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MLSLAB releasing a lipid-rich secretion that

maintains hydration and protection against

THE HUMAN BODY ■ Stratum Lucidum
● “clear layer”
● unique only in the thick skin areas subject
to friction and abrasion- fingertips, palms
(INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM) and soles of the foot, consisting of four to
6 layers of flattened, clear, dead
STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN keratinocytes.
- The skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat and oil glands) ■ Stratum Corneum (nearest)
constitutes the Integumentary System in the regulation of body ● “horny layer”
temperature through evaporation of sweat and constriction of ● consists of 20-30 layers of continuously
blood vessels, production of Vitamin D that aids in calcium replaced nucleated keratinocytes. In thin
metabolism, activation of steroid hormones such as collagenase, skin, which covers the rest of the body, the
protection from biological, chemical and physical assaults Stratum Lucidum appears to be absent
through acidic and bactericidal secretions, migration of immune and the other strata are thinner.
cells as well as excretion of limited amounts of
nitrogen-containing wastes ammonia, urea, uric acid).


○ The Epidermis (epi=” upon”) has 5 layers/strata.
■ Stratum Basale aka stratum germinativum
● “germinating layer”
● consisting of a single row of continually
renewing keratinocytes, tactile epithelial
cells and 10-25% melanocytes that
reaches into the next layer,
■ Stratum Spinosum
● “prickly layer”
● consisting of 8-10 layers of keratinocytes
interspersed abundantly with melanin
granules and dendritic cells.
■ Stratum Granulosum
● “granular layer” ● DERMIS
● consisting of 1-5 layers of keratinocytes
undergoing apoptosis and keratinization,
forming keratohyalin and lamellar granules
○ The Dermis is highly vascularized and richly supplied with ■ The bulb also contains the hair matrix that arises
nerve fibers and lymphatic vessels. It is composed of two from the stratum basale, the site of cell
distinct layers- the papillary and reticular: division. Therefore, as the hair matrix produces
■ The thin, superficial papillary layer, accounts for new hair cells, the older part is pushed upwards,
20% of the thickness of the dermis, made up of its fused cells become increasingly keratinized
areolar connective tissue, interlaced with and die.
collagen, elastic fibers and small blood vessels. ○ Additionally, each hair follicle has an attached bundle of
Located therein are peg-like projections known as smooth muscle cells known as an arrector pili muscle
dermal papillae that contain free nerve endings which when contracted pulls the hair follicle upright and
(pain receptors) and touch receptors (tactile or dimples the skin surface to produce goose bumps in
Meissner’s corpuscles). response to cold temperatures or fear; moreover, it forces
■ The deeper reticular layer, accounting for about sebum out of hair follicles to the skin surface where it
80% of the thickness of the dermis, is coarse, acts as a skin lubricant.
dense irregular connective tissue. The
extracellular matrix houses adipose cells and
interlacing collagen fibers.


○ The hair or pili is divided into two (2) main regions:
■ namely the shaft, which projects above the
surface of the skin where keratinization is
■ and the root that penetrates into the dermis
where keratinization is still ongoing.
○ These 2 regions consist of three (3) concentric layers of
keratinized cells:
■ medulla,
■ cortex ● NAILS
■ cuticle. ○ Nails are plates of tightly packed, hard, dead and
○ Surrounding the root is the hair follicle that is made up of keratinized cells that functions to:
the epithelial root sheath. ■ protect the dorsal surface of the distal ends of the
○ The hair bulb, evident as an onion shaped structure, digits,
comprises the base of the follicle and the surrounding ■ enhance touch perception and manipulation,
dermal sheath, which houses the hair papilla, ■ relieve itches though scratching and
■ a nipple shaped indentation which contains ■ help to groom the body in various ways.
areolar connective tissue and many blood vessels ○ Each nail has a free edge, a nail plate/body and a nail
that nourish the growing hair follicle. root. The free edge extends past the distal end of the
digit and beneath it,
○ where most dirt and debris accumulate is the pore on the skin surface which softens and lubricates the
hyponychium which mainly secures the nail to the hair and skin, prevents hair from becoming brittle, and
fingertip. slows water loss from the skin when external humidity is
○ The nail plate/body is the visible portion resting on the low.
vascular nail bed,
○ to which the whitish, crescent-shaped area of the CLINICAL CONDITIONS OF THE SKIN
proximal end is called the lunula. ● SKIN DISCOLORATION
○ The epithelium proximal to the nail root (embedded in the ○ Cyanosis refers to the bluish discoloration of the skin
skin) is the nail matrix which produces new nail cells. Nail due to decreased levels of hemoglobin, the
folds overlap the proximal and lateral borders of the nail. iron-containing- oxygen carrying pigment found in red
○ The cuticle/eponychium is the nail fold that projects onto blood cells evident during heart failures and severe
the nail body. respiratory disorders. In Dark-skinned individuals,
● SWEAT cyanosis is apparent in the mucous membranes and nail
○ Sweat glands, aka sudoriferous glands are distributed beds.
over the entire skin surface except the nipples and parts ○ Pallor or blanching refers to a change in skin color
of the external genitalia. Divided into two, namely: eccrine during episodes of fear, anger, and certain other types of
and apocrine. emotional stress. Pale skin may also signify anemia or
■ Eccrine (Merocrine) are simple coiled tubular low blood pressure.
sweat glands, far more numerous and abundant ○ Jaundice refers to the abnormal yellow skin tone which
on the palms, soles of the feet, and forehead, usually signifies a liver disorder in which normally
extends to open directly onto the skin surface in a secreted bile pigments accumulate in the blood and are
funnel-shaped pore at the skin surface and by therefore deposited in the body tissues.
their sweat production help to control body ● SKIN LESION
temperature. ● Skin lesions may be flat or raised. If you run your finger
■ In contrast, the apocrine glands are confined over the lesion but do not feel the lesion, the lesion is flat.
chiefly in the axillary and genital regions and ○ If it is flat and small (<1 cm), it is a macule. Seen
usually open into hair follicles. Apocrine secretion in malignant melanomas and the fungal infection,
contains the same basic components as true Tinea versicolor.
sweat, plus fatty substances and proteins. ○ If it is flat and large, (>1 cm), it is a patch, evident
● Ceruminous glands are modified in Seborrheic dermatitis and vitiligo; however, if
apocrine glands found in the lining of the you run your finger over the lesion and it is
external ear canal forming a sticky, bitter ○ palpable above the skin, it is raised.
substance called cerumen, or earwax. ○ If a raised spot is small (<1 cm), it is a papule.
● OIL GLANDS ○ Examples are skin tags and basal cell carcinoma.
○ Oil glands, aka sebaceous glands are simple branched If a raised spot is larger (>1 cm), it is a plaque,
alveolar glands present on all skin surfaces except in the commonly seen in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
thick skin of the palms and soles. These glands secrete ○ If the lesion is raised, fluid-filled, and small (<1
an oily/fatty substance called sebum with bactericidal cm), it is a vesicle, evident in infections caused by
properties through the hair follicles or occasionally to a
the Herpes simplex virus and contact dermatitis the keratinocytes of the stratum spinosum.
from poison ivy. It tends to grow rapidly and metastasize if
○ If the lesion is raised, fluid-filled and larger (>1 not removed. If it is caught early and
cm), it is a bulla, commonly seen in insect bites. removed surgically or by radiation therapy,
○ Additional raised lesions are pustules that are a the chance of complete cure is good.
collection of neutrophils or keratin seen in acne 3. Melanoma, cancer of melanocytes, is the
vulgaris. most dangerous skin cancer, accounting
○ Furuncles due to inflamed hair follicles. A for only 2-3%. It is highly metastatic and
collection of multiple furuncles is known as resistant to chemotherapy. The key to
carbuncles. surviving melanoma is early detection.
○ Subcutaneous mass/cyst encapsulated Chance of survival is poor if the lesion is
collections of fluid that may be fixed/mobile. over 4 mm thick. The usual therapy for
○ Wheals are areas of localized edema that comes melanoma is wide surgical excision
and goes within 1-2 days, seen in urticaria or accompanied by immunotherapy.
○ Burrows evident as small linear pathways
caused by the scabies mite.
- Of all of the body’s organs, none is more easily exposed
to infection, disease, and injury than the skin. Its location
makes it vulnerable to damage from trauma, sunlight,
microbes, and pollutants in the environment.
Overexposure to UV radiation is the single most
important risk factor for skin cancer. Predisposing factors
may include: frequent irritation of the skin by infections,
chemicals, or physical trauma in a limited number of
cases. The three (3) major forms of skin cancer are basal
cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and
1. Basal Cell Carcinoma is the least
malignant and most common accounting
for nearly 80% of cases. Stratum basale
cells proliferate, invading the dermis and
hypodermis. It is relatively slow-growing, ● BURNS
and metastasis seldom occurs before it is - Burns are devastating tissue damage inflicted by intense
noticed. Full cure by surgical excision is heat, electricity, radiation, or certain chemicals, all of
the rule in 99% of cases. which denature cell proteins and kill cells in the affected
2. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the second areas. The immediate threat to life results from
most common skin cancer, arising from catastrophic loss of body fluids leading to dehydration
and electrolyte imbalance, then renal failure and
circulatory shock.
- Burns are classified according to their severity (depth) as
first-, second-, or third-degree burns.
➔ In first-degree burns, only the epidermis is
➔ Second-degree burns injure the epidermis and the
upper region of the dermis.
◆ First- and second-degree burns are
referred to as partial-thickness burns.
➔ Third-degree burns are full-thickness burns,
involving the entire thickness of the skin. Since
the nerve endings have been destroyed, the
burned area is not painful.
- In general, burns are considered critical if any of the
following conditions exists: (1) Over 25% of the body
has second-degree burns, (2) over 10% of the body
has third-degree burns and (3) there are third-degree
burns of the face, hands, or feet.



- The skeletal system is made up of 206 bones. It also includes generated in a joint. The sesamoid bones protect tendons
cartilage, tendons and ligaments. There are two, primary by helping them overcome compressive forces.
divisions of the skeletal system: the axial skeleton and the Sesamoid bones vary in number and placement from
appendicular skeleton. The primary purpose of the human person to person but are typically found in tendons
skeletal system is to provide locomotion, support and protection associated with the feet, hands, and knees. The patellae
for the body. Vital organs, such as the brain, heart, and lungs, (singular = patella) are the only sesamoid bones found in
are protected by the skeletal system. In addition to locomotion, common with every person. Table 6.1 reviews bone
support, and protection, the skeletal system also produces red classifications with their associated features functions,
blood cells, and stores important minerals for the body. and examples.
○ Long Bones are cylindrical in shape, being longer than it ○ The AXIAL SKELETON forms the vertical, central axis of
is wide. Keep in mind, however, that the term describes the body and includes all bones of the head, neck, chest,
the shape of a bone, not its size. Long bones are found in and back. It consists of 80 bones, including the skull, the
the arms (humerus, ulna, radius) and legs (femur, tibia, vertebral column, and the thoracic cage. These bones
fibula), as well as in the fingers (metacarpals, phalanges) protect the brain, spinal cord, heart, and lungs. It also
and toes (metatarsals, phalanges). Long bones function serves as the attachment site for muscles that move the
as levers; they move when muscles contract. head, neck, and back, and for muscles that act across
○ Short Bones are cube-like in shape, being approximately the shoulder and hip joints to move their corresponding
equal in length, width, and thickness. The only short limbs.
bones in the human skeleton are in the carpals of the
wrists and the tarsals of the ankles. Short bones provide
stability and support as well as some limited motion.
○ The term “flat bone” is somewhat of a misnomer
because, although a FLAT BONE is typically thin, it is
also often curved. Examples include the cranial (skull)
bones, the scapulae (shoulder blades), the sternum
(breastbone), and the ribs. Flat bones serve as points of
attachment for muscles and often protect internal organs.
○ An IRREGULAR BONE is one that does not have any
easily characterized shape and therefore does not fit any
other classification. These bones tend to have more
complex shapes, like the vertebrae that support the
spinal cord and protect it from compressive forces. Many
facial bones, particularly the ones containing sinuses, are
classified as irregular bones.
○ The APPENDICULAR SKELETON consists of 126 bones
○ A SESAMOID BONE is a small, round bone that, as the
and includes the free appendages and their attachments
name suggests, is shaped like a sesame seed. These
to the axial skeleton. The free appendages are the upper
bones form in tendons (the sheaths of tissue that connect
and lower extremities, or limbs, and their attachments
bones to muscles) where a great deal of pressure is
which are called girdles. It gives the shape to the body
and it supports the body weight, without the bones you ■ bones through the osteoblasts action. The bone
can’t stand or sit erect. cells which secrete the material produce compact
bone matrix. It is done by this process which the
TOPIC 2: BONE STRUCTURE long bones in a human embryo develop.
BONE STRUCTURE 1. Store of Bone Marrow
(OSSEOUS TISSUE) - Bone marrow is also known as Myeloid tissue. It
occurs when blood vessels crowd together by the
● SPONGY BONE trabecular matrix and they condense. The
- The spongy bone is a much porous kind of bone which is compact bone is denser with having few open
found in the animals. The spongy bones are also called spaces, the spongy bone is good for form and
Cancellous bones or the Trabecular bones. This bone stores bone marrow across the lattice-like
is highly vascularized and consists of red bone marrow. trabeculae network. Compact bone is made up of
Usually, spongy bone is situated at the end of long primarily of fat in its medullar cavity, and it stores
bones, with the surrounding of harder compact bone. yellow bone marrow. The spongy bone has red
This bone also presents in the ribs, inside the vertebrae, bone marrow which is used in erythropoiesis.
in the joint bones, and in the skull. Spongy bones are 2. Site of Erythropoiesis
weaker and softer as compared to compact bones, but it - The red blood cells create in the red bone marrow
is much flexible too. It is referred to by a lattice-like matrix at the rate of approximate 2 million per second,
network, known as trabeculae, which gives it a spongy inside the spongy bone. This faster production of
shape. red blood cells is possible by the highly
○ STRUCTURE vascularized nature of spongy bone that can
■ The spongy bone is made up of cells, known as transfer the adequate amount of glucose, amino
Osteocytes which lie in small cavities called acids, lipids, and trace elements, which is
Lacunae. necessary to make red blood cells. when the old
■ The lacunae and their osteocytes are present in and damaged red blood cells are near to die, they
trabeculae matrix on the bone with the bone return to bone marrow and here they
marrow. phagocytized by the macrophages. This process
■ Blood vessels travel from the harder compact lies in spleen and liver.
bone toward the spongy bone, by supply the 3. Reduces the Weight of the Skeleton
materials which are necessary for the production - The low density and low weight of spongy bone
of blood cells. balance out the heavier and denser compact bone
■ Osteocytes located to close to the blood vessel, in order to reduce the overall weight of the
which can take on nutrients and expel the waste skeleton. This act makes it easier for the
material movement of muscle to the limbs.
● with the help of tiny interconnecting 4. Adds Strength and Flexibility to Bones
channels found on the surface of - The trabeculae of the spongy bone work to form
trabeculae, known as Canaliculi. Spongy along with lines of stress, which gives the bone
bone can also convert to the compact strength and the flexibility in this area. Spongy
bone also lies in joints and work as a shock the minerals to and from the compact bone. The
absorber when we jump, walk, or run. minerals are deposited for storage within the
5. Mineral Storage lamellae when blood levels are high. When levels
- The human skeleton has the storage of 99% of are low, minerals are absorbed out of the lamellae
calcium and 85% of phosphorus. The blood and transported throughout the body.
mineral contents must be regulated in order to
sure the proper functioning of muscles and the
nervous system. It is a quick method mediated by
hormones, which release minerals into the
bloodstream when it is needed.

- Compact bones are also called cortical bones, which
contain osteons or Haversian systems. The compact
bone gets its white, smooth structure owing to the
connective tissues that cover around 3⁄4 part of the bone
from inside. The shafts found in long bones are also
compact bones. These bones are tough and hard with
negligible gaps inside them.
■ The basic units of compact bone are called
osteons or Haversian systems. These are
cylinder-shaped structures that have a mineral
matrix and are home to osteocytes (mature bone
cells) that are trapped in the matrix. Lamellae are
formed by osteons that align themselves in a
parallel orientation to form layers along the long
axis of the bone. The small open spaces created
in the lamellae by the osteocytes are called
lacunae. Canaliculi are small channels that create
a network between the lacunae to aid in the
diffusion of material between the bone cells. The
lamellae create circular canals called Haversian
canals that contain nerves and blood vessels
■ The function of compact bone is to help to keep ○ Though both comprise the two major types of osseous
the levels of these minerals at constant within the tissue, the key difference between compact and spongy
blood. The arteries and veins that run through the bone occurs in their structure and in terms of the
Haversian canals provide a means to transport functions they perform. Compact bone is hard and forms
the outer layer of any bone. On the other hand, spongy
bone is softer, and forms the inner layer of bones while
covering a large surface area.
○ The main function of compact bone is to support the
whole body, whereas spongy bones support the body
structure. The latter helps save materials, and provide
movement to the key body organs. Compact bones are
heavy and tough as they store calcium in them,
contributing to over 80% of total human skeleton weight.
Spongy bones are lighter in weight; the lesser amount of
calcium supply to these bones makes them weak and
vulnerable to breaking easily.
- Within about 48 hours after the fracture, chondrocytes from the
endosteum have created an internal callus (plural = calli) by
secreting a fibrocartilaginous matrix between the two ends of
the broken bone, while the periosteal chondrocytes and
osteoblasts create an external callus of hyaline cartilage and
bone, respectively, around the outside of the break (Figure 2b).
This stabilizes the fracture.
- Over the next several weeks, osteoclasts resorb the dead bone;
osteogenic cells become active, divide, and differentiate into
osteoblasts. The cartilage in the calli is replaced by trabecular
bone via endochondral ossification (Figure 2c).
- Eventually, the internal and external calli unite, compact bone
TOPIC 3: FRACTURES AND BONE DISORDERS replaces spongy bone at the outer margins of the fracture, and
healing is complete. A slight swelling may remain on the outer
surface of the bone, but quite often, that region undergoes
remodeling (Figure 2d), and no external evidence of the fracture
- When a bone breaks, blood flows from any vessel torn by the
fracture. These vessels could be in the periosteum, osteons,
and/or medullary cavity. The blood begins to clot, and about six
to eight hours after the fracture, the clotting blood has formed a
● Stable Fracture
fracture hematoma (Figure 2). The disruption of blood flow to
○ This is the type of fracture that occurs when an injury
the bone results in the death of bone cells around the fracture.
causes the bone to break clean, with its parts in
alignment. This means that the bone maintains its original
● Transverse Fracture
○ A transverse fracture is one that occurs at a 90-degree
angle, straight across the bone. It happens when the
impact comes perpendicular to the site of injury. ● Compound Fracture
○ This is one of the most severe injuries: A compound or
open fracture is when the bone pierces the skin when it
breaks. Surgery is usually called for due to its severity
and the risk of infection.

● Comminuted Fracture
○ A comminuted fracture leaves the bone in fragments. It
is most common after severe trauma, such as a car
accident, and is more likely to occur in the hands or feet. ● Hairline Fracture
○ A hairline fracture is also known as a stress fracture and
occurs mostly on the legs and feet. It is a result of
repetitive movement and occurs when athletes
suddenly increase the frequency or intensity of
workouts such as running or jogging.

● Oblique Fracture
○ An oblique fracture occurs when the bone breaks at an
angle. It tends to occur most often on long bones, such
as the femur or tibia. This type of injury causes a visible
deformity beneath the skin. ● Avulsion Fracture
○ An avulsion fracture is a break at the site where bone
attaches to a tendon or ligament. When this happens,
the tendon or ligament pulls off a part of the bone it’s ● Pathological Fracture
attached to. ○ Pathological fractures occur when a patient has an
illness that has weakened their bones, such as
osteoporosis, arthritis, osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma, or
metabolic bone disorders.

● Greenstick Fracture
○ In a Greenstick fracture, a portion of the bone breaks
but not completely through. The injured bone may also
bend near the broken portion. This type of injury is most
common in children.


- Pathophysiology is a term which describes the changes that
occur when normal biological processes become abnormal.
Osteoporosis pathophysiology, therefore, refers to the
changes that occur in the body as a result of osteoporosis.
People with this condition suffer from a number of symptoms
relating to loss of bone density, often as a result of long-term
● Spiral Fracture calcium deficiency.
○ This happens when a bone is wrenched by the forceful ● Osteoporosis
rotation or twisting of a limb. It results in a clean break ○ The principal cause of osteoporosis
where the bone completely breaks into two fragments. pathophysiology is an imbalance between two
factors relating to maintenance of bone density.
These factors are bone formation and bone
resorption. Normal healthy bone is constantly
being repaired and remodeled; some estimates
indicate that up to ten percent of bone tissue is
undergoing this process in a healthy body.
■ Bone formation is a process in which bone
matter is deposited by cells called
■ Bone resorption is the opposite process: new drug for reducing pain and curing of the joint
cells called osteoclasts absorb bone disease. It is a complex disease whose
matter. pathogenesis, changes the tissue homeostasis
○ These two processes must stay in perfect balance of articular cartilage and subchondral bone,
for maintenance of healthy levels of bone density. determine the predominance of destructive
In someone with osteoporosis, bone formation processes. A key role in the pathophysiology of
and bone resorption are unbalanced, causing articular cartilage is played by cell/extracellular
bone to become less dense, more brittle, and matrix (ECM) interactions.
more prone to fracture. General changes in bone and cartilage in OA
○ Several different factors may lead to an imbalance ■ loss of cartilage, joint space narrowing,
between bone deposition and resorption. hypertrophic bone changes
■ One of the most common is the reduction ■ osteophytes formation, osteophytes
in estrogen levels which occurs in were defined as outgrowth of the bone and
post-menopausal women. This reduction cartilage occurring at the joint margin
causes the bone resorption rate to ■ One of the mechanisms of articular
increase relative to the bone formation cartilage damage is stiffness of
rate. subchondral bone, if the bone becomes
○ Another common mechanism of osteoporosis stiffer; it may be less able to absorb impact
pathophysiology is calcium deficiency. loads, which may in turn lead to increased
○ Bone matter is continually being deposited and stresses in the cartilage.
reabsorbed in part to provide the body with the ● Rheumatoid Arthritis
supply of calcium it needs for essential tasks such ○ Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic systemic
as muscle contraction and neurotransmission. inflammatory disease whose hallmark feature is
Reabsorbed bone releases calcium, which enters a persistent symmetric polyarthritis (synovitis) that
the bloodstream and is distributed to cells which affects the hands and feet (see the image below).
require it. When calcium is not provided by the Any joint lined by a synovial membrane may be
diet, more of the mineral must be retained from involved, however, and extra-articular involvement
the bones, and this process reduces the rate at of organs such as the skin, heart, lungs, and eyes
which bone matter is deposited by osteoblasts. can be significant. RA is theorized to develop
■ This deficiency can be exacerbated by when a genetically susceptible individual
lack of vitamin D. experiences an external trigger (e.g., cigarette
● Osteoarthritis smoking, infection, or trauma) that triggers an
○ Osteoarthritis is a chronic, inflammatory joint autoimmune reaction.
disease. OA include cartilage erosion as well as ○ The hallmark swelling, bony erosions, and
inflammation. Complex networks of risk factors synovial thickening reflect the underlying
and biochemical parameters, including cytokines, inflammatory and autoimmune processes. The
proteolytic enzymes trigger the disease. By interaction of environmental factors and genetic
knowing the exact mechanism of progressive of susceptibility leads to altered post-transcriptional
disease progression, it may help in finding the
regulation and self-protein citrullination early in
the disease process.
○ Citrullination is a normal physiologic process in
dying cells, and under normal circumstances, the
cells do not come in contact with the immune
system. When clearance is inadequate, however,
peptidylarginine deiminase (PAD) enzymes and
citrullinated proteins leak out of the dying cells
and contact the immune system. The PAD
enzymes citrullinated extracellular proteins
containing arginine, creating citrullinated antigens.
Patients with certain HLA-DRB1 genotypes, ○ KYPHOSIS is characterized by an abnormally
termed shared epitopes, generate peptides no rounded upper back (more than 50 degrees of
longer recognized as “self” and consequently curvature). This may be caused by:
develop ACPA. Downstream consequences ■ abnormal vertebrae development in utero
include immune complex development and loss of (congenital kyphosis)
tolerance to self. RF is also indicative of ■ Poor posture or slouching (postural
autoantibody production. kyphosis)
● Abnormal Spinal Curvature ■ Scheuermann's disease, a condition that
○ LORDOSIS, also called swayback, wherein the causes vertebrae to be misshaped
spine of a person curves significantly inward at (Scheuermann's kyphosis)
the lower back. The following conditions can ■ Arthritis
cause lordosis: ■ Osteoporosis
■ achondroplasia, a disorder in which ■ Spina bifida, a birth defect in which the
bones do not grow normally, resulting in spinal column of the fetus does not close
the short stature associated with dwarfism. completely during development inside the
■ spondylolisthesis, a condition in which womb
the vertebra, usually in the lower back, ■ Spine infections
slips forward ■ Spine tumors
■ osteoporosis.
○ A person with SCOLIOSIS has a sideways curve often referred to as the musculoskeletal system in some literary
to their spine. The curve is often S-shaped or sources.
C-shaped. Medical experts don’t know what - There are more than 600 skeletal muscles in the human body,
causes the most common type of scoliosis seen in many arguing that there are up to 800. Collectively, they
juveniles, but scoliosis in adults is generally constitute 40-50% of our body mass. Our skeletons provide a
caused by disease, acute injury, spinal infection or “scaffolding” that allows the muscles to form and contours of our
a late-developing birth defect. body.
- The primary function of most skeletal muscles is to produce
movement (locomotion). The entire muscular system however is
also responsible for performing two other essential functions of
the human body: heat production, storage and transport of
substances within the body, and posture.
1. Locomotion - Skeletal muscle contraction and extension
produce movement of the body in its parts or as a whole.
2. Heat Production - Muscle cells produce heat like all
cells through catabolism. But because skeletal muscles
make up a majority of our body weight and are highly
active, they become responsible for most of our body
3. Storing and moving substances within the body -
UNIT 4 Smooth Muscles like the pyloric sphincter regulates the
( MUSCULAR SYSTEM ) flow of food from the stomach to the duodenum. Smooth
muscles in the walls of blood vessels help adjust the rate
TOPIC 1: ANATOMY OF THE MUSCLE and volume of blood flow.
- Movement is one of the basic characteristics of life. With 4. Posture - While skeletal muscles are regarded to have
movement, an organism can reach towards resources to provide “voluntary” control, a continued partial contraction of
for its sustenance, find others of its own kind, retreat from many skeletal muscles are subconsciously involved in
predators, or chase down its prey. The muscles in our body performing static tasks such as standing or sitting. Thus,
provide us with the means for locomotion, expression, the human body is maintained in a relatively stable
communication, and other basic bodily functions. position due to certain skeletal muscles.


- The muscular system is composed of three different types of
muscle tissue:
- skeletal muscle,
- cardiac muscle,
- smooth muscles.
- The scope of the muscular system in part with physiology however is
more focused on skeletal muscles. Thus, the muscular system is also
hormones and neurotransmitters. (Keywords: Cardiac,
striated, involuntary)
● Smooth Muscle
○ tissue is widely distributed throughout the body, located in
the walls of hollow internal structures like blood vessels,
airways, digestive and urinary tracts, and in other
locations such as in the eye. Smooth muscle does not
have striations when viewed under the microscope, thus
looking non-striated. Which is why it is referred to as
smooth. The action of smooth muscle is involuntary,
● Skeletal Muscles but its style of contraction varies by the type of smooth
○ are named because most skeletal muscles move bones, muscle. There are two types of smooth muscle; visceral
although a few skeletal muscles are attached to or move and multiunit smooth muscle tissue. (Keywords:
the skin or even other skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscle Smooth, non-striated, involuntary)
tissue is striated: Alternating light and dark protein
bands (striations) are seen when the tissue is examined CONNECTIVE TISSUE COMPONENTS
under a microscope. Skeletal muscle tissue is - Connective tissue surrounds and protects muscular tissue. The
voluntary in action as they can be consciously, or subcutaneous layer or hypodermis, which separates muscles
voluntarily, controlled in response to inputs through nerve from skin, is composed of areolar connective tissue and adipose
cells. Most skeletal muscles are also controlled tissue.
subconsciously to some extent. For example, the
diaphragm is a skeletal muscle that alternately contracts Three layers of connective tissue extend from the fascia to protect and
and relaxes without conscious control during breathing. strengthen skeletal muscle:
Keywords: Skeletal, striated, voluntary 1. Epimysium - the outermost layer, encircling the entire
● Cardiac Muscles muscle
○ is found only in one organ: the heart, forming most of the 2. Perimysium - surrounds groups of 10 to 100 or more
heart wall. Cardiac muscle is also striated, but unlike muscle fibers, separating them into bundles called
skeletal muscle tissue, its action is involuntary. The fascicles.
alternating contraction and relaxation of the heart is not 3. Endomysium - a thin sheath of areolar connective tissue
consciously controlled. The functional anatomy of cardiac that penetrates the interior of each fascicle and separates
muscle tissue resembles that of skeletal muscle to a individual muscle fibers from one another.
degree, but exhibits features related to its role in
continuously pumping blood. Unlike skeletal muscle, in All three layers are present in skeletal muscles, while certain layers are
which a nervous impulse excites the sarcolemma to missing in both cardiac and smooth muscles. Only the epimysium is
produce its own impulse, cardiac muscle is present in all three types of muscle.
self-exciting. This self-induced impulse is referred to as
auto-rhythmicity in cardiac muscle cells that exhibit an
autonomous rhythm of excitation and contraction to keep
the heart pumping. It should be noted however, that the
rate of self-induced activity can be regulated through
All three layers are connective tissue that attaches skeletal muscle to
other structures, such as bone or another muscle. A tendon is a cord of
dense regular connective tissue composed of parallel bundles of
collagen fibers that attach a muscle to the periosteum of a bone.

ANATOMY OF THE SKELETAL MUSCLE CELL ➢ Sarcolemma – the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
- Skeletal muscle cells are generally called muscle fibers instead ➢ Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of a muscle fiber
of cells (myocytes) because of their threadlike shape. Skeletal ➢ Sarcoplasmic reticulum – a structure analogous, but
muscle fibers have many of the same structural parts as other not identical, to the endoplasmic reticulum of other cells.
cells, several however, bear different names. A skeletal muscle The membrane of SR continually pumps Ca++ ions from
fiber varies in diameter (10-100μm) based on the location of the the sarcoplasm and stores them within its sacs.
muscle. Extensive in skeletal muscles.
➢ T tubules – allow electrical signals, or impulses, traveling
along the sarcolemma to move deeper into the cell Forms
“triads” with the sarcoplasmic reticulum
➢ Mitochondria – produces ATP. Most numerous in
skeletal muscle tissue.
➢ Myofibrils – contain thousands of thick and thin
myofilaments. Extend lengthwise along skeletal muscle
fibers and almost fill their sarcoplasm
➢ Nuclei - peripherally located along the long, cylindrical

● Myofibrils
- Myofibrils are composed of long proteins including actin,
myosin, tropomyosin, and troponin. Muscles contract
by sliding the thick (myosin) and thin (actin,
tropomyosin, troponin) filaments along each other. ● Sarcomere
- The sarcomere is the basic contractile unit of the muscle
- The sarcomere is a segment of the myofibril between two
successive Z discs. The Z disk, or Z line, is a dense
plate of thin myofilaments where they directly anchor. The
thick myofilaments are anchored together by protein
molecules that form the M line.
- Thin myofilaments contain actin, troponin, and tropomyosin
protein molecules. The actin protein in thin filaments are
chemically attracted to myosin protein in thick filaments, but at
rest the active sites on the actin molecules are covered by long
tropomyosin molecules. The tropomyosin molecules in turn are
held in this blocking position by troponin molecules spaced at
intervals along the thin filament.

❖ Components of the sarcomere:

➢ Z discs – narrow, plate-shaped regions of
dense materials that separate one
sarcomere from the next
➢ M line – region in the center of H zone
that contains proteins that hold thick
filaments together at the center of the
- Thick myofilaments are made up of almost entirely myosin
➢ A band – the segment that runs the entire
molecules. Note that the myosin molecules are shaped like golf
length of the thick filaments, and includes
clubs, with their long shafts bundled together to form a thick
parts of thin filaments that overlap thick
filament and their “heads” sticking out from the bundle. The
myosin heads are chemically attracted to the actin molecules of
➢ I band – the segment that includes the Z
nearby thin filaments. When they bridge the gap between
line and the ends of the thin filaments
adjacent myofilaments, the myosin heads are called cross
where they do not overlap the thick
➢ H zone - narrow region in center of each A
Understanding the function of both thin and thick myofilaments will help
band that contains thick filaments but no
understand the basic function of contraction in muscle fibers, as well as
thin filaments
understanding the structure and function of the sarcomere.
In addition to the contractile and regulatory proteins making up the thin
and thick filaments, each sarcomere has numerous elastic filaments.
❖ Titin (connectin) is the third most plentiful protein in skeletal
muscle (after actin and myosin). Titin is 50 times larger than an
average-sized protein. Each titin molecule spans half a
sarcomere, anchoring the ends of the thick filaments to the Z line ANATOMY OF THE CARDIAC MUSCLE
(from the Z disc to the M line). Titin stabilizes the position of the - Cardiac muscle tissue is only found in the heart. Forming the
thick filament and can stretch and then spring back unharmed bulk of the wall of each heart chamber, cardiac muscle contracts
due to its size. This protein accounts for much of the elasticity rhythmically and continuously to provide the pumping action
and extensibility of myofibrils. necessary to maintain a relative constancy of blood flow through
❖ α-Actinin is a structural protein that attaches to actin molecules the internal environment.
of thin filaments to titin molecules - Each cardiac muscle fiber contains parallel myofibrils (10-20 μm)
❖ Myomesin molecules form the M line of the sarcomere. This with one centrally located nucleus. Each myofibril comprises
protein binds to titin molecules and connects adjacent thick sarcomeres that give the whole fiber a striated appearance.
filaments to one another. However, the cardiac muscle fiber does not taper like a skeletal
❖ Nebulin is a long, nonelastic protein wrapped around the entire muscle fiber, but, instead, forms strong electrically coupled
length of each thin filament. This protein helps anchor thin junctions (intercalated discs) with other fibers.
filaments to Z discs and regulates the length of thin filaments
during development.
❖ Dystrophin is a protein that holds the actin filaments to the
sarcolemma. Dystrophin and a complex of connected molecules
anchors the muscle fibers to the surrounding matrix so that the
muscle doesn’t break during a contraction. It is highly related to
muscular disorders.
- Intercalated discs are cell membranes that separate individual
cardiac muscle cells from one another. At each intercalated disc
the cell membranes fuse with one another in such a way that
they form permeable “communicating” junctions (gap junctions)
that allow rapid diffusion of ions. Therefore, from a functional
- This feature, along with the branching exhibited by point of view, ions move with ease in the intracellular fluid along
individual cells, allows cardiac fibers to form a the longitudinal axes of the cardiac muscle fibers so that action
continuous, electrically coupled mass, called a syncytium potentials travel easily from one cardiac muscle cell to the next,
(meaning “unit of combined cells”). Cardiac muscles thus past the intercalated discs. Thus, cardiac muscle is a syncytium
form a continuous, contractile band around the heart of many heart muscle cells in which the cardiac cells are so
chambers that conducts a single impulse across a interconnected that when one of these cells become excited, the
virtually continuous sarcolemma – features necessary for action potential spreads to all of them.
an efficient coordinated pumping action. - These discs contain desmosomes, which hold the fibers
together, and gap junctions, which allow muscle action potentials
Unlike skeletal muscle tissue with an extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum, to spread from one cardiac muscle fiber to another.
cardiac muscles have sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum and a thicker - The heart actually is composed of two syncytiums: the atrial
transverse tubule, forming “diads” instead of “triads”. syncytium and the ventricular syncytium, which constitutes the
walls of the two ventricles. The atria are separated from the
ventricles by fibrous tissue that surrounds the atrioventricular
(A-V) valvular openings between the atria and ventricles.
Normally, potentials are not conducted from the atrial syncytium
into the ventricular syncytium directly through this fibrous tissue.
Instead, they are conducted only by way of a specialized
conductive system called the A-V bundle. This division of the
muscle of the heart into two functional syncytiums allows the
atria to contract a short time ahead of ventricular contraction, neighboring fibers through gap junctions. In (b), three autonomic
which is important for effectiveness of heart pumping. neurons synapse with individual multiunit smooth muscle fibers.
- Cardiac muscle tissue has an endomysium and perimysium, but Stimulation of one multiunit fiber causes contraction of that fiber
lacks an epimysium. only.
- Visceral smooth muscle fibers connect to one another by gap
ANATOMY OF THE SMOOTH MUSCLES junctions and contract as a single unit. Multiunit smooth fibers
- Like cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue is usually lack gap junctions and thus contract independently.
activated involuntarily. Of the two types of smooth muscle tissue,
the more common type is visceral (single-unit) smooth muscle ● Microscopic Anatomy of a Smooth Muscle Fiber
tissue. It is found in tubular arrangements that form part of the - A single relaxed smooth muscle fiber is 30-200μm long. It
walls of small arteries and veins and of hollow organs such as is thickest in the middle and tapers at each end. Within
the stomach, intestines, uterus, and urinary bladder. each fiber is a single, oval, centrally located nucleus. The
- The second type of smooth muscle tissue, multiunit smooth sarcoplasm of smooth muscle fibers contains both thick
muscle tissue, consists of individual fibers, each with its own filaments and thin filaments, in ratios between 1:10 and
motor neuron terminals and with few gap junctions between 1:15, but they are not arranged in orderly sarcomeres as
neighboring fibers. Stimulation of one visceral muscle fiber in striated muscle. Smooth muscle fibers also contain
causes contraction of many adjacent fibers, but stimulation of intermediate filaments. Because the various filaments
one multiunit fiber causes contraction of that fiber only. Multiunit have no regular pattern of overlap, smooth muscle fibers
smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls of large arteries, in do not exhibit striations causing a smooth appearance.
airways to the lungs, in the arrector pili muscles that attach to - Smooth muscle fibers also lack transverse tubules and
hair follicles, in the muscles of the iris that adjust pupil diameter, scanty sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage for Ca++.
and in the ciliary body that adjusts focus of the lens in the eye. Although there are no transverse tubules in smooth
muscle tissue, there are small pouch-like invaginations of
the plasma membrane called caveolae that contain
extracellular Ca++ that can be used for muscular
- In smooth muscle fibers, the thin filaments attach to
structures called dense bodies, which are functionally
similar to Z discs in striated muscle fibers. Some dense
bodies are dispersed throughout the sarcoplasm; others
are attached to the sarcolemma. Bundles of intermediate
filaments also attach to dense bodies and stretch from
one dense body to another.

- In (a), one autonomic motor neuron synapses with several

visceral smooth muscle fibers, and action potentials spread to
such as food in the digestive tract, to move
through the body.
2. Multiunit smooth muscle. Multi-unit smooth muscle differs
from single-unit in that each smooth-muscle cell receives
its own synaptic input. Multiunit smooth muscle cells
rarely possess gap junctions, and thus are not electrically
coupled. As a result, contraction does not spread from
one cell to the next, but is instead confined to the cell that
was originally stimulated, allowing the muscle to have
finer control.
Smooth muscle is organized in two ways:
a. Stimuli for multiunit smooth muscles come from
1. Single-unit smooth muscle. Single-unit muscle has its
autonomic nerves or hormones but not from
muscle fibers joined by gap junctions so that the muscle
stretching. This type of tissue is found around
contracts as a single unit.
large blood vessels, in the respiratory airways,
a. Single-unit smooth muscle consists of multiple
and in the eyes.
cells connected through connexins that can be
stimulated in a synchronous pattern from only one
The function of smooth muscle tissue differs based on the organ system
synaptic input. Connexins allow for cell-to-cell
it helps regulate:
communication between groups of single-unit
● Gastrointestinal tract - propulsion of the food bolus
smooth muscle cells. This intercellular
● Cardiovascular - regulation of blood flow and pressure via
communication allows ions and molecules to
vascular resistance
diffuse between cells giving rise to calcium waves,
● Renal - regulation of urine flow
resulting in synchronous contraction to occur. This
● Genital - contractions during pregnancy, propulsion of sperm
type of smooth muscle is commonly called
● Respiratory tract - regulation of bronchiole diameter
visceral muscle due to it being found in the walls
● Integumentary - raises hair with arrector pili muscle
of all visceral organs except the heart. Visceral
● Sensory - dilation and constriction of the pupil as well as
smooth muscle has a stress-relaxation response.
changing lens shape
This means that as the muscle of a hollow organ
is stretched when it fills, the mechanical stress of
Smooth muscle tissue does not have a perimysium and epimysium, only
the stretching will trigger contraction, but this is
an endomysium connective tissue.
immediately followed by relaxation so that the
organ does not empty its contents prematurely.
This is important for hollow organs, such as the
stomach or urinary bladder, which continuously ABNORMAL MUSCLE CONTRACTION
expand as they fill. The smooth muscle around
these organs also can maintain a muscle tone 1. Spasm: A sudden involuntary contraction of a single muscle in a
when the organ empties and shrinks, a feature large group of muscles
that prevents “flabbiness” in the empty organ. 2. Cramp: A painful spasmodic contraction caused by inadequate
b. In general, visceral smooth muscle produces blood flow to muscles overuse of a muscle, dehydration, injury,
slow, steady contractions that allow substances,
holding a position for prolonged periods, and low blood levels of
electrolytes, such as potassium
3. Tic: A spasmodic twitching made involuntarily by muscles that
are ordinarily under voluntary control. Twitching of the eyelid and
facial muscles are examples of tics
4. Tremor: A rhythmic, involuntary, purposeless contraction that
produces a quivering or shaking movement
5. Fasciculation: An involuntary, brief twitch of an entire motor unit
that is visible under the skin; it occurs irregularly and is not
associated with movement of the affected muscle. Fasciculations
may be seen in multiple sclerosis or in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease).
6. Fibrillation: An abnormal type of contraction in which individual
fibers contract asynchronously rather than at the same time. This
produces a flutter of the muscle but no effective movement.
Fibrillation can also occur in cardiac muscle, where it reduces
the heart’s ability to pump blood. A spontaneous contraction of a
single muscle fiber that i
7. s not visible under the skin but can be recorded by
electromyography. Fibrillations may signal destruction of motor
8. Convulsions: An Abnormal, uncoordinated tetanic contractions
of varying groups of muscles. Convulsions may result from a
disturbance in the brain or seizure in which the output along
motor nerves increases and becomes disorganized.

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