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Teaching English as a Foreign Language

The Summary of Methods, Strategies, and Techniques for Online Teaching in English

as Foreign Language Classroom.

In every single of learning teaching process, certainly we need to have some strategies,
methods, and techniques to be used in the classroom as the teachers. There are a lot of types
of those teaching ways. Selecting the learning method also is one of the preparation for the
teacher. We could not deny that technology is the necessary in this era. The learners need to
be aware about this condition, also they should have a good of literature technology. Because
the students also can get a class in network by using some platforms that they choose.
Teachers must be capable of selecting appropriate media for the learning process. A reminder
that there is no such thing as the best media; every medium has advantages and
disadvantages. It is the same with strategies, methods, and teaching; there is no best and

The Internet and widespread adoption of advanced technologies have led to new online-
education and instruction, both in academic and business sense, providing unique alternatives
for reaching larger public.In academic sense, universities now offer a possibility of distance
learning by means of online teaching, whereby online trainings become valuable in business
sense in relation to variables: geographical distance and time. Accordig to Ghirardini in
Suputra D (2021) mentioned that online learning is appropriate to use when learners have
limited mobility. Occasionally, certain situations force learners to keep away from theirs
school. The implementation of English language teaching is affected by the learning
environment. The term of learning environment traditionally refers to classroom, however it
has been developed into term of distance learning (Altunay, 2019). In addition Moore &
Diehl (2019) states Distance learning is teaching and learning process where teacher and
students’ interactions are facilitated with electronic, mechanical or other device.
A method is an application of an approach in the context of language teaching the method
also assists us in carrying out or operating something correctly. According to Hamdani (2011)
mention that method is way to used by the teacher in establishing relationships with students
during teaching. So, we can conclude that method is a way that used to achieve the learning
goal. Teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies
used for classroom instruction. Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you —
your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s) and school mission

There are the following methods that can be used by the teacher in English foreign
language classroom such as including synchronous and flipped classrooms. According to
Hofmann (2003) states that “synchronous” refers to training delivered in real-time by a
facilitator, such as synchronous communications usually over the internet, including phone
calls, text messages, video conferences, whiteboard meetings, and synchronous classes.
Synchronous Online Learning deals with live, real-time, and usually scheduled learning,
facilitated instruction and interaction, and video conference. It is a set of online learning in a
flexible and accessible learning through internet. Synchronous Online Learning can make
learning more attractive and interesting because of the affective aspects of the learning, and
the emphasis on interpersonal skills activities, teaching presence, social and cognitive
presence, feedback from the teacher, motivation and self-regulation, and collaboration.

According to Turan & Akdag-Cimen cited in Betaubun (2021) A flipped classroom

method is a learning approach that facilitate students’ transformation into active. Flipped
classroom is also known as a student centered approach to learning where the student are
more active than the instructor in classroom activity. Based on Pradita (2020) one of
advantage of flipped classroom namely enhance interaction between students and teachers in
order to the ability in speaking is better. One of disadvantages of flipped clasroom is a bad
internet network can interfere with access to download content which has been made by

According to Dick and Carey (1990) said that "learning strategy is a common component
of a learning material that will be used together. Meanwhile, according to Kozma (2007), the
definition of learning strategies can be interpreted as those that are chosen, namely those that
can provide facilities or assistance to students towards achieving certain learning objectives.
In this era of online learning, of course, the teachers need a good and interesting teaching
strategies so that students don't get bored and are more motivated to take part in learning
activities Through teaching strategy, the teacher will find it easier to carry out learning and
students will be more motivated and easier to learn. Therefore, the development of interesting
teaching strategies is the responsibility of the teacher.

According to Sanjaya (2007: 177 – 286), in general there are several types of learning
strategies that must be carried out by a teacher, the following are:

1. Expository Learning Strategy (Teacher Oriented). Emphasizing the process of

delivering material verbally from a teacher to students with the intention that
students can master the subject matter optimally.
2. Inquiry Learning Strategy (Student Oriented). Emphasize the process of thinking
critically and analytically to find the answer to a problem asked. This thinking
process is usually done through question and answer between teacher and
3. Problem Based Learning Strategy. Problem-based learning can be interpreted as a
series of learning activities that emphasize the process of solving problems faced
4. Learning Strategies for Improving Thinking Skills. Emphasizes students' thinking
skills. In this learning strategy, the subject material is not simply presented to
students, but students are guided to the process of finding their own concepts that
must be mastered through a continuous dialogical process by utilizing student
5. Cooperative Learning Strategy. Learning activities that carried out by students in
certain groups to achieve the learning objectives that have been formulated.
6. Contextual Learning Strategies. Learning concepts that help teachers relate
learning materials to students' real-world situations, and encourage students to
make connections between their knowledge and its application in their daily lives.
7. Affective Learning Strategies. Related to the value that is difficult to measure
because it involves a person's awareness that grows from within the students. To
some extent, affection can appear in behavioral events.
Along with the increasing class from elementary to high school, there must be
developments in teaching techniques that can increase student activity. Thus, for teachers,
finding appropriate teaching techniques is essential in classroom activities. According to
Harmer (2008), teachers must have some innovations in teaching English to overcome the
class situation. Techniques are concrete ways that are used during the learning process. A
teacher can change learning techniques even though they are in the same method corridor.
One method can be applied through various learning techniques. Dabouis (2017) Techniques
are specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent with a method and
therefore in harmony with an approach as well.

Online media, as Weller (2003) said, should be seen as a very important educational
technology. The purpose of using online media must be adjusted to the learning objectives in
the classroom. Online media can be used to further motivate students in learning and can be
used as a means to enrich resources in the learning process in the classroom. In addition,
online media is also able to provide the latest information so that learning is always up to date
and not out of date. Teachers who are not familiar with online learning, of course teaching
online is a big challenge. The following are 4 online teaching techniques that smart teachers
can master so that online learning takes place well namely :

a. Careful class planning, like offline classes, online classes must also be carefully
planned. Students who are not present in person make learning challenges even

b. Creative, the demand to be a creative teacher is getting higher when teaching online.
Students who have extraordinary energy suddenly have to sit quietly in front of their
computer or smartphone screens. What happened? They will get bored easily if they
just listen to the teacher lecture continuously. Not infrequently they will turn off the
camera and leave the class just like that.

To overcome this, smart teachers can make ice breaking activities that involve
students so that students become excited. In addition to ice breaking, teachers can also
make educational games to support learning so that it is not monotonous

c. Keep in touch, Intense communication between teachers, students and parents is

essential when teaching online. Today's communication technology is developing
very rapidly. Smart teachers can communicate through social media or through
Whatsapp groups. When teaching via zoom or teaching on Google meet, smart
teachers are also required to build good communication
d. Use technology wisely, One of the fun online teaching tips is to take advantage of
technology that has developed rapidly. Remember today's students are the alpha
generation who are very familiar with technology. It's a shame if smart teachers
ignore the role of technology when teaching online.

Some examples of technologies that can support online learning are online teaching
applications such as learning management systems (LMS), teleconferencing
applications, interactive games, and interactive tests or quizzes.


At this meeting the materials presented is quite good and have a simple explanation that I can
understand easly. From this meeting I was able to understand to create an interesting and
balanced lesson, as an english teachers we should find out and use the proper techniques to
deliver the study material that can be understood by the students and knows what are the
benefits of Methods, Strategies, and Techniques for Online English in EFL Classroom, and
the things that must be considered as a teacher so that learning is not boring.


Kerla, M., & Zolota, S. (2015). Methods and Techniques in Online English Language

Suputra, D. (2021). Teaching English Through Online Learning (A Literature Review). The

Art of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 1(2), 65-70.

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