TNCC Primary Survey

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Primary survey

ABCDE with resuscitation adjuncts FG

What does ABCDE/FG stand for

A airway/alertness/w simultaneous cervical spinal stabilization
C-circ/control of hemorrhage
D-disability (neuro status)
E-exposure/environment control
F-full VS/family
G-get resuscitation adjunct
M-monitor heart rhythm,rate
O-o2/vent analysis' pulse ox/ETCO2
H-hx/head to toe
I-inspect posterior surfaces

Describe Newton's First Law of Motion

A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an
outside force (energy)

Describe Newton's Second Law of Motion

(F)orce = (m)ass x (a)cceleration;
It takes more force to move a heavy object

Describe Newton's Third Law of Motion

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction resulting from the transfer of energy

Describe the Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can change form

What are the five forms in which energy exist?

- Mechanical: direct impact of an object
- Thermal
- Chemical
- Electrical
- Radiant
The consequences of mechanical energy are directly related to __________ energy

Kinetic Energy (KE) is equal to

1/2 the mass multiplied by the velocity squared
In other words: when mass is doubled, energy is doubled; when velocity is doubled, energy is

Kinetic Energy formula


Differentiate between internal and external forces of energy transfer in the context or
External forces are how energy can impact the body (e.g., deceleration, acceleration, compression).
Internal forces represent the ability of the body to withstand external forces.

How do internal forces protect the body from injury?

- Compression strength: ability of tissue to resist crush injury or force

- Tensile strength: ability to resist being pulled apart when stretched

- Shear strength: ability to resist a force applied parallel to the tissue

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