Project Work of Math: Topic: Derivative

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Topic: Derivative

Submitted By: Ashmi Maskey

Grade: XII Sec: ‘C’

Symbol no: 77S-AM-7177

Submitted to: Head of Department

Name: Mr. Agni Datta Joshi

Uniglobe SS College
Department of Math Kamaladi, Kathmandu

I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my math teachers

“Mr. Agni Datta Joshi (Head of Department) and

Mr. Balkrishna Bhatta” for their able guidance and
support in completing my project.

And I am Very much thankful to Uniglobe SS


Who gave me such a golden opportunity to do this

wonderful project on topic ‘Derivative’, which has
helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to
know about various new things.

Secondly, I would also like to extend my gratitude

towards my parents for providing me with all the
facility that was required.

It helped me increase my knowledge and skills.

Thank You.

This project’s main aim is to illustrate
on derivative and their applications.
The formation and classification of
derivative, the basic techniques of
differentiations, list of derivatives.

Table Content

S.N. Topic
1. General Introduction (Chapter 1)
2. Main Body (Chapter 2)
3. Results and Discussions (Chapter 3)
4. Summary and Conclusions
5. Reference

General Introduction
Derivatives are a fundamental tool of calculus. The
derivative of a function of a single variable at a
chosen input value, when it exists, is the slope of
the tangent line to the graph of the function at
that point. The process of finding a derivative is
called differentiation. Differentiation is a process of
looking at the way a function changes from one
point to another. Given any function we may need
to find out what it looks like when graphed.
Differentiation tells us about the slope (or rise
over run, or gradient, depending on the tendencies
of your favorite teacher). Given the function f (x),
we are interested in finding an approximation of
the slope of the function at a particular value of x.
If we take two points on the graph of the function
which are very close to each other and calculate the
slope of the line joining them we will be
approximating the slope of f (x) between the two
points. Our x-values are x and x + h, where h is
some small number. The y-values corresponding to x

and x + h is f (x) and f (x + h) m is called the

slope or change which is the differentiation.

The graph of a function, drawn in black, and a

tangent line to that graph, drawn in red. The slope
of the tangent line
is equal to the
derivative of the
function at the
marked point.

1.1 Background of the Study

Historically, the primary motivation for the study
of differentiation was the tangent line problem: for
a given curve, find the slope of the straight line
that is tangent to the curve at a given point. The
word tangent comes from the Latin word
“tangens”, which means touching. Thus, to solve
the tangent line problem, we need to find the
slope of a line that is “touching” a given curve at a
given point, or, in modern language, that has the
same slope.

The solution is obvious in some cases: for example,

a line is its own tangent; the slope at any point is.
For the parabola the slope at the point is 0; the
tangent line is horizontal. Geometrically, the
derivative at a point is the slope of the tangent
line to the graph of the function at that point,
provided that the derivative exists and is defined at
that point. Derivatives are frequently used to find
the maxima and minima of a function. Equations
involving derivatives are called differential equations.

Derivatives and their generalizations appear in many

fields of mathematics, such as complex analysis,
functional analysis, differential geometry, measure
theory and abstract algebra.

1.2 Statement Of Problem

In mathematics, the derivative of a function of a
real variable measures the sensitivity to change of
the function value (output value) with respect to
a change in its argument (input value). For
example, the derivative of the position of a moving
object with respect to time is the object's velocity:
these measures how quickly the position of the
object changes when time advances. This research
intends to examine the differential calculus and its
various applications in various fields, solving
problems using differentiation. This work is to show
the important of differentiation, that it is not
limited to mathematics alone, it is applied in our
day-to-day life.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

 To show that differentiation is not limited to
mathematics alone.
 To give the clear concept about the derivative.
 To show the importance of derivative in our
day-to-day life.

1.4 Definitions of Terms

Let f be a real valued function defined in an open
neighborhood of a real number a. In classical
geometry, the tangent line to the graph of the
function f at a was the unique line through the
point (a, f(a)) that did not meet the graph off
transversally, meaning that the line did not pass
straight through the graph. The derivative of y
with respect to x at a is,
geometrically, the slope of the tangent line to the
graph off at (a, f(a)). The slope of the tangent
line is very close to the slope of the line through
(a, f(a)) and a nearby point on the graph, for
example (a + h, f (a + h)). These lines are called
secant lines. A value of h close to zero gives a good
approximation to the slope of the tangent line, and
smaller values (in absolute value) of h will, in
general, give better approximations. The slope m of
the secant line is the difference between the y
values of these points divided by the difference
between the x values, that is,

This expression is Newton's difference quotient.

Passing from an approximation to an exact answer
is done using a limit. Geometrically, the limit of
the secant lines is the tangent line. Therefore, the
limit of the difference quotient as h approaches
zero, if it exists, should represent the slope of the
tangent line to (a, f(a)). This limit is defined to
be the derivative of the function f at a:

When the limit exists, f is said to be differentiable

at a. Here f′(a) is one of several common notations
for the derivative (see below). From this definition
it is obvious that a differentiable function f is
increasing if and only if its derivative is positive,
and is decreasing if its derivative is negative. This
fact is used extensively when analyzing function
behavior, e.g., when finding local extrema.

1.5 Literature Review

Usually, when thinking about the history of calculus,
most people think Leibniz verse Newton. However,
calculus was being formulated long before both of

these mathematicians’ times. Multiple

mathematicians also conceptually thought about
calculus. Therefore, we cannot give credit to one
particular mathematician for calculus. The first
calculus book was Analysis of the Infinitely Small,
for the Understanding of Curve Lines and the
author was Guillaume de L’Hopital, and was
published in 1696. Mathematicians instead wanted
to study the properties of infinitely small
quantities. This was the beginning of calculus

and the derivative. The actual concept of a

derivative did not come until 1797, and was named
that by Lagrange. He called the term “function
derive,” the translation from French is “function
derived from another function” (Rogers, Robert,

Before Lagrange, mathematicians studied the

“differential of 𝑥” (Rogers, 2005), meaning

an instantaneous change of 𝑥: “Here the idea is

that no matter how large the picture is magnified,

𝑑𝑥 cannot be perceived” (Rogers, 2005). Our

differential is not necessarily zero but it is rather

close to zero. Differentials relate to the idea of a

limit, how we take a value of 𝑥 and see what

happens as that value becomes closer and closer to

zero. Based on these ideas, calculus and its

applications developed over time. Mathematicians

figured out how these infinitely small

differentials were meaningful in mathematics. This

study of differentials and the infinitely small

led also to differential equations, which are

equations relating differentials. Despite all of these
other mathematicians, Newton and Leibniz
deliberated more

straightforward calculations to find a derivative.

Both Newton’s and Leibniz’ methods were similar;
both were working with the infinitely small in
regard to curves. Their methods are similar to ones
we teach in calculus today, such as the power rule.

Chapter 2 (Main Body)

Rules for basic functions
Here are the rules for the derivatives of the most
common basic functions, where a is a real number.
 Derivatives of powers

 Exponential and logarithmic functions


 Trigonometric functions

Following are some of the rules of Differentiation.

1. Constant Function Rule

The derivative of a constant function 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐴,

where A is a constant, is zero.

I.e., if 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐴 then 𝑓′(𝑥) = 0

2. Linear Function Rule

The derivative of a linear function 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎 + 𝑏𝑥

with 𝑎 and 𝑏 constants is equal to 𝑏.

For example, the derivative of a function 𝑓(𝑥) = 3

+ 2𝑥 is 2, it is obvious that the derivative of a
linear function is the multiplicative constant of the

3. Power Function Rule.

The derivative of a function 𝑓(𝑥) = x n; where n is

any arbitrary constant is 𝑛 multiplied by the

variable raised to the power 𝑛 − 1.

i.e., if 𝑓(𝑥) = xn then

𝑓′(𝑥) = n x n−1

Derivative of Inverse Trigonometric Function


Chapter 3 (Results and Discussions)

This project’s result’s is to illustrate on derivative

and their applications. The formation and
classification of derivative, the basic techniques of
differentiations, list of derivatives.

Ideas on Further Research

Another researcher could categorize the problems

from the assessment differently. A more concrete
method could be put into place in order to choose
each problem and categorize them by concept
difficulty. Also, a future study could include a focus
on reading directions to problems since this was not
an interest in the study a future study should
involve more explicit directions. Involving directions
could lead to a new hypothesis in mathematics to
compare who reads directions thoroughly.

Conclusion and Summary

You should find that you are increasingly able to
communicate mathematical ideas and apply your

knowledge and understanding to mathematics in

everyday life. You should now be able to:

 understand the idea of differentiation from

first principles
 differentiate power functions
 find stationary points of some functions
 determine the nature of some stationary points
using either the first or second derivative tests
 understand and work with derivatives as rates
of change in mathematical models.


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