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on in Sim Timeline: Exception resuming Element (RuntimeError: ASM ::
Bed_Sleep_Posture (HANDLE :: 8768)&gt;: Attempt to traverse between two states
(get_in -&gt; exit) where no valid path exists! Actors {'x': (&lt;weakref at
0x00007FF5E3E33AF8; to 'object_sim' at 0x00007FF59ED8BF50&gt;, None,
&lt;AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101&gt;), 'bed': (&lt;weakref at
0x00007FF5C05B7668; to 'object_bedDoubleSC_01' at 0x00007FF5C05835D0&gt;, None,
&lt;AnimationParticipant.CONTAINER = 102&gt;)}&#13;&#10;source_interaction =
running generic_Bed_Sleep:5960 on object_bedDoubleSC_01:0x095e0de43e964dcc[1]
(guaranteed)&#13;&#10;running interaction = running bed_sleep:5954 on
object_bedDoubleSC_01:0x095e0de43e964dcc[1] (guaranteed))&#13;&#10;Traceback (most
recent call last):&#13;&#10; File
"T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 217, in simulate&#13;&#10;
File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\", line 385, in
_resume&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\",
line 417, in do_transition_animation&#13;&#10; File
"T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\postures\", line 2346, in
append_exit_to_arb&#13;&#10; File
"T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\", line 1064, in
request&#13;&#10;RuntimeError: ASM :: Bed_Sleep_Posture (HANDLE :: 8768)&gt;:
Attempt to traverse between two states (get_in -&gt; exit) where no valid path
exists! Actors {'x': (&lt;weakref at 0x00007FF5E3E33AF8; to 'object_sim' at
0x00007FF59ED8BF50&gt;, None, &lt;AnimationParticipant.ACTOR = 101&gt;), 'bed':
(&lt;weakref at 0x00007FF5C05B7668; to 'object_bedDoubleSC_01' at
0x00007FF5C05835D0&gt;, None, &lt;AnimationParticipant.CONTAINER =
102&gt;)}&#13;&#10;source_interaction = running generic_Bed_Sleep:5960 on
object_bedDoubleSC_01:0x095e0de43e964dcc[1] (guaranteed)running interaction =
running bed_sleep:5954 on object_bedDoubleSC_01:0x095e0de43e964dcc[1]
(guaranteed)rtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 253.58&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors:
0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0xdd4141d5&#13;
&#10;Origin Version: 10,5,8,17910&#13; &#10;Modded: False&#13; &#10;SystemInfo:
Windows 8.1 6.3.9600 GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 igdumdim64.dll,
GUID: D7B78E66-4226-11CF-D57A-3CE7B4C2C735&#13; &#10;</desyncdata></report>

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