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2020, Scienceline Publication

World’s Veterinary Journal

World Vet J, X(X): --, Sept 25, 2020 ISSN 2322-

Relationship Between Coat Color And Reproductive Performance

Of Dairy Cows In Algeria

Sara Lamari *, and Youcef Saber

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, University of Ferhat Abbas (Sétif)19000,

*Corresponding author's Email: ; ORCID: 0000-0001-8651-1968

manuscript type: original aricle

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
Received: 00 Mo 2020

pii: S232245681900000-9


The objective of the current study was to analyze certain reproduction parameters of 48 dairy cows (29 Montbeliards

and 19 Normands) and their relationship to coat color. Cows were imported from European countries and raised in

the semi-arid region of Sétif in Algeria. The findings indicated that the cows of the Montbéliards breed were greater

efficiency of reproduction efficient and more fertile than the Normands. The interval between the calving and the

calving to conception interval of Montbéliard was respectively 378.34 and 98.65 days, they are respectively 67 and

22 days shorter than those of Normands. In montbéliard breed,the interval between the calving and the calving to

conception interval was respectively 378.34 and 98.65 days, they were shorter than those of Normands breed with

respectively 67 and 22 days The calving to first service interval of the Normands (76 days) was longer by 5 days than

that of the Montbéliard, the latter were more fertile, they are fertilized with 1.34 attempts on average, on the other

hand, the Normans need 1.54 service per conception. Normands cows registered more number service per

conception (1.54 ±0,90) when compared to montbeliard cows (1,34±0,55). On the other hand, The calving to first

service interval of the Normands (76 days) was longer by 5 days than that of the Montbéliard .The coats are whiter in

Montbéliard cows (51%) than in Normands (48%).

The result of the current study indicated that coat color could affect reproductive parameters. Darker hair coat

probably assured more protective ability against hit stress, favoring greater efficiency of reproduction.The interval

between calving in Montbéliard cows with a colored coat reduced (358 days), compared to white cows (400 days).

For Normands, cows with a colorful coat required fewer services per conception number (1.44). Hair works as a

temperature regulator in association with muscles in the skin and may affect reproduction performances .The results

of the current study Our results suggest the possibility of integrating coat color into the animal selection to facilitate

their adaptation to semi-arid this type of environment.

Keywords: Coat color, Dairy cows, Reproduction, Semi-arid


In Algeria, dairy cattle breeding has been selected as a major axis for the supply of dairy products. Indeed, milk

consumption has been increasing since the first years of independence of this country. with population growth

Population growth, accelerated urbanization and the increasing income of the population largely explain this upward

trend in milk consumption (Makhlouf and Montaigne et al., ,2016). Following this growing demand for dairy products,

Algeria has opted for developing cattle breeding politics based on the import of heifers with high genetic potential dairy

production from Europe (Mefti Korteby et al., 2016) . Among the pure breeds imported, there are the Montbéliard and

Normand breeds.

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
In his country of origin for breeds imported In developed country, all dairy cow breed produces on average 60

liters/day, however, the production of a cow and per day is on average 12 liters in Algeria (Mefti Korteby et al., 2016).

Insufficient adaptation of dairy breeds transferred to Mediterranean farming conditions is generally the main

reason for the limited productivity of animals (Flamant, 1991). In addition, if the breeding conditions are not

comparable, Environmental conditions are changing, the production potential under thermal stress is variable between

breeds and even between individuals within a breed ( Aggarwal and Upadhyay, 2012)and therefore the only passport to

the survival of an organism is adaptability .The hair is an aspect of environmental adaptation: this is the border between

the animal and the surrounding physical environment and reflects the response of the animals to their environments. So

coats of cattle are adapted to withstand the harsh climat weather. In addition, animal coat changes in response to

seasonal environmental changes (Brinkmann et al., 2012).

on top of that, the genotype-environment interaction takes place which leads to differences in the expression of

reproduction performance.

There is a relationship between coat color and reproductive performance in dairy cattle, particularly when animals

are reared under conditions of high temperatures and intense solar radiation (Becerril et al., 1994). The light coming

from the invisible part, that of the infrared spectrum of solar radiation is completely absorbed regardless of the coat

color, while the visible part of the radiation is absorbed by the coats of animals according to their color.

Heat stress can reduce the fertility of dairy cows (Ryan et al., 1992; Ealy et al., 1993). In order to minimize the effects

of thermal stress on reproduction, animals with a coat more suited to the conditions present in North Africa can be

selected (Lamari et al., 2013). The present study investigated The objective of our experiment is to analyze the

relationship between the coat color and the reproduction performance of Montbéliard and Normand cows.


Ethical approval

The study was carried out with existing reproduction information file of dairy cows and by taking pictures of each

animal.The experiment did not involve animal handling.


Information on this study was obtained in collaboration with the executives of the farm school in semi-arid area

(Algeria) (Sétif) from February to May 2018. The study included a total of 48 imported dairy cows of two different

breeds (29 Montbéliard and 19 Normand cows), receiving the same breeding system and subject to the same

environmental conditions. All the cows selected were either gestating or drying up. Animals were fed twice a day a

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
ration based on forages mostly collected from the home pasture land and purchased concentrate. The quantity and

quality of the ration distributed to the collective troughs vary according to the physiological stages of the animals.

Detection of estrus was made by visual observation,every day 4 times for 20 minutes. The veterinarian uses the PRID

protocol to synchronize the heat. The mode of reproduction is based mainly on artificial insemination.

All this information was collected in individual files, including data relating to the cow (identification number,

breed, date of birth, etc.) and events relating to reproduction (dates of calving, dates of inseminations, number of service

by conception, etc.). Four fertility parameters were estimated: The number of service per conception (SPC), calving to

first service interval (FSI), calving to conception interval (CI), the interval between calving (ICC).

Determination of the percentage of the coat color

The percentage of the color white in relation to the entire body surface area was measured visually (Becerril and Wilcox

, 1992). It was estimated by taking pictures of both sides of each animal, the legs, however, tail and belly areas were not

included in the measurement.

Statistical analysis

The mean and standard deviation are calculated and tests of normality (Kolmogorov-Smirnov) and homogeneity of

variances (Levene's test) were performed for all parameters. Normalizing logarithmic transformations are used when the

distribution of the variables studied is abnormal. To determine the percentage effect of coat white color on reproductive

parameters, we used one-way ANOVA was used for each breed separately because we the breed effect was observed

on reproduction. The type of analysis of variance was chosen based on the nature of the variables. The Kruskal-Wallis

test was used in cases where the normality of the data was not assured. The significance level was set at p <0.05

(Levene's test). All the analyses were carried out by the SPSS package program, version 21 software(Statistical

Programm for Social Science).


Average reproduction performance and white coat color

Generally, the coat color varies from total white to colored with on average 49.79 ± 27.56% on average,of white color

but the white color is more dominant in Montbéliard cows (51± 28%) than in Normand cows (47.89 ± 27.55%).

School farm cows require an average of 1.44 ± 0.74 service per conception. While they are inseminated 72.62 ±

28.25 days after calving. In fact, school farm cows are inseminated 72.62 ± 28.25 days after calving and conception

was produced afer 1.44 ± 0.74 attempts, in Normand cows the SPC is high (1.54 ± 0.90), compared to that of

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
Montbéliard cows (1.34 ± 0.55). The Normand cows is high (1.54 ± 0.90), compared to that of Montbéliard cows (1.34

± 0.55). The cows of both breeds resume cyclicality and carry out the first service almost at the same time, with a delay

of 5 days for the Normand cows compared to the Montbéliard cows. However, the first service for the Normand cows

was with a delay of 5 days compared to the Montbéliard cows.

These cows require 107.25 ± 53.18 days to achieve conception after calving. The interval between successive

calving is 404.93 ± 129.55 days on this farm. school farm Montbéliard cows are characterized by shorter CI and ICC

compared to those of Normand cows (Table 1).

Table 1. Percentage of white coat color and average reproductive performance

Mean and standard deviation values of percentage of white coat color and reproductive

performances of the herd sample involved in the study.

Montbéliard (29) Normand (19) Total (48)

  M ±SD M ±SD M ±SD

C% 51±28 47,89±27,55 49,79±27,56

SPC 1,34±0,55 1,54±0,90 1,44±0,74

FSI (days) 70,55±28,26 75,78±28,71 72,62±28,25

CI (days) 98,65±53,43 120,36±51,42 107,25±53,18

ICC (days) 378,34±49 445,52±192,87 404,93±129,55

C%: Percentage of white coat color; SPC: Number of services (inseminations) per conception; FSI: Calving to first service interval; CI: Calving to

conception interval; ICC: Interval between calving; M: Mean, SD:Standard deviation

Relationship between the proportion of white coat color and the reproduction parameters

The results in Table 2 indicatethe significant effect (p<0.05 )of coat color on certain reproductive parameters for the

two breeds. Indeed, for the Montbéliard breed, the ICC is relatively linked to the white color of the coat ( p = 0.02)

(p<0.05)which means that fertility varies according to the color of the coat, however, the fertility of cows of the

Normand breed is significantly(p<0.05) influenced by the proportion of the white of the coat, we see that the SPC is

affected by the coat color (p = 0.04).

The Montbéliard breed

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
The results of the analysis of variance indicate that the color of the coat in the Montbéliard breed significantly

(p=0.02)affects ICC (Table 2). Cows with colored coats (<42%) achieve shorter successive calving intervals compared

to other cows with white coat color (> 42%). It is also noted that colored cows are characterized by better reproductive

performance (SPC, FSI, and CI are relatively low).

The Normand breed

According to the results of Table 2, the SPC in the Normand breed is dependent on the color of the coat. The more

colorful cows (<42%) require a lower number of SPC compared to other cows, and even CI is reduced in these cows. In

contrast, FSI and ICC are relatively long; ICC is longer compared to cows with a high percentage of white color (over


Table 2. Relationship between Effect of coat color on reproduction parameters of Montbéliarde and normand



Montbéliard (29)

<42% (15) 1,20±0,56 67,40±26,79 80,66±39,82 358,20±44,66a

>42% (14)
1,50±0,51 73,92±30,39 117,92±60,56 399,92±45,43b

p 0,09ns 0,53ns 0,06ns 0,02*

Normand (19)
<42%(9) 1,44±0,52a 114,00±44,84 493,55±260,56
>42% (10) 2,30±0,94b 126,10±58,51 402,30±98,32
p 0.04* 0,14ns 0,70ns 0,30ns
a, b
Different letters in the same column express significantly different values, ns: non-significant difference; * significant difference at p <0.05.

C%: Percentage of white coat color; SPC: Number of services (inseminations) per conception ; FSI: Calving to first service interval; CI: Calving to

conception interval; ICC: Interval between calving; M: Mean, SD:Standard deviation.


The results of this study show that there is a relationship between coat color and reproductive parameters. These results

are similar to those obtained by Lamari et al. (2015) that they reported Montbéliard cows with a high percentage of the

white color of the coat achieve a shorter FSI.

Our results have shown that colored Montbéliard cows are characterized by better reproductive performance

compared to white cows, more specifically, the study reveals that coat color significantly affects ICC, cows with

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
colored coats perform shorter successive calving intervals (358,20 days), SPC, FSI and CI are independent at C%, but

these intervals are relatively reduced in colored cows, therefore Montbeliard cow with a white coat surface reduced are

more fertile and more efficient.

The results have shown that coat color significantly affects ICC of Montbéliard breed .The colored Montbéliard

cows are characterized by better reproductive performance (more fertile) compared to white cows, they perform shorter

successive calving intervals (358,20 days). SPC, FSI and CI are independent at C%, but these intervals are relatively

reduced in colored cows.

These results disagree with the results obtained by Lamari et al. (2015), who report that cows with a high

percentage of white have a shorter interval between calving and first insemination.

As for the Normands breed, the coat color has an effect on the SPC, cows with a reduced percentage of white color are

characterized by a better SPC (1,44). Our The results of study are in agreement with those obtained by Maia et al.

(2003), who reported that colored cows achieve shorter SPC.

Furthermore Lamari et al. (2013) found that the color white has no effect on the SPC. The FSI reflects both the

resumption of cyclicity, and also the quality of the detection of heat, the results show that the white Normand cows

resume the cyclicity as soon as possible than the colored cows, as well these results confirm the observations for the

Montbéliard by Lamari et al. (2015).

The CI is relatively short in colored cows compared to white cows, confirming our the previous results (SPC has

been reported to be reduced in cows with reduced white percentage) ) and observations for Lamari et al.(2018).

However, the ICC of white cows is shorter than that of colored cows.

Nejad et al. (2016), reported that under heat stress conditions, coat color may play a role in stress severity by

absorbing heat and solar radiation based on white and black colors. According to Magona et al. (2009) and Riley et al.,

(2012), animals with a dark coat color absorb more heat compared to animals with a light coat color.Lamari et al.

(2015), indicated that cows with white coats are characterized by a low absorption of thermal radiation which increases

their capacity to dissipate heat. However, Bertipaglia et al. (2005) found that the white coat presents an effective barrier

against thermal stress. And according to (Maia et al., 2003), the white coat offers a better protection against direct solar



The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the coat color of dairy cows of the two breeds,

Montbéliard and Normand (under the same breeding conditions) and some reproduction parameters, in order to help

breeders, to select animals with a coat more suited to the conditions present in the semi-arid region.

To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
This study shows that coat color has an effect on reproductive parameters. For Montbéliard cows with a low percentage

of white (colored coat) are the best performing, the ICC is relatively reduced for cows with colored coat (358,20 days,)

this interval is equal to the standards and the final objective “one calf / cow / year”. Normand cows with colored coats

have a reduced SPC.

The study investigated the relationship of hair coat color and reproduction performances of Montbéliarde and Normand

breeds in semi-arid area of Algeria.

Results showed that coat color has an effect on reproductive parameters,ICC for Montbeliard breed and SPC for

Normand breed.Colored hair coat cows had more efficient reproduction with relatively reduced ICC for Montbeliard

cows ; a reduced SPC of normand cows . Our results suggested that hair coat color can be used to select more adapted

to hot climate and resilient animals.


Authors’ contribution

Sara Lamari carried out the statistical analysis, supervised and followed the practical part, Youcef Saber carried

out the practical part of the experiment. the two authors participated in the interpretation of the results and the drafting

of the manuscript. The authors declare that they have verified and confirmed all the data and the final version of the


Competing interests

The authors have not declared any conflict of interest.

Ethical consideration

Ethical issues (including plagiarism, consent to publish, misconduct, data fabrication and/or falsification, double

publication and/or submission, and redundancy) have been checked by all the authors.


The authors acknowledge the efforts of all farm staff who saved their precious time and collaborated in data

collection without which this work would not have been possible.


To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):
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To cite this paper: Lamari Sara*, and Saber Youcef (2021). Relationship between coat color and reproductive performance of dairy cows in algeria. World Vet. J., 10 (1):

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