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NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)

Internal Assignment Applicable for June 2021 Examination

SAP ID: 77219121946

Subject Name: Enterprise Resource Planning

1. The following complaint is brought to your attention in the organization:

“Customers are not satisfied because of the lack of prompt response from the
organization regarding delivery and after sales service "
Can Implementation of an ERP solution address this complaint? Describe the
areas of business you would identify for implementation in such a situation.
How can new technologies help the organization create satisfied customers?

Answer (1):

Introduction: Enterprise resource planning is a data framework that sorts out and
deals with the distinctive business capacity of any organization with the assistance
of web and programming programs. An ERP framework comprises of various
module particularly planned by the necessities and requests of the association. It
gathers, stores, oversees and deciphers business data and information, play out the
different tasks to give the ideal yield to the client from anyplace on the planet.
Indeed, unquestionably the execution of ERP will reply and address the issue as
referenced in the inquiry. ERP gives and works as the mix of both the CRM
customer relationship management) and SCM (supply chain management).

Concepts and Applications: ERP is an incorporated framework that consolidates

all the capacity of an association through a typical information stage. In the
previously mentioned question we can obviously recognize that there are two
variables which is prompting the objections in the association. Those are

1) Unsatisfied clients

2) Issue in conveyance and after deals administration.

These are examined to sum things up beneath.

1)Unsatisfied Customers: The clients are unsatisfied from the association

administration on account of the absence of brief reaction from the group. Here we
can distinguish it is the absence of client relationship the board which implies that
there we need to arrangement a decent reaction group to assist clients with their
question and in least conceivable time. The group should address the client
questions and raise to the important group if necessary to give a legitimate and
good response to the client

2)Issue in conveyance and after deals administration: The clients are raising
questions on the grounds that there is deferral and need the conveyance
arrangement of the organization and after deals administration of the organization.
So it is fundamental here to build up a legitimate conveyance and after help direct
in the association so these issue don't show up in future.

The spaces of business I would distinguish to set up and carry out ERP to beat such
issue in future are referenced beneath.

1)Production arranging

2)Sales and Distribution

3)Customer Relationship

The previously mentioned zones are momentarily examined underneath.

1)Production Planning: The creation arranging alludes to the appropriate arranging

of creation plan directly from the acquisition of crude materials till the end result
conveyance to the completed great office. It ought to be, for example, we ought to
never run out of our stock and ought to consistently have the option to keep up
cushion stock. With the execution of ERP it will bring about the accessibility of
material in the association to convey to the client according to their interest.

2)Sales and Distribution: The Sales and dissemination alludes to the legitimate
dispersion of the completed products according to the request got from the client or
outreach group. It should comprise of the legitimate characterized channel through
which the completed item is sold, dispersed and made to accessible to the clients
on schedule. It ought to likewise comprise of after outreach group to manage the
issue and issue in the assistance and items which are now offered to the clients.
ERP gives such office by the methods for prepared information and giving the
exact data about the stock and different components.

3)Customer Relationship: Customer are the principle resource of any organization.

In the event that we lose client, we straightforwardly lose the deals, henceforth
benefits and the organization will fall. So it is exceptionally important to keep up
great and solid connection with the client. The client questions ought to be tended
to in least conceivable time and ought to be dealed smoothly. The reaction time to
the client inquiries ought to be extremely speedy. ERP gives an associating span
among client and association in smooth manner which is open effectively through
versatile applications anyplace on the planet. Thus, expanding the connection
between the organization and client.

Following are the advantages which assists with making more fulfilled client with
the assistance of new innovation
 Faster reaction to client inquiries: With the assistance of ERP, client is in
every case only a single tick away from the association. It helps the
connection among client and association.

 Globalization: ERP assists with making the organization its name in the
worldwide market. ERP gives the worldwide access of clients to the

 Reduced lead time: The absolute time taken by the organization to address
the client questions and requests diminishes expeditiously. Additionally, the
absolute time taken for the paper the board work likewise diminishes to
nearly nil.

 Increased straightforwardness: With the improvement of ERP client can
monitor its questions, requests and installment subtleties and so forth at one
single stage. It likewise gives the association about the constant input from
the client and their conveyance administration just as item quality.

 Increased center around high effectiveness.

Conclusion: The Introduction of ERP benefits client as well as gives immense

benefit to the association too. The opportune location of the client questions, the
data about the request and its status to the client and so forth are not many
advantages to the client. Though the association gets the fair input from client
without any alterations quickly with direct collaboration, it gets simpler to take
client overview about any items and so forth.

2.“A well-executed ERP system is a springboard for launching a company into

e-business “.
Discuss this with an example.

Answer (2):
Introduction: An ERP programming arrangement looks to smooth out and
coordinate tasks, cycles and data streams in an endeavor, to synergize the assets of
an association to be specific men, material, cash and machine. At the end of the
day, ERP frameworks incorporate all information and cycles of an association into
a brought together framework. E-Business essentially implies taking your business
over web. It implies taking your business to electronic media, to offer your items
and administration with the utilization of web. Internet business implies IT offices
need to incorporate two new channels of access into ERP frameworks—one for
clients (also called business-to-customer) and one for providers and accomplices
Concepts and applications: ERP programming arrangements can make a business
more beneficial as it permits robotization of the greater part of the practical
business measures across the undertaking. Knowing this reality, an ever increasing
number of organizations across the globe are offering altered ERP programming

answers for their customers that are assisting them with smoothing out their
business and be more beneficial.

Online business alongside ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), the consistent

combination of your web based business framework with a cutting edge, cloud-
based ERP arrangement. Together, they expand your association's expansiveness
and profundity, interfacing your cycles and methods for a durable, future-sealed

ERP programming's business arrangements are intended for organizations that

work in a wide assortment of territories. IT joins countless various components
into a solitary unit. Three of the main ERP apparatuses accessible today are
fabricating, HR, and account.

Most associations across the world have understood that in a quickly changing
business climate, it is difficult to make and keep a specially crafted programming
bundle which will oblige every one of their prerequisites and furthermore be state-
of-the-art. Understanding these prerequisites of associations, organizations have
planned and created ERP programming, which offer an incorporated programming
answer for every one of the utilitarian cycles in an association. All in all, ERP
frameworks incorporate all information and cycles of an association into a brought
together framework.

An ERP programming arrangement looks to smooth out and incorporate tasks,

cycles and data streams in an undertaking, to synergize the assets of an association
specifically men, material, cash and machine. ERP programming arrangements
normally cover all essential business measure/elements of any association, paying
little mind to the association's business or contract. ERP module includes
Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Financials, Customer Relationship Management
(CRM), Human Resources, Warehouse Management and Decision Support

ERP modules are cross-practical and undertaking wide programming

arrangements. All practical offices that are engaged with activities or creation can
be incorporated in one framework utilizing it. As well as assembling, warehousing,

coordination’s, and Information Technology, it additionally incorporates;
bookkeeping, HR, promoting, and vital administration.

Allow us to take an illustration of an assembling organization which utilizes ERP

for their everyday work and its advantages to the business. With the Introduction
of ERP in their framework it has been exceptionally simple for them to keep up all
the record of approaching crude material and active completed merchandise.
Endeavor Resource Planning will permit an organization to effectively robotize the
way toward purchasing materials and looking after them. There are modules that
track the provisions that are bought and can likewise make computations about
how these materials ought to be disseminated. It additionally gets workable for an
organization to anticipate the interest of the market dependent on history, financial
measurements, and information from their representatives. They can even choose
when an item ought to be delivered, and they can do this dependent on the crude
material that is accessible.

This information can be gotten to from anyplace on the planet and anyone in the
organization in light of the fact that ERP gives a typical information stage to
everyone. It just methods everyone has their admittance to the data for their
everyday work, and every one of these data is accessible in the whichever design
they need as per the need and necessity of the business. This assists with
diminishing the drawn-out work of finding and gathering, recording, deciphering
the information from enormous documents which is done in the customary idea. It
just doesn't save time yet additionally destroy the human blunder and give the most
exact and precise information and data depending on the situation by the
individual. ERP likewise gives the complete creation detail, all out stock subtleties,
all out labor subtleties and reflects it with the deals and promoting information
which helps in the legitimate and more satisfactory arranging of the creation
timetable and determining the deals in not so distant future. ERP offers all such
basic business data under one window. It likewise helps in diminishing the human
exertion. It additionally helps in solid key getting ready for the better business.
ERP gives us the inside information as well as helps in breaking down the
worldwide market of the item. It helps in taking the item to the worldwide level. It
helps in administration of bookkeeping and money in simpler way which is utilized
to be considered as the dreariest and troublesome work in any business.

With every one of these administrations, offices and arrangement, ERP certainly
helps business to developed with enormous potential in E-trade. It gives a few
offices to the end client for example our client. A portion of the offices resemble
simple submitting of request, following of request, straightforwardly contacting the
client support chief, getting the nittier gritty data about the item, more simple and
direct installment administrations which diminishes the agent’s administration and
so on through one single window, sitting in one corner of the room.

Conclusions: ERP in E-trade / E-Commerce assists with understanding your client

needs. ERP in E-business coordinates the information and data with advertising
and deals exertion. ERP in E-business assists with meeting and surpasses your
client's assumption. With the presentation of ERP in your E-trade, your business
will flourish with more prominent potential in market and odds of being fruitful
turns out to be a lot higher in less time

3. Whole Foods, a company that manufactures, markets and distributes food

products has a partially computerized system where the sales person prepares
a sales order and a data entry operator records it in a system. This has
resulted in errors and delay in executing the order. The company is planning
to develop a new system to enable salespeople to enter sales data more
accurately and promptly. According to the marketing director who is
proposing the system, salespeople would use the system to record information
about customer orders
instead of data entry operators having to transcribe order information from
sales order entry forms. Whole Foods is identifying a solution that would
reduce the production time and provide support to sales and marketing.
a. How can an ERP address their concern? How will integration help in
reducing the production time?
b. Identify the players and discuss the inter relationship between various
functions by presenting the order fulfilment process.

Answer (3 a):

Introduction: ERP has an extraordinary component of lessening information
excess and dispensing with the human mistake by centralization of occupation
obligations in an association. Joining has pulled in much consideration in
assembling, research, particularly when identified with Computer Integrated
Manufacturing. This will permit us to talk about combination inside capacities, for
example item plan, buying, product design, production planning, purchasing,
and production control.
Concept and application: ERP can address their anxiety by giving the
arrangement of information gathering, recording and deciphering by one individual
under one window. Prior it is followed that business request will be gotten by sales
rep and information passage administrator will record the information given by
sales rep and odds of mistake is there and furthermore it is tedious. Yet, with the
presentation of ERP this tedious interaction with wipe out and entire cycle will be
finished by salesman and that section will be reflected to each individual ex:
accounts creation, deals, showcasing and so forth in the organization.
Likewise, to diminish the creation season of the item following advances ought to
be taken
1.Order more modest measures of crude materials all the more habitually. Bigger
orders take more time to satisfy and transport.
2.Have a reasonable lead time contract with provider and clear lead time by
various divisions.
3.Material and scope organization alongside shop floor control
4.Automate your stock administration, present without a moment to spare idea.
5.Availability of legitimate tooling and carry out ordinary support plan.
6.Let your provider think about deals information which assists them with planning
for the future need
The presentation and execution of ERP assists with booking each assignment
directly from acquirement till the last creation and dispatch of completed products.
Each office and concerned individual necessities to finish their undertaking on
schedule and it will all be thought about ERP, through which it will be not difficult

to screen the focuses where the time is slacking and thus we can diminish the lead
time by fixing those jug necks.
A portion of the advantages of coordination that would help deals and showcasing
and decline creation time are talked about beneath.
 It gives constant information detailing and handling
 It gives refreshed and modified report to every one of the divisions
 It diminishes absolute activity time which incorporates computation time,
solicitation to cite time, request to conveyance time and so forth
 It coordinates and cycles all business arranging exercises with various deals.
Conclusion: With the presentation of ERP and coordination of various office
through ERP, it will be exceptionally simple to screen the total creation cycle for
the entire group. The need by any of the group in the creation will be
straightforwardly reflected. The weaknesses and bottlenecks will be effectively to
discover. Likewise, the information excess will be limited and blunder will be
decreased. The need of entering same information over and over will likewise be
limited and basic data will be accessible effectively and all the more

Answer (3 b):
Introduction: An ERP deals and circulation module gives the total deals and
dispersion the executives answer for an association. The model backings pre deals
exercises like making of citations, dispatching like making conveyance records and
charging like making bills and solicitations.
The diverse capacity of request satisfaction measure is incorporated and connected
through ERP in an association and is made to accessible to access under one single
stage for everyone.
Concepts and Applications: The ERP programming gives the answer for every
single question and issues of deals and circulation through its module. ERP has
various modules for various tasks in the association. A portion of the case of
module are material administration, human asset, account, creation arranging and
so forth the module which answers and address the issue identified with deals and

dispersion issue is deals and appropriation module. The essential central members
or partners of deals and dispersion module are deals and conveyance group,
creation group and money group.
The deals and circulation group is liable for making of citation, selling of items
pressing of the item and conveying the items to the end client for example client or
some other business and refreshing something very similar on ERP with precision.
The essential obligation of creation group is to make the creation of item on time
with the end goal that process duration ought not increment and lead-time to make
the material accessible for the dispatch group on assigned time.
The money searches for every one of the installments directly from the expense of
secured crude materials to the last completed products and making of solicitations
for the conveyance reason to the end client.
The deals and circulation module comprises of a few sub modules like Master
information the executives, request the board module, dispatching module,
charging module, deals request and buy request and so on
The different capacity of request satisfaction measure is referenced and examined
momentarily from this point forward.
1) Sales request
2) Availability check
3) Outbound convey
4) Transportation arranging
5) Picking
6) Goods issues
7) Billing
8) Payment interaction
The request preparing capacity of a business which incorporates an eight stage
measure. Here, request preparing begins with the receipt of a business request from
salesman. After this the business request is checked for accessibility of the
necessary merchandise or administrations, the ensuing exercises incorporate
handling the outbound conveyance, anticipating the conveyance of the request on
schedule and specific date, picking the products to be shipped, giving and charging
the merchandise for the conveyance lastly preparing the installment. The deals and
dissemination module of ERP records data at each progression of the business
request preparing and conveyance unction and creates covers the merchandise and
administration sold, charged and conveyed by the association to the clients
Conclusion: The deals and dissemination module of ERP serves to incorporated
through all the central participant and bury interfacing different office to do entire
obligations in smooth way and do procedure on schedule and make a happy,
satisfied and glad client.


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