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Name : Raudatul Jannah

Class :1A

Lecturer : Siti Rakiyah, S.Pd,M. Hum




CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 3
A. Background Problem......................................................................................................................... 3
B. Problem Identification ...................................................................................................................... 3
C. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 3
A. Definition Modals.......................................................................................................................... 4
B. Structure Modal Verbs .................................................................................................................. 4
C. Rules For Modal Verbs .................................................................................................................. 5
D. Types of Modals ............................................................................................................................ 6
C. How to Use the Modal Verb Should ............................................................................................... 10
The modal verb must is most often used to express necessity that something has to happen or be the
case. We also use this sense of the word to indicate a strong intention to do something in the future,
to emphasize something positive that we believe someone should do, and to rhetorically introduce or
emphasize an opinion or sentiment. In addition to indicating necessity, must can be used to indicate
that something is certain or very likely to happen or be true. ............................................................... 11
D. Necessity ......................................................................................................................................... 11
6. Have to ............................................................................................................................................ 11
7.Will ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
8. WOULD ................................................................................................................................................ 12
REFERENCE ..................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Background Problem
With English we can increase our insight and knowledge for the progress of our nation and
country, because we will be able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and
watch other science films. Every language certainly has its own rules or we often call it their
respective grammar terms, as well as English, there are lots of rules that must be considered in its
use, especially in the field of writing. Therefore, the author tries to present four rules of the many
rules of the English language. In addition to fulfilling the coursework, it is also intended that this
short article can add to our knowledge of the English language.

Problem Identification

In this article, we summarize some of the things we will discuss, namely:

1. What are Modals, formulas and what are examples?

2. What is the definition of Modals, what is the formula, distribution and examples?

3. The function or purpose of studying Modals?

4. How is it used?

C. Purpose

The author certainly aims to explain or explain these points, according to the knowledge we have
obtained, both from source books and from our teachers. Hopefully all of them will benefit us. If
there are errors in writing or words in this paper, the author apologizes profusely.
Definition Modals
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility,
permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same things as
modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to. You must remember that
modal verbs are followed by an infinitive but without the word “to”. Must in the last sentence is
an example of a modal verb. Modal verbs are different from other auxiliary verbs as they cannot
stand alone in a sentence. They should always be followed by the base verb word (infinitive)
like, play, work, run, and eat. Conjugated verbs such as: likes, played, working, ran and eats do
not work with modal verbs

The modals and semi-modals in English are:

Can/could/be able to



Must/have to


Structure Modal Verbs

A Modal verb is followed by another verb in the base form (the infinitive without the 'To') and
they are not conjugated (we don't add an 'S' in third person).

Subject + Modal Verb + Verb (base form of the infinitive)

I can speak English (NOT: I can to speak English)

He can speak Spanish (NOT: He can speaks Spanish)

She can speak Spanish (NOT: She cans speak Spanish)

Modal Verbs in Negative Sentences

Subject + Modal Verb + not + Verb (base form of the infinitive)

You must not walk on the grass. (= You mustn't walk on the grass.)
He cannot speak Arabic. (= He can't speak Arabic.)

We should not be late. (= We shouldn't be late.)

As you can see in the examples above, contractions of the Modal verb + not are normally

The negative of can is cannot ('not' is joined to 'can') and the contraction is can't

Modal Verbs in Questions

Modal Verb + Subject + Verb (base form of the infinitive)

May I help you?

Can I have another piece of cake please?

Would you like to come with us?

Rules For Modal Verbs

1. Use the modal verb as is.

Don’t change its form and turn it into the present, future, or past forms. Don’t add anything to it.
You can’t add s, ed, or ing.

Here’s the correct sentence:

“Joan can swim.”

Not correct:

“Joan cans swim.”

2. Use the base form of the verb after a modal.

Don’t use “to” or the full infinitive verb “to”. Just take note, no “to” after the modal.

Here’s the correct sentence:

“Clara might join them.”

Not correct:

“Clara might join them.”

3. If you need to use modals in the negative form, then use only “not” AFTER the modal verb.

Don’t add any extra words anymore. So, don’t use words like “isn’t”, “doesn’t”, “don’t”,
“won’t”, “wasn’t”, “aren’t”.

For example:


“You should not drink too much.”

Not correct:

“You don’t should drink too much.”

Remember though that there is one exception. It’s with the modal verb “have to”. If you use this
in the negative form, you need to say, “You do not have to go there.” Here, you put “not” in the
middle of “have to”. But with the other modals, you only say “You could not”

Types of Modals

1. Can
Can is used when talking about talents, the ability to do a job. Can – usage areas:

1. When we allow someone to do an action or ask permission to perform an action, we use can.

Example Sentences

As long as you live here, you can use all my stuff.

You can join the party tonight, not too late. Please be home at 2:00.

2. When we talk about our abilities, we use ‘can‘ if we have the ability to perform an action.
Likewise, when we do not have the ability to perform an action, we can use can. If we want to
say that we cannot do a job, that we do not have the talent, we must use the negative state of can.
Ie ‘can not’.

He has lived in Germany for 10 years so he can speak German very well.
3. In intimate environments, if we want to make a request, we can use ‘can’. It would be more
appropriate to prefer to use ‘could’ when we want to ask in official environments.

Can you get me a glass of water from the kitchen?

My cat will run out, can you please close the door?

4. Use of can in negative sentences: If it is impossible for us to do an action, we use ‘can not’. In
the same way, if we do not have the ability to perform an action, we make negative sentences.
The short form is “can’t”.

My dog looks very thirsty. But it can’t be thirsty because it just drank a bowl of water.

5. Question sentences established with Can: In both positive and negative forms, we can form a
question sentence, ‘Can’ is written at the beginning of the positive question sentences, ‘can’t’ is
written at the beginning of the negative question sentences.

Can we go south this summer for vacation?

Can’t they drive this car?


In English, could is the past tense of the mood. Can mode is used in two different ways; can,
simple present tense and could, past tense. Could use it to talk about our past talents,
possibilities, and skills that have been going on for a while.

Could uses:

Ability: Could be used when talking about our past talents. If we make a negative sentence, it
means that in the past we’re incompetent about that topic. In question sentences, we can use
permission requests in a polite language.

20 years ago, when I was young, I couldn’t sleep early.

I could barely walk when I was a baby.

Were you ever excited when you took the exams?

I couldn’t draw pictures in high school

Possibility; Also could be used to refer to past possibilities.

We could have been friends with him, but his family moved from this city to another city.

If you’d come with me, we could have had fun.

In addition, we could use it to dedicate unrealized actions to what happened in the past.

You could have told me, but I couldn’t help you because you didn’t.

I could have passed the exam, but I never worked.

I could be honest with you if I wasn’t scared.

Modals of Suggestion

I could help you with Spanish.

They could go to the movies if you are interested.

Modals of Possibility

A lot of crime could be prevented.

You could have called first.

Modals of Request

Could you hand me the pencil?

Could I go to the park?

Modals of Permission

Could I borrow your notebook?

Could I speak to Mary?


May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual. For example,

He may lose his job.

We may go on vacation.

I may have dessert after dinner

Might is used to express what is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible When talking
about something that is not happening, it can be better to use might to avoid confusion with the
permissive may.

. For example,

If you hurry, you might get there on time.

If I had shown up on time, I might have kept my job.

If I win the lottery, I might buy a Ferrari.

The difference is that might suggest a lower probability than does may.

4. Shall and Should

The word shall is used to express ideas related to specific rules or laws.


You shall abide by the law.

Kids shall not enter this room.

The word shall also is used in the future tense to speak about something that will happen or
1) Sentences


Shall I pick your sister up from college?

Shall we dance?

2) Expressions about promises or the future


We shall be here at seven tomorrow.

He shall be in the office on Monday at 10 a.m.

How to Use the Modal Verb Should

The verb should is used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, often when criticizing
someone’s actions.

We can use it when expressing a personal opinion in plain language. In other words, we want to
advise someone.


You should call the police.

She should see a doctor.

Should is used to express a desire that something happened in the past (but it did not occur) or


You should have tried it. It was unbelievable.

They should have come to the party.

'Must' is used for strong personal obligation. When something is very important to us at a
particular moment we use 'must'.
The modal verb must is most often used to express necessity that something has to happen or be
the case. We also use this sense of the word to indicate a strong intention to do something in the
future, to emphasize something positive that we believe someone should do, and to rhetorically
introduce or emphasize an opinion or sentiment. In addition to indicating necessity, must can be
used to indicate that something is certain or very likely to happen or be true.


When must indicates that an action, circumstance, or situation is necessary, we usually use it in
a declarative sentence. For example:

“This door must be left shut at all times!”

“We absolutely must get approval for that funding.”

“Must we go to dinner with them? They are dreadfully boring.”

“Must you be so rude to my parents?”

However, this usage is generally reserved for more formal speech and writing, and isn’t very
common in everyday English.

Emphasizing a suggestion

We also use this meaning to make suggestions to others of something positive we believe they
should do, as in:

“You simply must try the new Ethiopian restaurant on 4th Avenue it’s fantastic!”

“It was so lovely to see you. We must get together again soon!”

“You must come stay with us at the lake sometime.”

Have to

Use 'have to' for daily routines and responsibilities. Have to is a type of auxiliary modal
verb used to express certainty, necessity or strong obligation which comes from
outside, from external factors.

The owner said I have to move to another house.

We don’t have to sell the car.

Do you have to paint the walls?

Will" is a modal verb used with promises or voluntary actions that take place in the future.
"Will" can also be used to make predictions about the future.


I promise that I will write you every single day. promise

I will make dinner tonight. voluntary action

He thinks it will rain tomorrow. prediction


"Would" is a modal verb most commonly used to create conditional verb forms. It also serves as
the past form of the modal verb "will." Additionally, "would" can indicate repetition in the past.


If he were an actor, he would be in adventure movies. conditional

I knew that she would be very successful in her career. past of "will"

When they first met, they would always have picnics on the beach. repetitio

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