Done

managing food Quan

19 Revenue 23-Sep-2021 26-Sep-2021 4 Nguyen Tan Done

statistics Thanh

20 Form 7 (Process 26-Sep-2021 27-Sep-2021 2 Nguyen Tan Done

Design Thanh

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Task Sheet SWD/Form No. 9

Effective Date: 12-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

21 Form 7 (Process 27-Sep-2021 11-Oct-2021 14 All Member Done


22 Form 8 (Coding 11-Oct-2021 12-Oct-2021 2 All Member Done


23 Form 9 (Task 12-Oct-2021 14-Oct-2021 3 Do Anh Thu Done


24 Form 10 14-Oct-2021 14-Oct-2021 1 All Member Done


25 Form 11 (Project 14-Oct-2021 14-Oct-2021 1 All Member Done


26 Form 12 (Final 14-Oct-2021 14-Oct-2021 1 All Member Done


Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 Do Anh Thu Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Testing SWD/Form No. 10

Effective Date: 14-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

No. Features Tested Remarks

1 Register/Login/Logout/ChangePassword Done

2 Managing room catalog Done

3 Managing information employee/personal Done

4 Managing customer Done

5 Managing booking room Done

6 Managing booking food Done

7 Managing equipment Done

8 Managing event Done

9 Managing goods Done

10 Managing price Done

11 Revenue statistics Done

12 Managing food Done

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Testing SWD/Form No. 10

Effective Date: 14-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

Date Project Work Status of Remarks Responsibility

Plan Specification the
Activity/ Activity

15-Sep- Receive All member Done Accomplished Do Anh Thu

2021 customer receive customer
request request

17-Sep- Analyze Get requirement Done Accomplished All member

2021 problem of member


19-Sep- Find All member find Done Accomplished All member

2021 solutions solution


Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Project Review SWD/Form No. 11

Effective Date: 14-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

21-Sep- Start Team member Done Accomplished Nguyen Tan

2021 designing complete Thanh

23-Sep- Overall Design user Done Accomplished Nguyen The Di

2021 Interface interface


25-Sep- DFD All member Done Accomplished All member

2021 complete DFD


1-Oct-2 Flowchart All member Done Accomplished Le Minh Quan

021 complete

4-Oct-2 Coding Complete code Done Accomplished All member



Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Project Review SWD/Form No. 11

Effective Date: 14-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

8-Oct-2 Form All member Done Accomplished All member

021 complete form


12-Oct- Testing Testing function Done Accomplished All member

2021 function of application


Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

FTS Hotel Management System Document Name: Final Checklist SWD/Form No. 12

Effective Date: 14-Oct-2021 Version: 1 Page No.

No. Aspect tested Suggestion/


1 Have all the modules been properly integrated and are they
completely functional?

2 Does each unit meet its objective and purpose?

Are all the validations happening as specified in Process Design?

3 Have all Design and Coding standards been followed and


4 Is the GUI design consistent all over?

5 Are the codes working as per the specification?

6 Does the application’s functionality resolve the client problem,

and satisfy his needs completely?

7 Have the hardware and software been correctly chosen?

8 Additional features and utilities that give value addition to the

entire project

Prepared By (Student) Approved By (Teacher)

Date: 14-Oct-2021 All member Le Thi Minh Loan
installation Guide
Step1: Open folder JAVA-> click select folder FTS-Hotel-Management-System

Step 2: Click select open file FTS-Hotel-Guide.sql

Step 3: Fill in your account and password afterward Click select the button Connect
Step 4: Select all and run(f5)

Step 5: Open Netbeans

Step 6: Choose File->Open Project-> find the path containing the folder FTS-Hotel-Management-System->Doanjava and open

Step 7: Select Librares

Step 8: Right click Librares select Properties

Step 9: select Add JAR/Folder

Step 9:Find folder JAVA -> FTS -> Hotel-Management-System -> Doanjava -> libr and select all ->Click open

Step 10:Cick OK
Step 11: Select Services

Step 12:Select Databases

Step 13: Right click Drivers -> select New Driver

Step 14: Select add

Step 15:Find folder JAVA -> FTS -> Hotel-Management-System -> Doanjava -> libr-> mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar->Click open

Step 16: Select Ok

Step 17: Right click Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ->Select Connect Using…

Step 18: Fill in as below and select Test Connection

Step 19: select Next

Step 20:Select dbo and selest Next

Step 21: Copy and select finsh
Step 22:Select Project-> Doanjava -> Cource Packages -> Doan_java -> open
Step 23: Past and change sql account and password and save

Step 24: Right click project Doanjava -> Clean and Build then wait

Step 25: Find folder JAVA -> FTS -> Hotel-Management-System -> Doanjava -> dist
Step 26: right click Doanjava.jar ->send to->desktop

User Manual Guide

1. The interface when launch:

2. Login Manager/Employee:

1. Enter Manager account and 2. Click “LOGIN” to login.

password or Enter Employee
account and password.
Employee: Manage:
nhanvien admin
123456 123456

3. Manage Employee:

3.1 Insert Employee:

1. Enter Information Employee 2. Click “Add” to create new Employee

3.2 Update and Delete Employee:

1. Click the row you want to update or 2. Enter the information to edit and click the

delete and the Update/Delete button is “Save” button if you want to edit.

enabled. If you want to delete it. Click “Delete” to


3.3 Search Employee:

Enter the ID/Name/Phone of employee you want to search

for and click the “Find” button.

4. Manage Event:

4.1 Insert :

1. Enter an Information Event. 2. Click “Add” to create new Event

4.2 Update and Delete Event:

1. Click the row you want to update or 2. Enter the information to edit and click the

delete and the Update/Delete button is “Save” button if you want to edit.

enabled. If you want to delete it. Click “Delete” to


4.3 Search Event:

Enter the ID/Name/Discount of event you want to search

for and click the “Find” button.

5. Manage Commodity:
5.1 Insert Commodity:

1. Enter an Information Commodity. 2. Click “Add” to create a new Commodity.

5.2 Update and Delete Commodity:

1. Click the row you want to update or 2. Enter the information to edit and click the

delete and the Update/Delete button is “Save” button if you want to edit.

enabled. If you want to delete it. Click “Delete” to


5.3 Search Commodity:

Enter the Goods ID/Product Name of commodity you want to search

for and click the “Find” button.

6. Manage Food:

6.1 Insert Food:

1. Enter an Information Food. 2. Click “Add” to create a new Food.

6.2 Update and Delete Food:

1. Click the row you want to update or 2. Enter the information to edit and click the

delete and the Update/Delete button is “Save” button if you want to edit.

enabled. If you want to delete it. Click “Delete” to


6.3 Search Food:

Enter the Goods ID/Goods Name of food you want to search

for and click the “Find” button.

7. Manage Customer:
7.1 Insert Customer:

1. Enter an Information Customer. 2. Click “Add” to create a new Customer.

7.2 Update and Delete Customer:

1. Click the row you want to update or 2. Enter the information to edit and click the

delete and the Update/Delete button is “Save” button if you want to edit.

enabled. If you want to delete it. Click “Delete” to


7.3 Search Customer:

Enter the ID/Name/Phone of customer you want to search

for and click the “Find” button.

8. Manage Booking Room:

1. Click the “Booking” button. 2. Enter Booking Information.

3. Click “Booking”.

9. Manage Booking Food:

1. Choose food and quantity of each 2. Click “Buy”.


3. Enter CustomerID, Customer Name 4. Click “Pay”

or Customer Phone

10. Update self information:

1. Enter self information. 2. Click “Update”.


1. Enter information Feedback. 2. Click “Feedback”.


1.choose the start and end time of statistics.

13.Manage Room Price:

1.Enter new Price. 2. Click “Save”.

14.Manage Room Equipment:

1.Click the device to set the status.

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