Name: Sandi Supriatna Nim: 202101189 Class: ALL.21.02 Supporting Lecturer: Mr. Hendra Cipta, M.M.

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Name : Sandi Supriatna

Nim : 202101189
Class : ALL.21.02
Supporting Lecturer : Mr. Hendra Cipta, M.M.,

Subject : Manajemen Principle

1. leadership will be a determining factor for success in an organization, this is because

leadership is the focal point of significant changes in the organization. leadership
becomes a personality that has an impact and leadership is an art in creating
organizational conformity and stability.
2. - have a clear vision and mission.
- has the ability to inspire people around.
- dare to bear the burden.
- have good adaptability.
2. .If you believe that your team members dislike their work and have little motivation,
then, according to McGregor, you'll likely use. This approach is very "hands-on"
and usually involves micromanaging people's work to ensure that it gets done
properly. McGregor called this Theory X.
On the other hand, if you believe that your people take pride in their work and see it
as a challenge , then you'll more likely adopt a participative management style.
Managers who use this approach trust their people to take ownership of their work
and do it effectively by themselves. McGregor called this Theory Y
4. - listen to and value employee ideas.
- Appreciate the slightest performance that is done.
- do not criticize and correct.
- maintain good social interactions.

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