Choose The Correct Answer!

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Exercise 14

Nama : Devina Ayunita

Kelas : XII Akuntansi SATURDAY, April,
15, 2021

Choose the correct answer!

The text below is for number 38 – 40

Transjakarta is a new transportation system provided by the government of DKI Jakarta as an answer to
providing a comfortable sophisticated yet low-price transportation. It’s also meant to be an answer to the
traffic jam issue. It has its own lanes called the busway, parted usually in the middle of the sidewalks or road
separators, it is quite vast and has a ticketing area, a square chamber where the tickets can be bought. The
buses are comfortable, clean, and appropriate. They are buses with comfy padded seats lined up face to face
along the left and right side of the bus. At the back side, is one line of the same seats facing the bus front
side. These seat arrangements leave spacious area in the middle of the bus for standing passengers. There are
special firm grips in rows for standing passengers to hold on to hanging from a metal bar. Overall, it gives a
better option compared to the other public buses, like a minibus or a metromini. Though it still has some
flaws that have to be improved, the Transjakarta could really be an answer to Jakarta’s traffic issue in the
years ahead.

16. The text tells us about .......

A. Traffic jam in Jakarta
B. A new transportation system
C. Jakarta doesn’t have the best trasportation
D. Transjakarta is an answer to Jakarta’s issue
E. Transjakarta is a new and better transportation system in DKI Jakarta

Transjakarta is a new transportation system provided by the government of DKI Jakarta as an answer to
providing a comfortable sophisticated yet low-price transportation. It’s also meant to be an answer to the
traffic jam issue. It has its own lanes called the busway, parted usually in the middle of the sidewalks or road
separators, it is quite vast and has a ticketing area, a square chamber where the tickets can be bought. The
buses are comfortable, clean, and appropriate. They are buses with comfy padded seats lined up face to face
along the left and right side of the bus. At the back side, is one line of the same seats facing the bus front
side. These seat arrangements leave spacious area in the middle of the bus for standing passengers. There are
special firm grips in rows for standing passengers to hold on to hanging from a metal bar. Overall, it gives a
better option compared to the other public buses, like a minibus or a metromini. Though it still has some
flaws that have to be improved, the Transjakarta could really be an answer to Jakarta’s traffic issue in the
years ahead.
17. Where can a passanger buy a ticket?
A. At a square chamber
B. At the sidewalks
C. At the bus stop
D. To the driver
E. On the road

Transjakarta is a new transportation system provided by the government of DKI Jakarta as an answer to
providing a comfortable sophisticated yet low-price transportation. It’s also meant to be an answer to the
18. .........,
traffic it is quite
jam issue. It hasvast and has
its own a ticketing
lanes called thearea. The word
busway, parted‘it’ refersintothe
usually ..........
middle of the sidewalks or road
separators, quite vast and has abus
The Transjakarta’s ticketing area, a square chamber where the tickets can be bought. The
buses are comfortable, clean, and appropriate.
B. The Transjakarta’s lane They are buses with comfy padded seats lined up face to face
along the leftC.and right side of the bus.
The Transjakarta’s ticket At the back side, is one line of the same seats facing the bus front
side. These seat arrangements leave spacious area in the middle of the bus for standing passengers. There are
D. The Transjakarta’s shelter
special firm grips in rows for standing passengers to hold on to hanging from a metal bar. Overall, it gives a
better optionE.comparedThe Transjakarta’s
to the othermain office
public buses, like a minibus or a metromini. Though it still has some
flaws that have to be improved, the Transjakarta could really be an answer to Jakarta’s traffic issue in the
years ahead.
The text below is for number 41 – 43

Promotion Announcement
Subject line : Jenifer Aniston, Director of Marketing

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Ms. Jenifer Aniston. She joined the
company five years ago and has held position in both the advertising and sales departments
(41) .......
Ms. Aniston brings a wealth of experience to her new role and we are (42) ..... about her
new role at the company. Please join in welcoming Ms. Aniston to corporate
communications (43) ...... congratulating her on the promotion.

Best regards,

Kania Yemima
Executive Director of Corporate Communication

19. A. extraordinarily
B. occasionally
C. fortunately
D. strangely
E. awfully
Promotion Announcement
Subject line : Jenifer Aniston, Director of Marketing

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Ms. Jenifer Aniston. She joined the
company five years ago and has held position in both the advertising and sales departments (41) .......
Ms. Aniston brings a wealth of experience to her new role and we are (42) ..... about her
new role at the company. Please join in welcoming Ms. Aniston to corporate
communications (43) ...... congratulating her on the promotion.

Best regards,

Kania Yemima
Executive Director of Corporate Communication

20. A. determined
B. horrified
C. qualified
D. terrified
E. excited

Promotion Announcement
Subject line : Jenifer Aniston, Director of Marketing

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Ms. Jenifer Aniston. She joined the
company five years ago and has held position in both the advertising and sales departments (41) .......
Ms. Aniston brings a wealth of experience to her new role and we are (42) ..... about her
new role at the company. Please join in welcoming Ms. Aniston to corporate
communications (43) ...... congratulating her on the promotion.

Best regards,

Kania Yemima
Executive Director of Corporate Communication

21. A. so
B. but
C. and
D. since
E. because
The text below is for number 44 – 46

How to use DVD player

1. Choose a (44) ...... surface on which to operate DVD player.
2. Press the “Power” button on the front of the DVD player. Make sure that the TV attached to the player
is on and tuned to (45) ...... the audio/video signal from the player
3. Press the “Open/Close” or “Eject” button again to see a menu screen come up or it will play (46) ........
4. If you see menu screen, press the “Play” button to start the show

22. A. cautious
B. attact
C. blunt
D. bold
E. flat

How to use DVD player

1. Choose a (44) ...... surface on which to operate DVD player.
2. Press the “Power” button on the front of the DVD player. Make sure that the TV attached to the player is
on and tuned to (45) ...... the audio/video signal from the player
3. Press the “Open/Close” or “Eject” button again to see a menu screen come up or it will play (46) ........
4. If you see menu screen, press the “Play” button to start the show

23. A. give
B. send
C. replay
D. receive
E. remove

How to use DVD player

1. Choose a (44) ...... surface on which to operate DVD player.
2. Press the “Power” button on the front of the DVD player. Make sure that the TV attached to the
player is on and tuned to (45) ...... the audio/video signal from the player
3. Press the “Open/Close” or “Eject” button again to see a menu screen come up or it will play
(46) ........
4. If you see menu screen, press the “Play” button to start the show
24. A. automatically
B. consiquently
C. consistently
D. effectively
E. regularly

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