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Michael’s College
College of Nursing
Iligan City

Name: Group :
Clinical Instructor: Date:



Preparation Written Rationale
Yes No Done

1. Assessment:
Observe hospital protocol on infection control
and sterility guidelines

2. Planning:
1. Wash your hands with top water and betadine
2. Assemble all the materials/ equipment
needed as well as special items related to
individual needs

3. Choose the appropriate location in performing
the procedure

3. Implementation:
 Scrub nurse will select the site and hand one
end to the surgeon across the operating table,
supporting the folds, keeping it high, and
holding it taut until it is opened, then drop it
( open fingers and release sheet)
 Place of a drape sheet from the patients foot
to the knees.
 The second drape sheet is handled in the
same manner. This sheet is placed below the
incision site with the with edge of the sheet
just below the incision site. This draping sheet
provides extra thickness of materials under the
area from the mayo tray to the incision
wwhere instruments and sponges are placed.
It is also closes some of the opening in the
laparotomy sheet, if necessary.
 Placed four sterile towels around are cuffed by
the scrub about 3 inches and the folded edge
goes next to the line of incision. The scrub
passes the first towel drape to the surgeon
places the towel within the scrubbed area on
the near side of the line incision, leaving only
enough exposed skin for the incision.
 The second towel is placed in the same way,
except the towel is placed on the lower side (
toward feet) of the line of incision.
 The third towel is passed the same way,
except the towel is placed on the upper side (
towards the head) the line of incision
 The last towel is passed to the surgeon and is
placed on the far side of the line of the
 The towels are held in place by towel clip.
 The scrub selects the surgical drape ( lap
sheet) which has fenestration ( opening) in the
drape for the incision and places the opening
directly over the skin area outlined by the
drape towels and in the direction indicated for
the foot of head of the table. The lap sheet will
have of the table. The lap sheet will have an
arrow or some other indication to identify the
head or foot portion of the drape.
 Drop the folds of the lap sheet over the sides
of the table, and then open it downward over
the patient feet and upward over the
anesthetist screen.
 Aseptic technique must be observed at all
 Handle the drapes as little as possible
 Never reach across the operating table to
drape the opposite side; go around the table.
 Hold the drapes high enough to avoid touching
non-sterile area but avoid touching the
overhead light.
 Hold the drape high until it is directly over the
proper area, then drop ( open fingers and
release the sheet) it down where it is to
is incorrect placed, leave it in place and place
another drape over it.
 Protect the gloved hands by cuffing the end of
the sheet over them. Do not let the gloved
hand touch the skin of the patient.
 In unfolding a sheet from the operative site
towards the foot or head of the table, protect
the gloved hand by enclosing it in the sheet.
 I a drape becomes contaminated, discard it
 If the end of drape falls below waist level, do
not handle it further. Drop it and use another
 If a hole is found in a drape after it is laid
down, cover the hole with another drape or
discard the entire drape.
 If in doubt about sterility, discard the drpe.

4. Evaluation:
Document the procedure done including the time
and appropriate findings on client’s chart.

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