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Strength Training for Endurance Athletes: Theory to Practice

Article  in  Strength and Conditioning Journal · April 2015


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5 authors, including:

Caleb D. Bazyler Heather Abbott

East Tennessee State University Indiana State University


Christopher Bellon Christopher Taber

The Citadel Sacred Heart University


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Strength Training for
Endurance Athletes:
Theory to Practice
Caleb D. Bazyler, MA, Heather A. Abbott, M.Ed, Christopher R. Bellon, MA, Christopher B. Taber, MS, and Michael H. Stone, PhD
Department of Exercise and Sport Science, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee

ABSTRACT supporting its efficacy and applica- aerobic power (V̇ O2max) and LIEE
tion (34-36,46,47,58,64,65,67,71,82). (34). Requirements for endurance ath-
Historically, resistance and endurance letes should also include muscular
training have been viewed as training strength, anaerobic power, and HIEE
modalities at opposite ends of a contin- (34-36,46,58,68,82). Furthermore,
FOR ENDURANCE ATHLETES, AND strength training has been shown to
uum with divergent adaptations (17,41).
PROVIDE THE PRACTITIONER WITH positively influence both LIEE and
In a recent meta-analysis, Wilson et al.
EVIDENCED-BASED PERIODIZATION (92) reported an inverse relationship HIEE across a spectrum of endurance
STRATEGIES FOR CONCURRENT between frequency and duration of events with greater effects observed in
STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE endurance training and subsequent HIEE (34,46,50,58,82,83).
TRAINING IN ATHLETIC POPULA- changes in hypertrophy, strength, Strength can be defined as the ability to
TIONS. BOTH LOW-INTENSITY and power. Alternatively, strength produce force (76). Strength is a skill,
EXERCISE ENDURANCE (LIEE) AND training has been shown to have which can be expressed in a magnitude
HIGH-INTENSITY EXERCISE ENDUR- a positive effect on endurance perfor- of 0–100% (80). In the current endur-
ANCE (HIEE) HAVE BEEN SHOWN mance (46,49,51,65,73). Previous research ance literature, 2 primary forms of
TO IMPROVE AS A RESULT OF reports that concurrent strength and strength training have been investigated:
MAXIMAL, HIGH FORCE, LOW endurance training can increase endur- maximal, high-force, low-velocity,
VELOCITY (HFLV) AND EXPLOSIVE, ance performance in high-level athletes strength training (HFLV) and explosive,
LOW-FORCE, HIGH-VELOCITY to a greater extent than endurance train- low-force, high-velocity strength train-
STRENGTH TRAINING. HFLV ing alone (46,47,58,64,65,82). The inter- ing (LFHV). Previous studies have
STRENGTH TRAINING IS RECOM- ference effects between strength and examined the effectiveness of concurrent
MENDED INITIALLY TO DEVELOP A endurance training are outside the endurance and circuit resistance train-
NEUROMUSCULAR BASE FOR scope of this review and have been ing, but have demonstrated inferior re-
ENDURANCE ATHLETES WITH LIM- discussed extensively in previous stud- sults (49,73,84). Maximum strength can
ITED STRENGTH TRAINING EXPERI- ies (23,24,44,54,92). Endurance in be defined as the maximal amount of
ENCE. A SEQUENCED APPROACH sport has been defined as the ability force a muscle or group of muscles
TO STRENGTH TRAINING INVOLVING to maintain or repeat a given force or can exert against an external resistance
PHASES OF STRENGTH- power output (80). Endurance training and corresponds with the high-force,
ENDURANCE, BASIC STRENGTH, can be further subdivided into low- low-velocity portion of the concentric
STRENGTH, AND POWER WILL intensity exercise endurance (LIEE) force-velocity relationship (15,81). The
PROVIDE FURTHER ENHANCE- and high-intensity exercise endurance term “explosive strength training” has
(HIEE). LIEE can be defined as long- been used in previous studies in refer-
duration endurance activities or the ence to low-force, high-velocity training
ability to sustain or to repeat low- (0–60% 1 repetition maximum [RM]
intensity exercise. HIEE can be defined loads) with maximal movement intent
INTRODUCTION as the ability to sustain or to repeat
onflicts among coaches exist high-intensity exercise and has been

C regarding the role of strength

training for endurance athletes
despite over 25 years of research
associated with sustained activities of
#2 minutes (80). Competitive endur-
ance athletes need more than enhanced
periodization; endurance performance;
concurrent training

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 1
Strength Training for Endurance Athletes

(59,69). The use of this terminology is endurance athletes, and provide the prac- Increased MVIC as a result of strength
misleading, as explosive strength (alter- titioner with evidenced-based periodiza- training may enhance HIEE and LIEE
natively defined as rate of force develop- tion strategies for concurrent strength by decreasing the relative external
ment [RFD] or power output) (15,81), and endurance training for competitive resistance, which reduces the number
can be developed across a continuum of endurance athletes. of motor units required to produce
loads (0–100% 1RM) (19). a given amount of force (13). In addition,
In fact, HFLV training has been shown improvements in RFD contributed to the
to elicit improvements in explosive abil- ON ENDURANCE PERFORMANCE improved LIEE performance by reduc-
ity (measured as power output) across AND UNDERLYING MECHANISMS ing time to reach peak concentric forces
a larger spectrum of loads compared necessary to produce the desired move-
with LFHV training in weak subjects AND ENDURANCE TRAINING ment and increasing the length of the
(20). The ability to improve power out- In one of the earliest studies examining eccentric phase lending to greater muscle
put across a larger spectrum of loads, the effects of concurrent strength and perfusion and longer capillary mean tran-
among other reasons, likely explains endurance training on HIEE, Hickson sit times (1,86).
why HFLV and endurance training may et al. (34) had moderately trained Strength training has been reported to
provide superior alterations in endurance (V̇ O2max: 60 mL 21$kg21$min21) run- increase musculotendinous unit stiffness
performance compared with concurrent ners and cyclists perform 10 weeks of (21,43,51,87). This results in an enhanced
LFHV and endurance training for weak endurance and HFLV strength training ability to store elastic energy in the series
endurance athletes (9,60,73). Thus, (.80% 1RM). They reported improve- and parallel elastic component during
explosive strength training performed ments in treadmill running (13%) and eccentric muscle actions, which in turn
in previous research on endurance per- ergometer biking (11%) to exhaustion increases concentric muscle force. This
formance is alternatively defined here at maximal work rates (4–8 minutes) is thought to be one of the reasons
as LFHV training. and cycling to exhaustion (20%) at 80% why improvements in running economy
Previous research on untrained and rec- V̇ O2max (33). In addition, there were no (35,51,81), cycling economy (8,12,66,83),
reationally trained individuals has dem- statistical changes in muscle fiber cross- and cross-country skiing economy
onstrated that concurrent strength and sectional area or thigh girth, although (35,36,58) have been observed after
endurance training can augment LIEE 1RM leg strength increased on average a period of HFLV strength and endur-
and HIEE, aerobic power, maximal by 30%, which suggests primarily neural ance training. However, not all studies
strength, muscle morphology, and body contributions. show improvements in movement econ-
composition (27,28,32,34,42,47,49,71,85). In a more recent investigation by omy as a result of strength training
There is also research demonstrating Aagaard et al. (2), highly trained (2,9,14,45,46,64) possibly due to differ-
HFLV and LFHV strength training en- national team cyclists (V̇ O2max: 71–75 ences in training variables (e.g., mode,
hance performance in high-level endur- mL21$kg21$min21) performed HFLV volume-load, frequency, duration) and
ance athletes (58,59,61,64,66,72,73). In strength training (mostly 5–6RM loads) subjects’ training status. For example,
a recent review of the literature, Beattie for 16 weeks concurrently with regular elite athletes who already possess a high
et al. (10) reviewed results from 26 studies endurance training. The strength and level of efficiency may not further
examining the effects of strength training endurance training group improved improve movement economy with
on endurance performance of well- average power output and total distance strength training (64).
trained athletes (10). Their findings covered in a 45-minute cycling test
showed that strength training is effective (8%), whereas the endurance only The superior performance changes with
for improving movement economy, group did not. Concomitant increases heavier strength training may be attrib-
velocity at V̇ O2max (vV̇ O2max), power were found for maximal voluntary iso- uted to greater increases in musculoten-
output at V̇ O2max (wV̇ O2max), maximal metric contraction (MVIC) of the knee dinous unit stiffness, greater recruitment
anaerobic running test velocity (VMART), extensors (12%), peak RFD (20%), of high-threshold motor units, and
and time trial performance, and suggested mean power output in 5 minutes of greater capacity to store and release elas-
that HFLV strength be developed before all-out cycling (3–4%), and mean power tic energy, which lead to a right and
LFHV strength in endurance athletes output during a 45-minute time trial upward shift in the force-velocity and
with limited strength training experience. (8%) with no changes in muscle fiber force-power relationships (58). This does
Considering these findings, this article area, capillarization, and V̇ O2max in not preclude LFHV strength training for
focuses primarily on studies examining the strength and endurance training endurance athletes because, although the
the effects of HFLV and LFHV strength group (2). The superior LIEE perfor- loads used are typically lighter, there are
training on HIEE and LIEE of moderate mance in the strength and endurance notable improvements in RFD, which
to high-level endurance athletes. The training group may have been due to has been linked to greater movement
purpose of this review is twofold: to elu- a shift in vastus lateralis muscle fiber economy and enhanced LIEE and HIEE
cidate the utility of resistance training for type from type IIx to type IIa. performance (59,72,85,88).

2 VOLUME 37 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2015

Furthermore, an increase in musculo- national level runners (V̇ O2max .65 being able to achieve increases in
tendinous stiffness has a greater applica- mL21$kg21$min21) (73). Similarly, strength. In addition, increased muscle
tion to running than cycling because of Guglielmo et al. (26) found that after fiber cross-sectional area (CSA), maxi-
the greater contribution of the stretch- only 4 weeks of concurrent running mal strength, and power output can be
shortening cycle (69). In contrast, and heavy strength training (3–5 sets diminished or fully blunted by concur-
strength training induced improve- at 6RM loads), there were larger mag- rent strength and endurance training
ments on cycling economy and perfor- nitudes of change in running econ- with the degree of decrement depend-
mance are more evident at the end of omy, 1RM strength, and CMJ height ing on the mode, frequency, and dura-
long cycling tests. Rønnestad et al. (66) compared with concurrent running tion of endurance training (2,14,34,42).
found that cycling economy improved and lighter strength training (3–5 sets Rønnestad et al. (64) found that increased
more during the final hour of a 185- at 12RM loads) in middle- and long- CSA of the quadriceps muscle was asso-
minute cycling test as a result of HFLV distance runners (V̇ O2max ;61.9 ciated with increased peak power output
strength with endurance training (3 3 mL21$kg21$min21) who competed at and cycling time trial performance after
4–10RM, 2 d/wk for 12 weeks) com- the regional and national level (26). combined heavy strength training
pared with endurance training alone Mixed results have been reported for (twice/week, 3 3 4–10RM) and endur-
(66). They also reported reduced HR effects of HFLV strength training on ance training in well-trained cyclists with-
and blood lactate concentrations dur- cycling economy; however, there are out a noticeable change in body mass
ing the final hour in the strength- still improvements in LIEE and HIEE (64). Therefore, altering the strength to
trained group. In addition, the subjects performance (2,64,65,83). Furthermore, body mass ratio should be more of a con-
completed a 5-minute sprint at the end previous findings suggest that HFLV cern for endurance athletes than body
of the 180 minutes during which the strength training may exhibit its effects mass alone. Furthermore, although in-
strength-trained group improved average most prominently during high-intensity creases in “nonfunctional” hypertrophy
power production, but the endurance on- bouts of endurance events (9,49,66), may be detrimental to performance
ly group did not. This “anaerobic reserve” although there is evidence to the con- (3,86,91), increases in task specific
may have been due to increased contrac- trary (23,45) (Table 1). hypertrophy may be an important factor
tile strength of type I fibers delaying the in enhancing endurance performance,
CONCURRENT LFHV STRENGTH as the typical ectomorphic endurance
contribution of the less economical type AND ENDURANCE TRAINING
II fibers, sparing them for the sprint finish athlete is unlikely to gain significant
LFHV strength training has been re- amounts of hypertrophy through
(69). The “anaerobic reserve” for late race ported to elicit improvements in HIEE
sprint performance may also be ex- strength training (89).
and LIEE performance (59,74,85);
plained by the sparing of substrate stores however, research conclusions are It has been suggested that LFHV
within a muscle. Goreham et al. (25) re- mixed (7,45,60) (Table 2). Paavolainen strength training may provide an addi-
ported that 12 weeks of HFLV strength et al. (59) found that LFHV strength tive effect to those elicited by HFLV
with endurance training (3 3 6–8RM, training (,40% 1RM) improved 5k run strength training on HIEE and LIEE
3 d/wk for 12 weeks) resulted in greater time, running economy, VMART, 20-m performance (85). Taipale et al. (85)
muscle phosphocreatine and glycogen sprint speed, and distance covered on tested this hypothesis by dividing endur-
content, and lower lactate concentrations a 5-jump test in male cross-country run- ance runners into 3 groups (LFHV,
at the end of a 30-minute cycle at 72% ners (V̇ O2max ;64.4 mL21$kg21$min21), HFLV, combination) and found no dif-
V̇ O2max compared with endurance train- whereas no changes in these measures ferences between groups in measures of
ing alone (25). were observed in the endurance only strength (1RM), power (CMJ height),
group (59). The LFHV strength training and endurance performance (85). Con-
Previous research has shown that endur-
involved various plyometric exercises sidering there is a delay between when
ance athletes who strength train with
and short sprints (20–100 m), which a training stimulus is implemented and
loads .70% 1RM exhibit larger changes
suggests that although the absolute bar- the subsequent effects on perfor-
in movement economy and endurance
bell loads during strength training ses- mance (90), a sequenced approach
performance than endurance athletes
sions were relatively light, the forces may be more appropriate than trying
who strength train with lighter loads
placed on the musculoskeletal system to improve strength, power, and endur-
(36,48,73). Sedano et al. (73) reported
were much larger than to what the ath- ance simultaneously (15,81).
greater magnitudes of change in running
economy, countermovement jump letes were previously accustomed.
(CMJ) height, vV̇ O2max, and 3-km Considering that gaining body mass is
time trial performance after 12 weeks a concern for endurance athletes, one THE TRAINING PROCESS
of heavy strength training (.70% of the purported benefits of LFHV The primary goals of any successful
1RM) compared with lighter strength strength training is the lower degree training program are to reduce the likeli-
training (,40% 1RM) and a control of muscle hypertrophy compared with hood of injury and optimize perfor-
group (circuit training) in Spanish HFLV strength training (28,70), but still mance (81). Before designing a training

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 3


Strength Training for Endurance Athletes

Table 1
Effects of concurrent HFLV strength training and endurance training on HIEE and LIEE

Study Athletes V̇ O2max Strength training HIEE LIEE


Støren et al. (82) 17 M and F well-trained 59.9 4 3 4RM, 33’s/wk for 8 wk — 21.3% increase in TE at MAS
Jackson et al. (39) 23 M and F cyclists with 52 4 3 4RM, 33’s/wk for 10 wk NS for vV̇O2max NS for 30-km TT
.0.5 y competing
Levin et al. (45) 14 M cyclists with .1 y 62.8 4 3 5RM, 33’s/wk for 6 wk Control . ST for PP during NS for 30-km TT
competing (HFLV) last 1-km sprint
Rønnestad et al. 20 M and F well-trained 66.4 4–10RM, 23’s/wk for 12 wk 4.2% increase in Wmax 7% increase in MP during final
(66) cyclists 5 min of 185 min TT
Rønnestad et al. 20 M and F national 66.4 4–10RM, 23’s/wk for 12 wk 9.4% increase wingate PP, 6% increase in MP during 40-min
(64) level cyclists 4.3% increase in Wmax TT
Rønnestad et al. 12 M and F national 66.3 4–10RM, 23’s/wk for 25 wk 8% increase in Wmax, —
(65) level cyclists increase wingate PP
Rønnestad et al. 17 M national/ 66.2 3–5 3 4–8, 4–5 3 3–5RM, 23’s/ — NS in 7.5-km rollerski TT
(68) international cross- wk for 12 wk
country skiers
Rønnestad et al. 16 M national/ 75.5 4–10RM, 23’s/wk for 10 wk, 3% increase in Wmax, 6.5% increase in MP during
(67) international cyclists 13/wk for 15 wk earlier peak torque in 40 min TT
pedal stroke
Sunde et al. (83) 13 M and F competitive 61.1 4 3 4RM, 33’s/wk for 8 wk — 17.2% increase TE at MAP
Aagaard et al. (2) 14 M international level 72.5 3 3 12, 3 3 10, 3 3 8, 2–3 3 — 8% increase in 45-min TT
cyclists 6RM, 2–33’s/wk for 16 wk
Hoff et al. (36) 15 F cross-country 55.3 3 3 6RM (pulldowns), 33’s/wk — 137% increase in TE at Wmax
skiers, trained for 9 wk
8.8 h/wk
Hoff et al. (35) 19 M well-trained cross- 69.4 3 3 6RM (pulldowns), 45 min/wk — 56% increase in TE at vV̇O2max
country skiers for 8 wk
Østerås et al. (58) 19 M well-trained cross- 61.2 3 3 6RM (pulldowns), 45 min/wk — 61% increase in TE at vV̇O2max
country skiers with for 9 wk
.5 y competing
program, however, the coach and the

HFLV . LFHV . control for 3 km TT

control for men, but better than

ES 5 effect size; F 5 female; FCC 5 freely chosen cycling cadence; HFLV 5 high force low velocity; HIEE 5 high-intensity exercise endurance; LFHV 5 low force high velocity; LIEE 5 low-
intensity exercise endurance; M 5 male; MAP 5 maximal aerobic power; MAS 5 maximal aerobic speed; ME 5 movement economy; MP 5 mean power; NS 5 no statistical change; OBLA 5
onset of blood lactate accumulation; PF 5 peak force; PP 5 peak power; TE 5 time to exhaustion; TT 5 time trial performance; VMART 5 maximal velocity in maximal anaerobic running test;
athlete must understand that training is

2–4 3 6–15, 4 3 5–10, 4 3 4–8, 2 10% increase in PF during Mean 5k times were worse than
Maintenance of FCC during last
during 5-min double poling
a comprehensive process that harmo-
7% increase in 1.1-km double
poling TT, increase in W/kg

nizes a myriad of factors to foster athlete

hour of 2-h cycling test

development. Figure 1 depicts some of

control for women

these factors that affect athletic perfor-

mance. Therefore, the sport coaches,
strength and conditioning staff, and
(P , 0.05)
sports medicine professionals each play
an important role within their own dis-
ciplines to contribute to an athlete’s
development. In addition, the manage-
ment of external stressors in the athlete’s
3 3 5, 4 3 5, 5 3 5RM, 23’s/wk 2.6% increase in vV̇O2max

daily life is also an important component

NS in 20, 40, 60, 80, and
100 m velocity during

Leg exercises 3 3 7 at 70% 1RM, increase in vV̇O2max (ES:

6.7% increase in vOBLA

increase in vV̇O2max
in the optimization of performance.
sprint roller skiing

5-jump test, 1.6%

To achieve this objective, however, train-
ing variables must be integrated in

a sequence over the course of the train-

ing process (79). The training process

is traditionally organized into 3 basic

levels: macrocycles, mesocycles, and
microcycles (79). A macrocycle is
3–5 3 3–5RM, 33’s/wk for 5 wk

3 3–6RM, 23’s/wk for 7/10 wk

a long-duration training cycle, typically

3 3 6–10, 3 3 5–8, 4 3 8, 3 3
4–6RM, 1–23’s/wk for 12 wk

3–4 3 6RM, 23’s/wk for 4 wk

classified as 12 months of training, which

23’s/wk for 12 wk (HFLV

are composed of multiple mesocycles.

Mesocycles are moderate-length periods
(continued )

of training, which can focus on develop-

Table 1

ing specific fitness characteristics within

(HFLV group)

(HFLV group)

the macrocycle. Finally, each mesocycle

for 14 wk

is composed of shorter training periods


referred to as microcycles (79). The tool

used to structure each phase of training
within a macrocycle is referred to as an
“annual training plan” (15).
More specifically, the annual plan is
V̇O2max 5 maximal oxygen uptake; Wmax 5 peak power at V̇O2max.

a long-term training template used to







guide the coach and athlete in the

design and implementation of vari-
ous training phases (15). The annual
training plan can be separated into
cross-country runners
14 M regional/national

16 M regional/national

42 M and F collegiate

phases: the general preparatory phase,

level cross-country

15 elite/international
19 M and F national

18 M national level

competitive phase, peak phase, and

level triathletes

level triathletes

active rest (Figure 2). For a detailed

level runners

description of each phase, the reader


is encouraged to examine the work of


Bompa and Haff (15).

Sedano et al. (73)
Hausswirth et al.

To reduce the likelihood of injury and

Losnegard et al.

Guglielmo et al.
Millet et al. (51)

Barnes et al. (7)

maximize athletic performance, strength

and conditioning professionals should
organize training adaptations in a logical



manner to minimize fatigue and high-

light technical and fitness characteristics
(e.g., strength, speed, endurance, etc.) at

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 5


Strength Training for Endurance Athletes


Table 2
Effects of concurrent LFHV strength training and endurance training on HIEE and LIEE

Study Athletes V̇ O2max Strength training HIEE LIEE


Paavolainen 18 M elite cross- 67.7 Jumps (unilateral and bilateral, drop, hurdle), short 3.4% increase in 20-m 5.1% increase in
et al. (59) country runners sprints (20–100 m), 5–20 reps/set at 0–40% 1RM velocity, increased VMART 5-km TT
for 9 wk (P , 0.05)
Spurrs et al. (74) 17 M trained runners 57.6 Plyometric drills, progressed from 60–180 — 2.7% increase in
contacts, 23’s/wk for 6 wk 3-km TT
Mikkola et al. 25 M and F, high 62.1 Short sprints (30–150 m), 2–3 3 6–10, 33’s/wk NS 1.2% increase in —
(48) school runners for 8 wk vV̇O2max, 3% increase in
Berryman et al. 28 M provincial 56.9 Drop jumps and concentric squat jumps, 13/wk Increase in vV̇O2max Increase in 3-km TT
(12) standard runners for 8 wk (ES: 0.43) (ES: 0.37)
Bastiaans et al. 14 M competitive — 2–4 3 30, squats, leg press/pull, step-ups, 4.7% increase in Wmax 7.9% increase in
(9) cyclists (.6 y) midsection 33’s/wk for 9 wk 60 min TT
Mikkola et al. 19 M national cross- 66.5 Double pole sprints (10 3 10 s), leg exercises 3 3 NS 2-km poling velocity, —
(50) country skiers 6–10, sprints, jumps, pogos, 33’s/wk for 8 wk 1.4% increase in 30-m
double poling
Guglielmo et al. 16 M regional/ 61.9 3–4 3 12RM, 23’s/wk for 4 wk 1% increase in vV̇O2max —
(26) national level
Sedano et al. 18 M national level 69.5 Leg exercise 3 3 20 at 40% 1RM, 23’s/wk Increase in vV̇O2max Small improvement
(73) runners for 12 wk (ES: 0.61) in 3k TT (P , 0.05)
ES 5 effect size; F 5 female; FCC 5 freely chosen cycling cadence; HFLV 5 high-force low velocity; HIEE 5 high-intensity exercise endurance; LFHV 5 low force high velocity; LIEE 5 low-intensity
exercise endurance; M 5 male; MAP 5 maximal aerobic power; MAS 5 maximal aerobic speed; ME 5 movement economy; MP 5 mean power; NS 5 no statistical change; OBLA 5 onset of blood
lactate accumulation; PF 5 peak force; PP 5 peak power; ST 5 strength training; TE 5 time to exhaustion; TT 5 time trial performance; VMART 5 maximal velocity in maximal anaerobic running
test; V̇O2max 5 maximal oxygen uptake; Wmax 5 peak power at VȮ 2max.
defined as, “The strategic manipulation
of an athlete’s preparedness through the
employment of sequenced training
phases defined by cycles and stages of
workload” (22). Furthermore, if the train-
ing stimuli are sequenced appropriately,
each phase of training will enhance or
“potentiate” the next training phase
(15,79,81). This concept, referred to as
phase potentiation, is essential in the
development of endurance-specific per-
formance characteristics.


The development of high-power out-
Figure 1. Factors affecting athletic performance, modified from Stone et al. (81).
Adapted, with permission, from M.H. Stone, M. Stone, and W.A. Sands,
puts and high RFDs are vital to suc-
2007, Principles and practice of resistance training (Champaign, IL: Human cess in most sporting events (76) and
Kinetics), 203. can differentiate levels of athletic per-
formance (5,6,29). Maximal power out-
put and RFD have conventionally been
precise times of the training year “to physiological adaptations is referred to viewed as fitness characteristics that
increase the potential to achieve spe- as periodization. Although varying defi- are less important for endurance sports.
cific performance goals” (79). This pro- nitions of this term have been proposed, This is misguided, however, because
cess of chronologically manipulating periodization has been most recently there is evidence indicating that

Figure 2. Cross-country runner macrocycle.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 7

Strength Training for Endurance Athletes

average power output over the course of training effects, seems to be directly training phase is vital in the facilitation
of a long-distance race and maximal proportional to the length of the training of the desired physiological response.
power output during the final sprint period (81,94). Consequently, proper For endurance athletes with limited
may be critical factors determining sequencing of training phases with strength training experience, a traditional
the outcome of the event (56,58,80). appropriate durations will enhance fit- model is appropriate (79,81). These ath-
ness characteristics from prior stages letes should begin with building a neuro-
THE IMPORTANCE OF STRENGTH of training and make them more resil- muscular base using HFLV strength
IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF POWER ient to decay. In addition, the subse- training, and after a certain strength level
Power is defined as “the rate of doing quent training phase can be redirected is achieved, LFHV strength training can
work” (40) and is quantitatively ex- to focus on another fitness characteristic then be implemented (10). This is sup-
pressed as power 5 force 3 velocity to further the athlete’s preparedness and ported by evidence indicating that
(55). Therefore, an athlete can either dissipate accumulated fatigue from the among well-trained athletes, LFHV is
achieve greater power outputs by previous training cycle (81). necessary to make further alterations
increasing the force production or by in the high-velocity end of the force-
Although there are a number of sche-
increasing the shortening velocity capa- velocity curve (30,77). Thus, HFLV and
matics to choose from when manipulat-
bilities of skeletal muscle. It is important LFHV strength training are both impor-
ing these variables, a traditional model
to note, however, that skeletal muscle tant components in the endurance ath-
fits the previously described sequence
shortening velocities are limited by the lete’s strength and conditioning program
of strength and power development
activity of myosin ATPase, which ulti- provided they are included at the appro-
(79,81). During the general preparation
mately dictates the rate of cross-bridge priate time and in the correct sequence
phase, higher volumes of strength train-
cycling through ATP dissociation (57). (Figure 2).
ing should be used to enhance work
Accordingly, this elucidates the vital role
capacity and increase lean body mass Regarding high-level endurance ath-
of maximal strength in the development
(15). Despite concerns over increases in letes, however, the use of a traditional
of power (76). Simply put, an increased
body mass, for many endurance athletes, model with a single peaking phase is
ability to produce force provides the ath-
the general preparation phase is one of often impractical, as most athletes will
lete with the opportunity to enhance
the few times during the annual plan compete in multiple significant events
power production.
where small increases in muscle hyper- throughout the course of a competitive
trophy can be achieved. This in turn will season. Accordingly, manipulating vol-
ENDURANCE ATHLETE potentiate gains in maximal strength and ume and intensity to produce specific
power in subsequent phases of training. physiological adaptations must coincide
SEQUENCE AND DURATION OF As the athlete progresses from the gen- with this competitive schedule (80).
eral preparation period to the specific Unlike the traditional model, after the
Originally proposed by Stone et al. (78), preparation and competition phases of athlete completes the peaking phase
strength and power should be developed the macrocycle, strength training volume and competes in a key event of the sea-
by cycling 4 distinct phases of training: is progressively diminished while training son, further planning will be necessary to
strength-endurance, basic strength, intensity increases, as strength and power prepare the athlete for future competi-
strength, and power (78). This model become the primary fitness characteris- tions of importance (80,81). More spe-
of strength and power development, in tics of interest, respectively (38). Before cifically, if adequate time exists before
addition to the concept of phase poten- a culminating event in the competitive the next major event, strength training
tiation, has since been supported by season (e.g., championship race), the volume may be increased to re-establish
further evidence (30,52,93) and is also peaking phase or taper requires “a reduc- strength levels (63,79). Conversely, if
referred to as block periodization (38) tion of the training load during a variable time is insufficient, strength training vol-
or the conjugate-sequencing system period of time, in an attempt to reduce ume should be increased cautiously to
(90). A 4-week training phase has been the physiological and psychological stress avoid undue fatigue before the next con-
previously suggested, using the first 3 of daily training and optimize perfor- test (63,80,81).
weeks to progressively load the ath- mance” (53). After the peaking phase,
lete, and the final week as an unload- the athlete transitions into the off- EXERCISE SELECTION FOR THE
ing period to modulate recovery ENDURANCE ATHLETE
season with a period of active rest con-
(15,63,81). Although the duration of sisting of recreational activities in which When selecting exercises for specific
the phase is dependent on the relative both intensity and volume are reduced phases of training, it is important for
training intensity, training volume, time and recovery is the objective (81). practitioners and athletes to consider
of the season, needs of the athlete, and the transfer of training effect. That is,
other external factors. Regardless of the TRAINING VOLUME AND the degree of performance adaptation
length of each training cycle, however, it INTENSITY that can result from a training exercise
is important for practitioners to remem- The selection of appropriate training (11,81). Therefore, choosing exercises
ber that the rate of decay, or involution volumes and intensities within each with similar movement patterns and

8 VOLUME 37 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2015

kinetic parameters (e.g., peak force, athletes with more strength training
Heather A.
RFD, acceleration, etc.) will result in experience, a sequenced approach
Abbott is cur-
a greater transfer to performance (11). (e.g., block periodized model) may
rently completing
Although some endurance sport move- be more appropriate than trying to
her PhD at East
ments have both closed and open improve strength, power, and endur-
Tennessee State
kinetic chain sequences, in movements ance simultaneously.
University with
such as running, closed kinetic chain A limitation to the current research the Department
exercises should be prioritized as they exists in the design and implementa- of Exercise and
have been suggested to require greater tion of training protocols. Some stud- Sport Science in
levels of intermuscular coordination ies comparing different strength conjunction with the Center of Excellence
(76) and result in greater performance training modalities fail to control for for Sport Science and Coach Education.
enhancement compared with open differences in strength and endurance
chain movements (62,75). Traditional training volume between experimental
squatting and weightlifting movements conditions. Another limitation, only Christopher R.
are primary examples. Moreover, squat controlled for in a few studies, is the Bellon is cur-
strength has been strongly correlated to addition of strength training without rently completing
athletic movements that require rela- a simultaneous reduction in the vol- his PhD at East
tively high-velocity, high-power outputs ume of endurance training. Practically, Tennessee State
and RFD (6,18). Weightlifting exercises if applied in an athletic setting, this University with
and their derivatives have also shown could result in poor fatigue manage- the Department
a strong transfer of training to such ment and an increased risk of of Exercise and
movements as well (4,16,37). Practically, overtraining syndrome. The imple- Sport Science in
these exercises may assist with passing mentation of an annual training plan conjunction with the Center of Excellence
an opponent, enhancing movement where endurance and strength training for Sport Science and Coach Education.
economy, increasing average power out- variables are carefully manipulated will
put, and sprinting the final 100 m of maximize athletic performance while
a race (56,58,80). Considering the essen- reducing injury risk by more appropri- Christopher B.
tial role that these exercises play in the ately managing training volume. Taber is currently
development of strength and power and Future research should examine the completing his
subsequent effects on HIEE and LIEE, effectiveness of monitoring programs PhD at East
squatting and weightlifting movements in determining when to manipulate Tennessee State
should be staples throughout the training training variables throughout a macro- University with
year for endurance athletes. cycle and the subsequent effects on the Department
endurance performance. of Exercise and
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Sport Science in conjunction with the
Previous research on concurrent train- Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
Center of Excellence for Sport Science
ing for endurance athletes suggests The authors report no conflicts of interest
and Coach Education.
that maximum strength is associated and no source of funding.
with endurance factors, a relationship ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
that is likely stronger for HIEE activi- The authors thank Jacob Goodin for Michael H. Stone is the Laboratory
ties than for LIEE. HFLV strength his corrections and editorial comments Director and PhD Coordinator in the
training can affect increases in HIEE in preparation of this article. Center of Excellence for Sport Science
and LIEE through increasing peak
and Coach Education/Department of
force and RFD. LFHV strength training
Exercise and Sport Science at East Ten-
has also been reported to elicit improve- Caleb D.
nessee State University.
ments in HIEE and LIEE performance, Bazyler is cur-
however, not all studies agree. When rently completing
considering findings from studies his PhD at East REFERENCES
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12 VOLUME 37 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2015

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