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Teknologi membran#2

Jenis dan Mekanisme

Pemisahan dengan Membran

Prof. Subriyer Nasir, PhD

Jenis Proses Membran berdasarkan ukuran Pori

• Mikrofiltrasi
• Ultrafiltrasi
• Nanofiltrasi
• Reverse Osmosis

1. Ukuran pori 0.1-10.0

2. Mikro-organisme
tidak dapat lolos
3. Dapat dioperasikan
pada beda tekan
yang rendah.
4. Dapat berupa
simetrik atau
asimetrik membran
Mikrofiltrasi (lanjutan)
• sterile water for pharmaceutical industry
• food & beverages
• chemical industry
• microelectronics industry
• fermentation
• laboratory/analytical uses
Aplikasi dimasa depan
• biotechnology (concentration of biomass)
• diatomaceous earth
• Displacement non-sewage waste treatment (removing
intractable particles in oily fluids)
• paints (separating solvents from pigments)

• Memisahkan larutan dari

campuran yang
diinginkan dan tidak
• Mempunyai ukuran pori
yang lebih kecil dari
mikrofiltrasi (10-1000 Å
(103-0.1 microns)
• Beda tekanan (2-10 bar
sampai 25-30 bars)
• used to separate species
with pore sizes
assymmetric; the pores
are small
Ultrafiltrasi (lanjutan)
• Pemakaian:
• oil emulsion waste treatment
• treatment of whey in dairy industries
• concentration of biological macromolecules
• electrocoat paint recovery
• concentration of textile sizing
• concentration of heat sensitive proteins for food
• many more …
wide range of applications in the near future:
• ultraflitration of milk
• bioprocessing (separation and concentration of
biologically active components)
• protein harvesting
• refining of oils

1. Pori lebih kecil dari membran ultrafiltrasi

2. Mekanisme perpindahan massa adalah diffusi & Memisahkan
molekul kecil dari larutan.
3. Kebanyakan dibuat dari cellulosic acetate dan aromatic
polyamide (salt rejections; 95% untuk garam divalent dan 40%
untuk garam-garam monovalen)
4. n typically operate at higher recoveries; conserving total water
usage due to a lower concentrate stream flow rate (advantage
over reverse osmosis)
5. not effective on small molecular weight organics (e.g.methanol)
Nanofıltrasi (lanjutan)

• typical applications:
• desalination of food, dairy and beverage products or
• partial desalination of whey, UF permeate or retentate
as required
• desalination of dyes and optical brighteners
• purification of spent clean-in-place (CIP) chemicals
• color reduction or manipulation of food products
• concentration of food, dairy and beverage products or
• fermentation byproduct concentration
Reverse Osmosıs

• Dapat mengeliminasi dissolved solid, bacteria, virus yg

terkandung dalam air
• Hanya meloloskan molekul air karena tekanan operasi yang tinggi
• assymmetric type membranes (decrease the driving pressure of the
• almost all membranes are made polymers, cellulosic acetate dan
polyamide types rated at 96%-99+% NaCl rejection
Extensive applications:
• potable water from sea or brackish water
• ultrapure water for food processing and electronic industries
• harmaceutical grade water
• water for chemical, pulp & paper industry
• waste treatment

Future directions:
• municipal and industrial waste treatment
• process water for boilers
• de-watering of feed streams
• processing high temperature feed- streams

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