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Brazilian merganser  
Chatham albatross  
Indian gharial  
giant panda  
Javan rhino  
kiwi   4 5
snow leopard  
Tasmanian devil  
Yangzi river dolphin  


All these animals are endangered.

Why? Brainstorm.

What do you know about these animals?

Do some research and present your findings.
8 9
Do you know any other endangered animals?
Work in group and make a list.

Animals are classified into levels of

vulnerability by IUCN. What are these?

Would breeding in captivity be a solution?

Give pros and cons and other solutions.

What do you think about hunting or killing

10 11 animals? Is it okay? When is it not okay?

Why would anyone possibly want to kill a

harmless animal? Give reasons.

Do you know any animals that are extinct?

Tell the class about one. What happened?

Would it be a tragedy if these animals died

12 13 out? Could we live without them? Explain.
Teacher Notes
 This answer key is deliberately kept concise since the idea of these Conversation Corners
is to talk rather informally and share information, not being given all the information by
the teacher. BTW, the conversation should focus more on expressing opinions than giving
correct answers.
 Students could be given the opportunity to do some research on the Internet to find more
information and answers to the questions.
 Also, students could prepare questions they were unable to answer and give a short
presentation during the next lesson.
 Have a dictionary at hand (or an Internet connection) if possible so students can look up
new vocabulary.
 Lots of useful information on

bonobo  8
Loss of habitat, hunting, poaching, human
Brazilian merganser  13
encroachment, logging, trapped in nets,
Chatham albatross  6 pollution etc.
gharial  3
Giant panda  1
Javan rhino  11 Answers may vary.
kiwi  2
markhor  10
snow leopard  9 Tiger, mountain gorilla, orang utan, rhino, etc.
sturgeon  5 (see website)
Tasmanian devil  12
vaquita  4
Yangzi river dolphin  7 (see website above and box on the right)

IUCN Categories include:

 Extinct:  the last remaining member of the species has died, Answers may vary.
or is presumed beyond reasonable doubt to have died. Other solutions: stricter laws or enforcement
Examples: Javan Tiger, Thylacine,Dodo, Passenger Pigeon, Caribbean
of laws, change of attitude and customs, more
Monk Seal, Dimetrodon, Aurochs, Dusky Seaside Sparrow
 Extinct in the wild: captive individuals survive, but there is wildlife reservations etc.
no free-living, natural population.
 Critically endangered: faces an extremely high risk Answers may vary.
of extinction in the immediate future. Examples: Mountain OK: for food, indigenous tribes etc.
Gorilla, Arakan Forest Turtle, Darwin's Fox, Javan Rhino, Brazilian
Not ok: for sport or when animals are
Merganser, Gharial, Vaquita
 Endangered: faces a very high risk of extinction in the near
endangered. Catching small or baby specimens,
future. Examples: Dhole, Blue Whale, Bonobo, Ethiopian wolf, Giant only using part for food (e.g. shark’s fins) etc.
Panda, Snow Leopard, African Wild Dog, Tiger, Indian Rhinoceros,
three species of Albatrosses, Crowned Solitary Eagle, Philippine
Eagle, Markhor, Orangutan,Grevy's zebra, Tasmanian Devil,
For food, sell its horn (rhino) or ivory, hunting
 Vulnerable: faces a high risk of extinction in the medium-
term. Examples: Cheetah, Gaur, Lion, Sloth Bear, Manatee, Polar
trophy, rite of passage into adulthood, for the
Bear, African Golden Cat,Komodo dragon, Golden hamster skin, fur or bones (e.g. tiger) to be used as
 Conservation dependent: The following animals are not medicine or aphrodisiac etc.
severely threatened, but must depend on conservation
programs. Examples: Spotted Hyena,Blanford's fox, Leopard Dodo, passenger pigeon, mammoth, sabre-
Shark, Black Caiman, Killer whale
tooth tiger, dinosaurs etc. (see website)
 Near threatened: may be considered threatened in the
near future. Examples: Blue-billed Duck, Solitary Eagle, Small-
clawed Otter, Maned Wolf,Tiger Shark, Okapi
 Least concern: no immediate threat to the survival of the Answers may vary.
species. Examples: Nootka Cypress, Wood Pigeon, White-tailed
Mongoose,House Mouse, Wolverine 

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