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SWOT analysis on Leadership journals/workbooks in USA:







 Dynamic brand: Organizations in USA are moving towards leadership based

style. Some are born leaders, others learn the know bouts of leadership
through trainings and self-education. Leadership journals and workbooks
provide step by step guidance to develop leadership skills and provides a
tangible path for individuals and shapes their career which could make it a
dynamic brand.

 Extensive distribution: Channeling extensive distribution lines to target

every market and focus on important designated points where the demand
for leadership journaling products is high.

 Emerging trends: with continuous awareness through social media and

blogs, leadership has become crucial in building businesses and managing
teams. Leadership journals stand in an advantageous position in USA.

 Digital marketing: Digital marketing would help in global reach. Adequately

planned and well-focused digital advertising campaign would reach
customers at a cheaper cost than traditional marketing techniques.

 Audio books: In this ERA of technological advancement, launching audio

books would increase the product share of leadership journals and become
easily available. There will be no stock-outs consequently sale of journals will

 Innovation: launch of application based leadership journals which includes

different activities that create self-awareness and allows to assess where an
individual stands currently as a potential leader. The app highlights the
importance of leadership skills, time management and a healthy lifestyle.


 Podcasts & Blogs: Podcasts and blogs are readily available, including
insight about how to look at successes and failures to develop relevant
leadership skills.
This encourages you to engage and consciously learn to become an effective
leader. The evaluation of leadership qualities is a valuable reinforcement
because you become knowledgeable of your shortcomings hence you can
work on changing them to alleviate your performance.

 Value for money: Leadership journals provides its users a value for money
by using well-organized and informative ingredients in the
workbooks/journals that provide extensive guidance to adopt leadership

 Quality: A well qualitative journal helps individual through their journey to

leadership and has gained optimum reliability.

 Knowledgeable: the leadership journals are applicable to anyone who

wishes to develop or enhance their leadership skills, comprehensive and
covering every aspect of leadership including communication, team
development and organizational development.

 High penetration: worldwide delivery and high penetration. It is easily

available in the market through online its online website and other platforms
on social media like twitter, Facebook and through email.


 Impractical: lack of practicality in leadership journals lead to failure in

development of right leadership skills. If leadership journals are focused on
one specific aspect of leadership while neglecting others would contribute to
a restricted perception of leadership that is ineffective in today’s fast-paced

 Pricing: overpriced leadership journaling products have adverse name in the

market as there are substitutes available like audio books that are much
affordable hence keeping the product overpriced affects consumer’s
purchasing power.


 Competition: A tough competition exists for leadership journals and it is

increasing with a rapid pace as increasing availability and introduction of
Leadership journaling/workbook products that provide qualitative and
adequate guidance are preferred by the users.

 Technology: In USA, Due to Covid pandemic, people are moving towards E-

learning, coaches providing education and training through online webinars
would reduce the need to keep leadership journals.

 Market demand: market demand could decrease if live sessions and

training on leadership is conducted by some organization. In house trainings
at businesses, organization and colleges would affect the habit of leadership

 Availability of substitutes: Substitutes like audio books, physical trainings

and other emerging substitutes might reduce the use and practical aspect of
leadership journals in USA.


Four loop learning can expand its portfolio by introducing a leadership journaling
app where audio books are available as well. This could enable the company in
reaching more audience and multiply its sales. Further, four loop could actively
market its products through digital marketing to raise awareness and carry out
campaigns which would again help to enlarge its product market and brand.
Moreover, four loop could increase its distribution by placing its product in book
shops which could be accessible by people in small towns.

Four loop could use its strengths and cater the market to make its product
reputable and dynamic in the market with its outstanding capabilities to create
qualitative and value for money products to be a market leader.

It is advisable Four loop make its product specific to the demand of its users.
Impractical leadership journals are ineffective hence four loop should adopt a
practical approach. It could also carry out a research in questionnaire form to
identify the desires and demand of its users. Overpriced products would lead to
decrease in demand of the product as people are more conscious and prices affect
the purchasing power therefore four loop has to keep its priced in line with
competitors prices otherwise people would shift to buying from other sellers.

Lastly, to address the threats four loop learning could take advantage of technology
and introduce E-learning by providing trainings through online webinars. To
stabilize market demand, four loop could explore partnership opportunities with
companies that provide in house trainings on leadership and expand its market.

One likely way to beat competition is to address the desires of targeted audience,
improve customer service by being responsive to the expectations of its users and
create brand loyalty.

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