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A. Topics for the research papers and oral report

1. Land and Land Use: Constitution, Article XII, Sections 2- 3; Public Land Act,
Sections 6-9; Revised Administrative Code (E.O. 292), Chapter I, Title XIV
2. NIPAS Act of 1992 (RA 7586) as amended by RA 11038
3. Wildlife Resources and Conservation and Protection Act (RA 9147)
4. Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines (PD 705)
5. Clean Water Act (RA 9275)
6. Clean Air Act (RA 8749)
7. Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act (RA 6969)
8. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003)

B. The class shall be divided into eight (8) groups who shall each prepare a formal
research paper and make an oral report in class.

C. For the Group Research Paper

1. Not less than 35 pages, double space, legal size paper (8.5” x 13”)
2. Font 12, Book Antiqua
3. Follow the traditional rules on citation
4. Discussion should be logically and methodically presented
5. There should be a table of contents and an index
6. Submission shall be two days before the Group’s Class Presentation
7. Submit in PDF format.

D. For the Class Presentation

1. The group shall be required to prepare a Powerpoint presentation which shall be
used as a guide during the class presentation.
2. All the members must be assigned a topic which he/she will present in class.
3. The class presentation should not be less than 30 minutes.
4. Furnish your classmates with a copy of your powerpoint presentation.
5. During and after your presentation, the professor or any member of the class
may ask questions relevant to the topic you are discussing.

E. Guidelines for both the Oral report and Research Paper

1. In citing jurisprudence, make a short summary of the facts of the case, state the
issues involved and discuss the decision of the court.
2. Cite the most recent and relevant cases. No more than 2 cases for every point or
issue in your discussion.
3. Make your discussion comprehensive. You are advised to trace the origin or
history of the assigned topic. Also consider the existence of Implementing Rules
and Regulations, if one exists.
4. Identify the regulatory tools used by the law/s and explain how they help to
protect the environment.

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