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A General Model for Spatial Processing of Sounds

Author(s): F. Richard Moore

Source: Computer Music Journal, Vol. 7, No. 3 (Autumn, 1983), pp. 6-15
Published by: The MIT Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 19/10/2009 10:30

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F.Richard A General Model for
Computer Audio Research Laboratory
Center for Music Experiment, Q-037
University of California, San Diego
Spatial Processing of
La Jolla, California 92093 USA

Introduction Localization

We perceive sounds in a spatial context. Without Much attention has been paid to our ability to lo-
visual cues, we can often tell the direction or dis- calize sounds. Roederer(1975) points out that, espe-
tance from which a sound comes. We also perceive cially at high frequencies, intensity cues (amplitude
things about the apparentacoustic environment of differences between the sound waves arrivingat our
sounds, such as whether they seem to come from a two ears) help us to determine the direction from
reverberantcave or a padded cell. Multichannel re- which a sound comes. At lower frequencies, time
cordings can portray the spatial characteristics of cues also contribute to localization (Molino 1974).
recordedsounds independent of listening condi- What distinguishes high from low? At a speed of
tions. In ways analogous to looking through win- about 335 m per second, it takes a sound wavefront
dows, we can discern things about one acoustic about 500 ,/sec to travel the 17 cm or so between
environment through headphones or loudspeakers our ears. A 2000-Hz tone therefore has a wave-
while we move about in another. length about equal to our interauraldistance. At
Ideally, spatial processing of sounds would allow frequencies below this, interaural time delay can be
us to have complete control over the acoustic en- an important factor in localization.
vironment heard through the loudspeakers. Each For interaural time differences to be important,
sound located within this heard environment could something must exist in our neural mechanism
have a specified "size," direction, distance, and ap- that correlates the signals coming into our two
parent motion. We can use computers to gain such ears. Neural models of such crosscorrelatorswere
control over the spatial characteristics of sounds, proposed as early as 1959 (Licklider 1959), and
but for musical applications we must always spec- physiological evidence for such mechanisms has
ify the acoustic processing we believe will produce since been found (Rose et al. 1969). Roedereralso
the intended psychological effect. Spatial processing points out that the existence of such a crosscorrela-
therefore involves the simultaneous consideration tion mechanism has implications for spatial
of two sets of problems: the physical characteristics control:
of a space to be simulated and the psychological
characteristics of sounds presented to listeners over It is easy to see that the location ... will de-
loudspeakers. pend on the interaural time delay, which in
The work described in this article consists of turn depends on the direction of the incoming
sound. Two tones, a mistuned interval apart,
(1) a conceptual model for representing the problem
of spatial processing and (2) a description of an im- fed into separate ears, may "foul up" the
crosscorrelator:The gradually shifting phase
plementation of this model in the context of the
Cmusic sound synthesis program(Moore 1982). difference between the two tones ... will be
interpreted by this mechanism as a changing
This work was described by the author in a talk presentedat the difference in the time of arrival of the left
InternationalComputer Music Conferencein Venice, Italy,in and right auditory signals, hence signaling to
September 1982. the brain the sensation of a (physically non-
Computer Music Journal,Vol. 7, No. 3, existent) cyclically changing sound direction!
Fall 1983, 0148-9267/83/020006-10 $04.00/0, This is why two pure tones forming a mis-
? 1983 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. tuned consonant interval, presented di-

6 Computer Music Journal

I _

chotically with headphones, gives the eerie processing, however, we wish not to analyze but
sensation of a sound image that seems to be ratherto synthesize the sound of a concert hall or
"rotating inside the head" [Roederer1975]. some other acoustic environment. In terms of the
For localization to occur, we must know not only tapped-delay-plus-recirculating(TDR) filter model,
we must find ways to synthesize the gain, delay,
the direction of a sound source but also its distance.
and recirculation parameters according to a spec-
In research based on earlier work by Gardner(1962)
ified musical intent.
and Wendt (1961), Chowning (1977) demonstrated
Direct manipulation of such psychophysical
that the relative mixture of direct-to-reverberant
sound is a powerful cue for determining the dis- parameters as interaural time delay can lead to
tance between sound source and listener. By compelling illusions of sounds in space. Using
headphones or biteboards (which a listener grasps
combining simulated cues for angular location, dis- with the teeth) to control relative head position,
tance, and velocity (i.e., Doppler shift) with artifi-interauraltime delays can be used to obtain TDR
cial reverberation(Schroeder 1962) via the Music V
filter parameters. We would expect the results of
program(Mathews et al. 1969), Chowning was able such an approach to produce strong impressions of
to create convincing illusions of moving sound
Unfortunately, the relative positions of listeners
Improvements in our understanding of the acous- and sound sources in a concert situation is unpre-
tics of rooms (Schroeder,Gottlob, and Siebrasse
dictable. No two listeners in a concert hall hear ex-
1974) allowed Moorer (1979) to synthesize a concise
actly the same sound, rendering such factors as
yet powerful model for artificial reverberation.Fol- interaural time delay useless as control parameters
lowing Schroeder's suggestions, Moorer based his for music intended to be heard under concert con-
processing model on a tapped-delayline filter (also ditions. Even the relative amplitude of sound enter-
known as a finite-impulse response [FIR]filter) to
simulate the "early echo" response of a room fol- ing the two ears of each listener is likely to vary
lowed by a bank of recirculating filters (also known throughout the performance space.
Even though no two listeners in a concert hall
as infinite-impulse response [IIR]filters) to produce
hear the same thing, there is an invariance in their
the effect of dense global reverberation.Moorer
used the data gathered by Gottlob (1975) and subjective perception-they all hear the same mu-
Schroederto obtain "reasonable-sounding"values sic, if from different vantage points. We are clearly
able to compensate for our own vantage points, ex-
for the tap-delay and gain parameters of the delay-
line filter, together with acoustic data on sound ab-cept under unusual conditions that fool the percep-
tual mechanism. (The failure of this compensation
sorption, to obtain similar values for the comb fil- is the basis of most so-called illusions.) In the vi-
ters. These all led to a loose but useful simulation
sual realm we compensate readily for the difference
of Boston's Symphony Hall, with suggestions for
between size and distance, and we make similar
sonic distinctions between loudness and intensity.
Since we cannot control psychophysical param-
eters directly in a concert, a practical model for
Psychophysics Versus Performance
spatial processing must be based on physical char-
acteristics of the real or imaginary space or spaces
To gain more general control over spatial charac-
to be simulated. This suggests modeling the play-
teristics of musical sound, we need a general way to
back situation itself, rather than the details of the
obtain reasonable-sounding values for the process-
listener's perception of it-the approachtaken in
ing algorithm. The work of Schroeder,Gottlob, and this
study. The model described here is based on
Siebrasse, on which Moorer's values are based, was the
oriented toward improving the subjective impres- following elements:
sion of the sound of concert halls. With spatial The relevant characteristics of the listening

Moore 7
Fig. 1. An outer room en- the base of the radiation Fig. 2. Signal flow diagram of the filter. The summed
closing an inner room. The vector associated with this of a basic TDR filter. A output of the delay taps is
circles on the periphery of source, and the line points characteristic set of delays then furtherprocessed by
the inner room represent in the direction of greatest (D[.])and frequency- a recirculating (IIR)filter
holes in its walls (loud- radiation (the length of the dependent gains (G[.]) de- R, which provides dense-
speakerpositions). A vector is proportional to termine the operation of echo reverberation.
sound source is shown in the amplitude of radiation the tapped-delay (FIR)part
the upperright quadrant. in that direction).
The small circle represents

in -- D[1].



The outer room represents the illusory acoustic

space from which the sounds emanate. The inner
room represents an actual or intended performance
space that holds listeners and loudspeakers. Loud-
space, such as its size and shape, as well as the are modeled as acoustic "windows" com-
number and placement of an arbitrarynumber speakers
municating with the illusory space outside the
of loudspeakers along its perimeter
perimeter of the listening space. A particular set of
The acoustic properties of the illusory space, in-
"important" paths taken by the sound from sources
cluding its size, shape, and sound-absorbing located in the outer room to the loudspeakers is
characteristics, specified independently of the used to obtain time-varying TDR filter parameters.
characteristics of the listening space
The TDR filter structure is extended to allow a sep-
The radiating characteristics of the sound sources
arate tapped-delay section for every source location
themselves, including their positions within and for every sound channel (Figs. 2 and 3).
the illusory space and their directional charac-
In practice, the numerous FIR stages can be col-
teristics, again specified independently of the into a single long delay with dynamic, mov-
properties of the space or spaces in which they able
occur taps, each with frequency-dependent gain.
For example, the inner room might be a living
Uncontrollable aspects of the concert situation, room with loudspeakers placed in each corner,
such as the listeners' head positions, present no while the outer room's specifications suggest the
greaterproblem from the standpoint of this model acoustic properties of a reverberant cathedral. From
than they do in a traditional concert. Each listener within the listening space, we listen through
hears something different, but all listeners gain in- "holes" in the walls to sounds that exist in the
dividual perspectives on the same illusion. outer room. Depending on proximity to the loud-
speakers, each listener will hear these sounds from
a slightly different perspective. Information is pre-
Overviewof the Model sented at each loudspeaker about all sound sources
in the virtual outer room. The differences in per-
The present model represents the performanceand ception among listeners in the inner room are anal-
illusory acoustic spaces as a room within a room ogous to perspective distortion. A sound moving
(Fig. 1). along a circular path centered around the inner

8 Computer Music Journal

I ? I
Fig. 3. Extended TDR filter transmits to each loud- Fig. 4. Multiple radiation radiates, in general, a dif-
structure for spatial pro- speaker along a direct path vectors and moving ferent version or compo-
cessing. Time-varying plus as many reflected sources. The group of four nent of the "same" sound).
(FIR,(t))filter stages (one paths as there are distinct radiation vectors in the In the lower right quad-
per speaker channel per surfaces in the outer room. upperleft quadrant repre- rant, a sound path for a
sound source location) A monophonic version of sents a radiating "surface" single moving source is
with both dynamically the multichannel early comprised of several direc- depicted.
movable taps and fre- echo image is used to tional sources (each source
quency-dependent gains drive the global reverbera-
form the multichannel tor, which has decorre-
"earlyecho image" of the lated multichannel output.
sound. Each sound source

room would pass more closely to someone sitting Thus even two loudspeakers would do a fair job of
close to a wall than to someone sitting in the cen- representing the entire two-dimensional plane of
ter. After listening a while, however, all listeners locations in the outer room. More loudspeakers
should be able to agree on sound source locations would sample the acoustic field of the outer room
regardlessof where they sit in the inner room, at with greater spatial frequency, lessening source lo-
least as well as they could by listening through cation ambiguity.
holes to actual sound sources moving about in a By specifying sound paths in the outer room sep-
real outer room. arately from the characteristics of the listening
Sound sources may in general be located at any space, we separate the intended percept from its
position in the outer room. Having more loud- manner of presentation. Thus a given spatial com-
speakers leads to a clearer depiction of the outer position might exist in several versions: one for two
room. But even a small number of speakers can give loudspeakers in a small room (a living-room-stereo
the listener a great deal of information about the version), one for headphones, and one for eight
entire outer room and all sound source locations in channels of sound in a large room (a concert ver-
it. Imagine, for example, that a performerin the sion). The sound paths themselves would be identi-
outer room is walking in a circle around the inner cal in each version, that is, the composition itself
room while beating on a tambourine. If we listen to would be invariant. Only the inner room specifica-
the tambourine performance through two holes in tion would vary according to intended presentation.
the front two corners of the inner room (stereo),our A sound source in the outer room is modeled as
ability to locate the sound will be excellent when it one or more radiation vectors, each with an adjust-
is in the front (the azimuth-or angle between the able position, directionality, magnitude, and field
front-back line and a line pointing toward the shape. A single radiation vector suffices for most
sound source-lies between the two loudspeakers), sound sources. Multiple radiation vectors (Fig. 4)
less good when it is to the sides (outside the "cone" may be used to describe sound-radiating surfaces to
described by the lines drawn between the listener an arbitrary degree of precision. Individual radiation
and the two loudspeakers), and ambiguous at the vectors may have time-varying characteristics, al-
single point when it is directly behind the listeners. lowing sounds to move in arbitrary paths through-

Moore 9

Fig. 5. Front-back distinc- tory distinction to be

tions in stereo. The direct made, more complex infor-
sound from one source is mation in the early echo
obstructed in the left image of the sound gives
channel, while the other is perceptible front-back
not. While this case is too cues, even in stereo.
simple to allow an audi-

purely refractive source. Higher frequencies would

tend to "beam"through the hole if it were large
comparedto a wavelength of the transmitted
sound. Good loudspeaker design minimizes this
effect, however, producing as faithfully as possible a
far field (i.e., nondirectionally differentiated)repre-
sentation of the acoustic field sampled at a point by
an ideal microphone.

Detailsof the Model

The major features modeled are the following:
Loudspeakerplacement in the listening space
Geometry of the virtual acoustic space
Radiation of sound sources into the virtual space
Earlyecho response of the virtual space
Global response of the virtual space

out the illusory space. In a real room, the number LoudspeakerPlacement

of radiatedsound paths between source and desti-
nation is infinite. Restricting the model to two Under normal circumstances it is impossible to
dimensions and including only the "important" create the illusion that the sound source is closer to
sound paths results in the inclusion of only the di- the listener than the loudspeakers. Therefore, the
rect paths from a source to each loudspeaker, plus shape of the inner room is determined by the shape
one reflection from each wall of the outer room to of the performance hall and the location of the
each loudspeaker. loudspeakerswithin it. For quadraphonicsound, the
If the outside wall of the inner room is made ab- loudspeakers are normally considered to be at the
sorptive (acoustically opaque), it is possible to mini- four corners of a square (or other quadrilateral);for
mize undersampling effects, emphasizing, for stereo they are normally at the front two corners
example, front-back distinctions even when only of a square. For stereo headphones, the two loud-
two front stereo loudspeakers are used (Fig. 5). speakers are considered to be in the middle of the
The outer room and radiation-vectorspecifica- two side walls of a very small listening space (the
tions allow a complete description of the percep- size of one's head). In general, the loudspeakers are
tual effect intended by the musician. Given the considered to lie at the vertices or along the perim-
inner room specifications, computations for the eter of an arbitrary,closed polygon.
requisite delays, attenuations, Doppler shifts, and
so on can be made automatically from the specifi-
cation of the desired perceptual effect. Virtual Acoustic Space
The extent to which real loudspeakers are as
acoustically transparentas holes in walls is ques- In two dimensions, the geometries of the inner and
tionable, of course. The infinite baffle loudspeaker outer rooms are those of arbitrary,closed planar
model (which is basically just a hole in an infinite polygons. Each surface of the outer room is made
wall), allows sound to radiate hemispherically (on an effective part of the acoustic space by being
one side). This requires a hole that is small com- allowed to contribute to the early echo response.
paredto the transmitted wavelengths, making it a Because of the crudity of our spatial perception,

10 Computer Music Journal

Fig. 6. Detailed radiation one-tenth that of the for- the radiation in the direc- plitude of the radiation in
pattern for (x=O, y=O, ward radiation (-20 db) tion opposite to 315?is the direction opposite to
0=315?, amp=1, back=.1), (a).Detailed radiation pat- zero (-oo db) (b).Detailed 315?is equal to that of the
in which the amplitude of ternfor (x=0, y=O, radiation pattern for (x=0, forwardradiation
the radiation in the direc- 6=315?, amp=1, back=0), y=0, 0=315?, amp=1, (-0 db) (c).
tion opposite to 315? is in which the amplitude of back= 1), in which the am-

~ , \ IIVa


II a III 11

(a) (b) (C)

simple shapes such as squares and rectangles Sound is considered to be radiatedin a supercar-
should usually suffice for the outer room. diodal pattern principally in the direction of the
The inner room polygon is determined not by the vector but with smaller amplitude to the sides and
actual shape of the performance hall but by the lo- back (see Fig. 6).
cation of the loudspeakers within it. Four speakers The back value given in the specification of the
at the corners of a square 10 m on a side therefore radiationvector varies between 0 and 1. A back
define a square inner room 10 m on a side, regard- value of 0 implies no back radiation and a strongly
less of the actual size and shape of the listening directional radiation pattern. A back value of 1 im-
room. No particular allowance is made in this plies an omnidirectional radiation pattern. The
model for reverberantor other properties of the lis- supercardiodalshape of the radiation pattern is
tening space, since matching and/or compensating given by:
for these is largely independent of the spatial char-
acteristics of the illusory outer room. r()) = scaler for radiation in
ray direction 4)
= 1+ (back- l) l0- -4
Radiation Vectors 7T1

Sound sources are injected into the space by means where 0 and back are defined as in Eq. (1). A single
of radiationvectors. A radiation vector RV is com- sound source emanates from one or more radiation
pletely defined by the quintuple vectors. Each radiation vector may be located any-
RV = (x, y, 0, amp, back), (1)
where outside the inner room in the space de-
scribed by the outer room. Each radiation vector
represents a source of sound in the virtual sound
x and y are the base of the vector (all coordinates space.
are given in meters, with the origin (0, 0) in the
center of the inner room);
Sound Paths
0 is the direction of the vector (an angle of 0 rad
points to the right as viewed from above); Sound sources radiate to each speaker channel in
amp is the length of the vector and is used to two ways: (1) by direct paths and (2) by reflected
scale the amplitude of the source sound; and paths. There is exactly one potential direct path be-
back is the relative amplitude of the radiationin tween each source and each speaker channel. For
the direction opposite to that of the vector. each source, there is also one potential reflected

Moore 11
Fig. 7. Direct radiation be- radiation between a single
tween a single source and source and four loud-
four loudspeakers (note speakers (note cut
the cut path) (a).Reflected paths) (b).

(a) (b)

path to each speaker channel from each wall of the est amplitude at the loudspeaker position. The
outer room. Thus a single source radiatingsound to reflection point chosen is therefore the one that re-
quad loudspeakers in a square outer room is mod- sults in the shortest distance from source to wall to
eled with four potential direct paths (one to each loudspeaker.This is the point at which the angles
loudspeaker)and sixteen potential reflected paths of sound incidence and reflection are equal. Such
(one from the source to each wall to each loud- reflections are easily modeled by standardacoustic
speaker)(Fig. 7). techniques involving virtual sources located on the
The shape of each path determines the following opposite side of the reflecting wall.
Attenuation along the path due to distance Cut Factors
Frequency-dependentattenuation due to air
Modeling the outer wall of the inner room as com-
pletely absorptive yields good directional distinc-
Frequency-dependentattenuation due to reflec- tions among various source locations. Therefore,
tion (absorptionby the reflecting surface)
a sound path is potential until it is determined
Absorption due to collision with the outer walls whether it is obstructed by the inner room. An
of the inner room (these are modeled as being
obstructed sound path is considered to be "cut"by
completely absorptive) the barrier,and to be completely absorbedat that
Time delay due to the finite speed of sound
transmission point. We can define the cut factor for a sound path
to have a value of 0 when the path is obstructed by
The paths are calculated in the following manner. a barrierand 1 when it is unobstructed. The cut
Each direct sound path is simply a straight line be- factor can then be combined multiplicatively with
tween the source and the loudspeaker. One reflec- the overall amplitude of the sound on a particular
tion path is used for each wall of the outer room. Of path.
the possible reflection paths from a given wall, the Since the cut factors may dynamically vary for
one chosen for this model is the principal reflec- moving sound sources, flipping back and forth be-
tion path, that is, the one that results in the great- tween 0 and 1 as ray paths change with changing

12 Computer Music Journal


source locations, some mechanism must be used to Amp[-]is the amplitude scalar given in the radia-
avoid clicks (due to stopping or starting the sound tion vector that is the source of the path;
too abruptly).A simple method for dealing with Rad[.]is a "radiant,"that is, an amplitude scaler
this problem involves a linear interpolation be- for the direction of radiation (= r({) for the
tween the 0 and 1 values as necessary to avoid path); and
clicks. A more sophisticated approachwould be to Cut[H]is the cut factor for the path (0 if cut and 1
model the refraction of the path around the edge of if not).
a cutting surface, but it seems unlikely that the
A changing source position would likely cause a
computation involved would be justified on percep-
tual grounds. changing delay parameter, which would result in
pitch shift as a side effect (shrinking delay values
would shift the pitch up and vice versa). The mag-
nitude of this pitch shift is precisely the same as
EarlyEcho Pattern that of a Doppler shift for a moving sound source.
Since the TDR filter (with properly interpolated
The early echo pattern for each sound source is a
collection of delays and frequency-dependentgains. delay taps) provides such shifts automatically, no
At each moment, for each radiation vector, one po- specification of Doppler shift is necessary for
tential direct path exists between the base of the moving sounds with this model (they happen
vector and each loudspeaker. The cut factors deter- automatically!).
The complexity Odi of the direct path computa-
mine whether the path is actually present or not. In
tion is proportional to
addition, one potential path exists from each radia-
tion source to each reflecting surface of the outer O di, NvecNchan. (6)
room to each loudspeaker. Thus the total number
The complexity of the reflected path computation
of sound paths included in this model is
is then
Npath= NvecNchan(1 + Nsrf) (33)
Orefl O NvecNchanNsurf, (7)
sound paths modeled, where
where the factors are defined as above. The overall
Npath is the total number of paths; complexity of the computation involved is propor-
Nvec is the number of radiation vectors; tional to the total number of paths:
Nchanis the number of speaker channels; and -
tot Odir + refl
Nsurf is the number of reflecting surfaces in the ocNvecNchanl(1 + N,surf) = Npath. (8)
outer room.
Since for each path P, we must compute both D[P]J
For each of these paths, P,, i = 1, 2, ..., Npth, and G,[P,] as defined above, the total amount of
we define a delay D[P,] and a frequency-dependent
computation for this model is significant. If all
gain G.[P,]: radiation-vectorelements are allowed to be time
varying, for example, new values must in general be
D[PJ] = Dist[P (4 calculated at every sample.

GJP] = Amp[Pj]Rad[Pj]Cut[P,] Global Reverberation

1 + Dist[P,] (5)
The output of the dynamic TDR filters is further
processed by the global reverberator,which simu-
Dist[.] is the length of the path (the symbol [.] lates the dense reverberationof the outer room after
stands for the path argument); the first 60 msec or so. The characteristics of the
c is the speed of sound; global reverberationmay be obtained from specifi-

Moore 13
Fig. 8. Cmusic score exam-
ple. This score produces a
sound that moves in a 10-
m-radius circle centered
about the point (32,22).

cations of the overall size and shape of the outer

room and the reflective properties of its walls. #include (carl/cmusic.h)
For the purposes of this model, the global rever- set stereo;
beratoraccepts a single (monophonic) signal input {
{The following are all default values which are repeated
consisting of the mixed outputs of all TDR filter
here only to show what they are}
signals. Parallel comb filters with frequency-
{specify outer room 100 meters square}
dependent loop gains may be used to achieve dense set space = 50,50 -50,50 -50,-50 50,-50;
echo. Output channels of the global reverberator
{specify inner room 6 meters square}
(one for each loudspeaker) must be statistically de- set room = 3,3 -3,3 -3,-3 3,-3;
correlatedfrom each other in order to produce a {specify speakers in front corners}
good subjective effect (Schroeder1980). set speakers = 3,3 -3,3;
{globalreverbtime = 3 seconds}
set t60 = 3;
in Cmusic
Implementation {overallscale factor for global reverb}
set revscale = .15;
The model has been implemented as a special unit {stop computing when reverb tail under cutoff}
set cutoff = -60dB;
generatorin the Cmusic sound synthesis program.
A special macro called SPACE allows an especially }
ins 0 circ;
simple and direct control over the space unit gener-
seg b4 p5 f4 d 0; {b4 = envelope}
ator. The initial implementation allows for simple osc b2 p7 p8 f2 d; {b2 = x}
room geometries and as much automatic operation osc b3 p7 p8 f3 d; {b3 = y}
as possible. Figure 8 shows a sample Cmusic score adn b3 b3 plO; {plO = y-offset}
that moves a sound in a circle about an arbitrary adn b2 b2 p9; {p9 = x-offset}
point. osc bl b4 p6 fl d; {bl = carrier}
{specify 1 radiationvector with x = b2, y = b3,
theta = 0, amp = 1, and back = 1 (omni source)}
Conclusion SPACE(bl,l) b2 b3 0 1 OdB;
The Cmusic implementation described here is not SAWTOOTH(f 1);
a complete implementation of the spatial model, SINE(f2);
but it has been sufficient to test the hypothesis that ENV(f4);
the model yields convincing results. It produces {play a note on instrument circ:} note 0 circ 4
convincingly localized sound images when used {p5 = main amplitude:} OdB
conservatively, such as with front sources in stereo. {p6 = carrierfrequency:} 1000Hz
It also performs as well as expected under adverse {p7 = circle radius in meters:} 10
conditions, such as with rear sources in stereo. {p8 = circular motion period:}2sec
The main advantage of this model lies in its gen- {p9,pl0 = x,y center of circle:} 32,22
erality: from a physical specification of an intended
perceptual effect, the model provides a tool with sec;
{allow 3 seconds for reverb tail to die away}
which to realize this effect computationally under
ter 3;
given playback constraints. Either a change in the
constraints, such as a change in the number or loca-
tion of loudspeakers, or a more fundamental change
in the method by which the computational struc-
ture is realized does not affect the intention or its
specification. The problems of specification of the
intended effect, realization of the computational

14 Computer Music Journal

means by which to produce this effect, and the Mathews, M. V. et al. 1969. The Technology of Computer
playback constraints imposed in a given perfor- Music. Cambridge,Mass.: MIT Press.
mance situation are neatly separated. Molino, J. 1974. "Psychophysical Verificationof Predicted
The model could readily be extended to three (or InterauralDifferences in Locating Distant Sound
Sources."Journalof the Acoustical Society of America
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tional structure are likely to follow from improve-
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