Sambuhay English November 7 2021

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Year 35 No.

19 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) — Green November 7, 2021

T he First Reading and the does not look at things that way.
Gospel today tell of two God sees perfectly and sees
widows whose contributions differently. God is not practical or

are insignificant, offerings worth pragmatic, for love is not practical
or pragmatic. God does not count,
practically nothing. What good OF for love does not count. Love,
is a little cake to Elijah amid a
severe famine? What good will instead, goes beyond accounting,
two copper coins do in providing beyond the world's standard of
for the Temple? In food, as in worth; love flows from and ends
money, what is offered does not up in utter self-giving.
correspond to what is needed or And so, the measure of
expected. Christian giving is not in usefulness
Is this not the same in our daily or practicality. Rather, it is in the
striving and living? What we do amount of trust and self-giving that
often falls short of the mark. When love can shine forth in generosity.
we have made some headway or Indeed, it is this trusting and self-
done some good, we find that giving love that makes any offering
the immensity of the world's worth anything. “If I… do not have
needs and expectations dwarfs love, I am nothing,” writes St. Paul
our efforts. More acutely, in this (1 Cor 13:2).
pandemic, we examine our labors In recognizing the smallness
and ask, what good can these of what we can offer, our poverty
little things do in this worldwide before God, and yet offering
calamity? ourselves anyway, we are opened
To our surprise, however, to his grace. For God, whose
these worthless offerings are what generous loving gave us the Son,
that the Lord finds pleasing and will not leave us abandoned. His
by Michael George Villasis grace takes our flour and oil and
acceptable. The poor widow of
Zarephath, who gives away the makes these overflow, takes our
last of her food, does not run out on what giving truly means. In few cents and makes them into
of flour and oil. And despite the food, as in money, the little that treasure beyond counting. And in
many who put large sums in the is offered is found to be enough. this, we find that our generosity is
treasury (and make a show of it), it For what they give out of poverty only made possible by the absolute
was the poor widow in the Temple is all they have. generosity of this God who gives
that Jesus noticed, for it was her Perhaps, these offerings are us all that he is. We are taken up
sincere way and the giving of her worthless when viewed from a into the greater generosity of God,
entire livelihood, that shone light practical point of view. But God who provides for all our needs.


become an ambassador for Christ, through “our personal
Celebrating Mercy and Compassion encounter with him.” Responding to this invitation “must be
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM at the core of your commemoration of the evangelization of
the Philippines.” It must also focus on solidarity with the poor,
Pope Francis came to our beloved country on January because “the poor are at the center of the Gospel; if we take
15-19, 2015; it was the fourth papal visit to the Philippines away the poor from the Gospel, we can’t understand the whole
(1970, 1981, 1995, 2015). He captured the hearts and minds message of Jesus Christ.”
of millions of Filipinos, emphasizing the theme of mercy and Pope Francis further asserted: “Only by becoming poor
compassion. He said: “I greet all of you with great affection,” ourselves, by stripping away our complacency, will we be able
noting that “all pastoral ministry is born of love…. Like Saint to identify with the least of our brothers and sisters. We will
Therese, in the variety of our vocations, each of us is called, see things in a new light and thus respond with honesty and
in some way, to be love in the heart of the Church.” integrity to the challenge of proclaiming the radicalism of the
The Pope emphasized that every Christian is called to Gospel.” Indeed, this is “mercy and compassion” in action!
P—Lord, have mercy. prophet went to Zarephath. As
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Lord, have mercy. he arrived at the entrance of
Entrance Antiphon P—Christ, have mercy. the city, a widow was gathering
(Cf. Ps 88 [87]:3) All—Christ, have mercy. sticks there; he called out to her,
(Recited when there is no opening song.) P—Lord, have mercy. “Please bring me a small cupful
Let my prayer come into your All—Lord, have mercy. of water to drink.” She left to
presence. Incline your ear to Gloria get it, and he called out after
my cry for help, O Lord. her, “Please bring along a bit of
Glory to God in the highest, bread.” She answered, “As the
Greeting and on earth peace to people
(The sign of the cross is made here.) LORD, your God, lives, I have
of good will. We praise you, we nothing baked; there is only a
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus bless you, we adore you, we handful of flour in my jar and
Christ, and the love of God, and glorify you, we give you thanks a little oil in my jug. Just now I
the communion of the Holy for your great glory, Lord God, was collecting a couple of sticks,
Spirit be with you all. heavenly King, O God, almighty to go in and prepare something
All—And with your spirit. Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only for myself and my son; when we
Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb have eaten it, we shall die.” Elijah
Introduction of God, Son of the Father, you
(These [or similar words] may be used said to her, “Do not be afraid.
take away the sins of the world,
to address the assembly.) Go and do as you propose. But
have mercy on us; you take away
first make me a little cake and
P—Jesus praises the humble the sins of the world, receive
our prayer; you are seated at bring it to me. Then you can
contribution of the widow prepare something for yourself
because it represents all she the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us. For you alone and your son. For the LORD,
has. She gives not just her the God of Israel, says, ‘The jar
money but her whole heart are the Holy One, you alone
are the Lord, you alone are the of flour shall not go empty, nor
to the Lord, and this is most the jug of oil run dry, until the
pleasing to him. In the First Most High, Jesus Christ, with
the Holy Spirit, in the glory of day when the LORD sends rain
Reading, another widow shares upon the earth.’” She left and
God the Father. Amen.
from her dwindling resources did as Elijah had said. She was
to feed the prophet Elijah. Her able to eat for a year, and he
generosity is amply rewarded:
and her son as well; the jar of
her meager supply of flour and P—Let us pray. (Pause) flour did not go empty, nor the
oil does not run out. Almighty and merciful God, jug of oil run dry, as the LORD
Are we also generous with graciously keep from us all had foretold through Elijah.
what we can offer to the Lord adversity, so that, unhindered in
and to our brothers and sisters —The word of the Lord.
mind and body alike, we may All—Thanks be to God.
in need? pursue in freedom of heart the
Penitential Act things that are yours. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 146)
Through our Lord Jesus
P—Brethren (brothers and Christ, your Son, who lives and
sisters), let us acknowledge our R—Praise the Lord, my soul!
reigns with you in the unity of
sins, and so prepare ourselves to the Holy Spirit, God, for ever E. C. Marfori
celebrate the sacred mysteries. and ever.

         
C A7 Dm G C
(Pause) All—Amen.  
All—I confess to almighty God 
and to you, my brothers and Liturgy of the word

Praise the Lord, my soul.
sisters, that I have greatly sinned
in my thoughts and in my words, First Reading (1 Kgs 17:10–16)
in what I have done and in 1. The L ORD keeps faith
(Sit) forever,/ secures justice for
what I have failed to do, (Strike
your breast) through my fault, the oppressed,/ gives food to
Because the widow of Zarephath the hungry./ The L ORD sets
through my fault, through my
shared food with the prophet Elijah,
most grievous fault; therefore I captives free. (R)
she and her son survived the time
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all
of famine. This action of the pagan 2. The LORD gives sight to the
the Angels and Saints, and you,
widow mirrors the generosity of the blind;/ the LORD raises up those
my brothers and sisters, to pray
widow in today’s Gospel. who were bowed down./ The
for me to the Lord our God.
P—May almighty God have LORD loves the just;/ the LORD
A reading from the first Book
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, of Kings protects strangers. (R)
and bring us to everlasting life. 3. The fatherless and the widow
All—Amen. IN THOSE DAYS, Elijah the he sustains,/ but the way of the
wicked he thwarts./ The LORD like to go around in long robes have no end.
shall reign forever;/ your God, and accept greetings in the I believe in the Holy Spirit,
O Zion, through all generations. marketplaces, seats of honor the Lord, the giver of life, who
Alleluia. (R) in synagogues, and places of proceeds from the Father and
honor at banquets. They devour the Son, who with the Father and
Second Reading (Heb 9:24–28) the houses of widows and, as a the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the
pretext, recite lengthy prayers. prophets.
By his death and resurrection, Jesus They will receive a very severe I believe in one, holy, catholic,
Christ, our high priest, did not condemnation.” and apostolic Church. I confess
enter the sanctuary of the temple He sat down opposite the one Baptism for the forgiveness
of Jerusalem, but the heavenly of sins and I look forward to the
treasury and observed how
sanctuary itself. He thus makes resurrection of the dead and the
it possible for us to come before the crowd put money into the
treasury. Many rich people put life of the world to come. Amen.
God’s presence.
in large sums. A poor widow Prayer of the Faithful
A reading from the Letter to also came and put in two small
the Hebrews coins worth a few cents. Calling P—Let us pray to God, our
his disciples to himself, he said Father, that we may become as
CHRIST did not enter into a to them, “Amen, I say to you, generous as the widow in the
sanctuary made by hands, this poor widow put in more Gospel. In confidence, we pray:
a copy of the true one, but than all the other contributors
to the treasury. For they have R—Lord, hear our prayer.
heaven itself, that he might
now appear before God on all contributed from their C—May bishops, priests, and
our behalf. Not that he might surplus wealth, but she, from deacons rekindle the divine gift
offer himself repeatedly, as the her poverty, has contributed all they received at their ordination
high priest enters each year into she had, her whole livelihood.” by serving God’s people with
the sanctuary with blood that —The Gospel of the Lord. generous hearts. We pray: (R)
is not his own; if that were so, All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus C—May our civil and political
he would have had to suffer Christ. leaders be selfless in their service
repeatedly from the foundation for integral development of the
of the world. But now once Homily (Sit) whole society. We pray: (R)
for all he has appeared at the C—May those who care for the
end of the ages to take away Profession of Faith (Stand)
sick, especially our frontliners
sin by his sacrifice. Just as it is who are fighting Covid-19, offer
appointed that human beings All—I believe in one God, the
Father almighty, maker of heaven their sacrifices to God and find
die once, and after this the strength in his providence. We
judgment, so also Christ, offered and earth, of all things visible
and invisible. pray: (R)
once to take away the sins of I believe in one Lord Jesus
many, will appear a second C—May philanthropists and
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of charitable institutions continue to
time, not to take away sin but God, born of the Father before share their blessings and receive
to bring salvation to those who all ages. God from God, Light their reward from God who is
eagerly await him. from Light, true God from never outdone in generosity.
true God, begotten, not made, We pray: (R)
—The word of the Lord. consubstantial with the Father;
All—Thanks be to God. through him all things were C—May the dead be forgiven
made. For us men and for our of their sins and be welcomed
Alleluia (Mt 5:3) (Stand) salvation he came down from into God's eternal bosom. We
All—Alleluia, alleluia. Blessed heaven, (at the words that follow, up pray: (R)
to and including and became man, all
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is C—Let us pray for the urgent
bow) and by the Holy Spirit was
the kingdom of heaven. Alleluia, concerns of our community
alleluia. incarnate of the Virgin Mary and and our personal intentions
became man.
(pause). We pray: (R)
For our sake he was crucified
Gospel (Mk 12:38–44) under Pontius Pilate, he suffered P—O God, may these, our
P—A reading from the holy death and was buried, and
prayers, help us to open our
rose again on the third day in
Gospel according to Mark accordance with the Scriptures. hands to give our gifts from
All—Glory to you, O Lord. He ascended into heaven and our hearts and to share it to
is seated at the right hand of those in need.
IN THE COURSE of his teaching the Father. He will come again We ask this through Christ
Jesus said to the crowds, in glory to judge the living and our Lord.
“Beware of the scribes, who the dead and his kingdom will All—Amen.
Liturgy of
the eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts

P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Look with favor, we pray, O
Lord, upon the sacrificial gifts
offered here, that, celebrating
in mystery the Passion of your
Son, we may honor it with
loving devotion.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface V THE COMMUNION RITE Through Christ our Lord.
(Sundays in Ordinary Time) All—Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
P—The Lord be with you. THE CONCLUDING RITES
All—And with your spirit. All—Our Father…
P—Deliver us, Lord… P—The Lord be with you.
P—Lift up your hearts. All—For the kingdom, the All—And with your spirit.
All—We lift them up to the Lord. power and the glory are yours
P—Let us give thanks to the now and forever. Solemn Blessing
Lord our God. Invitation to Peace
All—It is right and just. P—Bow down for the blessing.
Invitation to Communion (Pause)
P—It is truly right and just,
(Kneel) P—May the Lord bless you and
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give P—Behold the Lamb of God, keep you.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, behold him who takes away All—Amen.
almighty and eternal God. the sins of the world. Blessed P—May he let his face shine
For you laid the foundations of are those called to the supper upon you and show you his
the world and have arranged the of the Lamb. mercy.
changing of times and seasons; All—Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under All—Amen.
you formed man in your own my roof, but only say the word P—May he turn his countenance
image and set humanity over the and my soul shall be healed. towards you and give you his
world in all its wonder, to rule
Communion Antiphon peace.
in your name over all you have
(Cf. Ps 23 [22]: 1-2) All—Amen.
made and for ever praise you
in your mighty works, through The Lord is my shepherd; there P—And may the blessing of
Christ our Lord. is nothing I shall want. Fresh almighty God, the Father, and
And so, with all the Angels, and green are the pastures the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
we praise you, as in joyful where he gives me repose, near come down on you and remain
celebration, we acclaim: restful waters he leads me. with you for ever.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Prayer after Communion All—Amen.
of hosts. Heaven and earth are (Stand)
full of your glory. Hosanna in Dismissal
the highest. Blessed is he who P—Let us pray. (Pause) P—The Mass has been offered.
comes in the name of the Lord. Nourished by this sacred
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
gift, O Lord, we give you thanks by your life.
Acclamation (Stand) and beseech your mercy, that, All — Thanks be to God.
by the pouring forth of your
All—We proclaim your Death, Spirit, the grace of integrity may
O Lord, and profess your Resur- endure in those your heavenly Doing all for the Gospel
rection until you come again. power has entered.

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