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English for Nursing 1

Topic 2


Instructional objective
The students are expected to be able to act out a conversation of asking and showing
direction to a room in hospital.

Related Vocabularies
Direction. The following are the names of room in hospital. Study the vocabularies.
Accomplish the sound of the words in blanks by searching them independently. Then, add
five more.

 Emergency room(ER) (n)  Pediatric ward

 Intensive care unit (ICU) (n)  Surgical ward
 Central sterilisation department (CSD)  Geriatric ward
or central sterile supply department  Out-patient clinic
(CSSD)  Dental clinic
 Radiology or X-Ray department (n)  Post-natal clinic
 Laboratory / labretory/ (n)  Ante-natal clinic
 Pharmacy / farmesi / (n)  Reception /resepsyen / (...)
 Administration / adminishtresyen/ (n)  Security /entrens/ (...)
 Maternity unit (n)  Entrance /entens/ (...)
 Hemodialysis unit (HD) (n)  Cashier /kashir / (...)
 Operating theatre (OR) (n)  Dispensary / dispenseri/ (...)

Useful Expressions
Direction. Study the following useful expressions of asking and showing direction to a room
in hospital.

Asking about direction

To ask about directions use these questions:
 How can I get to . . . from here?
 How can I get to . . . ?
 Can you show me the way to...?
 Can you tell me how to get to . . . ?
 Where is . . . ?

 What's the best way to get to . . . ?

Giving directions
To give directions use these expressions:
 Go straight on
 Go ahead for about ... kilometers
 Go along this corridor.
 Turn left/right
 Go past the ...
 Go upstairs.
 Go downstairs.
 Take the elevator.
 Take the lift to the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth floor.
 The ... is beside/next to/in front of/across from the....

Integrated Listening and Speaking Exercise

Direction. Accomplish the following conversation by listening to the audio file on UFLearn.
Then, act out the dialogue.

Security guard : “Good morning. May I help you?”

Visitor : “Good morning. I want to see my friend. He has been hospitalized
Security guard : “Could you tell me the name of the ward?”
Visitor : “He is in the Melati ward. (1)cuold you tell me how to get there?
Security guard : “Sure. (2) go along this corridoruntil you reach the end and turn left.
The Melati ward is (3) on your left side next to Dahlia ward.”
Visitor : “Thank you very much.”

Nursing Communication Practice

Direction.Below is the site map of the first floor of a hospital. Use the map to create a
conversation of asking and showing rooms in hospital. Work in pair, then practice the
conversation together. You are not allowed to read aloud the scenario.


Ilham : Permisi pak… apakah boleh saya meminta tolong?

Suryadi : Apakah yang bisa saya bantu?

Ilham : Saya ingin pergi ke poliklinik? Tapi saya tidak bisa menemukannya

Suryadi : (1)bapak bisa masuk lewat pintu depan lalu melewati resepsionis,(2) kemudian lurus saja
nanti kalau sudah melewati lift belok kiri(3) poliklinik berada di depan ruangan kelas II

Ilham : Baik terima kasih pak

Suryadi : Sama-sama


Ilham : Excuse me sir ... can I ask for help?

Suryadi : What can I do for you?

Ilham : I want to go to the polyclinic? But I can't find it

Suryadi : (1) you can enter through the front door and then pass the receptionist, (2) then go straight
when you pass the elevator, turn left (3) the polyclinic is in front of class II.

Ilham : ok, thank you sir

Suryadi : You're welcome

1. The Class I is beside Class II
2. The Admission across from the Operation Room
3. The Laboratory next to Radiology Unit
4. The Polyclinic in front of Class II
5. The Cashier next to Admission
6. The Canteen across from the NS1 II
7. The Lift is beside Laboratory
8. The Super VIP unit across from the Nurse Stasion
9. The Class II in front of Toilet
10. The Security across from the Reseption

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