Some People Believe That Studying at University or College Is The Best Route

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Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful

career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.

Education means imparting (truyền đạt) knowledge to people. Better education is the first step
to enter into the best career. Some people are on the view that studying at college or university
is the best way to a successful career, while others are in another opinion that getting a job after
school is better. This essay analyses both these arguments.

On the one hand, there are some benefits of getting a job straight after school. Firstly, work
means steady earning, so it helps to earn money and thus reduces the financial burden of the
family especially among low-class communities. Another important benefit is that doing a
particular job creates a feeling of responsibility. As a result, the person becomes more
independent and self-reliant at younger age itself.

On the other hand, it is fairly easy to understand the advantages of studying at university or
college. In the first place, learning always increases our knowledge and widens our educational
horizons as well. This helps us perfect overall personality and succeed in our career. Secondly,
professional education or higher education at university level is the backbone of one person’s
career. To make it more clear, basic education from schools helps to identify our talents and
interests of various subjects and courses and college level education is the field where we sow
the seeds for better career opportunities. Moreover, it helps to get better job opportunities. This
is because proper higher education improves the qualification and the door to better job places.
Also, it helps to get good remuneration.  In addition, proper and good education always acts as a
better deposit for the successful career and it is an asset.

To conclude, when we weigh both the viewpoints, it is crystal clear that studying at university or
college is the best route to success in career. Getting a job after school has more demerits than
merits. The government should take proper steps to give better education to a higher level to all
irrespective of financial status, religion, casts etc.

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