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School of System and Technology

Department of Computer Science

Course Code: CC1041 Semester: 2nd
Title: Discrete Structures Total Marks: 10
Resourse Person: Dr. Muhammad Kabir Student Name:
Student ID:

Q1: Write down set Identities and De Morgan’s Laws for Sets.
Q2: In order to prove set identities, we have the following four techniques given below:
1. Mutual Subsets method.
2. Set builder notation & logical equivalences method.
3. Membership table method.
4. Venn diagram method.
You need to consider two examples for each method and prove set identities with these methods.

Q3: As we know, computers can process only binary data internally. How can we
represent sets in a bit string form?
Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, and the ordering of elements of U has the elements
in increasing order, then S1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and S2 = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}.
i. Find out B1 and B2 (B1 and B2 should be in bit string format) for S 1 and S2
ii. Union of S1 and S2
iii. Intersection of S1 and S2
iv. Complement of S1 and S2
v. AND of B1 and B2
vi. OR of B1 and B2
vii. Complement of B1 and B2

1. Each expression should be clearly mentioned with its given number in your answer.
2. Make a Title page and mention your details (including Name, Registration no.
Section ID, Title of the assignment etc.).
3. Don’t copy from others.
4. Submit your assignment to the LMS in MS-word or PDF format.
5. Deadline can be checked on your LMS.

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