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 Put the verbs in brackets into the passive to complete the text.

This is a can.
Over two billion of them ___________________ (throw away) every year in Britain
alone. But these cans are destroying the tropical forests. How?
The cans ______________________ 1 (make) from aluminium. Aluminium
_________________________ 2 (extract) from bauxite. Bauxite
______________________ 3 (not find) deep in the ground like other metals, but in the
soil. Most bauxite __________________________ 4 (can/remove), large areas of
forest ___________________________ 5 (have to/cut down). Then a power station
___________________________ 6 (have to/build) to provide the electricity so that the
aluminium ___________________________ 7 (can/extract) from the bauxite. Then
roads __________________________ 8 (need) to transport that aluminium. So some
trees ___________________________ 9 (must/destroy).
However, the forest _________________________________ 10 (needn’t/destroy).
Aluminium ______________________________ 11 (can/recycle) easily and cheaply.
But at the moment most cans ____________________________ 12 (bury) in the
ground again. This waste __________________________________ 13 (should/stop).
In Sweden and some states in the USA, 95% of cans
__________________________ 14 (recycle). Cans _________________________ 15
(take back) to supermarkets and _________________________ 16 (exchange) for
This _______________________________ 17 (should/do) everywhere. The
tropical forest ________________________________ 18 (mustn’t/destroy) just for
drink cans.

Listen to Colin talking about a useful invention and put the pictures below in order.
Before listening, check the meaning of the following words:
a can of drink  sharp  blunt  a ring-pull  blood
This is a can.
Over two billion of them ___________________ (throw away) every year in
Britain alone. But these cans are destroying the tropical forests. How?
The cans ______________________ 1 (make) from aluminium. Aluminium
_________________________ 2 (extract) from bauxite. Bauxite
______________________ 3 (not find) deep in the ground like other metals, but in
the soil. Most bauxite __________________________ 4 (can/remove), large areas
of forest ___________________________ 5 (have to/cut down). Then a power
station ___________________________ 6 (have to/build) to provide the electricity
so that the aluminium ___________________________ 7 (can/extract) from the
bauxite. Then roads __________________________ 8 (need) to transport that
aluminium. So some trees ___________________________ 9 (must/destroy).
However, the forest _________________________________ 10
(needn’t/destroy). Aluminium ____________________________ 11 (can/recycle)
easily and cheaply. But at the moment most cans ____________________ 12
(bury) in the ground again. This waste _________________________ 13
In Sweden and some states in the USA, 95% of cans _________________ 14
(recycle). Cans ___________________ 15 (take back) to supermarkets and
______________________ 16 (exchange) for money.
This ____________________________ 17 (should/do) everywhere. The
tropical forest ___________________________ 18 (mustn’t/destroy) just for drink

I think the best invention is the little thing that opens a can of drink, like lemonade. It’s so
simple and useful. It’s great. When I was young cans had things called ring-pulls for opening
them. I remember one day I was drinking a can of lemonade and I was playing with the ring-
pull. It was very sharp and I cut my finger badly. Another problem with the ring-pull was that
people threw them on the ground and small animals like rabbits cut their feet on them. That’s
why I think the new system is much better. People don’t appreciate it. They just drink from a
can and don’t realise that they have a great invention in their hand.

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