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The University of Sydney

School of Civil Engineering

CIVL5269 – Advanced Concrete Structures

Assignment 3: Strut and Tie Modelling

This is a group assignment. Only ONE submission is required per group

Due Date: To be submitted by Friday 12th November 2021

Due Time: By 8:00pm

Weighting: 25%

Submission Location: A pdf file submitted Via Canvas. The file name should be “XX_YY”
where XX is the student number of person 1 and YY is the student number
of person 2.

Late Submission: Late Assignments will incur a penalty of 10% of the maximum mark per
calendar day regardless of the mark awarded. An extension will only be
granted by the Lecturer under exceptional circumstances. In all cases,
documented evidence must be provided.

 You may work as an individual or in groups of 2 (BUT NO MORE THAN 2).

 Where identical, or near identical assignments are submitted such that it is apparent that one is
essentially a copy of another then BOTH assignments will receive a mark of ZERO regardless of
which is the original.
 If working in groups each student will receive the same mark regardless of contribution.
 Reference to Australian Standards, ordinances, design aids should be placed in a separate column
next to the design calculations.
 Any assumptions made should be detailed in the calculations.
 If the material provided does not supply the required information, the relevant Australian
Standard should be used to supplement as required.
 On the front cover of your submission provide your names, student numbers and the below
The work contained within is solely the work of “STUDENT NAME #1” and STUDENT
NAME #2 except where clear reference to a third party is made within the text of the

In this exercise you are to design the shear wall shown below to AS3600:2018 using the strut and tie method.
Details of the Shear Wall are provided in Figures 1 & 2 which correspond to Load Cases 1 and 2,
respectively. The measurements shown in Figures 1 & 2 are in m. The wall is 300mm thick. You are to
adopt c=0.65, s = 0.85, and fsy = 500 MPa. You are also to detail the shear wall and produce drawings
suitable enough for a contractor to construct with. You must present strut and tie models for both load cases.

3m 1000 kN

3m Hole

2m 1m
1000 kN

3m Hole


1m 3m 3m 1m

Figure 1: Details of Structure to be Designed (Load Case 1)

2.5m 2.5m

2000 kN 2000 kN


3m Hole


3m Hole


1m 3m 3m 1m

Figure 2: Details of Structure to be Designed (Load Case 2)

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