Fortnight: I II III IV

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Fortnightly Activity Report for Internship

Amrut Mody School of Management – UG Programs

The Fortnightly Activity Report (FAR) describes what you did and what you will do in the past
and next fortnight.

Project Title: Business Development intern

Project guide details: Kirrak Media
Name: Janki Solanki
Designation: Marketing Head
Department: Sales and Marketing
Company: Kirrak Media

Fortnight: Please tick the relevant box I II III IV

Date – from 8/6/21 to 21/6/21

Brief explanation of the The tasks assigned for this fortnight were same as earlier that is to find
task assigned potential leads, generate sales. In addition to that I was assigned to
communicate with social media influencers and pages and ask for
collaboration with our product. Daily around 100 calls were to be made, and
text messages were forwarded, seeking for clients and convincing them to
attend a free demo session for our product, which would help in closing the
deal with the customers.
Brief explanation of As per the given tasks, database was shared by the company, to which details
how the task was done about the products and its benefits were communicated, daily posts were
made on social media, on Facebook pages, which were mostly followed by
parents and children were mainly targeted. Along with that, the schedules for
free demo sessions were also communicated, up to 100 daily mails were sent

explaining the products and about the company in detail, along with
testimonials to help them convince in buying our product. I also managed to
get another database from my father’s company, which was quite helpful in
increasing our network, and target multiple audience.

On calling the customer, I mainly focused on knowing their needs in the

beginning, whether or not they have a child who is suitable for enrolling for
our online classes, I tried to match our content according to the needs of the
customer, I focused more on the long-term benefits that their child will gain
from our online courses, I try to show them the big picture, and convince
them to enrol their child for the course.
Difficulties in meeting Few difficulties faced during performing the tasks were similar as before:
the current goals • To make effective sales we are required to not reveal the value of the
products in the start, due to which the majority customers appear to
not have interest in the product.
• Generally, clients do not give appropriate and quick response, due to
which significant amount time and energy is wasted.
• Many parents disagree with the idea of attending courses that are
online, giving reason it can be distracting, and that their children are
not as sincere on online classes as they are offline.
Task(s) for the next Tasks for the next fortnight shall be the same, that is digital marketing of the
fortnight products, making sales calls and generating sales, and making collaborations
with social media influencers.
Satisfaction level of the Highly satisfied satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Highly
student with the work satisfied nor satisfied dissatisfied
during the fortnight dissatisfied

For Company Guide
Satisfaction level of the Highly satisfied satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Highly
company guide from the satisfied nor satisfied dissatisfied
work of the student dissatisfied

Other remarks (if any)


Company Guide Date: 21/6/21

Sanket Keswani

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