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if uterus is over stretch it would lead to labor

5.prostaglndin theory

6. theory of aging placenta

Kung titignan aging of placenta is somewhat related to prostaglanding andprogterosn theory

Preliminary sign of labor

1. Increase Braxton ho
2. Lightening aka the baby drop
Bumababa yung bata
Sabi ng tandan a malapit manganak kasi mababa na ang tyan
- Pagbumabba may added space for lung to exapan, makakahinga
- Urine increase, may compression sa urinary bladder
- Leg pains, same sa frewuency nin urine, mababa babby compression sa BV sa lower
extrem ,kaya may lleg crack, leg pain
- Vaginal,
- Decrease fundal height, bumaba bata

Floating – pawliks grip


7. rupture of membrane

Gush – nag rupture buo

Steady trickle- aka leaking BOW, nag leak lang, nabutas lang na part, di putok ng buo ang bag of water

False vs true labor

No increase – non progressive

True, progressive, increase in intensity

Internsity pasakit ng pasakit, getting severe

Druarui longer

Frequency increase
Contraction increase even ambulating

Essential factors of labor

5P of labor






Paasage is the route



Pelvis parts

A innominate bones

Ctrue pelvis

3. True conjugate –
4. Pelvic outlet- mababang part

Anterior posterior diameter AP

Contracted pelvis – less 4.5 cm thus vaginal delivery not possible

Types of pelvis

a. Gynecoid
Gyne is girl, women ,female
Normal or female pelvis
Ideal pelvis

b. Anthropoid
c. Android
Male pelvis
d. Platypelloid


Pinaka Malakai ang head circumference

Structure of fetal skull

Suture line

Not dikit dikit yet ocified

Di pa matigas na buo at birth

Suture line is the spaces

Sagittal suture


Intersection forms the anterior fontannele

Posterior fontanelles, triangle, kaya closes earier than AF

Diameter of skull

Occipital diameter

Head flex, diretso ulo

Submento bregmatic diamete

Molding – di toto yungsabi n apagnasa loob pa ltyan ,paglaki nahipan hangin kaya lumaki

Fetal lie

Long axis, haba ng katawan

Longitudinal, normal lie

Oblique, at an angle naka tabingi, banormla liew

Transverse, abnormal lie

Fetal presentation

Vertex, head fuuly flex

Problem in cephalic, caput succedaneum

Trauma sa tiisue, if pabalik sa labor process

Iire, mabbitin iire, tendency may trauma sa tissue, namamaga but this is harmless,mawawala ddin in few
dasy time.


-Babby is in Indian seat

-single footling, or double footling, single fottling, nakak baba na

-gitna, frank breech, the same, preenting pat is buttock, hips are flex

Sa complete breech knees are flex, sa frank knees are extended

Shoulder presentation, the same in transverse lie, nakapahalang, presentation and lie are abnormal

Three causes

-as mother delivers more, abdomen becomes penduluce, lumuluwag

-pelvis contraction, decrease of size in pelvis in any measurement

-placenta previa, placenta normally attach to upper segment the fundeus, if attach in lowe segm,
mahaharang passage

Place previa, soft tissue obstruction during delivery

Di makapwesto maayos baby kaya mag shoulder presentation

Compound presentation, cephalic presentation wherein one arm comes out with the head or presenting

Types of fetal

Lagging occiput,

Best position to come out anterior occiput

LOA or ROA normal or best for delievry


Primary force, nagpapa descend sa bata

Secondary force, brearing down the pushing, can be done if cervix of mom is fully dilated

Person, psyche

The progress of labor and birth

Pschosocial considetation


The best position for delivery, dorsal recumbent with head incline 15 to 30 degree angle

Mechanism of labor

Stages of labor

First stage, cervical stage

10 cm full dilation of cervix

Two important events

Cervical effacement, cervical dilatation

- This refers
- In primi,
- Multi
- Effacement, effecmene tof cervix is in %

Cervical dilatation

- Widening,
- Ferguson
- Dislodge, taas dilation dami show

Phases of first stage

Latent, active, transition

Latent phase

Prolong latent phase is 8 hours

Analgesia given too early may prolong this latent phase

If memebranes already rupture in latent phase, di pwede palakarin can cause cord prolapse

Active phase

Transition phase

2nd stage expulsive, fetal expansion stage

Papanganak na ang bata

3rd stage

Placental separation

4th stage immediate post partum stae

Most crucial stage or most critical stage

Mother is observed for 24 hours before discharge

Necrotize mabubulok magbigay infection

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