Table 1 - SWOT Analysis

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Analysis & Decision CIM 14712682

Table 1 – SWOT Analysis

Strong Brand values Focus communities, connectivity global communication, training programs (support a culture
grounded in values.
Effective restructuring Streamlining product portfolio,exited 97 businesses,20 withdrawals,centralization,divested $290 Bn
programme risky assets,shedding $6-7 Bn annual costs and overheads, 88 separate country business to 4 SBU’s,11
well-resourced functions and 5 regions, disposed 1,000 products, fewer systems,economics of
scale,one mission,80% new Group GM, closed 62 UK branches.
Global Existence Headquaters in London, 67 countries,3,900 offices,trade in 9 key countries which is used for liability
funding,parent in 132 countries,225,000 employees speaking 144 languages, world’s 9th largest bank
Focus on Security Secure key token, investing $1Bn each year on financial crime
Strong B2B relationship HSBC Link screen, Pound 10Bn lending SME fund , 93% lending & 18 month free banking for startups,
business support package for SME for the financial challenges, Pound 1,300 Mn Agri fund in the UK,
Remote banking facility, Corporate cards, in branch business specialists, business financing options ,
international support center for UK Busineses , tools and articles(online knowledge center)
Strategic Partnership Scientists (distruptive technologies), Fintech company Bub, ForgeRock (digital identity, with API
S software), UK post (11,500 branches),Alliance(10 Year life insurance agreement),Clear stream , SQF
holdings , British cycling,Global Payments(Leader in transactional processing & considerable
economies of scale)
Large Product Portfolio 17 Mn customers in UK,625 High street outlets, Full range of personnel, B2B and Premier service,
GBM Provides financial solutions to Government’s, Services(financing, advisory), Diversification
Investment companies & activities , property.
Financial Performance 2017 HSBC Group -PAT 17.2 Bn$, Revenue 51.4 Bn$,RRWA 871 Bn$, Total Assets 2,522 Bn$ ,Cost Savings
6.1Bn$ since 2015, ROE of 5.9%, Dividends 64.7 Bn$, share buy backs of 5.5 Bn$, TSR 70.3% from 2011
– 2017,20 Bn$ shareholder equity from retained earnings (industry leading), market leading financial
HSBC PLC – Income 15.5 Bn (1%+YoY), PBT 2.3 Bn pounds (15%+YoY)
R & D and new technology Use of digital technology and innovation, contactless credit cards in UK, API Banking, FINTECH
Strategic acquisitions 51% stake in M & S Bank(Personnel banking),First Direct (a telephone and internet based banking-
Opportunity Cost Discontinue/Divest Business – US Cards Business, upstate NY Branches, Turkey, Exits Pakistan,Iraq,
Lack of control measures Swiss Subsidiary tax avoidance, data theft, Forex rigging, credit default swaps, rigging precious metals,
interest rate derivative selling Libor manipulation, mis-selling mortgages, money laundering
W High Street Branch Closures Increasing customer criticism, reputational issues, customers demanding an interaction, job losses
Systemic Culture of Failing its Refusing to take personal accountability, involved in lawsuits (Madoff Fraud)
Corporate Governance CEO’s Income tax avoidance (Panamanian account), alleged manipulation of editorial coverage using
and budget
Digital , online and mobile Increase global flows of trade, finance & data much easier, enable GDB Growth, convenient, early
banking growth adopters are key influence, educate & empower, new digital features-millennials are most likely to try
first (seek reviews), customer three quarters of consumer in UK own smart phones/laptops , 2/3 have
a tablet in the family polarization.
Emerging Markets Double the size of developed economies by 2050, China, India (Relaxed FDI restrictions)
Online Banking 87% customer satisfaction, check balances(70%),pay or transfer money(58%), transfer between
accounts(58%),58 Mn online Banking in UK, used 20 times more than tele banking , customization,
wiser interactions
Corporate Sustainability Climate change, sustainable finance, environmental issues (climate change, carbon emissions, water
quality),Skill development (customers, community & employees), business innovation
Develop international network Serving enterprises across geographies, facilitate international trade & capital flows, Global middle
class growth-2Bn+ (2017-2030) driven by growth in Asia, leverage global Network-Implementing
global standards, revenue growth above GDP, Penetrate Asia (75% group profits)
Prudent Risk Management Reducing group RWA, Largest part of industry is bank credit
Mobile banking Growth 39% 18 – 34 olds, 81% customer satisfaction, Check balances (27%), transfer money (accounts 18%),
(third parties 17%), Atom, Moza, all account managed via a single application.
Customer switching costs Reputation & trust built over time , 69Mn CA in the UK but trend it changing
Security Threats Trust Banks & TTP’s, cautious about trying out new features via online/ mobile before they adopt
them, 48% concerned about online security
Directives on open Banking Impacting online and mobile banking (Need to trust banks and a range)
from EU & CMA
Brexit 21 month exit program, new rules, Lost of EU Pass porting rights , 500Mn Customers,22 Mn
businesses, EU to relocate banking authority from London, UK banking industry accounts for 20% of
the EU market, 1.8% Economic Growth.
Slow adaption to Technology The swing generation will try new digital features, 60% not interested in new features
Analysis & Decision CIM 14712682
Table 2 – Pesteel Analysis
PESTEEL factor Driver Impact O/T Ratin
Political New Regulations FS act Separate RB from WS & IB & ring fence (2019) T H
EU to relocate BA from London Loose direct customer access (20% EU MKT) T H
Legal PSD2 Directive TTP’s can access info & aggregate accounts O H
EU & CMA Directives Online & mobile banking impact O M
Effects of 2008 econ recession Econ, Social, regulatory pressure T M
Brexit (21 month exit program) EU PP rights, 500Mn customers, 22mn Biz T H
Economic UK’s econ growth 1.8% Encourage RBWM & SME growth O M
Emerging digital market economies Increased global trade, finance & data, enabler of GDP O H
Relaxed FDI restrictions Open opportunity to expand into India/ China O H
Lagged reaction to digital technology 60% not interested in new features T M
Consumer attitude – Polarization Convenience (Online) vs in branch service O H
Social/ Cultural
Growth of Global middle class Demand aspirational products/ upward mobility O M
Development of social skill Managing personal finances (community, SME, staff) O H
Environmental Climate change Focus on corporate sustainability O M
Ethical Focus on corporate governance Ethical management, fair wages, increased transparency O M
IT security Cautious consumers – 48% T H
Challenger banks & tech start-ups High street banks need to stay competitive T M
Technological ICT penetration in the UK ¾ UK own smartphones/ laptops/ tabs / notebooks O H
Open banking/ AI/ social media interfaces/ Cloud/
Disruptive technologies O H
Table 3 – Value Chain Analysis
Force Driver Implication Rating
Barriers to entry Need strong financial support to enter UK banking sector
Product differentiation & brand Need of good RnD to innovate and stay competitive by offering new
identity products
Economies of scale Large markets enable market leaders to enjoy EOS
Threat of new Capital requirement Need of large capital to start

entrance Distribution channel access Requires strong distribution network & strategies
Government policies New rules following Brexit/ rules & regulations in domestic markets
may impact the business
Proprietary technology Build capacity & invest on R&D
Favorable locations Traditional mkts and emerging nations
Price of substitute products Increasing switching cost to customers
Quality of substitute products Quality is a key factor for premium brands

Threat of substitutes Switching cost to buyers Low risk banks with more loyalty programs will have high switching cost
Customer brand loyalty Build through the need to demographic diversified population through
research led innovation
Bargaining leverage Provide and opportunity for the org to streamline its sales and
production process
Switching cost to use other High secure banks with more loyalty programs imply customers have
products high cost of switching
Bargaining power of

Availability of substitutes New products will reduce the defection of existing customers of HSBC
to other competitors
Offering a standardized or By offering new products and discounts, HSBC will limit bargaining
differentiated product power of buyers
Decision maker’s incentives Quality, Security, value for money
Supplier concentration Certain markets are dominated by few suppliers by giving them high
Bargaining power of bargaining power

suppliers Uniqueness of product – Developing dedicated suppliers whose business depends on the firm
differentiation/ brand reputation
Number of competitors Large domestic & international players
Size & competitor power Defensive plan to be adopted for huge balance sheet competitors
Industry growth rate Industry growth to decline triggering battle for market share
Over capacity Effects on industry/ demand-supply patterns enforcing price cuts

Industry rivalry High exit barriers Exit is made difficult due to high investments
Diversity of competitors Collaborating with competitors to gain market share rather than
competing for small markets
Product Innovation FINTECH will differentiate and reduce market rivalry
Advertising slugfests Intensive advertising by HSBC and other competitors
Analysis & Decision CIM 14712682
Table 4 – Key Issues Table 5 – Critical Success Factors
Key Issues Critical Success Factors
Penetrate Emerging Markets - Asia (China, India, HK), High DGP Stability - Size of balance sheet, low RWA, Revenue, PAT and PBT
and international trade (Mexico), EU strategy with Brexit
Drive Local Scale Through RBWM - Large middle class, create a Scale - Cross selling capability, number of customers, CASA % (low cost
strategic lock in, troublesome HNWI funds), number of branches, international reach
Rectifying Competitive Positioning - Reputation, strapline,
strategic intent, corp culture, values, customer dissatisfaction Breath of Products and Services - Covering all sub segments
JVs, Long Term Strategic Alliances & Partnerships - Must be Operational Excellence - Agility, IT infrastructure and security, lean
mutually beneficial, First mover, tech start ups management
Strategic Lock In - Primary Transactional Account, Cross selling, Innovation - Fintech, reinvent business model
increase switching costs
Stakeholder Management - Prioritizing key stakeholders, Risk Management- Low NPA, reducing RWA, control measures
expectation analysis
Embracing Fintech - Open Banking (API), Digital banking Strong Corporate Governance Framework - Adopting to new
(Online, mobile, social media), Beta App, Cloud, AI, Biometrics, regulatory standards, stakeholder management, corporate
Cognitive computing sustainability, corporate values
Creating Strong POD - Segment value proposition
Table 6 – Scenario Planning
Description Best case Worst case
Scenario 1 Industry growth rate Global middle class to grow by 2BN by Customer perception on restriction
2020 program
Scenario 2 Declining industry Reached £10,255 in 2016 Decline by £9,953.5 in 2021
Scenario 3 Exponential growth rate Double size of developed economies by Slow adoption of FINTECH
Financial UK banking industry grew More opportunity for HSBC with FINTECH Customers may not be ready to accept
forecast by 10.7% innovation
Table 7 – Risk Assessment
Category Types of Risks Impact Rat Response
Economic Risk Foreign exchange risk Impacts on clients in GB & M markets M Reduce
Growth, Per Capita income (UK) Increase in NPA, Reduce CASA, Social Pressures M Accept
Brexit EU PP rights, 500 Mn Customers, 22 Mn Business, volatile ex. H Accept
Political Risk Political instability Impact relaxed FDI restrictions and business continuity M Reduce
Industry Risk Money Laundering May attract regulatory scrutiny M Reduce
Hyper Competition May drive down margins M Reduce
Negative banking growth forecast Increase high street branches closure, Increase cost/incomes M Reduce
Business Risk Interest rate risk May create funding gaps and impact liquidity M Reduce
Tech Startups – Challenger Brands New forms of competitions H Accept
Operational Risk (Process and Risk) Impact on RBWM and SME business growth M Reduce
IT security risk (Data Theft) Cloud Data, Social media Banking, bio metres H Accept
Compliance Risk (PSD2, CMA TTP Verification, Aggregation of accounts M Reduce
Directives) Reducing group RWA, 55% UK industry bank credits H Accept
Credit Risk (Portfolio Risk) Increased customer complaints, loss of reputation H Accept
High Street Branch Closure Focus on RBWM, BB, Misselling mortgages, PB write offs M Reduce
Concentration Risk (Segments) Partner, suppliers may damage reputation H Accept
Alliance Risk Turkey, Pakistan, Iraq & Kazakhstan H Accept
Market Exit Cost
Reputational Media Manipulation Corporate governance records H Accept
Risk Fraud Risk & Financial Crime Damage on sustainable finance, CSR, environmental Issue M Reduce
Lawsuits & financial crime Can impact corporate reputation (Madoff Fraud) M Reduce
Sustainable Finance Focus on sustainable finance, CSR, environmental issues M Reduce
Job security and losses Strikes and unionizations M Reduce
Staff Conduct Negative exposure on the brand H Accept
Physical Risk Hazards (Health & Safety Risk) Impact on employer Brand M Reduce
Table 8 – Stakeholder Analysis
Types Stakeholder analysis Power Power Interest
Internal Employees Career opportunity, Rewarding on performance, job security High
Management High Profits, good brand name, Ranking High
Connected Customers Intimate understanding on customer needs, certification on the security of user data, High
B2C & B2B convenience, build loyalty from innovation, product quality, value continuity of business
Competitor Gain Market Share High
Strategic Alliance & JV’s Transparency, Engagement, Alignment of goals, integrity, clarity & Honoring contracts High
Regulator Standards, Accountability, Adhere to regulations High
Share Holders Dividend, Capital income and safe investment High
External Society Preservation of environment, natural resources 3
Media Provided perspective, clarity & communication High
Government Tax, employment, Adhere to regulation High
Analysis & Decision Table 8 – Competitor Analysis CIM 14712682

Company Product categories Key strengths

Barclays PLC, Revenue: $ 43,744 Mn Personal, corporate, investment Regions: EU, Apm Africa, ME and Americas, Largest CA,
(2016), Net income: $ 3,020 Mn banking, credit cards, & wealth & catering for 1 out of 6 in UK, Cross sell ability
(2016), Net loss: $ 4 Mn (2015) investment management Separated
into core and non-core business units
Lloyds Group, Received a govt bail out Retail, private & commercial banking, UK's leading financial services group, ability to cross
Revenues: $ 53, 479 Mn (2016) $ investment services, pension sell Primarily conducts business in the UK. Role: To
15,456 Mn (2015) Net income: $ 3,394 management, treasury services, serve businesses and individuals by making a positive
Mn (2016) $ 1,291 Mn (2015) insurance, wholesale banking & contribution Owns 10 Banking brands E.g. Natwest,
international banking Insurance: RBS etc Retail owns 4 brands, serving millions of
Corporate pensions, protection, customers through a large branch network in the UK
retirement& home insurance Long term savings and investment products Acquired
MBNA Credit cards (3 Mn UK consumers) 1 in 4 hold
main account with the group
RBS Group Revenue: $ 20,383 Mn Personal, Business, commercial, Regions: UK, EU,US and Asia, Diversified, Nationwide
(2016) $ 21,646 Mn (2015) Net loss: $ Private, corporate, institutional network of relationship managers, telephone and
7,085 Mn (2016) $ 1,600 Mn (2015) banking, williams and Glyn. Retail, internet channels, Risk management services to corp
commercial, corporate banking & clients
corporate center
Nationwide, Revenue: Pounds 3,285 Savings and mortgages World largest building society, 15 Mn members, UKs
(2017), Pounds 3,333 Mn pounds 2nd largest mortgage provider, One of Uks largest
(2016), PBT: Pounds 1,030 Mn (2017), savings providers, Heritage culture on mutuality, Best
Pounds 1,337 Mn (2016) online provider, credit card provider (2014).
Santander UK, Spanish Owned, PBT: Pounds 1,814 Mn (2017), Pounds 1,914 188,000 employees, 125 Mn customers, 14 Active
(2016), Revenue: Pounds 4,912 Mn (2017), Pounds 4,795 (2016) users in the UK
Figure 1 – Summary of Profit Margins – UK Banking Industry
Summary of Profit margins

HSBC Holdings (PLC) HSBC Bank (PLC) Barclays PLC Lloyds Banking The Royal Bank of Santander UK PLC Nationwide
Group Scotland Group PLC
2015 2016 2017
Table 17 – Triple Bottom CSR
Profit ( Economic Profit) People ( Social Progress) Planet ( Environmental Sustainability)
Achieveing revenue growth above GDP Skill Development (Customers, Community and
(Penetrate ASIA) employees) Climate Change
RBWM Focus Business innovation Sustainable Finance
Innovative business model SME Fund Carbon emissions
Digital Banking Remote Banking Water Quality
Strong Financial Performance
Highest dividents paid to shareholders in the
industry Table 9 – Segmental Analysis
Segment Mass affluent Upwardly mobile Career builders Corporates Mid markets SME
Assets Pre-approved loan up Pre-approved loan up to Mortgage/ cash £300mn £10bn
Product mix

to 15*salary 8*salary back loan lending fund lending

Liabilities Deposits - £50,000 Deposits - £5,000 Min. bal. - £50
Credit/ Debit cards Titanium premium Platinum advance Gold/Silver credit/ Credit & lending/ International trade
Credit/ Debit card credit/ debit card Debit card receivables finance/ Treasury mgt/
Income £3,000/month £1,000/month £300/month liquidity solutions/ Commercial

Age 40+ 26-40 18-25 insurance & investments/ access to


Cross selling Life & travel Personal loans/ Leasing/ personal global products & services (forex
product insurance/ FDs/ ODs insurance/ mortgages loans/ savings products) raising capital on debt and
plans equity mkts & advisory services
Offers Luxury retail/ Hotel Bill payment offers/ Retail discounts/

stays reward points fuel rebates


Delivery channels Relationship mgt Mobile/ internet Banking kiosk/ in Remote access to bank accounts
banking branch service/ UK ID security checks
Post Selfie verification
Segment Together we thrive Together we advance Together we grow Position on trust, resilience,4

positioning dependability

Current positioning “It’s the little things that makes the big difference”
New positioning “Everything for a better future” We believe in you
Analysis & Decision Table 10 – Strategic Intent Table 11 – Ansoffs Growth Matrix CIM 14712682
Throughout our history we have been where Market penetration
the growth is, connecting customers to 1. Attracting millennials - Loyalty points, rewards, personalized
Current opportunities. We enable business to thrive offers on utilities, offers on retail brands.
Charter and economics to prosper, helping people fill 2. Cashback offers with payment platforms - Apple Pay, Google
their hopes and dreams and realize their Pay, Ali Pay
ambitions 3. Using PB to break into corporate accounts
Be at the forefront of economic prosperity by 4. Cross selling other asset products to CA holders
New focusing on communities, connectivity & 5. Engaging digital (viral marketing) campaigns in the UK
global communication (3 Cs) 6. Penetration pricing - Use in a few segments to grow share (Give
Mission/ Purpose statement examples) E.g. Swingers, Millennials
We want everyone at HSBC to use their own 7. Strategies to win back lasped users from High street branch
judgment and make decisions for the right closures.
reasons. Sometimes, the best course of action 8. Advertise USPs (Premier) to core target markets and build
Current is unclear, but we hope by focusing on the aspirations
interest of our customers and the Market Development
communities we serve, we will also do what is 1. Engage millennials with new digital features
right for HSBC 2. Emerging markets (high DGP, middle class growth & trading
Connecting the world by making banking volumes and capital flows, relaxed FDI) - China (belt anf road
simpler, better and faster route), India, Mexico, KH, Asia
Values/ Strands 3. Align business strategies with sectorial gorwth - Construction,
Dependable, open to different ideas and tourism, oil and gas etc
Current cultures, connected to customers, Product Development
communities, regulators and each other 1. Open banking solutions - TTP API verification for B2C and SME
Integrity, Accountability, Innovative, 2. Mobile strategy - Beta App, aggregate accounts
Empowering, Transparent, Diverse 3. Social media interfaces - FB, WhatsApp, Instergram, WeChat to
Strapline send and receive money
"It’s the little things that makes a big 4. Augmnet online banking strategy - Omni channel banking
difference" 5. Casue related products - Credit cards, solar loans, electic
New "We Can" vehicle leases and loans
6. Specialist businss account for SMEs
Table – 12 DIFFERENCIATION STARTEGY - POD 7. Salary (loans/ overdrafts) bundled offer - To encourage primary
1 Premier proposition transactional accounts
2 Linked screen, Beta App, internationa support centre, online 8. Security - Virtual pin, advanced biometrics
knowledge center 9. Banassurance - Leverage Allaince partnerships to cross sell Life
3 In branch business specialists insurance to HNWI, Motor insurance to RBWM customers.
4 HSBC University 10. Customized solutions for GB & M clients.
5 Create a global repository and MKIS for sharing best practices 11. Digital, VR branch
6 Digital banking - Fintech Diversification - Related
7 Big data analysis 1 . Invest in promising Fintech start ups - Cloud, AI and Cognitive
Table – 13 Blue ocean / game changers (draw a strategy canvass computing
and the 4 actions framework) Table 15 - STRATEGIC POSITION
1 Open banking Market Leader (Size of balace sheet) - Pursue Defense
2 Big data analytics 1 Strategies
3 Multi/ Omni Channel delivery Position Defense in the PB Segemnt
4 Fintech - Blockchain, AI, IOT, advanced biometrics 2
Table - 14 GROWTH, OR INSTITUTIONAL STRATEGIES Mobile Defense in Emeging export markets
Strategic Acquisitions 3
1 Santander , Nation Wide, RBS Group Pre Emptive Defense in Fintech and Digital saavy segments
Strategic Partnerships 4
1 Google, Facebook and Linkedin for Digital Marketing Flank Position Defence in RBWM and BB
2 India 5
3 Mexico Counter Offensive Defense in the Domestic market
Digital strategy 6
1 Measure through Clicks & engagement rate Site visits Time Figure 2 - HSBC Growth vs Profitability
spent on app ot site

2 Increase online advertising to TG, SEO in emerging markets 20

3 Social media listening
4 Use LinkedIn in B2B 10
5 Activate the bloggasphie (Digital PR)
6 Viral marketing 0
7 Mobile marketing - Coupons, Apps, QR codes 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
8 Weekly e newsletters to PB and wealth management Year Profitability % 5
Growth %
9 Use of Big data - Cross sell opportunities Linear (Growth %) Linear (Profitability %)
Analysis & Decision Table 15 – Innovations Analysis CIM 14712682
Factors Evidence Critical evaluation Opportunity of innovation
Focus on culture,
communities & working
together, strong brand Culture of failing its responsibilities,
Launch an internal marketing campaign focused on
values Rich heritage, refusing to take personal accountability.
grounding staff on new values
values diversity, Staff speak in many languages however
Launch a global talent pool program
aspirational employer no empahsis on team work, pushing
Cultural Launch a global repository for sharing best practices
Lack of evidence in staff boundaries Lack a structured process to
Climate supported by a awards scheme for best ideas
involvement in capture new ideas from across the world
Undertake an annual attitude survey using
innovation & employing (67 countries) Need to create a sense of
metophiorical analysis to gauge the degree of
creativity Lack of challenge, shared purpose, elimate any
freedom to innovate and apetite to change
evidance of a power & political bottlenecks
performance driven
ID verificaiton via selfies Launch Beta App (1st Bank in the UK)
ROI in innovation? Any patents?
Frist direct and M & S Introduce open banking solutions using API's
Strategic lock in?
online banks Revamp online Banking (interactions, customization
Slow Digital technology adaptation
HSBC security token and security)
Innovation Business model innovation prioritize
Link screen Partner payment platforms for cash back offers
Performance projects based on profitability impact,
International support Social media banking, Tab based selling
centre AI (Bot Advisors), Cognitive computing (Big data
Lack of evidance of an IT Road Map.
Online knowledge patterns)
Absesnce of an innovation center
centre Leveraging the Cloud to reduce IT costs
May impact speed to market & clear
Lack of a robust NPD policies on the rationale for NPD,
process evaluation criteria to be introduced.
Launch HSBC innovation awards in the UK
Operational excellence Lacks evidence of any rewards and
Policies & Start a fin tech idea fund
Strategic partners of recognition prorgms for innovative
Practices Develop KPIs for innovation for all staff through a
innovation ideas,
Committed staff with Technology companies, scientists
fair wages Gauge staff, department contribution
towards innovation
No evidence that innovation is driven
from the top, a presence of an MKIS,
Lack of evidence of a Effect a repository for global best practices and
dynamic capabilities and intuition.
structured training introduce a continues imrpovement & TQM to
Cognitive Strong values can be used to create the
program to enhance support a learning organisation. Use omni digital
Styles desired behavioral standards. desired
creativity. tools to crete a staff certification program, Oxford
behavioral standards. Undertake
HSBC University Univeristy Scholarship program for best ideas
prorgams on creativity, entrepreneurial
thinking and NPD
CRM Evidence Opportunities for CRM
Acquire The launch of open banking solutions Develop incentives to share data with TPP's
Low current account share Buy CA portfolio, agreesive drive of CA
Online banking penetration Provide wider interactions and customisaton
Social media interfaces Develop an interface to apply for RBWM products
Table 16 – CRM

Selfie verificaiton & ID security via mobile Use in supermarkets, malls, stations to acquire customers
Current accounts penetration Use account turnover brahviour to cross sell mortgages
68% seek other products based on CA relationship Introduce a product bundled offer
360 Txn view for tellers and in branch specialists Use segestive or up selling, cross sell dashboards and incentives
Using cloud data to automate services Develop alternate channel strategy to divert counter customers
Cross, Up
Cognitive computing platform (Big data) Develop behavioral scorecards for cross selling
Swingers Cross sell insurance, pension, investment planners
Lack of evidance of s focussed effort of corss selling Set up a cross sell division and system to identify potential HNWI's
First direct, M & S Bank Cross sell core banking products to online customers
Global payment merchant network Cross sell CAs to Merchants
Launch a 'staff get member' & 'Member get member' referal
Retention Leverage 225 exployees, 17 Mn customers
Deepen relationships using digital banking channels Launch a rewards based loyalty program
Mobile banking savvy customers Strategic lock in customers with Beta App download and usage
Business banking lacks differetiaiton Create a specialist business banking with world wide access
High street branch closures Launch a complaint management system, virtual branch
Creating Online shopping savvy consumers Offer advnaced security features
Advocates Changing banking regulations Inform customers of new regulations
AI Bots To provide advisory services, moments of truth surveys
International support center Provide access to M & S and First direct customers
HSBC Univeristy Cross selling champion certification for all front line staff
Using PB & RB to break into corporates Enstablish a customer life cycle management program

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