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1. Identify specific environmental issue or problem in your respective area barangay or locality.
 As a youth in our barangay, I observed some issues about the trash in a specific area in
our barangay, that area is surrounded with different kinds of trash, being swiped by the
waves so trash is piled up in that specific area.

2. Identify the cause of each existence.

 The material causes, formal causes, its efficient cause, and the final cause of this

3. What are the effects of the environmental problem or issue?

 It can damage the marine animals and corals once it will be back in the ocean, and it will
be another problem that we should solve as we are the cause of this kind of problem.

4. Give your suggestions or solution to this problem.

 As a youth I should discuss this kind of problem to our barangay officials and conduct a
clean and green program to clean our ocean and seashores in our barangay. So, we can
lessen the problem we face right now all around the world.

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