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A project is a unique organization, which is formed in a determined business case to

produce one or more goods. The project management role is to initiate projects for a
range of purposes, such as fulfilling a business requirement, achieving a strategic target
or meeting market demand. Projects are temporary and enable the organization
accomplish operational objectives and respond to the external world rapidly and easily.
Whereas business operations are on-going, routine operations of an entity, operational
management is the on-going organizational role of IT or accounting services (Fahad
Usmani. (2020, July 26).
2. Businesses that work on a project management basis may involve constructing a new
bridge or renovation, or designing business process software. Projects are often an
attempt to alleviate a natural catastrophe or to establish a plan to break into a new
geographic sales market. Considerations for digital project management is that it is
Strategic and delivery-focused. It guides, schedules, organizes, motivates and delivers
Internet-enabled projects through displays or connected computers – often through digital
marketers, studios and internal site teams (Ben Aston. (2018, October 4). Project
management main advantage is the ability to efficiently plan our tasks so that we can fix
challenges more rapidly. It increases our chances to produce the intended outcome, gives
us another view on the project and how it is in line with our corporate plan. Set the scope,
plan and expenditure correctly from the very beginning and manage budget and resources
and boost job efficiency and productivity ( (n.d.). For a scenario I
selected a Minecraft sandbox video game established by Mojang. Minecraft helps us to
control and develop our tools, some of which can be awesome. Changing the dilemma
may make management of resources harder, but Minecraft's solution is self-implemented
project management. Gather our resources and then build our own project to initiate and
develop our desired framework (Pugh, A. (2018, March 20).
3. The projects with a start and end date are allocated temporarily with resources.
Organizations are using projects to adapt their processes, goods and services to respond
to customer demands, benefit from competition, or react to new markets. According to
operating procedures and regulations, resources are committed to the same activities. IT
transactions include all services and processes given to internal or external customers by
an IT staff and used by themselves, so as to operate as a business (Kelsey Miller. (2020,
August 21). I would prefer to work in project team as the majority of resources of the
organization are engaged with project work in planned organizations and project work is
usually performed to the advantage of external clients. The project manager becomes a
full-time employee of a project group and has accessible project tools including project
coordinators, schedulers, business consultants and plan managers. There is an increased
flexibility and power for the project manager.
4. In my point of view operations are processes aimed not at creating something new, but at
sustaining and maintaining a structure. Administrative activities for example are
operations in a company. In an individual level payment for monthly electricity bills,
sleeping and eating are also operations. On the counter, projects are temporary attempts
which pursue a specific outcome. Repetitive and static operations tend to hold it all up.
Projects create and then dissolve a certain deliverable. Both are an essentially responsible
for the product life cycle and sometimes collaborate. In a project, we aim to meet the
target while metrics are being used in operations.
 (n.d.). Advantages of project management. (n.d.). | Practical advice for Northern Ireland Business. [ONLINE]
Available at
%20start [Accessed 03 March 2021].

 Ben Aston. (2018, October 4). Digital project management: What is it? The digital
project manager. The Digital Project Manager. [ONLINE] Available at [Accessed 03 March

 Fahad Usmani. (2020, July 26). What are projects and operations? PM Study Circle.
[ONLINE] Available at
operation-difference-between-them/ [Accessed 03 March 2021].

 Kelsey Miller. (2020, August 21). Project management vs. operations management:
What’s the difference? Northeastern University Graduate Programs. [ONLINE]
Available at
operations-management/ [Accessed 03 March 2021].

 Pugh, A. (2018, March 20). 10 video games that teach you project management. Industry
Leader in Online Learning & Professional Training in the UK | e-Careers. [ONLINE]
Available at
project-management [Accessed 03 March 2021].

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