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D10–D17 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol.

49, Database issue Published online 23 October 2020

doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa892

Database resources of the National Center for

Biotechnology Information
Eric W. Sayers * , Jeffrey Beck, Evan E. Bolton, Devon Bourexis, James R. Brister,
Kathi Canese, Donald C. Comeau, Kathryn Funk, Sunghwan Kim , William Klimke,
Aron Marchler-Bauer, Melissa Landrum, Stacy Lathrop, Zhiyong Lu , Thomas L. Madden,
Nuala O’Leary, Lon Phan, Sanjida H. Rangwala, Valerie A. Schneider, Yuri Skripchenko,
Jiyao Wang, Jian Ye, Barton W. Trawick, Kim D. Pruitt and Stephen T. Sherry

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National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Building
38A, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA

Received September 15, 2020; Revised September 25, 2020; Editorial Decision September 28, 2020; Accepted October 08, 2020

ABSTRACT on the NCBI Learn page (

learn/) and in the NCBI Handbook (https://www.ncbi.nlm.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information
(NCBI) provides a large suite of online resources
for biological information and data, including the The entrez system
GenBank® nucleic acid sequence database and the
PubMed® database of citations and abstracts pub- Entrez (2) is an integrated database retrieval system that
lished in life science journals. The Entrez system provides access to a diverse set of 34 databases that together
provides search and retrieval operations for most of contain 3.0 billion records (Table 1 and Figure 1). Links to
the web portal for each of these databases are provided on
these data from 34 distinct databases. The E-utilities
the Entrez global search page (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
serve as the programming interface for the Entrez gov/search/). Entrez supports text searching using simple
system. Custom implementations of the BLAST pro- Boolean queries, downloading of data in various formats
gram provide sequence-based searching of many and linking records between databases based on asserted re-
specialized datasets. New resources released in the lationships. The records retrieved in Entrez can be displayed
past year include a new PubMed interface and NCBI in many formats and downloaded singly or in batches. An
datasets. Additional resources that were updated in Application Programming Interface for Entrez functions
the past year include PMC, Bookshelf, Genome Data (the E-utilities) is available, and detailed documentation is
Viewer, SRA, ClinVar, dbSNP, dbVar, Pathogen De- provided at
tection, BLAST, Primer-BLAST, IgBLAST, iCn3D and
PubChem. All of these resources can be accessed Data sources and collaborations
through the NCBI home page at https://www.ncbi. NCBI receives data from three sources: direct submissions from researchers, national and international collaborations
or agreements with data providers and research consortia,
INTRODUCTION and internal curation efforts. For example, NCBI manages
the GenBank database (3) and participates with the EMBL-
NCBI overview
EBI European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) (4) and the DNA
The National Center for Biotechnology Information Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) (5) as a partner in the In-
(NCBI), a center within the National Library of Medicine ternational Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
at the National Institutes of Health, was created in 1988 (INSDC) (6). Details about direct submission processes are
to develop information systems for molecular biology (1). available from the NCBI Submit page (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
In this article we provide a brief overview of the NCBI gov/home/submit.shtml) and from the resource home pages
Entrez system of databases, followed by a summary of re- (e.g. the GenBank page,
sources that we either introduced or significantly updated More information about the various collaborations, agree-
in the past year. We provide more complete discussions of ments, and curation efforts are also available through the
NCBI resources on the home pages of individual databases, home pages of the individual resources.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 301 496 2475, Fax: +1 301 480 9241; Email:

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research 2020.

This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D11

Table 1. The Entrez Databases (as of 9 September 2020)

Database Records Description
PubMed 31 471 600 scientific and medical abstracts/citations
PubMed Central 6 447 271 full-text journal articles
NLM catalog 1 619 856 index of NLM collections
Books 825 385 books and reports
MeSH 300 500 ontology used for PubMed indexing

Nucleotide 429 731 711 DNA and RNA sequences
BioSample 14 628 076 descriptions of biological source materials
SRA 11 807 161 high-throughput DNA and RNA sequence read archive
Taxonomy 2 401 136 taxonomic classification and nomenclature catalog

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Assembly 837 406 genome assembly information
BioProject 458 893 biological projects providing data to NCBI
Genome 55 580 genome sequencing projects by organism
BioCollections 8 138 museum, herbaria and other biorepository collections

GEO Profiles 128 414 055 gene expression and molecular abundance profiles
Gene 28 377 759 collected information about gene loci
GEO datasets 4 002 373 functional genomics studies
PopSet 350 627 sequence sets from phylogenetic and population studies
HomoloGene 141 268 homologous gene sets for selected organisms

SNP 720 643 623 short genetic variations
dbVar 6 030 887 genome structural variation studies
ClinVar 845 008 human variations of clinical significance
MedGen 335 277 medical genetics literature and links
GTR 76 814 genetic testing registry
dbGaP 1 397 genotype/phenotype interaction studies

Protein 874 272 642 protein sequences
Identical protein groups 329 946 078 protein sequences grouped by identity
Protein clusters 1 137 329 sequence similarity-based protein clusters
Structure 167 650 experimentally-determined biomolecular structures
Sparcle 149 462 conserved domain architectures
Conserved domains 59 951 conserved protein domains

PubChem substance 285 048 146 deposited substance and chemical information
PubChem compound 111 325 418 chemical information with structures, information and links
PubChem BioAssay 1 229 071 bioactivity screening studies
BioSystems 983 968 molecular pathways with links to genes, proteins and chemicals

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS the interface make it easier to discover related content such
as similar articles, references and citations.
Literature updates
Since 2012 PubMed has allowed users to search for a dis-
PubMed. After previewing an updated version of tinct author, and not merely for an author name, through
PubMed in 2019, we activated this updated version as an automatic author name disambiguation algorithm (8).
the default system in May 2020. Among the numerous We recently enhanced this algorithm by leveraging the sig-
enhancements is a responsive layout that offers better nificant growth of ORCID use in PubMed articles. Users
support for accessing PubMed content on increasingly can search PubMed directly with ORCIDs using the fol-
popular small-screen devices such as mobile phones and lowing syntax: 0000-0001-6166-3199[auid]. Additionally, to
tablets. The interface is compatible with any screen size and further strengthen how PubMed handles synonyms, we de-
provides a fresh, consistent look and feel throughout the veloped and implemented an updated algorithm to obtain
application, no matter how one accesses it. Search results word synonym pairs that improve PubMed indexing and re-
can now be sorted using ‘Best Match’ ordering that employs trieval (9).
a machine learning algorithm to help users find relevant The updated version of PubMed takes advantage of sev-
citations quickly (7). Search results also include ‘snippets’, eral new technologies to improve the user experience. The
highlighted text fragments from the article abstract that underlying document data indexed in the updated version is
are selected based on their relatedness to the query. These a merger of content from PubMed, Bookshelf and PubMed
snippets give users additional information to help them Central (PMC). This combined dataset allows us to display
decide if an article is useful. Additional improvements to relevant information not previously available in a PubMed
D12 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue




Annual Growth



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Figure 1. Annual growth rates of the number of records in each Entrez database as of 9 September 2020.

record, such as reference citations from PMC. While legacy made by the national science and technology advisors of
PubMed limited the number of variants for a wildcard a dozen countries, including the US, to support ongoing
(‘*’) search, PubMed is now capable of unlimited wildcard public health emergency response efforts. Specifically, this
searches thanks to Solr (, the call asked publishers and societies to agree voluntarily to
open-source enterprise search system that PubMed now make their publications and supporting data related to
uses for document indexing. Users will find that PubMed COVID-19 and the novel coronavirus immediately acces-
now has greater scalability and reliability, provided not only sible in PMC and other appropriate public repositories. As
by Solr, but also by the MongoDB storage solution and the of August, this initiative included more than 50 publishers
modern cloud architecture that together ensure both redun- and has added or updated the licenses on 80 000 articles in
dancy between data centers and also trustworthy backup PMC to support secondary re-use and analysis.
environments. When visiting PubMed, users will enjoy a On 9 June 2020, NLM launched a pilot project to test the
modern web experience using the latest web technologies viability of allowing users to obtain from PMC preprints re-
and standards, all provided by the Django web framework. sulting from NIH-funded research (https://www.ncbi.nlm. The primary goal of this
PubMed Central (PMC). PMC continued to expand ac- NIH Preprint Pilot is to explore approaches to increase
cess to biomedical and life science literature over the past the discoverability of early NIH research results. Follow-
year, with the corpus now including more than 6 mil- ing standard NLM practice, citations for these preprint
lion journal articles and author manuscripts. Reflecting the records are available in PubMed to increase the discover-
NLM’s ongoing commitment to public access to research ability of this content. To ensure transparency, large ban-
results supported by the NIH and other funding partners, ners clearly identify these preprint records in PMC and
we released a new NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) PubMed. The banners explain that the papers have not been
system in January 2020. The new NIHMS system stream- peer reviewed, and link to information about the pilot for
lines the author manuscript submission process to PMC additional context. The pilot will run for a minimum of 12
and offers more transparent options to aid authors and months and will focus on preprints that relate to the current
investigators in avoiding processing delays and ensuring COVID-19 pandemic. Lessons we learn during that time
timely compliance with NIH policy. In the first 6 months will inform future NLM efforts involving preprints.
after release, we received nearly 40 000 successful submis-
sions ( Bookshelf. The NCBI Bookshelf provides free online ac-
PMC launched the Public Health Emergency COVID-19 cess to over 8500 books and documents in life science and
Initiative ( healthcare from over 150 content providers. In the past year,
19/) in March 2020, which helped enable the creation of we migrated the content management of two large full-text
the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) hosted toxicology databases into its archive. The first, LactMed, is
by the Allen Institute. This initiative resulted from a call an NLM database of over 1500 peer-reviewed summaries
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D13

containing information on drugs and other chemicals to Multiple Sequence Alignment Viewer (MSAV). SV is avail-
which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It also in- able as a standalone application (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
cludes information on the levels of such substances in breast gov/projects/sviewer/) and also appears as a fully-functional
milk and infant blood, and the possible adverse effects in embed on many NCBI pages, including Gene and SNP
the nursing infant. The second, LiverTox, is an NIDDK records and the NCBI Variation Viewer. SV is also the
database of over 1100 peer-reviewed documents contain- graphical viewer for Nucleotide and Protein records and
ing information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, clini- the BLAST (10) and Primer-BLAST (11) results pages.
cal patterns and management of liver injury attributable MSAV (
to both prescription and nonprescription medications and displays multiple sequence alignments created by NCBI
also selected herbal and dietary supplements. Migrating BLAST, COBALT and NCBI Virus pages, and also displays
these full-text databases into the Bookshelf increases their custom alignments from researchers.
discoverability in two ways: the citations for each full-text In the last year, we have further enhanced the sequence
LactMed and LiverTox summary record are now available and data download capabilities within SV (https://www.

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in PubMed, where they link to the full-text in Bookshelf; Users can now download
and the toxicological data for these records are seamlessly gene, feature and NCBI SNP annotation data from the
integrated in PubChem with the scientific evidence sum- graphical view tool in multiple common formats that in-
marized and cited in the full-text documents in Bookshelf. clude GFF3, VCF and BED. Users can also copy short
Users can still search within LactMed or LiverTox, and the strings of sequence data directly to the clipboard and can
full-text, machine-readable records for both are available also download larger ranges in FASTA or GenBank flat file
through the NLM LitArch Open Access subset for data format. Improved tooltips now report positional informa-
mining and reuse. tion that changes dynamically depending on the position
of the cursor. For gene features, including transcript and
proteins, the tooltip provides the transcript, CDS, and/or
Genome updates
protein position and exon or intron number. For BAM,
NCBI Datasets. We have continued to develop improve- SRA or BLAST alignments, the tooltip information also in-
ments to sequence search through the introduction of cludes the ability to view any unaligned data, including in-
Datasets, a new resource that enables users to easily gather sertions and 5 and 3 tails. Recent enhancements to NCBI’s
content from across NCBI databases (https://www.ncbi. MSAV ( al- Developed with the FAIR (findabil- low users to re-sort rows to find sequences of interest and
ity, accessibility, interoperability and reusability) principles then customize their display further by ‘hiding’ undesired
of data management in mind, Datasets allows users to sequences from view (such as partial or duplicate align-
create custom datasets through web, RESTful API, and ments) or in their SVG/PDF image output.
command-line interfaces, and download them in structured
file packages. As of this writing, Datasets supports queries
for genomes and genes across a wide range of taxonomies,
including quick access to SARS-CoV-2 genomes and pro- Genome data viewer. NCBI’s flagship genome browser,
teins. Users searching for genomic data can assemble a Genome Data Viewer (GDV) (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
package consisting of genome, transcript and protein se- gov/genome/gdv/), integrates the SV graphical display with
quences as well as annotations. The package will also in- a robust search/retrieval/analysis console. Users can view
clude a data report with rich metadata. The Datasets web their own data next to NCBI tracks as references. In our
interface (Figure 2) allows users to browse genomes on a endeavor to better support our users’ analyses and research
taxonomic tree and choose any set of complete eukaryotic needs, we released numerous enhancements in the past year.
genomes in the NCBI Assembly database. The API and Of particular note is a dynamic sidebar that users can show
command-line interfaces provide access to prokaryotic and or hide. Hiding the sidebar allows the graphical display to
viral genomes in addition to eukaryotic genomes, and sup- stretch for a wider view. Additional enhancements now al-
port searches with taxonomic identifiers or assembly acces- low navigation by assemblies, chromosomes and compo-
sions. For gene searches, Datasets allows users to construct nents directly from within the browser.
data tables based on either an NCBI Gene ID or a combi- Users interested in non-human variation data can now
nation of organism and gene symbol. On the web interface, add SNP data from the European Variation Archive as
users can continue editing the set of genes on the table and tracks directly to the view using the tracks configuration
then select a set of desired data columns before download- menu in SV. Researchers can also add their own or third-
ing the data. The API and command-line interfaces provide party data by streaming data hosted on external URLs.
similar tables programmatically. A Python library and cor- GDV also supports connectivity to UCSC-style track hubs
responding Jupyter notebooks allow users to explore and directly from the EBI Track Hub Registry. GDV supports
learn the datasets API, and these are available on GitHub visualization of most common bioinformatics formats in-
( cluding GFF3, bigWig, multiWig, bigBED and indexed
BAM and VCF files. Helpful tutorials to get started are
Graphical sequence viewers. NCBI’s graphical sequence available on the NCBI YouTube channel in the ‘NCBI
viewer tools visualize sequences, annotations and experi- Genome Data Viewer’ playlist. Additional documentation
mental data alignments archived in NCBI databases. These is available at
viewers include the NCBI Sequence Viewer (SV) and the browser/help/.
D14 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

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Figure 2. Landing page for the new NCBI Datasets product ( that provides packaged downloads of genomic
datasets using either a web interface, an API, or a UNIX/LINUX command-line tool.

Sequence Read Archive. NCBI maintains the NIH Se- Program. These datasets provide researchers easy, no-cost
quence Read Archive (SRA), an archival database de- access to more than 13 000 SRA runs that include Coron-
signed to support storage, retrieval and analysis of next- aviridae content identified by a kmer-based approach using
generation nucleotide sequence data. This archive now in- the SRA Taxonomy Analysis Tool.
cludes 8.8 Petabytes of publicly available data and another We have made several additional updates that allow more
4.6 Petabytes of controlled-access dbGaP data. While the effective use of cloud-hosted SRA data. By providing SRA
archive holds tremendous promise for biomedical research, run metadata and BioSample data on GCP BigQuery and
the sheer size of this dataset makes it difficult to store, re- AWS Athena, we give researchers more ways to identify se-
trieve and analyze. NCBI remains committed to continuing quence sets of interest. In addition to maintaining originally
to expand SRA and improving access to the archive based submitted source and SRA formatted data in the cloud, we
on FAIR data principles. are introducing normalized data formats that bin base qual-
As part of the NIH Science and Technology Research ity scores to binary read assessments or align reads to refer-
Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation and Sus- ences. These reduce file size and can expedite certain com-
tainability Initiative (, putations. We have also updated the SRA data location ser-
NCBI is now maintaining the entire SRA on two com- vice and toolkit (
mercial cloud platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and -Installing-SRA-Toolkit) to retrieve data from cloud loca-
Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The cloud environment tions in the desired data format.
offers many advantages for the transfer and analysis of
data (12), and the availability of SRA on cloud platforms Pathogens. The NCBI Pathogen Detection Project (https:
should facilitate large-scale computational operations and // helps public health
collaborations. This idea has been supported by early pilot scientists investigate foodborne disease outbreaks by inte-
experiments in which thousands of metagenomic samples grating pathogen genomic sequences obtained from cul-
were analyzed for organismal content using cloud-adapted tured bacterial isolates and quickly clustering and identi-
workflows and software (13). An additional example are fying related sequences (14). As of August 2020, over 600
COVID-focused datasets (including source and normalized 000 pathogen isolates covering 31 bacterial taxa and one
SRA file formats) recently added to the AWS Public Dataset emerging fungal pathogen, Candida auris, are actively be-
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D15

ing analyzed. We make these analysis results available in the to the ClinVar Submission Portal so that all of the required
Isolates Browser on a daily basis (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. fields in a file submission are validated before the file is sub-
gov/pathogens/isolates). As part of our effort to improve mitted to ClinVar. As of August 2020, submitters also have
the compliance of the pipeline results (15) with FAIR prin- the option to stop a submission and correct errors immedi-
ciples, we annotate the generated assemblies using PGAP ately, or to submit all records that pass validation and re-
(16), submit them to GenBank and incorporate them into ceive a report of any failures to correct later.
the NCBI Assembly resource. These assemblies link back In January 2020, we added a new feature to ClinVar that
to the Isolates Browser and also to the SNP Tree Viewer if allows a user to ‘follow’ a particular variant and be notified
that particular isolate is a member of a clonally related clus- if the overall clinical interpretation in ClinVar changes, for
ter. The Isolates Browser allows users to subset isolates and example from a pathogenic category to a non-pathogenic
then download the assembled sequence and/or annotation one. This feature makes it easier for a laboratory to become
of the submitted assemblies. aware of variants that may need to be re-evaluated, and for
clinicians to know when they should contact their clinical

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) resources. The Pathogen testing laboratory and/or patient with new information.
Detection team has continued to improve and release
updated resources for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) dbSNP. The Database of Single Nucleotide Polymor-
( phisms (dbSNP) is a repository of human genomic varia-
resistance/). The Reference Gene Catalog (https: tions and frequency data that includes both common and
// rare single-nucleotide variations and other small-scale vari-
now provides a searchable and browsable interface for two ations. In 2020 dbSNP released the new NCBI Allele Fre-
sets of genes: a ‘core’ AMR reference set of acquired genes quency Aggregator (ALFA) dataset (https://www.ncbi.nlm.
and proteins as well as point mutations conferring AMR, We calculated the ALFA fre-
and a ‘plus’ set of genes related to stress responses (acid, quency data from 98 500 dbGaP subjects for whom geno-
metal, heat and biocide) and virulence. The 16 July 2020 re- types were available. Aggregated from 551 billion geno-
lease included 6428 total proteins (5588 AMR proteins, 210 types, the results include allele counts and frequencies
stress response proteins and 630 virulence proteins) as well for 443 million known variations and 4 million novel
as 682 point mutations. We also released an updated version ones. Future ALFA releases will include additional db-
of the AMRFinder software (17) called AMRFinderPlus GaP studies, and we expect the dataset to expand to
that uses the reference set above (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. over a billion variants from millions of subjects. The
gov/pathogens/antimicrobial-resistance/AMRFinder/). All ALFA data are available as part of the dbSNP regu-
isolates in the Pathogen Detection Isolates Browser other lar release ( release/) and
than C. auris are analyzed with AMRFinderPlus, and the also as a separate download (
three categories of genes (AMR, stress and virulence) are population frequency/latest release/). The ALFA data are
available in the Isolates Browser. Currently over 590 000 also accessible through an API (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
isolates have at least one identified AMR gene, over 510 gov/snp/docs/gsr/alfa/#api-queries).
000 have at least one identified stress response gene and
over 210 000 have at least one identified virulence gene. dbVar. In the past year, dbVar added 20 new human struc-
For the subset of isolates from the Isolates Browser tural variation studies, bringing the total in the database to
that are both deposited in GenBank and that have genes 190 studies containing 6 million regions and 36 million vari-
identified by AMRFinderPlus, a new tabular viewer called ants. Some notable studies are the Decipher dataset (https:
the Microbial Browser for Genetic and Genomic Ele- //, gnomAD
ments is available (MicroBIGG-E, https://www.ncbi.nlm. ( and Every row in the the NCBI Curated Common Structural Variants dataset
MicroBIGG-E viewer displays a gene or point mutation ( that
that has been identified. This new interface provides easy includes frequency data. dbVar continues to make it eas-
access to the gene and contig sequences to facilitate fur- ier to find and use structural variation data by making se-
ther analyses. The Isolate Browser and MicroBIGG-E al- lected datasets available on TrackHub for viewing in the
low cross-browser selection, so that selections of isolates in NCBI GDV and other genome browsers, such as the UCSC
the Isolate Browser enable selections of genes they encode browser. Tracks are available for the structural variants im-
in MicroBIGG-E and vice versa. ported from ClinVar (
content/clinvar summary/#homepage) and for the NCBI
Curated Common Structural Variants (nstd186).
Genetics updates
ClinVar. ClinVar is an archive of submitted reports of re-
BLAST updates
lationships among human variations and phenotypes with
supporting evidence. In December 2019, ClinVar reached BLAST in the cloud. In the past year we have made
the milestone of 1 million submitted records, representing some important changes to our BLAST databases.
more than half a million variants. To support ClinVar’s con- We released a new version of BLAST databases (v5)
tinued growth, we have improved the submission process- that are taxonomically aware, allowing users to limit a
ing pipeline so that submitted data can be published faster. stand-alone BLAST+ search (18) by taxonomy using
From October 2019 to August 2020, we added validation information stored in the database. To take advantage
D16 Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue

of this feature, users will need a recent version of the between proteins and ligands or other proteins, visual-
BLAST+ package (2.9.0 release or later). The older ization of electrostatic potentials as computed by Delphi
BLAST database version (v4) has been deprecated. (21) and visualization of membrane bilayer location rela-
The new BLAST databases are available on the NCBI tive to membrane protein structures as provided by OPM
FTP site as well as on GCP and AWS cloud providers, (22). Finally, a Jupyter notebook widget version of iCn3D
and all three sites now offer the same 23 databases. (called icn3dpy) enables users to view 3D structures in a
These databases range from a Betacoronavirus collection Jupyter environment. iCn3D is available at https://github.
( TYPE= com/ncbi/icn3d, and novel features are demonstrated on
BlastSearch&BLAST SPEC=Betacoronavirus) to Ref- the gallery page at
Seq representative genomes for eukaryotes, prokary- icn3d/icn3d.html#gallery.
otes and viruses. Also included are the default NCBI
nucleotide collection (nt), the non-redundant pro-
Chemical updates
tein (nr) database, and genome assemblies for human

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and mouse. On AWS and GCP, users can access these PubChem (23–25) ( is a pub-
databases with the BLAST+ Docker package described lic chemical data repository at NCBI. Over the past year,
at plus docs. Additionally, PubChem expanded the scope of its information con-
four databases based on the NCBI Targeted Loci Project tent by integrating data from more than 50 new data
(including collections of 18S, 28S and prokaryote 16S sources. Notably, the World Intellectual Property Organiza-
ribosomal RNA genes along with a database of fungal tion (WIPO) provided PubChem with more than 16 million
internal transcribed spacers) have been added to both the chemical structures searchable in its patent database called
BLAST webpage and are also available as stand-alone PATENTSCOPE ( In addition,
databases on the NCBI FTP site and on GCP and AWS. SpringerMaterials provided links to hundreds of chemical
and physical properties for more than 32 000 compounds,
Primer-BLAST. Primer-BLAST (11) now allows users to helping users to quickly locate articles for the property in
design primers that are common for a group of highly sim- question ( Another new source of
ilar sequences. This makes it easier for researchers to per- data came from ToxNet, a collection of NLM databases
form tasks such as amplifying multiple transcript variants that provided a wide range of toxicological information.
for a single gene or detecting a group of highly related bacte- These databases were retired last year and their content
ria strains. Another new feature allows users to set the max- was integrated into PubChem (
imal nucleotide match at the 3 end of exon-exon junctions They include the Genetic Toxicology Data Bank (Gene-
of transcripts to address non-specific polymerase chain re- Tox), the Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information
action amplification. System (CCRIS), the Hazardous Substances Data Bank
(HSDB), ChemIDplus, LactMed and LiverTox. Finally, in
IgBLAST. We have added several new features to Ig- response to the COVID-19 pandemic, PubChem created a
BLAST (19). IgBLAST now supports annotations of the special data collection containing data related to COVID-
FWR4 region so that the entire V region can be anno- 19 and SARS-CoV-2 ( We gath-
tated. Another new feature is that IgBLAST indicates if a ered the data in this collection from authoritative and cu-
sequence has a complete V(D)J region so that users can rated sources, and a link to the collection appears on the
keep track of sequences with a full V region. Additional PubChem home page.
new functions include allowing users to extend J gene align-
ments at the 3 end and to analyze sequences from an organ-
ism of their choice.
The resources described here include documentation, other
explanatory materials and references to collaborators and
Protein updates
data sources on their respective web sites. An alphabetical
NCBI released an updated version (2.19.0) of iCn3D (20), list of NCBI resources is available from a link above the
a three-dimensional (3D) molecular structure viewer that category list on the left side of the NCBI home page. The
runs directly in web browsers. Interactive iCn3D views are NCBI Help Manual and the NCBI Handbook (www.ncbi.
embedded in structure summary pages of NCBI’s Molecu-, both available as links in
lar Modeling Database (MMDB), and iCn3D visualizes the the common page footer, describe the principal NCBI re-
results of 3D structure comparisons computed by VAST+ sources in detail. The NCBI Learn page (www.ncbi.nlm.
as well as pairwise sequence-to-structure alignments com- provides links to documentation, tutorials,
puted by protein BLAST. iCn3D simultaneously displays webinars, courses and upcoming conference exhibits. A va-
3D structures, 2D interaction schematics, alignments and riety of video tutorials are available on the NCBI YouTube
protein/nucleotide sequences, as well as sequence annota- channel that can be accessed through links in the stan-
tions such as functional sites and conserved domain foot- dard NCBI page footer. A user-support staff is available to
prints. Sequence variations can be displayed for some hu- answer questions at, and users can
man protein structures, and recently we have made se- view support articles at Up-
quence variation data accessible for selected structures of dates on NCBI resources and database enhancements are
SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Other recently added features in- described on the NCBI Insights blog (https://ncbiinsights.
clude extended visualization of 2D interaction networks, NCBI social media sites (FaceBook,
Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, Vol. 49, Database issue D17

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11. Ye,J., Coulouris,G., Zaretskaya,I., Cutcutache,I., Rozen,S. and
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12. Langmead,B. and Nellore,A. (2018) Cloud computing for genomic
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The authors would like to thank all of the NCBI staff who Marti-Carreras,J., Tisza,M., Zalunin,V., Andrade-Martinez,J.,
Cantu,A. et al. (2019) NCBI’s virus discovery Hackathon: Engaging
through their dedicated efforts continue to allow NCBI to research communities to identify cloud infrastructure requirements.
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14. NCBI Resource Coordinators. (2017) Database resources of the
National Center for Biotechnology Information. Nucleic Acids Res.,
FUNDING 45, D12–D17.
15. Sayers,E.W., Agarwala,R., Bolton,E.E., Brister,J.R., Canese,K.,

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