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Name: Sukmawati

Class: TBI 5C
NIM: 1908103060

Summary of  ELTD IAIN SNJ Iinternational Seminar 2021

Topic: Fostering ELT Pre-service Teacher's Skills in 21th Century Learning Environment
Date & Time: November 11th, 2021 9.15 AM Jakarta Time
Via: Zoom Cloud Meeting
Benefits: knowledge, materials, e-certificate, relations
Opening by: Dr. H. Farihin, M. Pd.
Speakers: 1) Dr. Ania Lian and 2) Lala Bumela, Ph. D.
Moderators: Dr. Nana Priajana, M. Pd.
MC: M. Iqbal Fauzan
Active Audience: Mr. Tedi, Mr. Wakhid, Miss Listi, Miss Muhsiyana, other audiences from
ELTD lecturers, other countries, ELTD students and general.

First session
The seminar session began with the delivery of material from Dr. Ania Lian (Vice President
of AsiaCALL, Coordinator of Master's of Education Charles Darwin University, and
Specialized in Educational Neuroscience) with the theme "What is Literacy in 21st Century
Educational Context". She bagan with explain the objectives for today about how to plan
learning experiences in 21st centyry learning environments?
1) What are the objectives of the 21st century environment in a nutshell?
2) What are the overarching principles of 21st pedagogy?
3) Are we there yet and can we improve?
4) Lessons learned: Implications for leadership, reflection and the community engagement.

Started the discussion session, she explain about transformative education. The recent
worldwide education reforms are characterised by a shift from the curriculum that saw
learning as the transmission of knowledge to one where learning is viewed as the
transformation of knowledge (Ogisu, 2018). The essential thing she said in her presentation is
at minute 2:25:53 that "we do not reproduce information but we relate information to our own
experience". Besides that, she give us many informative material.

The last session is QNA session, there are some question that asked to her realted to this
topic. Such as a question from Mr. Tedy Rohadi, she confuse about what type of literacy that
should be given to pre-service teacher. The other nice question is from Mr. Zakky Yavani, he
ask about the speakers opinion about using grammarly in writing article.

Second session
Another interesting and informative material was presented by the second speaker, namely
Mr. Lala Bumela, Ph. D. (A lecturer of ELTD IAIN SNJ) with the topic "Learning English
Literacy Creatively in the 21st Century: A Way Forward" and explain his thesis entitled
"Transformative learning and student agency in academic writing in undergraduate English
Language Teacher Education degree programs in Indonesia". He started his presentation with
elaboration about English Proficiency in ASEAN with Singapore get the very high ranking.

There are different stories he has read in Darwin:

• The speech envelope is right-lateralised. In other words, we actually use the right brain to
understand language (Hertrich, Dietrich, Trouvain, Moos & Ackermann, 2012). 
• We can try to increase the size of short-term memory to enhance listening comprehension
by manipulating theta wave cerebral stimulation to act on the brain (Vosskuhl, Huster &
Herrmann, 2015). 
• Or we can optimise learners’ perceptions by exploiting phase oscillations in their brains to
provide more attentional space for processing incoming signals (Bas, Bas, Schurmann, &
Karakas, 2000; Rimmele, Sussman & Poeppel, 2014). 

In this occasion, he also describe about some his analyasis about some issue and elaborate the
learners coment about that. One interest example his analysis is he said "This piece of
learning experience reflects the rhizomatic (Lian, 2004) learning principles adopted in this
study, where all senses and experiences are engaged to inform learning. ..." and the learners
comment is "More about how to self-correction, it is so hard to me because I have to know
where is my mistakes. Then I have to self-correction".

The last session is QNA session, there are some question that asked to him realted to this
topic. Such as a question from Risma from Jakarta, she confuse about how to analyze the text
and put those in intonation such text. The other nice question is from Mrs. Muhsiyana, she
ask several question about reading for emotion.
And the webinar closed by take a picture together session.
Personally, it such an honor to me to attend this webinar with great speakers and active
audience also with this level of webinar is international. Great! Thank you.

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