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Test 3

1. Translate these words

Diet = Ball =

Tea = Serve =

Eggs = Fought =

Poultry = Hurt =

Bread = Shirt =

Corn = Warm up =

2. Write down the numbers

85 = 125 =

80 = 139 =

99 = 122 =

92= 149 =

102 = 136=

114 = 96 =

118 = 84 =

90 = 143=

3. Make 3 sentences that contains the verb “ to be “

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Complete the sentences

Welcome sir to the Blue Lagoon Dining Room.

Can I bring you a ………….?


(5 min later)

What would your …………….. be sir?

I would like start with ……………… and a glass of ………………

What about a ………….. course ?

I usually order ……………… ……………

Would you like a …………….course ?

Sure , I will have a …………………….. and a …………………. salad .

Any bread ?

Make it …… slices .

Is that all? Or perhaps you would like some dessert or something to drink?

Desert ? ….

Yeah I think I will have ………………. and a cup of …………………

5. Tell the time

8:05 = 10:10 =

12:40 = 16:30 =

14:20 = 18:35 =

23:55 = 17:25 =

6. Directions

Up = Near =

Right = Inside =

Above =
6. Write an e-mail to your friend George . Tell him how your summer was .

(use time /foods/sport etc)

TO :



Important !!!

The test lasts between 1hr – 1hr 20

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