Quadratic Equation: By, Prenisha Sanjel Class-12 C2 Exam Symbol No-77s Ps 7558

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Prenisha Sanjel
Class- 12 C2
Exam Symbol no-77s ps 7558

Uniglobe Secondary School, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

National Education Board
Quadratic equations hold a unique position in the school curriculum. In
mathematics, the solution of the quadratic equation is of particular
importance. It also has many practical applications in the world beyond
school. It may seem unimportant for now however in reality, the higher
paying jobs goes to those who can use the quadratic equation to design
safe and useful products for people. This equation is used to find
shapes, circle, ellipses, parabolas, and more. Quadratic equation allows
us to analyze the relationships between variable quantities, and they
are the tool for understanding variable rates of change. Quadratics are
also the only functions where students can fairly use accessible
algebraic and arithmetical manipulation to prove the relationship
between input and output values, different algebraic representations
and graphical representations.
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………1
2. Forms of Quadratic Equations……………………………………………………………..2-4
i. Standard form……………………………………………………………………………...2
ii. Factored Form………………………………………………………………………………3
iii. Vertex Form………………………………………………………………………………….4
3. Solving Quadratic Equations………………………………………………………………5-10
i. Solving by factorisation…………………………………………………………………5
ii. Solving by completing the square……………………………………………......6
iii. Solving using equation…………………………………………..……………………..7
iv. Solving using graph………………………………………………………….……….8-10
4. Uses of Quadratic Equation……………….………………………………………………….11
5. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………….12
6. Reference …………………………………………………………………..13

A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in a single variable x
ax2+bx+c=0 with a ≠ 0. Because it is a second-order polynomial equation, the
fundamental theorem of algebra guarantees that it has at least one solution. The
solution may be real or complex. The roots x can be found by completing the
b −c
or, x2+ a x= a

b 2 −c b2 b2−4 ac
or, (x+ 2 a ) = a + 2 =
4a 4 a2
b ± √ b 2− 4 ac
or, x+ 2 a =

−b ± √b 2−4 ac
Solving for x then gives, x = .
The expression b²−4ac that appears in the quadratic formula under the square
root plays an important role in solving quadratic equations. Because of its
importance: b²−4ac is called the determinant of the quadratic equation
ax²+bx+c=0. There are three possible cases:
(1) b² - 4ac > 0. In this case, the equation has two distinct real roots.
(2) b² - 4ac = 0. In this case, the equation has one real root. (Called a double root).
(3) b² - 4ac < 0. In this case, the equation does not have real roots.
There are three commonly-used forms of quadratic equation:

1. Standard Form: y=ax 2+bx+c

2. Factorised Form: a(x-r1)(x-r2)

3. Vertex Form: a(x-h)2+k

Forms Of Quadratic Equations

Standard Form
In standard mathematical notation, formulas and equations are written with the
highest degree first. The degree refers to the exponent. In the case of quadratic
equations, the degree is two because the highest exponent is two. Following the
x2 term is the term with an exponent of one followed by the term with an
exponent of zero.
Standard Form of Quadratic Equation:
ax 2+bx+c=0
The benefits of standard form include quickly identifying the end behaviour of a
function and identifying the values of a, b, and c.
The end behaviour of a function is identified by the leading coefficient and the
degree of a function. The degree of a quadratic equation is always two. The
leading coefficient of a quadratic equation is always the term a when written in
standard form.
If the value of a is positive, the parabola opens up, meaning the function rises to
the left and rises to the right. If the value of a is negative, the parabola opens
down, meaning the function falls to the left and falls to the right.
y=3 x 2 +2 x −1 y=−3 x 2 +2 x+1

Notice: positive a value, degree of 2, Notice: negative a value, degree of 2,

parabola opens “up” parabola opens “down”

Forms Of Quadratic Equations

Factored Form
Next, let’s now consider why factored form is useful. To get to factored form, we
do exactly what it sounds like: we factor the equation from standard form.
Factored Form of Quadratic Equation:
y=a (x-r1) (x-r2)
In the factored form of a quadratic, we are also able to determine end behaviour
using the value of a. Although the degree is not as easily identifiable, we know
there are only two factors, making the degree two. The end behaviour follows the
same rules explained above.
The additional benefit of factored form is identifying zeros, or xx-intercepts, of the
function. The value of r1 and the value of r2 are both zeros (also called “solutions”)
of the quadratic function.
y= -(x+2) (x-3)

We must note that not all quadratics have “real” zeros (some quadratics require
imaginary numbers as their zeros), so factored form may not always be

Forms Of Quadratic Equations

Vertex Form
Finally, we have the vertex form of a quadratic. Remember, the vertex is the point
where the axis of symmetry intersects the parabola. It is also the lowest point of a
parabola opening up or the highest point of a parabola opening down.
Vertex Form of Quadratic Equation:
y= a (x-h)2+k
As you may expect, the main benefit of vertex form is easily identifying the vertex.
The vertex of a parabola, or a quadratic equation, is written as (h, k) where the h
is the x-coordinate and the k is the y-coordinate.
As we can see, the value of h and the value of k are easily identifiable in this form.
Additionally, we can still determine the end behaviour using the value of a.
y= 3 (x-2)2 – 1

Vertex: (2, -1)

Solving quadratic equations

Now in this unit we will look at how to solve quadratic equations using four
(1) solution by factorisation
(2)solution by completing the square
(3) solution using a formula
(4) solution using graphs
Factorisation and use of the formula are particularly important.


Solving quadratic equation by factorisation
In this section we will assume that you already know how to factorise a quadratic
expression. If this is not the case you can study other material in this series where
factorisation is explained.
Suppose we wish to solve 3x2 = 27.
We begin by writing this in the standard form of a quadratic equation by
subtracting 27 from each side to give 3x2− 27 = 0.
We now look for common factors. By observation there is a common factor of 3
in both terms.
This factor is extracted and written outside a pair of brackets. The contents of the
brackets are adjusted accordingly:
3x2− 27 = 3(x2 − 9) = 0
Notice here the difference of two squares which can be factorised as
3(x2 − 9) = 3(x − 3) (x + 3) = 0
If two quantities are multiplied together and the result is zero then either or both
of the quantities must be zero. So either
x − 3 = 0 or x + 3 = 0
so that x = 3 or x = −3
These are the two solutions of the equation.

Solving quadratic equations

Solving quadratic equations by completing the square

Suppose we wish to solve x2−3x−2 = 0.
In order to complete the square we look at the first two terms, and try to write
them in the form ( ) 2. Clearly we need an x in the brackets:
(x + ?)2 because when the term in brackets is squared this will give the term x 2 .
We also need the number − 2 , which is half of the coefficient of x in the quadratic
3 2
equation( x− ) , because when the term in brackets is squared this will give the
term −3x.
2 2
3 −3
However, removing the brackets from ( x− ) we see there is also a term ( )
2 2
which we do not want, and so we subtract this again. So the quadratic equation
can be written
2 3 2
x -3x-2¿( x − ) -¿-2=0
3 2 9
( x− ) - – 2 = 0
2 4

3 2 17
( x− ) - = 0
2 4

3 2 17
( x− ) =
2 4

3 17 17
x - 2 = √ or - √
2 2
3 17 3 17
x= 2 + √ or 2 - √
2 2
We can write these solutions as
3+ √ 17 3−√ 17
x= or
2 2
Again, we have two answers. These are exact answers. Approximate values can be

Solving quadratic equations

obtained using a calculator.

Solving quadratic equations using a formula

Consider the general quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.
−b ± √b 2−4 ac
There is a formula for solving this: x=

Let us illustrate the use of this formula in the following example.

Suppose we wish to solve x2 − 3x − 2 = 0.
Comparing this with the general form ax2+ bx + c = 0 we see that a = 1, b = −3 and
c = −2.
These values are substituted into the formula.
−b ± √b 2−4 ac

−(−3) ± √ (−3)2−4∗1∗(−2)

3± √ 9+8
3± √ 17

These solutions are exact.

Solving quadratic equations

Solving quadratic equations by using graphs

In this section we will see how graphs can be used to solve quadratic equations. If
the coefficient of x2 in the quadratic expression ax2 + bx + c is positive then a
graph of y = ax2 + bx + c will take the form shown in Figure 1(a). If the coefficient
of x2 is negative the graph will take the form shown in Figure 1(b).

We will now add x and y axes. Figure 2 shows what can happen when we plot a
graph of y = ax2 + bx + c for the case in which a is positive.

The horizontal line, the x axis, corresponds to points on the graph where y = 0. So
points where the graph touches or crosses this axis correspond to solutions of ax 2
+ bx + c = 0. In Figure 2, the graph in (a) never cuts or touches the horizontal axis

Solving quadratic equations

and so this corresponds to a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 having no real

roots. The graph in (b) just touches the horizontal axis corresponding to the case
in which the quadratic equation has two equal roots, also called ‘repeated roots’.
The graph in (c) cuts the horizontal axis twice, corresponding to the case in which
the quadratic equation has two different roots. What we have done in Figure 2 for
the the case in which a is positive we can do for the case in which a is negative.
This case is shown in Figure 3.

Referring to Figure 3: in case (a) there are no real roots. In case (b) there will be
repeated roots. Case (c) corresponds to there being two real roots.
Suppose we wish to solve x2− 3x − 2 = 0.
We consider y = x2 − 3x − 2 and produce a table of values so that we can plot a
x -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
x2 4 1 0 1 4 9 16 25
-3x 6 3 0 -3 -6 -9 -12 -15
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
x2-3x-2 8 2 -2 -4 -4 -2 2 8

Solving quadratic equations

From this table of values a graph can be plotted, or sketched as shown in Figure 4.
From the graph we observe that solutions of the equation x 2− 3x − 2 = 0 lie
between −1 and 0, and between 3 and 4.

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Uses Of Quadratic equation


Quadratic equations are actually used in everyday life, as when calculating areas,
determining a product's profit or formulating the speed of an object. Quadratic
equations refer to equations with at least one squared variable, with the most
standard form being ax² + bx + c = 0. The letter X represents an unknown, and a b
and c being the coefficients representing known numbers and the letter a is not
equal to zero.
Some uses of quadratic equations are listed below;
 We can use the quadratic formula to identify the axis f symmetry of the
parabola, and the number of real zeros the quadratic equation contains.
 In daily life we use quadratic formula as for calculating areas.
 It is determining a product’s profit.
 It helps formulating the speed of an object.
 It is used in design of Bridges
 Quadratic equation are used in many ways in sports daily.
 Some elements of a quadrati c equation are used when setti ng up a
satellite dish. This is because it involves setti ng up to certain angles
so that it can be able to pick up signals eff ecti vely.
 Quadrati c equati ons are oft en used by the military or law
enforcement to determine the speed of moving objects such as cars
and planes. The military can also use them to determine the distance
between them and an approaching enemy.
 Break systems are designed by automoti ve engineers by solving
equati ons that arises.
 Aerospace engineers also interact with quadrati c equati ons so oft en
in their careers.
 Chemical and electrical engineers deal with quadrati c equati ons daily
because they work with complex systems. 
 Quadrati c equati ons are also applied in agriculture extensively. One
of the biggest applicati ons of quadrati c equati ons in Agriculture is in
the arrangement of boundaries. 
 There are thousands of management and clerical work that involve
the use of quadrati c equati ons daily. 
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Quadratic equation can be used in many different ways. We can
manipulate a quadratic equation by changing the various coefficients.
The quadratic formula can be used to find the roots for any quadratic
equation. We can easily solve the equation by setting it to zero and
predicting the patterns in the function values. When extracting the
square roots, one must bear in mind that first step is isolating the
squared variable. Then we take the square root on both sides of the
equation. Then we factorized the equation in standard form.

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Reference and Bibliography

Reference and Bibliography

 https://www.albert.io/blog/forms-of-quadratics/?
 https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/quadratic-equations/?
 https://www.veryshortintroductions.com/view/10.1093/actrade/97801
 https://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/resources/uploaded/mc-ty-quadeqns-
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadratic_equation

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