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Name : I Gde Rama Putra Yuda

NIM : 20020084081



Blood Conversion1

Listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions.

1. What is the technique about? Convert types A & B blood into type O blood
2. What is the importance of the technique? Can help other blood types that are running
out of blood
3. What is the reaction of the immune system if a type A person receives type B or AB
blood? Setup a body defense system
4. How can types A and B blood be converted into type O blood? The enzyme extracted
from the bacteria or fungus

Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks.

1. Blood types _____result from______ different carbohydrates, called
____antigens____ , _____on a surfaces_____ , of human blood cells. Your blood
“type” _____generate_____ the kinds of antigens; those with type B have B
antigents. If you have __both kinds of_antigens______ , you’re type AB; if you have
___another one_____ , you’re type O.
2. Your immune system recognize the antigens on your blood as ____soft_____ , but
attack cells with ____foreign_____ antigens. So if you ever need a ___blood
then_______ , it’s important that you only receive blood ____comparable with____
your own type.
3. Type O is called the _____universal donor______ since it doesn’t have any antigens
that would __setup a body defense system__
4. ____clinical trial______ are underway to test whether the treated blood is __safe
undetected______. If so, the technology could help save lives, since type O bood is
such a ____process commodity_______.

Listen and answer the following questions.

1. a. a lecture 3. a. why A, B, and O are used
b. things in blood b. which type can mix with her blood
c. types of blood c. what the man’s blood type is
d. colors of blood d. where people get them

2. a. blood types are confusing 4. a. she is familiar with blood types

b. he does not know his blood type b. she doesn’t understand the importance of blood
c. all blood is red types
d. it’s dangerous to mix blood types c. she likes the male students
d. she doesn’t know what her blood type is

Listen and answer the following questions.

1. a. they were used with light microscopes 3. a. microscopes are interesting
b. they were developed with microscopes b. there are three types of microscopes
c. he studies them with microscopes c. microscopes are useful to scientists
d. all microscopes use them d. microscopes have improved

2. a. electrons travel in waves 4. a. scientists are murderers

b. light is out of phase b. it’s more useful to study living cells
c. light is too weak c. dyes cause cells to die
d. electrons have shorter wavelengths d. the dyes contained too many colors

Listen to the news item and finish the summary. 2
This news item is about .
Listen to the news item again and answer the following questions.
1. What was the heads of the World Health Organization trying to do?
2. What are the leaders and experts from across the world doing in Cancun?
3. What is the best way to avoid catching the virus?
4. What did the World Health Organization promise?
Listen to the news item and finish the summary.
This news item is about .
Listen to the news item again and fill the blanks.

The World Health Organization says are to develop a vaccine for the H
I N I virus, . It says of different viruseshave been made to allmanufactures
and some of the experimental vaccines are now being used .
Director of WHO’s Initiative for Vaccine Research. Marie Paule Kieny, says some of the
also are likely to .

Listen to the news item again and decide the following statements are true or false.
1. Scientist in Israel have devised a censor that an 86% of cases picked up tell-tale
molecules linked to lung cancer.
2. They are cheap portable breath test devices that family doctors can use to detect an illness
that often isn’t diagnosed till it’s too late to cure.
3. Lung cancer is the biggest killer among all types of cancer.

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