Biomolecule, Also Called Biological Molecule, Any of Numerous Substances That Are Produced by

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Biomolecule, also called 

biological molecule, any of numerous substances that are produced by

cells and living organisms. Biomolecules have a wide range of sizes and structures and perform
a vast array of functions. The four major types of biomolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic
acids, and proteins.

Carbohydrates are made up primarily of molecules containing atoms of carbon, hydrogen,

and oxygen, are essential energy sources and structural components of all life, and they are
among the most abundant biomolecules on Earth.

* they are sources of energy, especially for brain cells and red blood cells. Carbohydrates
provide us with calories or energy, and simple sugars in particular play many roles in our
diet. The primary role of carbohydrates is to supply energy to all cells in the body.

Simple carbohydrates are easily digested by the body.

*They do not provide long term energy, usually not accompanied by real nutrients, and
spike your blood sugar, leaving your cravings more. Add examples

Complex carbohydrates are fibers and starches, the slower digesting carbs.

*Provide long lasting energy, found in nutrient dense food (beans, sweet potatoes, etc),
aid in fat loss. Add examples


Sugars are found naturally in plants, fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as well as animal
products like milk and cheese.

Types of sugars:

Simple Sugars

*Monosaccharide and disaccharides.

Complex Sugars


Sugars actually refers to a family of molecules called saccharides –

Monosaccharide is the most basic form of carbohydrates. Monosaccharides serve as a major

fuel for cells and as raw materials for building molecules. One major function of a
monosaccharide is its use for energy within a living organism.

* Glucose is a commonly known carbohydrate that is metabolized within cells to create

fuel. In the presence of oxygen, glucose breaks down into carbon dioxide and water,
and energy is released as a byproduct. Humans acquire glucose from food, and the
body transforms this monosaccharide into energy.
Monosaccharides are also the foundation for more complex carbohydrates, or they serve as
components to amino acids. The ribose and deoxyribose monosaccharides are vital elements
of RNA and DNA, which are the building blocks of life.

Fructose is commonly found in honey, fruits, and root vegetables. Fructose is closely
related to glucose.

*Because one of the major biological functions of fructose is it acts as an

alternative metabolite in providing energy especially when glucose is not
sufficient while the metabolic energy demand is high. It can enter glycolysis and
produce intermediates for cellular respiration.

Glucose is the most important member of the sugar family.

*Because it is the main energy source for most living is also one of the
carbohydrates produced in photosynthesis and forms building blocks of many

It is one of the main sources of calories for the body, and it is able to cross blood-brain
barrier and nourish the brain.

* Some cells, such as red blood cells, are only able to produce cellular energy from
glucose. The brain is also highly sensitive to low blood-glucose levels because it
uses only glucose to produce energy and function. it store energy because if the
body already has enough energy to support its function the excess glucose is stored
in the glycogen, and prolonged muscle use (such as exercise for longer than a few
hours) can deplete the glycogen energy reserve.
Galactose has the same chemical formula as glucose.

*It is similar to glucose in its structure, differing only in the position of

one hydroxyl group. This difference, however, gives galactose different chemical
and biochemical properties to glucose.

Because galactose is a precursor to glucose production, it is an important energy-

providing nutrient.

*This is essential during the early developmental stages of mammalian infants,

when they are exclusively dependent on milk. And also, Galactose is an energy-
providing nutrient and also a necessary basic substrate for the biosynthesis of
many macromolecules in the body.

*It is found in milk. It combines with glucose to form disaccharide milk sugar
molecule lactose.

Disaccharide where”di” means two, so two sugar molecules linked together

Lactose is found in the milk of mammals which includes cow milk and human milk.
Sucrose or a table sugar is formed when fructose links up with glucose.

*sucrose is found in various vegetables, with sugar cane and sugar beets having the
highest quantities.

Maltose is two glucose molecules linked together, and it’s found in molasses which can
be used as a substrate to ferment beer.

*Simple sugars, whether they’re natural or added, are mixture of monosaccharide or


Polysaccharide where “poly” means many, so it has ten or more sugar molecules linked

* most abundant type of carbohydrate found in food.

Starches are polysaccharide with molecular bonds between sugar molecules that
human intestinal enzymes can break down.

*Starches are an important source of calories, and can be found in foods like rice,
potatoes, wheat and maize. Starches don’t taste sweet like simple sugars because
they don’t activate taste buds in the same way.
Dietary Fibers are carbohydrates that intestinal enzymes can’t break down, and so the
body can’t digest them.

* there are many types of dietary fibers, and they’re not all the same when it comes
to their structure or impact on health. Fibers has molecular bonds that are resistant
to human enzymes, so they pass to the small intestine undigested, get broken
down a bit by bacteria in the large intestine, and ultimately end up as a bulk
matter in the stool.

Fiber is critical because it can slow down the rate of absorption of simple sugars like
glucose in the small intestine which can help maintain healthy blood glucose levels.

*they also increase stool weight which helps prevent constipation, and fibers like
beta-glucan are also good for heart health.

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