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Organizational Development

Case Analysis Sheet:

Ganesh Natarajan: leading innovation and organisational
change at Zensar


Section I
Zensar’s CEO, Ganesh Natarajan, Zensar being a Pune based software company, and his top
management team were thinking of establishing staff and resourcefulness at the business.
Natarajan suggested another, potential debateable business division to the planned new
structure. The additional division would discover possible markets for the organization's
capable innovation-Solution BluePrint (SBP). While he realised that some on his members
would oppose his scheme, he was keen to get the new skill and technology into the field, and
sensed he had the right executive to take the lead the planned group. Natarajan believed that
group devoted to SBP ran by one of the company's most recognized technologists would benefit
the new unit.

Problem statement:
Business Unit- Some of the executives were against the proposal as SBP was an unproven
technology and could gain success and only after Fujitsu evaluation, which helped to gain some
favour and trust of members and employees, yet the idea of introducing a whole new division
was not still in debates among the managers and officers. Resistance was persistent as the new
unit would require more sales force along with additional time and finance, while for SBP’s
improvement process there was already enough resources allotted.

Dilip Ittyera- One official stated that Dilip has no sales skills or knowledge. According to
Ganesh’s proposal, Dilip’s sales team shall be working with other business units. Dilip has
done minimal for the organisation, and offering him to lead the new business unit, which shall
require much cooperation and teamwork, might not be helpful for the firm. Another executive
stated that Dilip being an excellent technology, but when it comes to management, that could
be a risky decision. Giving him responsibility of the new business unit isn’t very thoughtful.
His tendency of overpromising might cause more damage to the business as well as SBP.
Which is another problem that the case is demonstrating where officials do not see Dilip to be
capable of running the new business unit.

• Sales resistance: against the unproven technology, resistance of making sales calls with
existing clients, particularly those who were already content with the present services of
Zensar, were uncertain of introducing new business unit.
• Delivery resistance: Delivery operations not in approval of participating with SBP. One group
comprised of 100 level 3 project managers, with 5-6 years of experience and skills of software
development and had led several projects. Understanding and learning UML expected a new
approach that some of them were reluctant to incorporate.
To overcome this resistance and effectively implement change:
1. Overcome opposition
Ganesh should engage those who are conflicting to the change. By doing this, he can
understand what their troubles are and perhaps relieve the problem in an appropriate way. By
giving employees time to present their feedback, it ensures them that they are part of a team
that cares about its members.

Conveying both sooner and regularly is required when attempting to communicate anything to
employees. There have to be a frequent conversation among the executives and the general
employees on what they’re planning to arrange, and for what is to happen in the future.
Company-wide emails and messages are excellent means to employ, and this permits for
members to ask inquiries and stay up to date.

A justification from Natarajan for why a new unit is necessary is always a good idea. By
assisting employees improve understand why a change is worthy for the company, it’s simpler
to get them on board with the shift, and it can also promote them to turn out to be an advocate
for variation. With this, a reason of “what do I gain from it?” benefits personnel to look at the
larger picture and the advantages of the change, and not just providing them a limited view of
what is to arise soon.
2. Execute change in several phases
Transformation doesn’t take place all at once. Zensar should initially set up for the change,
then take charge on the change and construct a plan for overseeing the shift, and third, maintain
the transformation and ensure that all is going as calculated.

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