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Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89

A dynamometer design for measurement the cutting

forces on turning
Süleyman Yaldız *, Faruk Ünsaçar
Mechanical Department, Technical Education Faculty, Selçuk University, 42031 Konya, Turkey

Received 30 July 2004; received in revised form 12 July 2005; accepted 21 July 2005
Available online 30 September 2005


The cutting forces generated in metal cutting have a direct influence on generation heat, tool wear or failure, quality
of machined surface and accuracy of the work piece. In this study, a turning dynamometer that can measure static and
dynamic cutting forces by using strain gauge and piezo-electric accelerometer respectively has been designed and con-
structed. The orientation of octagonal rings and strain gauge locations has been determined to maximize sensitivity and
to minimize cross-sensitivity. The force signals were captured and processed using proper data acquisition system. The
dynamometer has been subjected to a series of tests to determine its static and dynamic characteristics. The results
obtained showed that the dynamometer could be used reliably to measure static and dynamic cutting forces.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dynamometer; Strain gauge; Data acquisition; Turning

1. Introduction work piece, the process of chip formation, chatter

and tool wear [1]. It has been observed that the
Force measurement in metal cutting is essential force values obtained by engineering calculations
requirement as it is related to machine part design, contain some errors when compared with experi-
tool design, power consumptions, vibrations, part mental measurements. The cutting force even in
accuracy, etc. It is the purpose of the measurement steady state conditions is affected by many param-
of cutting force to be able to understand the cut- eters and the variation of cutting force with time
ting mechanism such as the effects of cutting vari- has a peculiar characteristic [2]. The need for mea-
ables on the cutting force, the machinability of the surement of all cutting force component arises
from many factors, but probably the most impor-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 332 223 2347; fax: +90 332
tant is the need for correlation with the progress of
2410185. tool wear [3]. If this can be obtained, it will be pos-
E-mail address: (S. Yaldız). sible to achieve tool wear monitoring in turning

0263-2241/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89 81

based on force variation. The reason for the cut- dynamometers that can be adapted to some
ting force measurement is that it is a good indica- machine tools and defined the criterions of their
tor in detecting tool wear. It is well known that rigidity and sensitivity. In designing dynamometer,
during the cutting process, the cutting parameters some principles such as parallel beam type [1,11],
such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut circular hole [7,6], piezo-electric [12,13], etc., have
often present a deviation from the calculated val- been used widely.
ues. For this purpose, many dynamometers have This study outlines a strain gauge based octag-
been developed [4]. In these dynamometers, cut- onal-ring type analogue dynamometer design and
ting force measurement is mainly based on elastic prototyping. This dynamometer is capable of mea-
deformation of the materials. suring three-force components. As the reading of
Various studies concerning dynamometer analogue values manually is a difficult and tedious
design and construction can be found in the pub- job, a computer connection for data acquisition
lished Ref. [5,6]. Force components in turning has been realized.
are often measured using either an octagonal-ring
dynamometer type or a tool shank type. The tool-
shank type is always characterized by its inaccu- 2. Experimental set-up
racy and insensitivity in measuring either one or
two components [7]. 2.1. Dynamometer
The strain gauge produces a clear relation be-
tween the measured quantity and the strain on a A three-force component analogue dynamom-
suitable spot on the spring element [8]. In most eter capable of measuring cutting forces during
cases, the static force is obtained by a strain gauge turning was designed, developed and tested. A
type sensor which produces an output voltage pro- computer connection for data acquisition was also
portional to elastic deformation. made and calibrated. The analogue data can be
The cutting force dynamometers must be man- evaluated numerically on a computer and when re-
ufactured at sufficient accuracy and high rigidity, quired can be converted back to analogue. The
and particularly suitable for dynamic loads [9]. schematic representation of the cutting force mea-
Ito et al. [10] designed some strain gauge based surement system is capable of measuring feed force

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of experimental set-up.

82 S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89

Table 1
Experimental equipments and their technical properties
Machine tool Harrison Universal Lathe Model M300
Dynamometer Strain gauge based three component cutting force dynamometer
Strain gauge HBM: LY11 6/120; effective gauge length 6 mm; gauge factor 2.03 ± 1%; gauge resistance
350 ± 0.35%X; transverse sensitivity of 0.2%
Strain ring Octagonal in shape; made of AISI 4140 steel; b = 20 mm; r = 16 mm; t = 4 mm
Strain amplifier Advantech: ADAM 3016
Data acquisition card Advantech: A/D converter; PCI 1712, 16 single channel (8 differential), 1–10 MHz
Data recording software Written in C; capable of recording, simulating and data processing
Piezo-electric accelerometer Kistler: 8632C50; sensitivity 100 mV/g; output voltage ±5 V; current 2 mA;
transverse sensitivity 1%max; power supply 10–30 VDC
Coupler/power supply Kistler: 5118B2; bandwidth 0.03, 0.006 Hz; gain 1·, 10·, 100·; output voltage ±10 V;
operated by internal battery (4 · 1.5 V) or external voltage 6–28 VDC
Universal testing machine LLOYD Instrument T = 50 K

(Ff), thrust force (Ft) and main cutting force (Fc) In addition, the structure of the dynamometer
which occurs during turning operations as seen has to meet more strict requirements concerning
in Fig. 1. This dynamometer consists of four elas- the natural frequency and wide frequency response
tic octagonal rings on which strain gauges were and small cross-sensitivity. The ring elements must
mounted and necessary connections were made be machined identical and symmetrical to prevent
to form measuring the Wheatstone bridges. cross-sensitivity and they should have certain sur-
face quality and high measurement tolerance. The
2.2. Data acquisition mechanical properties of strain rings must be
determined experimentally.
On-line and real-time information of the cutting A dynamometer essentially consists of an
force data are automatically read and stored by a important ring element. The rigidity, high natural
system during metal cutting. Since the output from frequency, corrosion resistance and high heat con-
Wheatstone bridge circuits is very low due to the ductivity factors were taken into consideration
high stiffness requirement of the dynamometer, while selecting the ring materials. Also, deforma-
the analogue signals coming from dynamometer tion under the load should conform to that of
amplified by strain gauge input modules (Advan- strain gauges [14].
tech ADAM 3016) are then converted to digital In this study, AISI 4140 steel, which meets
signals and captured by PCI-1712 data acquisition above requirements, was selected as the ring
card installed in MS-Windows based PC. The material.
stored data can be retrieved and used for analysis
when required. The data acquisition software is 3.2. Determination of dimensions of the
capable of averaging and graphical simulation of octagonal rings
force signals in process. The lists of the experimen-
tal equipments used are shown in Table 1. The thickness t, radius r, and width of the circu-
lar strain ring b are the three basic controllable
parameters that affect the rigidity and sensitivity.
3. Design and construction of a dynamometer for Since there is no effect of ring width b and modulus
turning of elasticity (E) on the strain per unit deflection, bmin
can be taken as 20 mm to setup the rings securely [9].
3.1. The criterions for dynamometer design The deformation of circular ring under the ef-
fect of thrust force Ft and main cutting force Fc
The rigidity and sensitivity are two opposing separately is shown in Fig. 2b and c respectively.
but basic requirements in dynamometer design. As long as strain on A and B where the strain
S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89 83

Fig. 2. The deformation of circular strain ring under: (a) combined, (b) thrust Ft and (c) main cutting Fc forces.

gauges are going to be fixed (Fig. 2a) are within the 3.3. Verifying the dimensions of octagonal rings
elastic limits of the ring material, the strain and
deflection due to the main cutting force should The maximum expected force, which the rings
be considered for the purpose of the ring design may face in each direction, is assumed as 3500 N.
for maximization of sensitivity (ec/Fc) and stiffness If the cross-sectional dimensions of a curved bar
(Fc/dc). is smaller than the radius of the centre line, it is
The strain gauges should be placed where the considered to be thin ring [15]. Taking into ac-
stress concentration has maximum value. The count dimensions as; width (b) = 20 mm; radius
experiments have shown that good results are ob- (r) = 16 mm; thickness (t) = 4 mm, elastic strains
tained for octagonal rings when the inclined et and ec due to forces Ft and Fc are calculated
gauges are at points 45 from the vertical instead according to ring theory by using the following
of 39.6 required by the circular ring theory. The equations [7,9]:
strain per unit deflection can be expressed as [9] 1:09F t r
et ¼  ¼ 9:1  104 ð2Þ
et 1:09t t Ebt2
¼ ffi 0:61 ð1Þ
dt =r 1:8r r 2:18F c r
ec ¼  ¼ 1:82  103 ð3Þ
where dt is the deflection in a radial direction and et Ebt2
is the strain due to thrust force Ft. It is clear that The stress occurring on rings caused by thrust and
for maximum sensitivity and rigidity et/dt should main cutting forces can be calculated by placing
be as large as possible. This requires that r should elastic strain ratio values in Eq. (4) and (5) as
be as small as possible and t as large as possible. follows:
But small r brings some difficulties in mounting rt ¼ Eet ¼ 190:8 N=mm2 ð4Þ
the internal strain gauges accurately. Therefore, rc ¼ Eec ¼ 381:5 N=mm 2
for a given size of r and b, t should be large enough
to be consistent with the desired sensitivity. Ito As the yield strength of AISI 4140 steel is 550–
et al. [10] performed a finite element analysis for 900 N/mm2, the calculated stress values (rt and
the elastic behaviour of octagonal rings. They ex- rc) occurring on the rings are within safety limits
pressed that the octagonal ring is substantially stif- for this material.
fer than the circular ring when t/r equals 0.05 or
less, the difference in displacement of circular ring 3.4. Dynamic properties of dynamometer
and octagonal ring is less than 10% if t/r equals
0.25 or greater. In order to be consistent with this Vibration frequency of the machine tool, to
expression, the ring thickness and ring radius were which the dynamometer is mounted for cutting
taken as 4 and 16 mm respectively. Thus, the rate force measurement, should conform to the natural
of t/r (4/16 = 0.25) provides corresponding sensi- frequency of the dynamometer. A dynamometerÕs
tivity to stiffness ratio e/(d/r) for octagonal ring. natural frequency should be as high as possible.
84 S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89

As placing the related values in Eq. (6), the ring

constant of the dynamometer is computed as;
Kt = 36,458 N/mm.
The natural frequency of dynamometer, which
is assumed to be a small mass supported by ring
elements, can be obtained from the following rela-
tion [9]:
1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fd ¼ K=m ð7Þ
Fig. 3. Free-body diagram of the developed dynamometer. where; K dynamometer ring constant (N/mm), m
dynamometer mass (kg), fd dynamometer natural
frequency (rev/s).
Vibration frequency of the machine tool is related
The ring mass is 36.43 kg. As placing the related
to the spindle speed of the machine tool. The dyna-
values in Eq. (7), the natural frequency of dyna-
mometer should have natural frequency of at least
mometer is computed as fd = 159.2 rev/s. To fulfil
four times the vibration frequency of the machine
the requirement as stated above fd > 4fm, the max-
tool [9]. The dynamometer is considered to be a
imum spindle speed of the lathe should be 200
small mass supported by ring elements for analyt-
rev/s or 12,000 rpm.
ical purpose as shown in Fig. 3.
In order to determine the natural frequency of
3.5. The orientation of the strain gauges and the
the dynamometer, the ring constant of dynamom-
rings on the dynamometer
eter should be determined first. The stiffness value
for a thin circular ring is given as in the following
The proper selection of the points where the
equation [9]:
strain gauges are mounted is essential for achiev-
Ft Ebt3 ing high accuracy in the Wheatstone bridge cir-
Kt ¼ ¼ ð6Þ cuits. The orientation of the strain gauges on the
dt 1:8r3

Ft Section L- L Section W-W

1 2 5 6 9 10 13 14
3 4 8 7 11 12
A C B D16 15

W Strain guages


A Fc D


Fig. 4. The strain gauges and ring orientation on the dynamometer.

S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89 85

rings and the position of the rings on the dyna- mounted on four octagonal rings. Two strain
mometer are given in Fig. 4. gauges were mounted horizontally on to outsides
The thrust force Ft are supported by A, B, C of each ring at 45 angles. Two more strain gauges,
and D rings of the dynamometer as shown in one inside and the other outside were also
Fig. 4. The strain gauges 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15 mounted vertically. See Fig. 4.
and 16 are affected by the thrust force Ft. Among HBM: LY 11 6/120 type strain gauges recom-
these strain gauges, 3, 7, 11 and 15 are subject to mended for steel specimens and for static or
tensile stress while 4, 8, 12 and 16 are subject to dynamic loading were utilized. To achieve low
compressive stress. energy dissipation and hence a stable zero setting
The feed force Ff is supported by A and C rings for a long time, excitation voltage must be selected
of the dynamometer as shown in Fig. 4. The strain carefully. The range of excitation voltage for a
gauges to measure the feed force Ff should be thick steel mounting surface may be obtained from
mounted on the outer surfaces of A and C rings the relation [16]
with 45 inclination angle. As shown in Fig. 4, qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the strain gauges 1, 2, 5 and 6 are affected by the V in ¼ 2 RP 0g Ag
feed force Ff. Among these strain gauges, 1 and 5
are subject to tensile stress while 2 and 6 are sub- in which R is the gauge resistance in ohms, P 0g is
ject to compressive stress. the power density in the gauge grid (between 2
The main cutting force Fc is supported by B and and 5 kW/m2), and Ag is the active grid area
D rings as seen in Fig. 4. The strain gauges for (6 · 2.8). For convenience, an excitation voltage
measuring the main cutting force Fc are mounted of 10 V (calculated between 8 and 12.7 V) was
on rings B and D with 45 inclination angle with employed.
respect to the vertical plane. As shown in Fig. 4,
the strain gauges 9, 10, 13 and 14 are affected by 3.6.2. Mounting of the dynamometer
the main cutting force Fc. The rings of dynamometer were mounted be-
tween two plates by using (Ø4 mm.) pins and
3.6. Dynamometer construction M5 screws. Pins were used in order to prevent
the motion of plates due to clearance, which may
3.6.1. Mounting of strain gauges on the rings cause the cross-sensitivity during measurements.
The rings of dynamometer were manufactured The dimensions of plates were 100 · 100 · 12ḿm.
at CNC machine tools as seen in Fig. 5. The sur- The cutter was placed tightly into the hole of the
faces of the rings were ground for better strain front plate and tightened with M8 screws to upper
gauge application. Totally 16, strain gauges were plate in order to sustain the perpendicularity to the
ring plane (see Fig. 6). The sides of front and rear
plates were covered with 5-mm thick transparent
plastic material in order to prevent the strain
gauges from hot chips and from cutting fluid dur-
ing turning.
The dynamometer was fixed on to the saddle of
lathe in a position where the nose of the cutter tips
was on the same line with chuck centre.

3.7. Dynamometer calibration

3.7.1. Static calibration of the dynamometer

In order to determine the elastic deflection of
ring components and consequently the output
Fig. 5. Manufactured octagonal dynamometer rings. voltage under static load, the dynamometer was
86 S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89

Fig. 8. Calibration curve and cross-sensitivity for thrust force


Fig. 6. The photo of designed and developed dynamometer.

calibrated. The calibration was made in three

directions for Ff, Ft, Fc and the output voltages
of millivolt were averaged for each direction. The
loads up to 2000 N · 50 N intervals were applied
and the strain values were recorded for each load
intervals. Thus calibration curves were obtained Fig. 9. Calibration curve and cross-sensitivity for main cutting
to convert the output readings into cutting force force Fc.
values. Figs. 7–9 shows the calibration curves for
feed force, thrust force and main cutting force 3.7.2. Dynamic calibration of the dynamometer
respectively. In order to verify the consistency, The natural frequency of the dynamometer
the measurements were repeated three times and determines its general dynamic stiffness. In order
very close values were obtained as seen in Figs. that the recorded force is not influenced by the dy-
7–9. The effect of loading in one direction on the namic response of the dynamometer, its natural
other force components was also examined and frequency must be higher than the frequency of
minor fluctuations were observed. These effects exciting vibration [3]. The natural frequency of
were small enough to be ignored. The dynamome- the dynamometer is determined accurately by
ter was run idle for 5 min before each calibration setting the dynamometer into vibration and by
tests as it was ready for measurement in order to measuring its response using accelerometer and
determine the consistency. oscilloscope. So, the developed dynamometer, the
dynamic cutting force within the time domain
and frequency domain were recorded while the
machine was running as idle and during the cutting
operation as shown in Fig. 10.

3.8. The dynamometer testing

3.8.1. Linearity test

In order to test the dynamometer for linearity,
approximately 80% of maximum load (3500 N)
Fig. 7. Calibration curve and cross-sensitivity for feed force Ff. was applied on it. The dynamometer outputs and
S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89 87

Fig. 10. Dynamic cutting force within the time domain and frequency domain.

calibration values obtained are shown in Table 2. fitted symmetrically to the ring axes and if the strain
The percentage error of Ff, Ft and Fc were calcu- rings are not mounted in the direction of measured
lated as 1.3%, 1.4% and 1.2% respectively. These force axes. When the dynamometer tested in X
errors seem to be acceptable for the dynamometer direction, the cross-sensitivity for Y and Z direc-
that will be used in intermittent cutting operations. tion was calculated as 0.18% and 0.7%. While the
test were being carried out on Y and Z direction,
3.8.2. Cross-sensitivity test
The cross-sensitivity can be expressed as the
strain measured on axes which is normal to the Table 3
main axes. It is desired that dynamometers must The results of cross-sensitivity test
not be completely insensitive to the cross-strain. Axes Load (N) Output-e (digital) Average error (%)
It is possible to measure the cutting forces inde- X Y Z X Y Z
pendently and accurately as long as the cross-
Ff 2000 278 5 2 0.18 0.7
sensitivity is small. The strain errors will be less if Ft 2000 8 239 1.3 0.33 0.5
this effect is within an acceptable range. These Fc 2000 16 3 173 0.92 0.17
errors can arise because the strain gauges are not

Table 2 Table 4
The results of linearity test The results of eccentricity test
Axes Load Output-e Calibration Error Axes Load e = 0 mm e = 50 mm (%) Output
(N) (mV) value-e (mV) (%) (N) (mV) (mV) error
Ff 2800 149.6 151.6 1.3 Ff 1000 119 118 0.8
Ft 2800 147.9 145.8 1.4 Ft 1000 122 120 0.16
Fc 3500 93.9 95.06 1.2 Fc 1000 82 81 0.12
88 S. Yaldız, F. Ünsaçar / Measurement 39 (2006) 80–89

Table 5
The results of performance test
Axes e (mV) F (N) F (N) % Output error
X 19.83 300 F ¼ F 2x þ F 2y þ F 2z Accuracy = 989.14/1000 = 0.98

Y 16.20 280 F = 989.14 N Error = 10.86/1000 = 0.02

Z 34.60 900

the cross-sensitivity was calculated as 0.33% and system is ±5 N. In order to determine accuracy,
0.5%, and 0.92% and 0.17% respectively as shown the dynamometer was calibrated statically and
in Table 3. dynamically and subjected to linearity test, cross-
sensitivity test, eccentricity test and performance
3.8.3. Eccentricity test test. The values of cross-sensitivity of the dyna-
In a three-component dynamometer, the ap- mometer for the three directions were calculated
plied load within the square outlined by axes of in the range of 0.17–0.92%. Dynamometer can be
rings must always give same output value. To test assumed as reliable as this small value can be
this condition, the dynamometer was subject to neglected. In turning operations, appropriate
eccentricity test. In order to test the dependence results were obtained in cutting force measure-
of outputs of gauges affected by application point ments. The obtained results of machining tests per-
of Ff, Ft and Fc forces, the force (1000 N) was ap- formed at different cutting parameters shows that
plied to the dynamometer at centre and at e = 50 the dynamometer can be used reliably to measure
mm distance from the calibration point. The per- cutting forces. Although it was designed primarily
centage of output errors for Ff, Ft and Fc were for turning, it can be used for milling, drilling, etc.
found as 0.8%, 0.16% and 0.12% as shown
in Table 4.
3.8.4. Performance test
For this test, the dynamometer axes were kept This experimental study was supported by
neither horizontal nor vertical position, but in- Coordination Office to Scientific Research Projects
clined 5 and 1000 N load was applied from the of Selcuk University. The authors would like to
point of zero eccentricity. The outputs (ex, ey, thank to Coordination Office to Scientific Re-
ez  le) were measured and percentage of output search Projects of Selcuk University for providing
error was calculated as 0.2%. The performance test the financial support to accomplish the project.
results are given in Table 5.

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