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SAP Business One


Customization Tools

Log On to the SAP Business One (SBO) system and choose a database.
a. Start using SAP Business One by choosing Start  SAP Business One.
b. In the window Welcome to SAP Business One enter the User Code and Password.
c. You get to the window Choose Company. Choose the OEC Computers UK.
d. Enter the default settings:
User ID : manager
Password: manager

I. Set language and display parameters.

A. Set the display parameters
1. Choose Administration  System Initialization  General Settings.
2. Choose the Display tab and enter the following information:

3. Choose OK to save your settings.

SAP Business One

B. Set the Font & Bkgd

1. Choose Administration  System Initialization  General Settings.
2. Choose the Font & Bkgd tab and enter the following information.

3. Choose OK to save your settings.

II. Set up shortcut keys.

A. Choose Tools  My Shortcuts  Customize.
B. Choose the Display tab and enter these transactions to the functions keys F2, F3, and F4.
Shortcut Key Module Window
F2 Sales - A/R Delivery
F3 Purchasing A/P Goods Receipt PO
F4 Banking Deposit
C. Choose Allocate.
D. Choose OK.

III. Searching for a particular business partner or item.

A. Search for a business partner
1. Choose Business Partners Business Partner Master Data.
2. Enter * in the Code field.
3. Choose the Tab key. The list of Business Partners will appear.
B. Search for an item
1. Choose Inventory Item Master Data.
2. Enter Print* in the Description field.
3. Choose the Tab key. The list of Items will appear.

IV. Use drag & Relate

A. Find all the purchase orders for Lasercom using Drag&Relate.
B. Go to the Drag & Relate menu.

Use one these two methods to find the purchase orders.

Option 1: Select Purchase Order. All purchase orders are displayed. Therefore, use the Filter function to
select the purchase orders only of the vendor V20000.

Option 2: Select Business Partners. All Business Partners display. Drag business partner V20000 to
Purchase Order, so you get only purchase orders for the vendor V20000.

SAP Business One


I. Create a master data for a new customer, vendor, and lead.
a. Go to Business Partners > Business Partner Master Data
b. Change Find mode to Add by clicking Add in the toolbar or Ctrl + A
c. Enter the information below
d. Add the business partner.

BP Type Customer
BP Code C1100
BP Name <Your School's Name>
Group Academe-customer
Contact Person <Your name, position, address and contact numbers>
Payment Terms 2P10Net30
Price List Regular Sales Price

BP Type Vendor
BP Code V1100
BP Name SM Supermalls
Group Wholesaler
Contact Person Account Manager, Mr. Kim Arano
G/F Valero Tower, Makati
923-3642; 0927 838 1434
Payment Terms Net30
Price List Regular Purchase Price
SAP Business One

BP Type Lead
BP Code L1100
BP Name Universal Robina Corporation
Group Manufacturer
Contact Person Director, Ms. Jaimie Lou Olidan
Alabang Muntinlupa
836-1442; 0930 923 2524
Payment Terms -Cash Basic-
Price List Regular Sales Price

II. Create a master data for a new item.

a. Go to Inventory > Item Master Data
b. Change Find mode to Add by clicking Add in the toolbar or Ctrl + A
c. Enter the information below
d. Add the item

Item Number Description Item Group Unit Price

PR100 Intel Core i5 Processor 125.00
PR200 Intel Core i3 Processor 110.00
FD100 16GB Flash Drive 10.00
FD200 32GB Flash Drive 15.00

SAP Business One

III. Create a service type marketing document.

a. Go to Purchasing A/P > A/P Invoice
b. Enter the following information:

Vendor V23000
Posting Date <today’s date>
Item/Service type Service
Service Description Web Design Services
G/L Account Number Miscellaneous expenses
Total Price 2000

c. Add the document and confirm the system message

SAP Business One


I. Perform steps in the purchasing process.

A. Creating a Purchase Order (PO).
1. Choose Vendor V1100 from the selection list.
Item No. Quantity
PR100 20
PR200 20
FD100 30
FD200 30
2. Take note of the PO # _____.
3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information.
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available

B. Linking Goods Receipt PO (GRPO) to the previous Purchase Order (PO) - Copy To
1. Record the quantity received from the supplier.
Item No. Quantity
PR100 20
PR200 10
FD100 20
FD200 30

SAP Business One

2. Take note of the GRPO # _____.

3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information. Press Esc to exit the
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available
4. View the Journal Entries that were automatically generated by the system.

C. Linking Goods Receipt PO (GRPO) to A/P Invoice - Copy From

1. Put <Date today> as the posting date.
2. Take note of the A/P Invoice # _____.
3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information. Press Esc to exit the
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available
4. View the Journal Entries that were automatically generated by the system.
5. Right-click on the mouse and choose Relationship Map from the list.


Purchase Order
1. Go to Purchasing A/P > Purchase Order
2. Enter the Vendor and Items
3. Update the Quantity of Items base on the given information
4. Add the Purchase Order

SAP Business One

5. To check the inventory status in the warehouse, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
6. Click the Link Arrow of the Item
7. In the Item Master Data Window, select Inventory Data tab

Linking of PO to Goods Receipt PO

1. Go to Purchasing A/P > Purchase Order, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
2. In the Purchase Order window click Copy to > G. Receipt PO
3. Update the Quantity based on the given information
4. Add the GRPO
SAP Business One

5. To view the automatic journal entry made, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
6. Go to Accounting tab and click the link arrow in the Journal Remark

Linking GRPO to A/P Invoice

1. Go to Purchasing A/P > A/P Invoice

2. Select the vendor and enter the posting date
3. Select Copy From > Goods Receipt PO

SAP Business One

4. Choose the GRPO you would like to copy.

5. Select Finish in the Draw Document Wizard window

7. To view relationship map, click Last Data Record in the toolbar

6. In the A/P invoice window, right-click and choose Relationship Map

SAP Business One


I. Perform steps in the sales process.

A. Creating the Sales Order (SO).
1. Input the following information the Sales Order window:
Delivery Date <2 days from today>
Item No. PR100
Quantity 3
Item No. PR200
Quantity 5

2. Take note of the SO # _____.

3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information:
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available

B. Linking Delivery to the previous Sales Order (SO) - Copy To

1. Record the quantity delivered to the customer.
Item No. Quantity
PR100 3
PR200 5
2. Take note of the Delivery # _____.
3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information. Press Esc to exit the
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available
4. View the Journal Entries that were automatically generated by the system.

C. Linking Delivery to A/R Invoice - Copy From

1. Put <Date today> as the posting date.
2. Take note of the A/R Invoice # _____.

SAP Business One

3. Choose the Inventory Data Tab and fill-out the following information. Press Esc to exit the
Item No. In Stock Committed Ordered Available
4. View the Journal Entries that were automatically generated by the system. Press Esc to exit the
5. Right-click on the mouse and choose Relationship Map from the list.


Sales Order
1. Go to Sales A/R > Sales Order
2. Enter the Customer and Items
3. Update the Quantity of Items base on the given information
4. Add the Sales Order

5. To check the inventory status in the warehouse, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
6. Click the Link Arrow of the Item
7. In the Item Master Data Window, select Inventory Data tab

SAP Business One

Linking of SO to Delivery

1. Go to Sales A/R > Sales Order, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
2. In the Sales Order window click Copy to > Delivery
3. Update the Quantity based on the given information
4. Add the Delivery

5. To view the automatic journal entry made, click Last Data Record in the toolbar
6. Go to Accounting tab and click the link arrow in the Journal Remark

SAP Business One

Linking Delivery to A/R Invoice

1. Go to Sales A/R > A/R Invoice

2. Select the customer
3. Select Copy From > Deliveries
4. Choose the Delivery you would like to copy.
5. Select Finish in the Draw Document Wizard window

SAP Business One

6. To view relationship map, click Last Data Record in the toolbar

7. In the A/R invoice window, right-click and choose Relationship Map

SAP Business One

8. View the Open Item List.

1. Choose Sales - A/R Sales ReportsOpen Item List
a) Choose Sales Orders in the dropdown list for open documents.
b) Look for your sales order and items for ADA Technologies.

c) Choose OK to close the Open Items list.

SAP Business One

I. Create a new warehouse and enter the following information:
Field Name or Data Type Values
Warehouse Code 07
Warehouse Name <School’s Name>
Location Metro Manila
Street/City Makati City
Country Philippines

Go to Administration > Setup > Inventory > Warehouses

Add the new warehouse

II. You have 15 units of item C00005 that have been sent by suppliers as samples. Create a goods receipt
to receive them into the new warehouse.
Field Name or Data Type Values
Item No C00005
Quantity 15
Whse 07
Record the Goods Receipt number: ______________
Note: If the warehouse field does not appear, use Form Settings to add it to the
document. A default warehouse may be set in Form Settings, so the other
option is to restore the default settings.

Go to Inventory > Inventory transactions > Goods Receipt
Enter the item and Qty
Use the form settings in the toolbar to make Whse visible and active
Add the goods receipt

SAP Business One

III. Add stock to the warehouse by sending 8 units of item C00008 from warehouse 01. Enter this
delivery in SAP Business One by using the Inventory Transfer transaction.
Field Name or Data Type Values
From warehouse 01
Item No C00008
To Warehouse 07
Quantity 8

Go to Inventory > Inventory transactions > Inventory transfer

SAP Business One

IV. To check the quantity available in Warehouse 01 put the cursor in the To Warehouse field and choose
Ctrl+Tab. Record the Inventory Transfer Number: __________

V. There was a fire in the warehouse and 3 units of C00005 were so damaged that you will scrap these
units. Post a goods issue from the warehouse for this item.

Field Name or Data Type Values

Item No C00005
Quantity 3
Whse 07
Remarks Scrapped damaged units
Record the Goods Issue number: ___________

Go to Inventory > Inventory transactions > Goods Issue
Enter the item and Qty
Use the form settings in the toolbar to make Whse visible and active
Add the goods issue

SAP Business One


I. Create a sales order and enter the following information:
Field Name or Data Type Values
Customer C20000
Delivery Date <Today’s date>
Item A00003
Quantity 10
Item A00004
Quantity 15
Record the Sales Order number _______________________

II. Release these items to the pick list.

III. Select the pick list you created and enter the picked quantities.

IV. Enter the picked quantities in the column Picked.

Field Name or Data Type Values
for Item A00003: Qty:10
for Item A00004: Qty:15

V. Create manual delivery for your sales order directly from the pick and pack manager. Before adding
the deliveries make your packaging.

VI. Record the Delivery Number: _________________


1. Go to Sales A/R > Sales Order

2. Enter the following information

SAP Business One

3. Add the Sales Order

4. Go to Inventory > Pick and Pack > Pick and Pack Manager
5. In the Pick and Pack Manager – Selection Criteria window, select Posting date From <today’s date> To <today’s
date> then click OK

6. Tick the box of Open documents for picking then select the Release to Pick List

SAP Business One

7. Update the Pick List Details by entering your name in the Picker field and click Add. Notice that items were
transferred to Released drawer

8. For picking of items in the warehouse, Go to Invenoty > Pick and Pack > Pick List
9. Enter the Pick Number and click Find
10. In the Picked column, enter the Quantity picked in the warehouse. Click Update then OK

11. Go back to the Pick and Pack Manager and notice the items were transferred to Picked drawer.
12. Tick and box and select Create > Manual Delivery

SAP Business One

13. In the Delivery window, right-click and select Packaging

14. Select the package type, put the selected amount and click the arrow to the right

SAP Business One

15. Update the Packages – Setup window

16. Add the Delivery

SAP Business One

I. Inventory Price List

A. Check the Price List and Unit Price of item C00001.

Price List: __________________
Unit Price: _________________

1. Go to Inventory > Item Master Data
2. Enter C00001 in the Item Number field and click Find

B. Change the Price List of C20000 (Norm Thomson) to Small Accounts Sales Price.

1. Go to Business Partners > Business Partner Master Data
2. Enter C20000 in the Code field and click Find
3. Select Payment Terms tab and change the Price List to Small Accounts Sales Price
4. Update the Master Data

C. Create Sales Order and take note of the Unit Price:_____________

1. Go to Sales A/R > Sales Order
2. Select C20000 in the Customer field and C00001 in the Item No. field

SAP Business One

3. Unit price was computed based on the factors set in the Inventory > Price List > Price Lists.
Since the Price List of C20000 was set as Small Accounts Sales Price which is 1.75 of base
price, Unit Price in the SO will be computed as 200 (Base Price) x 1.75 (Factor) which will
result to 350

II. Period and Volume Discount

A. Create the period discount for Small account sales price customers for items C00001, C00002, &
B. Under the Period Discount window select the date with the range of 5 days. Enter 20 in the discount
C. Open Volume Discount window and enter the following:
Qty: 5 Discount: 30
Qty: 10 Discount: 50
D. Create Sales Order for Norm Thompson with items of C00001, C00002, & C00003

1. Go to Inventory > Price List > Period and Volume Discounts
2. Select the SmallAccounts SalesPrice in the Price List

SAP Business One

3. Enter C00001, C00002 & C00003 in the Item Number field

4. Double click #1 and Period Discount window will open.

5. Enter Valid Until date and Enter the discount

6. For Volume Discount double-click #1 in the Period Discount window

7. Enter Quantity and Discount then click Update

SAP Business One

8. To copy the period and volume discount set for C00001 to C00002 & C00003, click Copy
Discounts and Confirm the System Message

9. Update the Period Discounts and Add the Period and Volume Discounts

SAP Business One

10. Create Sales Order by going to Sales A/R > Sales Order
11. Select Norm Thomson for Customer and C00001, C00002 & C00003 for items. Notice that all
items will have automatic discount of 20% because of the period discount. Change Quantity
of the the items to check the Volume Discount

III. Discount Groups

A. To what group does C00001, C00002 & C00003 belong? _________________
B. Assign 40% discount for the group of items mention above.

1. Go to Inventory > Item Master Data

SAP Business One

2. Enter C00001 in the Item Number then click Find. Note the Item Goup which is “Items”

3. To view the Item Group of C00002 & C00003, just click Next Record from the Toolbar
4. To assign group discount, go to Inventory > Price List > Special Prices > Discount Groups
5. Select C20000 in BP Code and assign 40 in Discount % of Items Group
6. Add the Discount Groups

7. Create Sales Order by going to Sales A/R > Sales Order

8. Select Norm Thomson for Customer and C00001, C00002 & C00003 for items. Notice that all
items will have automatic discount of 40% because of the group discount.

SAP Business One

IV. Special Prices for Business Partners

A. Enter the following discount for the items:

Item Number Discount Volume Discount: Qty Volume Discount: Discount
C00001 15 5 25
C00002 20 5 30
C00003 25 2 50
Create Sales Order for the items above.

1. Go to Inventory > Price List > Special Prices > Special Prices for Business Partners
2. For BP Code, select C20000
3. Item no. select C00001, C00002 & C00003
4. Input the Discount base on the given data above

SAP Business One

5. For Volume Discount, double click #1

6. In the Period Discount window double click #1
7. Enter the Quantity and Discount
8. Update the changes made in Volume discount and period discount window
9. Do the same procedure for #2 and #3
10. Add the Special Prices for Business Partners

11. Create Sales Order by going to Sales A/R > Sales Order
12. Select Norm Thomson for Customer and C00001, C00002 & C00003 for items. Notice that all
items will have automatic discount. Change the Quantity to check the Volume Discount

SAP Business One

I. Add the following items for Production:
Item Number Description Unit Price Type Qty
RP100 Radio - Inventory, Sales
RP200 Knob 20 Inventory, Sales, Purchase Backflush 2
RP300 Case 50 Inventory, Sales, Purchase Backflush 1
RP400 FIN CKT Board - Phantom 1
RP401 DIODE 20uF 10 Inventory, Sales, Purchase Manual 2
RP402 Resistor 30 Inventory, Sales, Purchase Manual 3
RP403 RAW CKT Board 10 Inventory, Sales, Purchase Manual 1

 Go to Inventory > Item Master Data

 Change Find mode to Add by clicking Add in the toolbar or Ctrl + A
 Enter the information of Items given above
 Add the Item

SAP Business One

SAP Business One

II. Create the Production Bill of Materials.

 Go to Production > Bill of Materials

 Change Find mode to Add by clicking Add in the toolbar or Ctrl + A
 Product No. will be RP400 and for Item No. select RP401, RP402 & RP403
 Change the Quantity
 Click the arrow down in the Product Price
 Add the Bill of Materials

SAP Business One

 Create another bill of materials

 Product No. RP100 and for Item No. select RP200, RP300 & RP400
 Change Quantity
 Click the arrow down in the Product Price
 Add the Bill of Materials

III. Create the Production Order.

 Go to Production > Production Order

 Product No. select RP100
 Due Date will be <tomorrow’s date>
 Add the Production Order

SAP Business One

IV. Release for Production.

 Go to Production > Production Order

 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar
 Change the Status of Production Order by selecting Released from the dropdown list
 Update the Production Order

Purchase materials used for production

 Go to Purchasing A/P > Goods Receipt PO
 Vendor select ACME
 Item No. select RP200, RP300, RP401, RP402 & RP403
 Change all the Item’s Quantity to 5
 Add the GRPO

SAP Business One

V. Issue the Components.

 Go to Production > Production Order

 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar
 In the Production Order window, right-click and select Issue Components

SAP Business One

 Add the Issue for Production and confirm the system message
 Close the Issue for Production window

VI. Report the Completion.

 Go to Production > Production Order

 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar
 In the Production Order window, right-click and select Report Completion

 Choose in the Type column of Receipt from Production window if it is Complete or Reject
 Add the Recept from Production & confirm the system message
 Close the Receipt from Production Window

VII. Close the Production Order.

SAP Business One

 Go to Production > Production Order

 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar
 Change the Status of Production Order from Released to Closed
 Update the Production Order

VIII. Show the Relationship Map.

 In the Production Order, right click and select Relationship Map


I. Update the following items:
Item Description Purchasing Tab: Planning Data Tab: Minimum Lead Time
Number Preferred Vendor Procurement Method Order Qty
RP100 Radio - Make 15 3
RP200 Knob Acme Buy 5 2
RP300 Case Acme Buy 5 2
RP400 FIN CKT Board - Make
RP401 DIODE 20uF Acme Buy 10 2
RP402 Resistor Acme Buy 10 2
RP403 RAW CKT Board Acme Buy 10 2

 Go to Inventory > Item Master Data

 Type RP100 in the Item Number field and click Find
 Select Planning Data tab and refer to the data above.
 Update the Item Master Data. Confirm the system message that will pop out.
 To go to the next item, click Next Record from the Toolbar

SAP Business One

II. Forecast:
Item 5 days from 9 days from 14 days from 18 days from
Number today today today today
RP100 Radio 8 10 15 25

 Go to MRP > Forecasts

 Change to Add mode by clicking Add in the Toolbar or Ctrl + A
 For Forecast Code and Forecast Name, type Radio
 Start Date <today’s month first day>
 End Date < 30 days from today >
 View select Daily
 Item No. select RP100 and input the forcast Qty on the date indicated above.
 Add the Forecasts

SAP Business One

III. Run MRP Wizard.

 Go to MRP > MRP Wizard

 Click Next

 Create New Scenario, Scenario Name and Description will be Radio then click Next

SAP Business One

 Start date <1st day of today’s month> and End date <30 days from today> then click Next

 Choose Selected Items then click Add Items

 Item No. From RP100 To RP100
 Click OK then Next

SAP Business One

 Click Next in the Inventory Data Source

 In the Forecast field, select Radio then click Run

SAP Business One

 Save Recommendations then Finish

IV. Execute 1 Purchase Order & 1 Production Order.

 Go to MRP > Order Recommendation

 Select Radio in the Scenario and click OK

SAP Business One

 Double-click Release Date to arrange the date.

 Tick Create column of the first Purchase Order and Production Order then Update
 Confirm the Sytem Message

 To view the created Purchase Order, go to Purchasing A/P > Purchase Order
 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar

SAP Business One

 To view the created Production Order, go to Production > Production Order

 Click Last Data Record from the Toolbar


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