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Vietnamese Name Pronunciation

Nguyen (Common Last Name) Ng-wen

An Aahn

Anh Ae-ng

Bao Baa-oh

Bich Bikh (almost Bih -kh is very faintly pronounced)

Cam Kaehm

Chau Chaa-w

Chi Chee

Cong Ku-um

Cuc Kuk (almost like Kup, the ending is very faint)

Diep Heeyep/Zeeyep (depends on south/north, they are ok either way)

Dieu Hyee-ooh/Zee-ooh

Dinh Hee-inh/Zee-inh

Duc Duk (like cook)

Dung Hyung/Zung

Duong Zuh-ung

Giang Yi-ang/Zang

Hai Hai

Hang Haa-ng

Hao Haa-oh

Hoa Hoh-aah

Hong Hum

Hue Hweh

Hung Huh-m (like room)

Huong Hoo-ung

Huu Huuh

Khanh Khae-ng

Kim Kee-hm

Lan Lae-nh
Lanh Laeng

Liem Lee-um

Lien Lee-un

Linh Li-ng

Mai Maa-ih

Minh Mi-ng

Ngai Ngaa-ih

Ngoc Ng-op

Nguyet Ngoo-it

Nhung New-ng

Phuc Fup (Like Book, very hazy word end)

Phuong Fuung

Phuoc Fuuk (u sound is stretched and prominent)

Quan Kwaan

Quang Kwaang

Quy Kwee

Quyen Koo-yen

Quynh Kwinh

Son Sohn (Like phone)

Thanh Th-un

Thi Teeh

Thu Thoo

Thuan Thoo-un

Thuy Thu-ee

Tien Tee-un

Trai Chaa-i

Trinh Chin

Truc Chuk (very hazy word end)

Tu Too

Tuan Twun
Tuyen Tuh-en

Tuyet Tuh-it

Van Vun (sounds like one)

Vien Vee-en

Vinh Ving

Uyen Oo-in

Xuan Swun

Yen Ee-yen

Observations & Feedbacks:

1. Most Vietnamese people are at the beginner or easy levels, And would prefer to read.
They might be shy to speak or 'discuss' topics.
2. Please be mindful of the difference between V and W. We’ve noticed, many are
currently mixing up these sounds, and it is an easy fix.
3. It would help if you speak slower, and tried to soften the sounds that typically create
MTI - t,d,r.
4. Lastly, students are very interested in getting feedback and knowing how much time it
would take for them to improve. This also helps us to sell the plans.

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