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Write your responses in the sentence completion activity below:
1. My unique personality traits, skills, abilities and hobbies that I can relate to Invidualistic are
 Willingness, Initiative, Diligent, Easygoing, Flexible, Meticulous, Punctual, Responsible
2. My beliefs, values , and characteristics which are socially shared within a group
 Helpful, Observant, Openness, Compassionate, Perseverance, Optimism, Politeness
If you were in that person’s situation, how will you deal with it:

Within six weeks, you and three of your colleagues in your department will make an important project.

After the project, you were given a Php 100,000 as prize. “How did you divide the money?” Here is some

1. A has made 25% of the total project.

2. B has made 40% of the total project.
3. C has made 25% of the total project.
4. D has made 10% of the total project.

Write the amount of money that you think should be given to each:
A: Php 25,000
B: Php 35,000
C: Php 25,000
D: Php 15,000
“How and why did you come up with your decision?”
 I came up with this decision with a simple common sense because why would you divide it
equally if you can divide it depending on the effort you make to finish the project.


Write your thoughts about these statements:
1. In your own perspective define what is beauty
 Beauty is something that can be shown either outside or inside.
2. Give at least 2 persons in your life whom you consider beautiful and explain what makes them
 Cleo – she is something that you can’t compare to any kind of girls because Cleo somewhat
stubborn yet supportive and it is the one that makes her beautiful.
 Mariel – she is also something special where you can’t even find another type of person just like
her because she is so mature and goal oriented.
3. Which part of your body do you consider beautiful, explain why?
 Nose because whenever they see me for the first time it is the one that they notice.
4. I am Beautiful or Handsome because…
 Many people say it not because they like me but because they notice the attractiveness that I have
especially my physical attributes
Listen to “Mrs. Potato Head” by Melanie Marquez.
1. Explain what message she is sending in her music.
 It explains that this song deals with plastic surgery, its consequences, and the struggle for beauty
in the modern world itself, and people who succumb to these pressures.
2. Discuss what lines that struck you the most.
 “Potatoes turn to french fries, yeah it's common sense” is the line that struck me the most because
just like the meaning the potatoes made a transformation and it also have a consequence whether
good or bad.


Understanding our bodies and feelings (True or False)
False 1. Many males ejaculate too fast for the female to have orgasm.
True 2. The penis cannot produce urine and sperms at the same time.
False 3. If a man takes his penis out of the woman before ejaculating, she will not get pregnant or contract
True 4. Men and women can have orgasm without sexual intercourse.
True 5. The brain is the biggest sex organ.

Critical Thinking Questions:
1. Identify the changes in sensitivity that occur in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonads as a boy or girl
approaches puberty. Explain how these changes lead to the increases of sex steroid hormone secretions
that drive many pubertal changes.
 Individuals become sexually mature and active during puberty. The changes that occur in both
the sexes during this stage are the outcomes of the secretions from different glands like
hypothalamus, pituitary and the gonads. The different hormonal secretions of these glands drive
the maturation of the reproductive systems and development of secondary sex characteristics.
These hormonal secretions are subjected to negative feedback mechanisms to exercise control
over the concentration of the hormones being secreted.
2. Explain how the internal female and male reproductive structures develop from two different duct
 In both male and female embryos, the same group of cells has the potential to develop into either
the male or female gonads; this tissue is considered bipotential. The SRY gene actively recruits
other genes that begin to develop the testes, and suppresses genes that are important in female
development. As part of this SRY-prompted cascade, germ cells in the bipotential gonads
differentiate into spermatogonia. Without SRY, different genes are expressed, oogonia form, and
primordial follicles develop in the primitive ovary.
3. Explain what would occur during fetal development to an XY individual with a mutation causing a
nonfunctional SRY gene.
 Females are considered the “fundamental” sex that is, without much chemical prompting, all
fertilized eggs would develop into females. To become a male, an individual must be exposed to
the cascade of factors initiated by a single gene on the male Y chromosome. This is called the
SRY (Sex-determining Region of the Y chromosome). Because females do not have a Y
chromosome, they do not have the SRY gene. Without a functional SRY gene, an individual will
be female.

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