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Name: ___________________ Date: _______ Grade: 10°__

1. Organize the following words in order to obtain sentences (1 and 2) which
make sense. Beforehand organizing you must analyze where to include could.

1. Work / that / I / see / wasn’t / it / going to

2. Come over / we / together / if / have /dinner / you / tonight

A. 1 I could see that it wasn’t going to work.

2 We could have dinner tonight if you come over together
B. 1 I could see that it wasn’t going to work –
2 If you come over together we could have dinner tonight
C. 1 I could work that it wasn’t going to see-
2 If you come over tonight we could have dinner together
D. 1 I could see that it wasn’t going to work-
2 We could have dinner together if you come over tonight

2. Bearing in mind Modals perfects. Analyze the accurate one to include in order
to fill the gaps.

1. I only got 50 percent in my exam. I ___ enough.

2. It’s miles away and He has to walk because He hasn’t got a car, so He ___ yet.

A. 1. must not have revised

2. can’t have arrived
B. 1. may no have revised
2. shouldn't have arrived
C. 1. might not have revised
2.mustn't have arrive
D. 1 can have revised
2 might have arrived

3 Bearing in mind Modals perfects and Be able to. Analyze the accurate one to include
in order to fill the gaps.
1. Hackers have stolen my BBVA account password. However, I went to the bank to find
out how they ____ to steal it.
2. Dan _____ She was going to be here. I’m sure no one told him.

A. 1. had been able

2. couldn’t have known
B. 1. were able
2. could not have known
C. 1. have been able
2. must have known
D. 1. will be able
2. could have known
4 Connection problems are as common as Facebook users. Let’s analyze the
statements below and complete them with appropriate response.

1. If we wait for these songs to finish ___, then we can listen to them in the car.
2. I think my phone is broken because it keeps ___.

A. 1 downloading
2 buffering
B. 1 syncing
2 freezing
C. 1 topping up
2 freezing
D. 1 buffering
2 infected
5 Let’s analyze the statements below and complete them with appropriate response.
According to the connection problems previously studied.

1. Why didn’t you call me, John? Couldn’t you get a _______ on your phone
2. Mariana is really upset because some of her important files have been ____

A. 1 signal- 2 buffered
B. 1 signal- 2 hack into
C. 1 signal- 2 corrupted
D. 1 signal- 2 frozen

6 Having in mind nouns ending in y and their adjectives try to complement with the
best choice for each case.

1. The Bodleian ___ in Oxford is one of oldest in Europe with paper sheets from the
15th century
2. I prefer to use a natural ___ such as gargling with salt water for a sore throat.

A. 1 supply
2 remedy
B. 1 librarian
2 remedial
C. 1 library
D. 1 theory
2 remedy
7. Taking into account “Conservation” complete the statement in order to get the
appropriate response.

Bees make a very __ contribution to the ecological system.

A. Important
B. Expertise
C. Meaningful
D. None of the above.

8. Let’s analyze the statements below and complete them with appropriate response.

1. Did you just accidentally _______ the document I had in my computer?

2. The car market in Spain is one of the biggest in Europe, and the country’s car ____ is
very important

A. 1 reply
2 supply
B. 1 top up
2 technology
C. 1 syncing
2 library
D. 1 delete
2 industry
9. It is known that human beings are totally dependent on nature — and that when we
work to save nature, we're really working to save ourselves.
According to the letters in brackets find 1 organized word from it. Then, choose the
sentence with the obtained & accurate word.

A. Large scale land destruction can have a negative effect on the environment
B. Large scale land development can have a negative effect on the environment
C. Large scale land protection can have a negative effect on the environment
D. Large scale land farming can have a negative effect on the environment

10. Bearing in mind “Conservation” topic studied in class. Complete the statement in
order to get the appropriate response.

Most scientists insist that climate change is a real and serious ___

A poison
B trouble
C warning
D None of the above.

11. Complete the statement below according to the “Identical verbs & nouns”
In the UK, fishermen used to be able to catch as many fish as they like. Now they must
have a / an (1) __ and fishing in certain places or at certain times of the year is (2) __

A. 1 permission- 2 banned
B. 1 permit- 2 banned
C. 1 allow- 2 rejected
D. 1 record- 2 rejected
12. The text below is useful to provide response to the following 5 questions regarding to
Passive voice.

The inspiring solo snub-nose monkey has been hunted for hundreds of years for its
beautiful fur. This threat (1) ____ in recent years, with the decrease in the international fur
trade but there are fewer than 3.000 thousand snub-nose monkey left in the wild and the
species is still threatened in other ways.”

A. is being reduced
B. has been reduced
C. will be reduced
D. is reduced

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