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Year 35 No.

20 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) — Green November 14, 2021

A s the liturgical year draws

to a close, we hear again
the apocalyptic language used
on today is found in Mark’s Gospel.
It is right before Jesus undergoes
his passion and death. Jesus is on
in Mark’s Gospel this Sunday, his way to Calvary. There he will
giving us a glimpse of what enter the darkness and chaos
it is like when the Son of of human existence and
Man returns. Walking plunge into suffering
on the streets and and betrayal by his
alleys in the Metro friends, transforming
and riding the public GOD it into a self-
transport, we may find
bible preachers using IN TIME sacrificing love
for humanity. God
this passage to strike
fear and panic to their
OF is present amid
senseless death and
listeners. DARKNESS social injustice.
In their original As the persecuted
c o n t e x t , h o w e v e r, t h e Christians in Rome were exhorted
evangelist Mark used these to remember, Jesus in the Gospel
reminds us of his message of hope
words to deliver a message of
and faith. God is not found in
hope and encouragement to the
by Emerald John a grandiose palace distant from
Christian community in Rome
C. Paladin the sufferings of his people, but
who struggled to believe in God’s
he dwells in this world of chaos
goodness and love in the face of
and suffering. Many people are
trials and persecutions inflicted experiencing. The Covid-19 health
tempted to believe that God is
by the Roman Empire. For those crisis has been overwhelming
punishing the world for its sins and
persecuted Christians, their world for most of us. The daily Covid
has abandoned his people. Jesus
was collapsing, and their faith was tallies showing the exponential
in Mark says otherwise. Despite
crumbling. They felt that there growth of cases of infection have
how things appear to be, God still
was no hope for their future. And caused anxiety, depression, and
reigns and has given his own Son
so, Mark sent Jesus’ message of hopelessness among people. The
to embrace humanity.
hope to them, reminding them that rising rates of unemployment,
Let Jesus’ words this Sunday
despite darkness and tribulation, illiteracy, and corruption have
remind us not to be swallowed by
their Mighty God would come to added to our grim and chaotic
sadness and despair when we face
save his faithful people. situation.
challenges and tribulations. Let us
The ordeal of the Markan Given our present predicament, hold on to his message of hope:
community in Rome is not far it may be good for us to know “Heaven and earth will pass away,
f r o m wh a t w e a r e c u r r e n t l y where the passage we are reflecting but my words will not pass away.”


Jesus Never Lets Us Down those very days I decided to come here. I am here to be with
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM you—a little bit late, but I’m here! I have come to tell you that
Jesus is Lord. And he never lets us down. Father—you might
In his homily on January 17, 2015, in Tacloban, Pope say to me—I was let down because I have lost so many things,
Francis proclaimed a profound message of faith. “Jesus goes my house, my livelihood. It’s true if you say that and I respect
before us always; when we experience any kind of cross, he those sentiments. But, Jesus is there, nailed to the cross, and
is already there before us. And, if today we find ourselves from there he does not let us down.”
here … fourteen months precisely after the Typhoon Yolanda “The Lord from the cross is there for you…. So many of
hit, it is because we have the security of knowing we will not you have lost everything. I don’t know what to say to you.
weaken in our faith, because Jesus has been here before us.” But the Lord knows…. All I can do is keep silence and walk
“I’d like to tell you something close to my heart. When with you all with my silent heart.” Truly, heartfelt words from
I saw from Rome that catastrophe, I had to be here. And on a compassionate and loving father!
P—Lord, have mercy. Michael, the great prince,
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. guardian of your people; it shall
Entrance Antiphon P—Christ, have mercy. be a time unsurpassed in distress
(Jer 29:11, 12, 14) All—Christ, have mercy. since nations began until that
(Recited when there is no opening song.) P—Lord, have mercy. time. At that time your people
The Lord said: I think thoughts All—Lord, have mercy. shall escape, everyone who is
of peace and not of affliction. Gloria found written in the book.
You will call upon me, and “Many of those who sleep
I will answer you, and I will Glory to God in the highest, in the dust of the earth shall
lead back your captives from and on earth peace to people awake; some shall live forever,
every place. of good will. We praise you, others shall be an everlasting
we bless you, we adore you, horror and disgrace.
Greeting we glorify you, we give you “But the wise shall shine
(The sign of the cross is made here.) thanks for your great glory, brightly like the splendor of
P—The Lord be with you. Lord God, heavenly King, O the firmament, and those who
All—And with your spirit. God, almighty Father. Lord lead the many to justice shall
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten be like the stars forever.”
Introduction Son, Lord God, Lamb of God,
(These [or similar words] may be used Son of the Father, you take —The word of the Lord.
to address the assembly.) away the sins of the world, have All—Thanks be to God.
mercy on us; you take away the
P—As the liturgical year draws sins of the world, receive our Responsorial Psalm (Ps 16)
to a close, the readings in today’s prayer; you are seated at the
Mass speak of the end times. R—You are my inheritance,
right hand of the Father, have O Lord!
But God’s word strengthens us mercy on us. For you alone are
in hope. The budding forth of the Holy One, you alone are E. C. Marfori
the fig tree that Jesus points out the Lord, you alone are the
 

      
in the Gospel symbolizes this Most High, Jesus Christ, with   
hope: life comes after death, the Holy Spirit, in the glory of You are my in he ri tance,
a new world is being born in God the Father. Amen.
pain and toil. This is something
Collect C
that nature itself seems to take  

for granted. What is true in the P — Let us pray. (Pause)    

O Lord!
change of the season is also Grant us, we pray, O Lord
true in the life of the Spirit in our God, the constant gladness
us. The Spirit transforms old to of being devoted to you, for it 1. O LORD, my allotted portion
new, chaos to order, sorrow to is full and lasting happiness to and my cup,/ you it is who
joy, death to life. serve with constancy the author hold fast my lot./ I set the LORD
of all that is good. ever before me;/ with him at
Penitential Act Through our Lord Jesus Christ my right hand I shall not be
P—Brethren (brothers and your Son, who lives and reigns disturbed. (R)
sisters), let us acknowledge our with you in the unity of the Holy
2. Therefore my heart is glad and
sins, and so prepare ourselves to Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
celebrate the sacred mysteries. my soul rejoices,/ my body, too,
All — Amen.
abides in confidence;/ because
you will not abandon my soul
All—I confess to almighty God
to the netherworld,/ nor will
and to you, my brothers and Liturgy of the word
sisters, that I have greatly sinned you suffer your faithful one to
in my thoughts and in my words, First Reading (Dn 12:1–3) (Sit) undergo corruption. (R)
in what I have done and in
The apocalyptic visions of Daniel
3. You will show me the path
what I have failed to do, (Strike
your breast) through my fault, were meant to strengthen the Jews to life,/ fullness of joys in your
through my fault, through my who bore the brunt of Antiochus’ presence,/ the delights at your
most grievous fault; therefore I persecution. God will intervene right hand forever. (R)
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all to usher in the deliverance of his Second Reading
the Angels and Saints, and you, people. (Heb 10:11–14, 18)
my brothers and sisters, to pray
A reading from the book of
for me to the Lord our God. the Prophet Daniel Christ’s offering is the most perfect
P—May almighty God have of all sacrifices. It frees us from our
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, IN THOSE DAYS, I, Daniel, sins. All we await is God’s final
and bring us to everlasting life. heard this word of the LORD: intervention to make our redemption
All—Amen. “At that time there shall arise complete.
A reading from the Letter to earth will pass away, but my of his Kingdom on earth. Full
the Hebrews words will not pass away. of hope, we say:
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: “But of that day or hour, no R—Lord, hear our prayer.
Every priest stands daily at his one knows, neither the angels
ministry, offering frequently in heaven, nor the Son, but C—For Pope Francis, bishops,
those same sacrifices that can only the Father.” priests, deacons, and all who
never take away sins. But this exercise authority in the Church:
—The Gospel of the Lord.
one offered one sacrifice for All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus may they be faithful in their
sins, and took his seat forever Christ. service for the people of God.
at the right hand of God; now We pray: (R)
he waits until his enemies are Homily (Sit)
made his footstool. For by one C—For all public servants:
offering he has made perfect Profession of Faith (Stand) may they become responsible
forever those who are being stewards of all that God
consecrated. All—I believe in one God, has entrusted to them, and
Where there is forgiveness the Father almighty, maker of a c c o u n t a b l e g ove r n m e n t
of these, there is no longer heaven and earth, of all things officials to the people they have
offering for sin. visible and invisible. promised to serve. We pray: (R)
I believe in one Lord Jesus
—The word of the Lord. Christ, the Only Begotten Son C—For the end of the pandemic:
All —Thanks be to God. of God, born of the Father may You, grant us the healing
before all ages. God from God, we need and the grace to
Alleluia (Lk 21:36) (Stand) Light from Light, true God from recover from the detrimental
true God, begotten, not made, effects brought about by
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Be consubstantial with the Father;
vigilant at all times and pray Covid-19. We pray: (R)
through him all things were
that you have the strength to made. For us men and for our C—For all of us gathered today:
stand before the Son of Man. salvation he came down from may we see everything through
Alleluia, alleluia. heaven, (at the words that follow, up the eyes of faith that we may
to and including and became man, realize that everything is God’s
Gospel (Mk 13:24–32) all bow) and by the Holy Spirit gift to us. We pray: (R)
was incarnate of the Virgin
P—A reading from the holy Mary and became man. C—For all the faithful de­parted:
Gospel according to Mark For our sake he was crucified May they be welcomed by
All—Glory to you, O Lord. under Pontius Pilate, he all the saints and angels in
suffered death and was buried, heaven, where Lazarus is poor
JESUS SAID to his disciples: “In and rose again on the third no longer. We pray: (R)
those days after that tribulation day in accordance with the
the sun will be darkened, and Scriptures. He ascended into C—Let us pray for the urgent
the moon will not give its light, heaven and is seated at the concerns of our community
and the stars will be falling right hand of the Father. He will and our personal intentions
from the sky, and the powers come again in glory to judge (pause). We pray: (R)
in the heavens will be shaken. the living and the dead and
his kingdom will have no end. P—God our Father, listen to the
“And then they will see I believe in the Holy Spirit, prayer of your faithful people
‘the Son of Man coming in the Lord, the giver of life, who who look forward in hope for
the clouds’ with great power proceeds from the Father and the fullness of your Kingdom.
and glory, and then he will send the Son, who with the Father We ask this through Christ
out the angels and gather his and the Son is adored and our Lord.
elect from the four winds, from glorified, who has spoken All—Amen.
through the prophets.
the end of the earth to the end I believe in one, holy,
of the sky. catholic, and apostolic Church. Liturgy of
“Learn a lesson from the fig I confess one Baptism for the the eucharist
tree. When its branch becomes forgiveness of sins and I look
tender and sprouts leaves, you forward to the resurrection Presentation of the Gifts
know that summer is near. In the of the dead and the life of the (Stand)
world to come. Amen.
same way, when you see these P—Pray, brethren…
things happening, know that he Prayer of the Faithful All—May the Lord accept the
is near, at the gates. Amen, I say sacrifice at your hands for the
to you, this generation will not P—Let us pray to God our praise and glory of his name,
pass away until all these things Father, that he may guide our for our good and the good of
have taken place. Heaven and hearts towards the fulfillment all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Grant, O Lord, we pray,
that what we offer in the sight
of your majesty may obtain for
us the grace of being devoted
to you and gain us the prize of
everlasting happiness.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface IV
(Sundays in Ordinary Time)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, P—Behold the Lamb of God, out upon you the gifts of his
behold him who takes away blessing.
almighty and eternal God,
the sins of the world. Blessed All—Amen.
through Christ our Lord. are those called to the supper
For by his birth he brought of the Lamb. P—May God keep your hearts
renewal to humanity’s fallen All—Lord, I am not worthy attentive to his words, that they
state, and by his suffering, that you should enter under may be filled with everlasting
canceled out our sins; by his my roof, but only say the word gladness.
rising from the dead he has and my soul shall be healed. All—Amen.
opened the way to eternal life, Communion Antiphon P—And so, may you always
and by ascending to you, O (Ps 73 [72]:28) understand what is good
Father, he has unlocked the
and right, and be found ever
gates of heaven. To be near God is my happi­
ness, to place my hope in God hastening along in the path of
And so, with the company of
the Lord. God’s commands, made coheirs
Angels and Saints, we sing the
hymn of your praise, as without with the citizens of heaven.
Prayer after Communion All—Amen.
end we acclaim: (Stand)
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God P—And may the blessing of
of hosts. Heaven and earth are P—Let us pray. (Pause) almighty God, the Father, and
full of your glory. Hosanna in We have partaken of the gifts
the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
the highest. Blessed is he who of this sacred mystery, humbly
come down on you and remain
comes in the name of the Lord. imploring, O Lord, that what
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) with you for ever.
your Son commanded us to do
Acclamation (Stand) in memory of him may bring
us growth in charity. Dismissal
All—We proclaim your Death, Through Christ our Lord.
O Lord, and profess your Resur- All—Amen. P— The Mass has been offered.
rection until you come again. Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
THE COMMUNION RITE All—Thanks be to God.
The Lord’s Prayer P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. DO YOU WANT TO
P — Deliver us, Lord… Solemn Blessing DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
All — For the kingdom, the For inquiries and orders:
power and the glory are yours
now and forever. P—Bow down for the blessing.
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keep every adversity far from
you and in his kindness pour

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